We have witnessed the inevitable defeat of Donald Trump in November

]You are a fool if you think the GOP mainstream will support Trump. NeverTrump

Clinton is not the issue now; she will win. Trump is the issue now; he will lose.

The fools are the Moon Bats that think Crooked Hillary is an acceptable candidate given her strong record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. I think you qualify for that.

There are two factions in the leadership of the Republican party that are against Trump. There are some that think Trump is too Liberal. Mike Lee leads that faction. The other faction are the party bosses that don't like the fact that they can't control Trump.

The average anti Crooked Hillary voter that doesn't like what this country has become could care less about the party bosses fighting it out on the floor of the convention.
Yelling HRC means absolutely nothing. Women, blacks, latinos, millennials, and 40% of the GOP will not vote Trump.
Polls above gut your arguments and question.

Well, post them.....you have zero and are full of shit

Polls above gut your arguments and question.

The polls are basically tied right now and Crooked Hillary is out spending Trump 50-1 and he hasn't really laid into her yet.

Almost 70% of Americans think Crooked Hillary is a dishonest bitch. That ain't good. She has been tanking lately since that despicable political decision of not being indicted when the FBI Director said she was an idiot and did the things she should be indicted for.

Only an idiot would vote for her. You are an idiot.
The Rules Committee, led by my friend over ruled the will of the majority of the delegates (NeverTrump) at the Convention, and are now trying to move forward. The NeverTrump GOP will now guarantee Donald's defeat in November.

You Moon Bats are delusional.Crooked Hill has been tanking in the polls ever since she skated on the corruption charges that many Americans are pissed about. Americans don't like elitism.
The lying bitch is out spendings Trump 50-1 and they are still about tied. Trump hasn't even started on reminding the people that they would be an idiot to voted for Crooked Hillary.It is not the liberal leaning big government Democrat Light Republican delegates that Trump needs to win. Is is the American people that are fed up with Crooked Hillary's dishonesty, corruption, incompetency and extreme far Left failed policies.
NeverTrump does not care about HRC at this point. It's sole purpose is to deny Trump the election. He may get 55% of the GOP registered vote.

And Trump.will pull in 65% of democrats......problem.solved

If serious, That's the most rediculous comment on the Trump disaster I've seen.
tinydance writes, "He's polling just fine against Clinton so who pray tell is saying they are going to vote for him in these polls?"

More people voted against Trump than any candidate in Republican primary history. We don't want him.

The country does not want him.

Polling Data
Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/2 - 7/16 -- -- 43.8 40.6 Clinton +3.2
CNN/ORC 7/13 - 7/16 872 RV 3.5 49 42 Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post 7/11 - 7/14 816 RV 4.0 47 43 Clinton +4
Rasmussen Reports 7/12 - 7/13 1000 LV 3.0 37 44 Trump +7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/9 - 7/13 1000 RV 3.1 46 41 Clinton +5
CBS News/NY Times 7/8 - 7/12 1358 RV 3.0 40 40 Tie
Economist/YouGov 7/9 - 7/11 932 RV 4.5 45 43 Clinton +2
McClatchy/Marist 7/5 - 7/9 1053 RV 3.0 42 39 Clinton +3
Reuters/Ipsos 7/2 - 7/6 1345 RV 2.8 44 33 Clinton +11
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Still within the margin of error in most of the polls and the average. Better get a heads up though. Breitbart is reporting that your grass roots movement got sold out by Lee and Cuccinelli. Going to put up a thread right now.
She will not get the same number of Blacks that turned out for the soul brother.

Trump is polling zero in African American support and very poorly with Hispanics - people under thirty - women.

Trump garners a whopping zero percent of the electorate among African-American voters in key swing states, a slice of the population that lies at the intersection of two key constituencies.

The recent Wall Street Journal/NBC/Marist poll shows that among the entire Ohio electorate, Clinton and Trump tie at 39 percent. Across Pennsylvania, Trump trails Clinton by a 9-point margin. Yet among Ohio and Pennsylvania black voters, Trump’s poll numbers are utterly appalling ― he yields zero percent of the black vote in these key swing states.

This comes as no surprise given Trump’s penchant for espousing politically incorrect statements, many of which have traditionally alienated minority voters. And new research from Pew shows that over half of the electorate says that treatment of minorities is very important to their vote for president; in fact, 82 percent of black voters say this is among the highest issue on their 2016 agenda.

The Cook Political Report characterizes African-American voters as “the overlooked key to 2016.” According to exit poll data from 2012, African-American voters accounted for Obama’s margin of victory in seven key states: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada and Virginia. “Without these states’ 112 electoral votes,” the Cook Political Report writes, “Obama would have lost decisively.”
And Trump’s abysmal poll numbers among black swing-state voters fares poorly in comparison to previously successful GOP candidates. George W. Bush, for instance, clinched 16 percent of the black vote in both Ohio and Pennsylvania in 2004.

Unfortunately for Trump, swing state black voters aren’t the only segment of the population he should be concerned with winning over. He suffers among two other key slices of the electorate: white college educated voters and voters under 30.

According to the Pew Research Center, Clinton leads Trump by 25 points among voters under 30. In fact, even Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson pulls a greater portion of this segment of the electorate than Trump.

The GOP nominee even suffers among white college-educated voters, a demographic that not only constitutes one-third of the electorate but that Republicans have traditionally won since 1952. Among this group, Clinton crushes Trump by 16 percentage points, according to a Bloomberg poll. This signals trouble for Trump, chiefly when taking into account swing states where college-educated voters are a particularly dominant voting force, such as Virginia and Colorado.

Trump fares much better among non-college educated voters ― and the feeling is mutual. As he once famously said: “I love the poorly educated.”

Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters

Bush Jr needed 16% of Black voters twelve years ago to win - Ohio. Trump can't get near that number and he has worse problems than that with other demographics. The only demographic he holds a strong lead is among idiots.

Luckily there aren't enough of them to get him the White House prize he plans to turn into a reality TV series for idiots.
She will not get the same number of Blacks that turned out for the soul brother.

Trump is polling zero in African American support and very poorly with Hispanics - people under thirty - women.

Trump garners a whopping zero percent of the electorate among African-American voters in key swing states, a slice of the population that lies at the intersection of two key constituencies.

The recent Wall Street Journal/NBC/Marist poll shows that among the entire Ohio electorate, Clinton and Trump tie at 39 percent. Across Pennsylvania, Trump trails Clinton by a 9-point margin. Yet among Ohio and Pennsylvania black voters, Trump’s poll numbers are utterly appalling ― he yields zero percent of the black vote in these key swing states.

This comes as no surprise given Trump’s penchant for espousing politically incorrect statements, many of which have traditionally alienated minority voters. And new research from Pew shows that over half of the electorate says that treatment of minorities is very important to their vote for president; in fact, 82 percent of black voters say this is among the highest issue on their 2016 agenda.

The Cook Political Report characterizes African-American voters as “the overlooked key to 2016.” According to exit poll data from 2012, African-American voters accounted for Obama’s margin of victory in seven key states: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada and Virginia. “Without these states’ 112 electoral votes,” the Cook Political Report writes, “Obama would have lost decisively.”
And Trump’s abysmal poll numbers among black swing-state voters fares poorly in comparison to previously successful GOP candidates. George W. Bush, for instance, clinched 16 percent of the black vote in both Ohio and Pennsylvania in 2004.

Unfortunately for Trump, swing state black voters aren’t the only segment of the population he should be concerned with winning over. He suffers among two other key slices of the electorate: white college educated voters and voters under 30.

According to the Pew Research Center, Clinton leads Trump by 25 points among voters under 30. In fact, even Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson pulls a greater portion of this segment of the electorate than Trump.

The GOP nominee even suffers among white college-educated voters, a demographic that not only constitutes one-third of the electorate but that Republicans have traditionally won since 1952. Among this group, Clinton crushes Trump by 16 percentage points, according to a Bloomberg poll. This signals trouble for Trump, chiefly when taking into account swing states where college-educated voters are a particularly dominant voting force, such as Virginia and Colorado.

Trump fares much better among non-college educated voters ― and the feeling is mutual. As he once famously said: “I love the poorly educated.”

Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters

Bush Jr needed 16% of Black voters twelve years ago to win - Ohio. Trump can't get near that number and he has worse problems than that with other demographics. The only demographic he holds a strong lead is among idiots.

Luckily there aren't enough of them to get him the White House prize he plans to turn into a reality TV series for idiots.

Reading comprehension is not the strong suit for you Moon Bats, is it?

Crooked Hillary will get a high percentage of the Negro vote. They always vote their welfare check and Crooked Hillary has promised to steal our money to give to them in exchange for their vote.

However, the number of Blacks that turned out for their soul brother will not turn out for the rich mean lying old White lady. She will get a high percentage of the vote but the numbers will not be there.
]You are a fool if you think the GOP mainstream will support Trump. NeverTrump

Clinton is not the issue now; she will win. Trump is the issue now; he will lose.

The fools are the Moon Bats that think Crooked Hillary is an acceptable candidate given her strong record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. I think you qualify for that.

There are two factions in the leadership of the Republican party that are against Trump. There are some that think Trump is too Liberal. Mike Lee leads that faction. The other faction are the party bosses that don't like the fact that they can't control Trump.

The average anti Crooked Hillary voter that doesn't like what this country has become could care less about the party bosses fighting it out on the floor of the convention.
Yelling HRC means absolutely nothing. Women, blacks, latinos, millennials, and 40% of the GOP will not vote Trump.
Polls above gut your arguments and question.

Well, post them.....you have zero and are full of shit
They are listed four posts above yours at 100.
Crooked Hillary voters

tinydance writes, "He's polling just fine against Clinton so who pray tell is saying they are going to vote for him in these polls?"

More people voted against Trump than any candidate in Republican primary history. We don't want him.

The country does not want him.

Polling Data
Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/2 - 7/16 -- -- 43.8 40.6 Clinton +3.2
CNN/ORC 7/13 - 7/16 872 RV 3.5 49 42 Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post 7/11 - 7/14 816 RV 4.0 47 43 Clinton +4
Rasmussen Reports 7/12 - 7/13 1000 LV 3.0 37 44 Trump +7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/9 - 7/13 1000 RV 3.1 46 41 Clinton +5
CBS News/NY Times 7/8 - 7/12 1358 RV 3.0 40 40 Tie
Economist/YouGov 7/9 - 7/11 932 RV 4.5 45 43 Clinton +2
McClatchy/Marist 7/5 - 7/9 1053 RV 3.0 42 39 Clinton +3
Reuters/Ipsos 7/2 - 7/6 1345 RV 2.8 44 33 Clinton +11
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Still within the margin of error in most of the polls and the average. Better get a heads up though. Breitbart is reporting that your grass roots movement got sold out by Lee and Cuccinelli. Going to put up a thread right now.
Six of them are beyond the margin of error.

Most voters voted against Trump, more votes than ever against a primary candidate. Ever.

NeverTrump is not going to allow his election.
Only a majority of seven state delegations are needed to force a floor vote on the rules.
They had it so they called for the vote and they were ignored.
Because some of their supporters withdrew. You idiots might as well get used to saying PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I saw this news earlier...Newt calling the Bushes Babies, Romney for not coming to the GOP convention..Interesting

Gingrich Says Bushes Acting 'Childishly' by Not Going to RNC

They will not be missed. I agree with Gingrich. They didn't get their way and that is NOT something they are accustomed to happening to them. The grass root voters are sick and tired and scared of what has been happening in our country the past eight years. That goes for Republicans and Democrats alike.

For the Democrats, that was vividly pointed out by the huge, unexpected battle Hillary Clinton had to beat avowed, full blown Socialist, Bernie Sanders. The Democrats and the Clinton cabal had to spend tens of thousands of hours and hundreds of millions of dollars more than they expected.

With seventeen candidates, Donald Trump came in last. Then contrary to the elite, polls, news pros and most everyone else, he quickly dispatched sixteen competitors with record low spending and record numbers of votes by saying what needed to be said instead of what he should have said politically.
Where the hell are the 10,000 Bikers For Trump? They could be mingling among the delegates with tire irons. Perfect attitude adjusters.
tinydance writes, "He's polling just fine against Clinton so who pray tell is saying they are going to vote for him in these polls?"

More people voted against Trump than any candidate in Republican primary history. We don't want him.

The country does not want him.

Polling Data
Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/2 - 7/16 -- -- 43.8 40.6 Clinton +3.2
CNN/ORC 7/13 - 7/16 872 RV 3.5 49 42 Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post 7/11 - 7/14 816 RV 4.0 47 43 Clinton +4
Rasmussen Reports 7/12 - 7/13 1000 LV 3.0 37 44 Trump +7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/9 - 7/13 1000 RV 3.1 46 41 Clinton +5
CBS News/NY Times 7/8 - 7/12 1358 RV 3.0 40 40 Tie
Economist/YouGov 7/9 - 7/11 932 RV 4.5 45 43 Clinton +2
McClatchy/Marist 7/5 - 7/9 1053 RV 3.0 42 39 Clinton +3
Reuters/Ipsos 7/2 - 7/6 1345 RV 2.8 44 33 Clinton +11
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Still within the margin of error in most of the polls and the average. Better get a heads up though. Breitbart is reporting that your grass roots movement got sold out by Lee and Cuccinelli. Going to put up a thread right now.
Six of them are beyond the margin of error.

Most voters voted against Trump, more votes than ever against a primary candidate. Ever.

NeverTrump is not going to allow his election.

[Q]NeverTrump does not care about HRC at this point. It's sole purpose is to deny Trump the election. He may get 55% of the GOP registered vote.

You need better reading comprehension skills Moon Bat.

The American people are the ones fed up with the Clinton filth. The mainstream Republican delegates only care about maintaining the big government status quo.
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Not really.

I think Crooked Hillary will be a disaster for this country if the bitch is elected but Trump will do nothing to fix the problem that his country has like a bloated debt ridden oppressive government.

You Libtard Moon Bats have fucked up this country so bad it can't be fixed at the ballot box.

Trump will be better than Crooked Hillary. That is a given. We all know that. However, that is not near good enough seeing that Crooked Hillary sets such a low bar.

Looks pretty damn good to me:


When did the Never Trumpers ever have the majority of the delegates? Think about it. If they had Trump wouldn't be the nominee for crying out loud.

And don't hand me the liberal way of counting. That more voted against him than for him because it is total bullshit laid out by losers.
Only about 75% of Republicans are saying they will vote for Trump. That should be 90% by the end of the convention and that's not gonna happen. Trump's tactics to unite the party is not working. His choice of VP shows he doesn't know what he's doing. Pence and Trump disagree on almost every issue. About the only thing they agree on is wanting to win.

So the VP has to be a yes man?
Really, almost every issue?

In an election, you bet. The VP has to support his running mate and that's going to be difficult with Pence's position on Trump's key issue. He's going to look as stupid as Palin did in the VP debates.
[Q]NeverTrump does not care about HRC at this point. It's sole purpose is to deny Trump the election. He may get 55% of the GOP registered vote.

You need better reading comprehension skills Moon Bat.

The American people are the ones fed up with the Clinton filth. The mainstream Republican delegates only care about maintaining the big government status quo.
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Not really.

I think Crooked Hillary will be a disaster for this country if the bitch is elected but Trump will do nothing to fix the problem that his country has like a bloated debt ridden oppressive government.

You Libtard Moon Bats have fucked up this country so bad it can't be fixed at the ballot box.

Trump will be better than Crooked Hillary. That is a given. We all know that. However, that is not near good enough seeing that Crooked Hillary sets such a low bar.

Looks pretty damn good to me:


Dazzel with your brilliance and daring by posting the same chart going back to Jan-00.
It speaks VOLUMES about the GOP establishment that Kasich the governor of Ohio and host of the convention, the guy who pledged to support the winning candidate not only has not endorsed Trump but refuses to even attend the convention. THAT my friends tells you everything you need to know about the GOP establishment.
Cleveland has a right to open carry law. They were thinking about temporarily suspending the right for the convention but what a bunch of hypocrites if they did that huh?

Kasich said no. But interesting only one guy showed up with a gun and it wasn't loaded.

So the only good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun has less ammo than Barney fife

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