We have witnessed the inevitable defeat of Donald Trump in November


I don't care if Trump fixes anything. My concern is what he will break if he does even half of what he has promised. Look for at least a 3,000 point drop in the Dow and 20% unemployment if he follows through on with his promise to tear up NAFA and trade agreements with China.

Clinton may fix nothing, but I'm confident she will leave office with the country intact.

There is absolutely no doubt he is the better choice between him and Crooked Hillary. Trump will do a better job than Crooked Hillary. That is a given. He will do less damage than Crooked Hillary.

However, just doing less damage than Crooked Hillary is not enough. We need to dismantle a large portion of this out of control Federal corrupt oppressive welfare state government.

Trump will not do that. He is a big government Liberal.
His plan to cut government spending amounts to getting rid of common core which now gets minimal financial support from the DOE and of course cuts in the EPA, which is a safe bet since most of their funds are protect by legislation. Trump doesn't mention the increased funding for the military or Homeland Security. If you expect Trump to reduce the size of government, you nominated the wrong candidate.
Trump if elected will increase the size of federal government.

Do you mean that those 13 million here illegally will not report to the Greyhound station for deportation when called? We may actually have to field a sizeable force to round them up and another to construct the wall?
Who knew?
Congress will have to approve it and according Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House that's not going to happen. In fact, almost all Trump key policies won't make it through Congress. The one thing he can do is nullify trade agreements such as NAFTA and the agreements with China which of course would throw the country into a recession.
If you don't count the people that have given up looking for work and the ones that use to have good jobs but are now filliping burgers then any of Obama's dishonest figures would look good.

The dumbass Obama has accrued the most debt of any President in history and has a $4 trillion a year budget for the filthy ass federal government so that is nothing to brag about especially knowing he has been the first President in history to never achieve a 3% economic growth. He has been a failure. He has increased poverty, decreased family income and pretty much made the American economy as bad as the dismal socialist European shitholes.
Is that true in Mike pences Indiana? Because yesterday trump was bragging about Indiana. What is Indiana's real unemployment numbers and why aren't you calling out Republican governors who are taking credit for the economic recovery you say doesn't even exist?

Most of the job growth in this country that Obama tries to take credit for has been in states where the Democrats are not in charge of the government. Texas by itself has had half of the job growth that the asshole Obama tries to take credit for.

It is time for that shithead Obama to start being honest with America but don't count on it.

Obama has been a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary will be more of the same.
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

Rather than continually demonstrating your ignorance on subjects, why not do some research BEFORE you post.

Mike Pence has given Indiana a reserve of over $2 BILLION. Oops!
Is that true in Mike pences Indiana? Because yesterday trump was bragging about Indiana. What is Indiana's real unemployment numbers and why aren't you calling out Republican governors who are taking credit for the economic recovery you say doesn't even exist?

Most of the job growth in this country that Obama tries to take credit for has been in states where the Democrats are not in charge of the government. Texas by itself has had half of the job growth that the asshole Obama tries to take credit for.

It is time for that shithead Obama to start being honest with America but don't count on it.

Obama has been a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary will be more of the same.
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.
Is that true in Mike pences Indiana? Because yesterday trump was bragging about Indiana. What is Indiana's real unemployment numbers and why aren't you calling out Republican governors who are taking credit for the economic recovery you say doesn't even exist?

Most of the job growth in this country that Obama tries to take credit for has been in states where the Democrats are not in charge of the government. Texas by itself has had half of the job growth that the asshole Obama tries to take credit for.

It is time for that shithead Obama to start being honest with America but don't count on it.

Obama has been a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary will be more of the same.
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
No, the president creates the budget and submits it to congress in February. This is the request for money to run the government. Congress holds hearing to question the administration on the president's budget. The House and Senate working together come up with budget resolution. Once the budget is passed by congress it becomes the official budget.

Yes, there was surplus whether you consider social security or not.


The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
Most of the job growth in this country that Obama tries to take credit for has been in states where the Democrats are not in charge of the government. Texas by itself has had half of the job growth that the asshole Obama tries to take credit for.

It is time for that shithead Obama to start being honest with America but don't count on it.

Obama has been a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary will be more of the same.
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
No, the president creates the budget and submits it to congress in February. This is the request for money to run the government. Congress holds hearing to question the administration on the president's budget. The House and Senate working together come up with budget resolution. Once the budget is passed by congress it becomes the official budget.

Yes, there was surplus whether you consider social security or not.


The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

IF that is true, how did the DEBT increase each year?
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

Rather than continually demonstrating your ignorance on subjects, why not do some research BEFORE you post.

Mike Pence has given Indiana a reserve of over $2 BILLION. Oops!
You got me. I still say he's a POS but you were right
Most of the job growth in this country that Obama tries to take credit for has been in states where the Democrats are not in charge of the government. Texas by itself has had half of the job growth that the asshole Obama tries to take credit for.

It is time for that shithead Obama to start being honest with America but don't count on it.

Obama has been a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary will be more of the same.
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.
Then why did Gw bush refer to Clinton's surplus when he announced tax breaks to the rich? Why???
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
No, the president creates the budget and submits it to congress in February. This is the request for money to run the government. Congress holds hearing to question the administration on the president's budget. The House and Senate working together come up with budget resolution. Once the budget is passed by congress it becomes the official budget.

Yes, there was surplus whether you consider social security or not.


The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

IF that is true, how did the DEBT increase each year?
Because you don't know the difference between debt and deficits idiot
We all knew it was coming. Who do you think will win?
Trump will win the nomination.

Sure, but how much blood on the floor before it's over?

Zip, zero, nada. Much to your sorrow.

Perhaps not, but it's not over yet.
I can't believe no Republican will run 3rd party. Trump would have ran 3rd party why not Cruz? Everyone already hates Cruz he should do it
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
No, the president creates the budget and submits it to congress in February. This is the request for money to run the government. Congress holds hearing to question the administration on the president's budget. The House and Senate working together come up with budget resolution. Once the budget is passed by congress it becomes the official budget.

Yes, there was surplus whether you consider social security or not.


The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

IF that is true, how did the DEBT increase each year?
Intergovernmental debt which is largely driven by Social Security.

Expenditures were less than revenue which is the definition of budget surplus.
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.
Then why did Gw bush refer to Clinton's surplus when he announced tax breaks to the rich? Why???
I don't know. Maybe because the Clintons and the Bushes are friends. Maybe because Bush is a dumbass Washington insider. I don't know.

Regardless, the so-called "surplus" did not exist.
Flash, post: 14777007
However, the number of Blacks that turned out for their soul brother will not turn out for the rich mean lying old White lady.

The more they see, hear, and read racist commentary like yours the more they will come out and vote for Hillary.
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The Rules Committee, led by my friend over ruled the will of the majority of the delegates (NeverTrump) at the Convention, and are now trying to move forward. The NeverTrump GOP will now guarantee Donald's defeat in November.


It was clear from the opening of the convention that the Never Trump delegates were there to stir things up. They were trying to make a rules change on making all states closed primary states, but these people knew that this would be discussed in January 2017. So they just did it to disrupt the convention.

This exemplifies how shattered the Republican party is today.
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]You are a fool if you think the GOP mainstream will support Trump. NeverTrump

Clinton is not the issue now; she will win. Trump is the issue now; he will lose.

The fools are the Moon Bats that think Crooked Hillary is an acceptable candidate given her strong record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency. I think you qualify for that.

There are two factions in the leadership of the Republican party that are against Trump. There are some that think Trump is too Liberal. Mike Lee leads that faction. The other faction are the party bosses that don't like the fact that they can't control Trump.

The average anti Crooked Hillary voter that doesn't like what this country has become could care less about the party bosses fighting it out on the floor of the convention.
Yelling HRC means absolutely nothing. Women, blacks, latinos, millennials, and 40% of the GOP will not vote Trump.
Polls above gut your arguments and question.

How many months until the election?

What were the polls two months ago?
We all knew it was coming. Who do you think will win?
Trump will win the nomination.

Sure, but how much blood on the floor before it's over?

Zip, zero, nada. Much to your sorrow.

Perhaps not, but it's not over yet.
I can't believe no Republican will run 3rd party. Trump would have ran 3rd party why not Cruz? Everyone already hates Cruz he should do it

Why do you care???

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