We have witnessed the inevitable defeat of Donald Trump in November

td, you are did wrong. A majority of the states, when seven were required, wanted the first ballot rules changed. They were ignored, and that has now cost Donald the election.

good, Trump people were shut out in Utah by Mike Lee. Computers down and then when people complained they were merely told to go to their caucus head.
Glad to see Cruz and Lee get shut out with some of there own medicine.
Only a majority of seven state delegations are needed to force a floor vote on the rules.
They had it so they called for the vote and they were ignored.
Because some of their supporters withdrew. You idiots might as well get used to saying PRESIDENT TRUMP!

They claim they still had the required delegates to proceed. That's why they called for a role call vote.

The rules committee refused to change the rules for the rabble rouser losers. Really that simple. The rules stayed the same. Delegates were bound.

And hey those delegates knew the rules of their own states and of the national party going in. Too bad, so sad. They need to suck it up.

That's not what it was about.

Oh really? Take Colorado. The Senators who deprived the voters a chance to vote in a primary were all Cruz supporters and rigged the delegates errrrrrrrrrr adjusted the rules for the delegates to represent Cruz.

Sucks when the rules are to be followed eh?

And Trump.will pull in 65% of democrats......problem.solved

Crooked Hillary need the same scumbag coalition that elected that idiot Obama and she is not going to get it.

She will not get the same number of Blacks that turned out for the soul brother.

There is evidence that a good number of blue collar Democrats have jump ship for Trump.

Many of the Bernie clowns will stay at home rather than vote for Wall Street backed Crooked Hillary.

Nobody knows right now who will win but I think Crooked Hillary has a tough row to hoe. A lot tougher than these stupid Moon Bats will acknowledge.
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When did the Never Trumpers ever have the majority of the delegates? Think about it. If they had Trump wouldn't be the nominee for crying out loud.

And don't hand me the liberal way of counting. That more voted against him than for him because it is total bullshit laid out by losers.
A majority of the states, who have the majority of all the delegates, wanted an open vote. The Rules Committee said "nuh uh" guaranteeing Donald's defeat in November. The GOP may well lose the House now with the Senate.
Correct about Trump, wrong about the House and Senate.
Trump has no down ballot pull.

But . . . if our GOP runs on "HRC will change the SCOTUS forever liberal" in the states, there is a possibility the Senate may stay red.

The train wreck that is Trump's campaign will determine that. His effect is negative. Our job is to limit it.
We all knew it was coming. Who do you think will win?
Trump will win the nomination.
Sure, but how much blood on the floor before it's over?
Lee, Cruz, Randal, maybe Enid, and other leaders will call the shots.

There may be a real chance more than half of the states will pull their delegations.

tinydancer, who I adore, is simply living in a delusion.
Lee a leader. LOL You're not serious? Dang your are LOL
We all knew it was coming. Who do you think will win?
Trump will win the nomination.
Sure, but how much blood on the floor before it's over?
Lee, Cruz, Randal, maybe Enid, and other leaders will call the shots.

There may be a real chance more than half of the states will pull their delegations.

tinydancer, who I adore, is simply living in a delusion.
Lee a leader. LOL You're not serious? Dang your are LOL
You are very much out of it, ty.

I think Trump gets the nomination and loses the heart of the party, guaranteeing his defeat.

Our job now is to keep the Senate and House red.
td, you are did wrong. A majority of the states, when seven were required, wanted the first ballot rules changed. They were ignored, and that has now cost Donald the election.

good, Trump people were shut out in Utah by Mike Lee. Computers down and then when people complained they were merely told to go to their caucus head.
Glad to see Cruz and Lee get shut out with some of there own medicine.

I want to witness Lee flame out badly. When he can go out and trash Trump, but praise Elizabeth Warren to the high heavens he's an instant asshole in my books.

Oh that and when I found out about the Utah Compact which wants unlimited immigration and he's part of that scenario. Which still begs the question, why were all these serious open border people backing Cruz?

One day I'd like an answer.
td, the answer you want is simple: most of the party does not think like you.
]You are a fool if you think the GOP mainstream will support Trump. NeverTrump

Clinton is not the issue now; she will win. Trump is the issue now; he will lose.

The fools are the Moon Bats that think Crooked Hillary is an acceptable candidate given her strong record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. I think you qualify for that.

There are two factions in the leadership of the Republican party that are against Trump. There are some that think Trump is too Liberal. Mike Lee leads that faction. The other faction is the party bosses that don't like the fact that they can't control Trump.

The average anti Crooked Hillary voter that doesn't like what this country has become could care less about the party bosses fighting it out on the floor of the convention.
I remember about a year ago when liberals said Trump didn't have a chance. Now in some states he is beating Hillary. Okay liberals say it, PRESIDENT TRUMP!
]You are a fool if you think the GOP mainstream will support Trump. NeverTrump

Clinton is not the issue now; she will win. Trump is the issue now; he will lose.

The fools are the Moon Bats that think Crooked Hillary is an acceptable candidate given her strong record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. I think you qualify for that.

There are two factions in the leadership of the Republican party that are against Trump. There are some that think Trump is too Liberal. Mike Lee leads that faction. The other faction are the party bosses that don't like the fact that they can't control Trump.

The average anti Crooked Hillary voter that doesn't like what this country has become could care less about the party bosses fighting it out on the floor of the convention.
Yelling HRC means absolutely nothing. Women, blacks, latinos, millennials, and 40% of the GOP will not vote Trump.
When did the Never Trumpers ever have the majority of the delegates? Think about it. If they had Trump wouldn't be the nominee for crying out loud.

And don't hand me the liberal way of counting. That more voted against him than for him because it is total bullshit laid out by losers.
Only about 75% of Republicans are saying they will vote for Trump. That should be 90% by the end of the convention and that's not gonna happen. Trump's tactics to unite the party is not working. His choice of VP shows he doesn't know what he's doing. Pence and Trump disagree on almost every issue. About the only thing they agree on is wanting to win.

He's polling just fine against Clinton so who pray tell is saying they are going to vote for him in these polls? People from Tierra del Fuego?

Come on with this 75% against shit. Trump took more votes than any other R in a primary in 30 years. This is established.

And this was against 16 other candidates.
We all knew it was coming. Who do you think will win?
Trump will win the nomination.
Sure, but how much blood on the floor before it's over?
Lee, Cruz, Randal, maybe Enid, and other leaders will call the shots.

There may be a real chance more than half of the states will pull their delegations.

tinydancer, who I adore, is simply living in a delusion.

Jake before coming on the idea of pulling out.....what happens if they stay...jakey gets blue balls?
]You are a fool if you think the GOP mainstream will support Trump. NeverTrump

Clinton is not the issue now; she will win. Trump is the issue now; he will lose.

The fools are the Moon Bats that think Crooked Hillary is an acceptable candidate given her strong record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. I think you qualify for that.

There are two factions in the leadership of the Republican party that are against Trump. There are some that think Trump is too Liberal. Mike Lee leads that faction. The other faction are the party bosses that don't like the fact that they can't control Trump.

The average anti Crooked Hillary voter that doesn't like what this country has become could care less about the party bosses fighting it out on the floor of the convention.
Yelling HRC means absolutely nothing. Women, blacks, latinos, millennials, and 40% of the GOP will not vote Trump.
[]Yelling HRC means absolutely nothing. Women, blacks, latinos, millennials, and 40% of the GOP will not vote Trump.

You are simply delusional Moon Bat if you think 40% of the people that normally vote Republican will not vote for Trump. Are you high on pot?

It is much more likely that Crooked Hillary will not get anywhere near the normal number of Democrat voters given the disillusionment of the Bernie idiots, the blue collar workers liking Trump and the fact she will never have the turn out of Negroes. She will get a high percentage of Negroes voting but nowhere near the numbers that the shithead Obama got.
The Rules Committee, led by my friend over ruled the will of the majority of the delegates (NeverTrump) at the Convention, and are now trying to move forward. The NeverTrump GOP will now guarantee Donald's defeat in November.


And we will have them to thank for POTUS Hellary.
Trump is the nominee... they need to let it go. Anyway, if he is so flawed. the Dem's here should be delighted to see him nominated, not pooping themselves.
The only one I'd rather run against is Cruz.

The media will say its a close one but it's not really. Hillary's got this.
lol, Republican, conservative god Steve King was just on MSNBC, touting the superiority of the white race.

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