Vince Foster Lives !!!


"We shouldn't have to tell anyone not to believe this claptrap, but we will anyway."

Vincent Foster - former White House Counsel, found dead of a gunshot wound to the head and ruled a suicide. He had significant knowledge of the Clintons' financial affairs and was a business partner with Hillary. If the Clintons are guilty of the crimes they are accused of by Larry, Vincent Foster would have detailed knowledge of those crimes.
This laundry list of deaths always refers to someone taking his life as "ruled a suicide," thus implying another conclusion of equal likelihood was capriciously dismissed by someone who had the power to do so. From here on, read "ruled a suicide" as "an investigation was carried out, arriving at this as the only reasonable conclusion."

White House deputy counsel Vince Foster committed suicide on the night of 20 July 1993 by shooting himself once in the head, a day after he contacted his doctor about his depression. A note in the form of a draft resignation letter was found in the bottom of his briefcase a week after his death. (Note that this letter was not, as is often claimed, a "suicide note"; it was Foster's outline for a letter of resignation.) Foster cited negative Wall Street Journal editorials about him, as well as the much-criticized role of the counsel's office in the controversial firing of seven White House travel office workers.

The Clinton Body Count


"We shouldn't have to tell anyone not to believe this claptrap, but we will anyway."

Vincent Foster - former White House Counsel, found dead of a gunshot wound to the head and ruled a suicide. He had significant knowledge of the Clintons' financial affairs and was a business partner with Hillary. If the Clintons are guilty of the crimes they are accused of by Larry, Vincent Foster would have detailed knowledge of those crimes.
This laundry list of deaths always refers to someone taking his life as "ruled a suicide," thus implying another conclusion of equal likelihood was capriciously dismissed by someone who had the power to do so. From here on, read "ruled a suicide" as "an investigation was carried out, arriving at this as the only reasonable conclusion."

White House deputy counsel Vince Foster committed suicide on the night of 20 July 1993 by shooting himself once in the head, a day after he contacted his doctor about his depression. A note in the form of a draft resignation letter was found in the bottom of his briefcase a week after his death. (Note that this letter was not, as is often claimed, a "suicide note"; it was Foster's outline for a letter of resignation.) Foster cited negative Wall Street Journal editorials about him, as well as the much-criticized role of the counsel's office in the controversial firing of seven White House travel office workers.

The Clinton Body Count

Glad trump is bringing this up along with the rape accusations against bill. I wish he'd also bring up waco where bill burned 80 americans alive.
The Cruelty of the Vince Foster Accusation
by BooMan
Tue May 24th, 2016 at 11:17:49 AM EST

the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy known as the Arkansas Project.

According to R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., editor-in-chief of the [American] Spectator, the idea for the Arkansas Project was hatched on a fishing trip on the Chesapeake Bay in the fall of 1993. The “Arkansas Project” name that later became famous was conceived as a joke; the actual name used within the Spectator and the Scaife foundation was the “Editorial Improvement Project.”

Project reporter/investigators were hired, including David Brock, who later (after reversing his political stance) described himself as a Republican “hitman”, and Rex Armistead, a former police officer who was reportedly paid $350,000 for his efforts. Also assisting the project was Parker Dozhier, a bait shop owner who was reportedly obsessed with bringing down Bill Clinton. They were tasked with investigating the Clintons and uncovering stories tying the Clintons to murders and drug smuggling as well as adultery.

According to Brock, Armistead and Brock met at an airport hotel in Miami, Florida, in late 1993. There, Armistead laid out an elaborate “Vince Foster murder scenario”, a scenario that Brock later claimed was implausible.”
Regardless, by the end of 1993, Brock was writing stories for the Spectator that made him “a lead figure in the drive to” expose Clinton.

Usually they say fool me ONCE shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Republicans say "fool me forever as long as you tell me what I want to hear"

Vince Foster was also shot in the neck as well as being shot in the head. This was not a suicide....this was a hit.
You are just lying blatantly
Media Figures Across Political Spectrum Pillory Trump For Invoking “Kooky” Vince Foster Conspiracy Theory

Media commentators are criticizing presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for reviving the “absurd” and “kooky” conspiracy theory that the Clintons were involved in the death of former White House aide Vince Foster.

Vince Foster was also shot in the neck as well as being shot in the head. This was not a suicide....this was a hit.
You are just lying blatantly
Media Figures Across Political Spectrum Pillory Trump For Invoking “Kooky” Vince Foster Conspiracy Theory

Media commentators are criticizing presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for reviving the “absurd” and “kooky” conspiracy theory that the Clintons were involved in the death of former White House aide Vince Foster.

Listen, fuckwad, I have done my research.Miguel Rodriguez was brought in as the lead investigator and he was stonewalled at every turn by the Clintons to the point that he quit in disgust. He put the fact that Foster had a gunshot wound to the neck. He allegedly walked 700 feet from pavement but yet there was no mud, dirt or grass on his shoes. His body wasn't even cold before they went into his office with a locksmith and started shredding documents. Keep being a sheeple. The Clintons are beyond despicable going all the way back to their Arkansas days.

Vince Foster was also shot in the neck as well as being shot in the head. This was not a suicide....this was a hit.

and that evil bitch destroyed the documents as well.incredible that we have idiots here in america that so badly want a woman president in office they dont care about her crimes against americans huh?:rolleyes:

Exactly...if the people only knew the things the Clintons have done, they would be absolutely horrified.

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