We Have No Business in Syria

That depends on whether you believe that morality is restricted to those who immediately effect you. I do understand your point though. I am conflicted.

Here is something else to ponder that should conflict you more.

Put yourself in Assad's position. He is fighting ISIS, the root of all genocidal evil in the world.

You have chemical weapons, do you use them if you feel the need to defend yourself?

Apparently the US is the only country that is allowed to use WMD's.
Ok, on exactly which planet is Assad so desperate he needs to use chemical weapons?

Which killed a handful of people . Not exactly an impressive attack.
A very impressive act because it showed Assad believed there were no red lines he couldn't cross with impunity.

the only people it impressed was the RussianWingers ...
You know, I never lose hope that someday you might actually have something to say.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
What makes your excellent post even a little worse is the fact that, had a Democrat President done the same thing, Trump supporters would be agreeing with you.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
Attacking Afghanistan wasn't a defensive war. Afghans never attacked us. It's like attacking Italy because the Mafia import drugs into the US.
You ever hear of the Twin Towers?
AQ was housed and operating out of Afghanistan.
Reread his post. He said "aside from Afghanistan".
One can make a strong argument that Afghan was a waste too. We are still there 16 years after 9/12. WTF. Why? Bin laden and his kooky followers were responsible not the entire nation of Afghanistan.

The Taliban is a predominantly Pashtun, Islamic fundamentalist group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, when a U.S.-led invasion toppled the regime for providing refuge to al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.
It's a hypothetical question. I don't know exactly how desperate he is, do you?
According to the news accounts I've seen Assad and his Iranian and Russian masters have ISIS on the run.

Assad was winning, and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, this False Flag farce. I mean, i don't doubt there was a bombing, but i seriously doubt Chemical Weapons were involved. Why would Assad order such an attack? It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be. Period, end of story.

If so, why then do you think Assad used them?

I also noticed you failed to answer the hypothetical question.

Would you use them if you felt you needed to use them?

He didn't use them. It's a lie. It's just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' advocates. I believe there was likely a bombing, but i don't believe Chemical Weapons were involved. It is a False Flag operation.

Dang, it must have been a video then.

I've seen photos and videos related to the attack. There was likely a bombing, but it was highly unlikely Chemical Weapons were involved. Just because the 'Regime Change' folks are wearing protective gear in the photos and videos, doesn't mean a Chemical Weapons attack occurred. It appears to be a False Flag set-up to me. I'm not buying it.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
What makes your excellent post even a little worse is the fact that, had a Democrat President done the same thing, Trump supporters would be agreeing with you.
Well, since there hasn't been a Democratic president with the balls to do it since LBJ, we'll never know.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
That depends on whether you believe that morality is restricted to those who immediately effect you. I do understand your point though. I am conflicted.

Here is something else to ponder that should conflict you more.

Put yourself in Assad's position. He is fighting ISIS, the root of all genocidal evil in the world.

You have chemical weapons, do you use them if you feel the need to defend yourself?

Apparently the US is the only country that is allowed to use WMD's.
Ok, on exactly which planet is Assad so desperate he needs to use chemical weapons?

It's a hypothetical question. I don't know exactly how desperate he is, do you?
Desperate enough to make things worse for himself?

That makes no sense.
The rules say you should go to congress first.

But congress have allowed the prez to do whatever going back to at least Reagan days .

Congress doesn't have the Balls to make the decision, so they look the other way.
They told Obama he could not do just what Trump did.

What did the Congress say about Obama's Libya adventure?
Suddenly leftards are worried about spending!

Don't worry. Trumphitler is cutting every program you leftards love.

I'm not a 'Leftist.' You poor misguided Warmongers really don't understand the costs of your Permanent War agenda. It's estimated that US Taxpayers are gonna have to pay several $Billions to rebuild a decimated Mosul and eventually Syrian areas too.

Yea, I'm not a leftist too.
Weeee Neither.....

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Why do you enjoy paying $Trillions to rebuild foreign countries? I read a report today that said Mosul alone, is gonna cost American Taxpayers several $Billions to rebuild. I mean, who do you 'Small Government/Less Taxes Conservatives' think pays to rebuild all these decimated foreign countries?
And all that money is going into the pockets of connected contractors.

Need I say more?

Right, only a very few Globalist Elites get rich off these wars. The American Taxpayer pays to rebuild these decimated foreign countries. They always get screwed. That's why i'm surprised these 'Small Government/Lower Taxes Conservatives' support this Endless War agenda. They're paying through the nose for nothing. They see no return. They really should reconsider their Warmongering ways.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
What makes your excellent post even a little worse is the fact that, had a Democrat President done the same thing, Trump supporters would be agreeing with you.
Well, since there hasn't been a Democratic president with the balls to do it since LBJ, we'll never know.
It may well turn out that they were right not to do so.

All bombs in the Middle East have done to date is make things worse.

Not to mention $4 Trillion plus of our money, and let's not forget the thousands who have given up their lives, limbs and minds for this madness.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
What makes your excellent post even a little worse is the fact that, had a Democrat President done the same thing, Trump supporters would be agreeing with you.
Well, since there hasn't been a Democratic president with the balls to do it since LBJ, we'll never know.
It may well turn out that they were right not to do so.

All bombs in the Middle East have done to date is make things worse.

Not to mention $4 Trillion plus of our money, and let's not forget the thousands who have given up their lives, limbs and minds for this madness.

Still don't get why most 'Small Government/Lower Taxes Conservatives' support this Endless War agenda. American Taxpayers are forced to pay to rebuild these decimated foreign countries. I read a report today that said American Taxpayers can expect to be billed several $Billions to rebuild a decimated Mosul. It is madness. We need to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
What makes your excellent post even a little worse is the fact that, had a Democrat President done the same thing, Trump supporters would be agreeing with you.
Well, since there hasn't been a Democratic president with the balls to do it since LBJ, we'll never know.
It may well turn out that they were right not to do so.

All bombs in the Middle East have done to date is make things worse.

Not to mention $4 Trillion plus of our money, and let's not forget the thousands who have given up their lives, limbs and minds for this madness.

Still don't get why most 'Small Government/Lower Taxes Conservatives' support this Endless War agenda. American Taxpayers are forced to pay to rebuild these decimated foreign countries. I read a report today that said American Taxpayers can expect to be billed several $Billions to rebuild a decimated Mosul. It is madness. We need to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time.
I don't get it either. This has cost us far more than enough already.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
What makes your excellent post even a little worse is the fact that, had a Democrat President done the same thing, Trump supporters would be agreeing with you.
Well, since there hasn't been a Democratic president with the balls to do it since LBJ, we'll never know.
It may well turn out that they were right not to do so.

All bombs in the Middle East have done to date is make things worse.

Not to mention $4 Trillion plus of our money, and let's not forget the thousands who have given up their lives, limbs and minds for this madness.
All bombs are not the same. The American bombs made things better in the ME. In the first Gulf War they helped contain Sadam, and in the second Gulf War they helped turn Iraq into a functioning democracy. Then the Obama catastrophe happened, but now we are recovering from that and some good American bombs were fired off yesterday to help make Syria a better place.
Look I don't really like the orange one but this was a use of measured force to try to dissuade the further use of WMD.

It's not designed to get rid of Assad or end the war and it was carefully targeted to minimise the chance of civilian or Russian casualties.

It was probably the least worst thing he has done since taking office, give him a freaking break.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.

No deflections or typical Progressive dodging.

If not us, specifically who?

If you only have a mealy mouth answer. Don't bother, that would mean you are supporting the use of chemical weapons and a return to the mindset prior to World War One.
I can't recall Syria ever doing anything to us.

Shameful response from anyone thinking they are a human being.

Ignoring the use of barbaric chemical weapons, in this case, Sarin Gas gives a green light to any other dictator to do the same.

No question, this was the best thing to do for our country going forward.
More of our tax money into the pockets of the Military Industrial Complex.

WOW! How remarkable to see far left Progressives express any interest, whatsoever in SPENDING! For the past eight years, these same folks turned their back on a DEBT increasing at the rate of $1.2 TRILLION per year.

Just think, if petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama had done the same thing in 2013, we wouldn't have to be doing it today.

The world is applauding the fact that the free world, after an eight year gap, has a leader again!
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
What makes your excellent post even a little worse is the fact that, had a Democrat President done the same thing, Trump supporters would be agreeing with you.
Well, since there hasn't been a Democratic president with the balls to do it since LBJ, we'll never know.
It may well turn out that they were right not to do so.

All bombs in the Middle East have done to date is make things worse.

Not to mention $4 Trillion plus of our money, and let's not forget the thousands who have given up their lives, limbs and minds for this madness.

Still don't get why most 'Small Government/Lower Taxes Conservatives' support this Endless War agenda. American Taxpayers are forced to pay to rebuild these decimated foreign countries. I read a report today that said American Taxpayers can expect to be billed several $Billions to rebuild a decimated Mosul. It is madness. We need to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time.
What we need is a larger more powerful government in response to wars and government spying on Americans.
They told Obama he could not do just what Trump did.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama timidly wrung his hands after he had talked big and laid down his "red line". Not knowing whether to attack or not and not listening to his military advisors he desperately wanted a way out. He sent a request to authorize an attack so onerous he knew they would refuse. Thus, the Commander in Chief was able to wimp out. Again.

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