Vaccines are about politics not science

If you were confused, puzzled or otherwise unaware, that’s on you. They’ve said this and I’ve understood this from the beginning. It’s not their fault that you and others are so easily confused about simple shit. Ultimately it’s your choice to be distrustful but that’s on you. The information is readily available.
I was not confused. I saw them as liars. Do you not speak English?
I was not confused. I saw them as liars. Do you not speak English?
That’s your choice. It’s just not their fault that you’re incompetent. This guidance has been out there the entire time.

That’s your choice. It’s just not their fault that you’re incompetent. This guidance has been out there the entire time.

On paper never in an interview. You could not find one!! They put it on the web because they had to but verbally they sent an utterly different message where they didn’t care if one had natural immunity. If one donated their own blood on 10x occasions because I was on their list early. I did it for zero compensation and zero thanks. I did it because it was the right thing to do. While you hid under your bed like the coward you are, I was donating blood. Sitting in a chair for over an hour. My thanks? Calling me an asshole for not getting vaccinated soon enough. You and your fellow leftists are the epitome of what is wrong with this country. The world would be better off without you.
On paper never in an interview. You could not find one!! They put it on the web because they had to but verbally they sent an utterly different message where they didn’t care if one had natural immunity. If one donated their own blood on 10x occasions because I was on their list early. I did it for zero compensation and zero thanks. I did it because it was the right thing to do. While you hid under your bed like the coward you are, I was donating blood. Sitting in a chair for over an hour. My thanks? Calling me an asshole for not getting vaccinated soon enough. You and your fellow leftists are the epitome of what is wrong with this country. The world would be better off without you.
God you are a damaged fool. They’ve always said so. Even in interviews. It’s not their fault that you missed it or are incapable of finding it. The only thing nefarious in this is your representation of it.
God you are a damaged fool. They’ve always said so. Even in interviews. It’s not their fault that you missed it or are incapable of finding it. The only thing nefarious in this is your representation of it.
Idiot that’s the problem. They should have said those with natural immunity are not at the same level of danger as those who never had it but should still get the vaccine. Then more people would be vaccinated. You stupid ugly fat troll. I helped save lives you didn’t do shit except collect a government paycheck and preach. You’re a loser.
Idiot that’s the problem. They should have said those with natural immunity are not at the same level of danger as those who never had it but should still get the vaccine. Then more people would be vaccinated. You stupid ugly fat troll. I helped save lives you didn’t do shit except collect a government paycheck and preach. You’re a loser.
Why? Why should they have convoluted the message that everyone should get vaxxed with irrelevant information? How does that help?
The vaccine is beneficial for everyone. Including those who have previously had Covid. Period.
The only problem is you

Another link you can’t ever seem to find. Note the date, dope.

Differentiate what?
Maximizing protection for everyone was and remains the goal.

Do you understand how this works?
The covid virus has never killed anyone.
The ONLY thing that has ever harmed anyone who got infected with covid-19, is our own immune system over reaction.
So if those vaccinated with the mRNA injection are surviving better, that means their immune system is reacting less.
Which means the mRNA vaccines are not increasing immunity, but decreasing it.
But it isn't lasting.
Studies are showing that 3 months after the vaccination, no effect is left at all.
Why? Why should they have convoluted the message that everyone should get vaxxed with irrelevant information? How does that help?
The vaccine is beneficial for everyone. Including those who have previously had Covid. Period.
The only problem is you

Another link you can’t ever seem to find. Note the date, dope.

It helps because then people would actually trust the CDC. Now they do not as the CDC dismissed those with natural immunity. What do you not understand about that? You’re such a parasite.
You still are making no sense. There is no reason to make such a distinction. Their recommendation is that everyone should get vaxxed. Period.

That would be stupid because someone who has recovered has the best possible protection already, and the mRNA injections not only have a very high risk rate, but are terrible at providing any long term good.
Do you understand how this works?
The covid virus has never killed anyone.
The ONLY thing that has ever harmed anyone who got infected with covid-19, is our own immune system over reaction.
So if those vaccinated with the mRNA injection are surviving better, that means their immune system is reacting less.
Which means the mRNA vaccines are not increasing immunity, but decreasing it.
But it isn't lasting.
Studies are showing that 3 months after the vaccination, no effect is left at all.
You’re trying to teach someone Algebra but he can barely do basic math. Your words are lost on this person.
If you were confused, puzzled or otherwise unaware, that’s on you. They’ve said this and I’ve understood this from the beginning. It’s not their fault that you and others are so easily confused about simple shit. Ultimately it’s your choice to be distrustful but that’s on you. The information is readily available.

It is not confusing, puzzling, or otherwise unaware, it is just wrong to add the additional risk of these badly designed vaccines, if you already have the vastly superior protection of recovery.
Never are vaccines recommended for anyone who has recovery immunity for anything.
It helps because then people would actually trust the CDC. Now they do not as the CDC dismissed those with natural immunity. What do you not understand about that? You’re such a parasite.
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
If you’re too dumb to understand, that’s your problem. Not theirs. Some people just can’t navigate the Information Age very competently and fill the voids in their understanding with nonsense. It’s a sad reality. Especially in this country.
That would be stupid because someone who has recovered has the best possible protection already, and the mRNA injections not only have a very high risk rate, but are terrible at providing any long term good.
That’s simply not true.
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
If you’re too dumb to understand, that’s your problem. Not theirs. Some people just can’t navigate the Information Age very competently and fill the voids in their understanding with nonsense. It’s a sad reality. Especially in this country.
The persons from the CDC do numerous interviews and not once did they differentiate. You could not find one video. Hence people do not trust the CDC and refuse to get the vaccine. You were likely first in line. Parasite. Which vaccine did you get and when did you get it?
Why? Why should they have convoluted the message that everyone should get vaxxed with irrelevant information? How does that help?
The vaccine is beneficial for everyone. Including those who have previously had Covid. Period.
The only problem is you

Another link you can’t ever seem to find. Note the date, dope.

Sorry, that is wrong and stupid.
The mRNA vaccines have a much higher risk than any vaccine in history.
Since it is just molecules instead of containing any actual virus, it is very small, and therefore has been known to migrate to places like the brain or heart, where then the immune system causes the death of the patient eventually.
And these mRNA vaccines are showing very poor longevity.
Studies show they do not last more than 3 months.


Vaccines show declining effectiveness against infection overall but strong protection against hospitalization amid delta variant​

Ben Guarino, Laurie McGinley 8/18/2021
Three studies published Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that protection against the coronavirus given by vaccines declined in the midsummer months when the more contagious delta variant rose to dominance in the United States.
At the same time, protection against hospitalization was strong for weeks after vaccination, indicating the shots will generate immune fighters that stave off the worst effects of the virus and its current variations.
Data from these studies persuaded the Biden administration to develop a plan for additional doses to bolster the immune systems of people vaccinated months earlier. The Biden administration will begin offering coronavirus booster shots to fully vaccinated adults who received the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots the week of Sept. 20, top health officials announced Wednesday, after concluding that a third shot is needed to fight off waning immunity.

But this should already be obvious.
What other vaccine needed 3 boosters?


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Sorry, that is wrong and stupid.
The mRNA vaccines have a much higher risk than any vaccine in history.
Since it is just molecules instead of containing any actual virus, it is very small, and therefore has been known to migrate to places like the brain or heart, where then the immune system causes the death of the patient eventually.
And these mRNA vaccines are showing very poor longevity.
Studies show they do not last more than 3 months.


Vaccines show declining effectiveness against infection overall but strong protection against hospitalization amid delta variant​

Ben Guarino, Laurie McGinley 8/18/2021
William Shatner is going to space aboard Blue Origin. Here's everything you need to know
Three studies published Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that protection against the coronavirus given by vaccines declined in the midsummer months when the more contagious delta variant rose to dominance in the United States.
At the same time, protection against hospitalization was strong for weeks after vaccination, indicating the shots will generate immune fighters that stave off the worst effects of the virus and its current variations.
Data from these studies persuaded the Biden administration to develop a plan for additional doses to bolster the immune systems of people vaccinated months earlier. The Biden administration will begin offering coronavirus booster shots to fully vaccinated adults who received the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots the week of Sept. 20, top health officials announced Wednesday, after concluding that a third shot is needed to fight off waning immunity.

But this should already be obvious.
What other vaccine needed 3 boosters?
Just stop.

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