We have witnessed the inevitable defeat of Donald Trump in November


IF that is true, how did the DEBT increase each year?

The debt increased every years because the idiots we elect to the filthy ass government spend more money than is taken in.

The stupid Democrats are the worse about it but the Republicans do their share and make sure the Democrats have all the debt they need.

The way to stop debt is stop electing asshole Democrats that don't have any concept of fiscal responsibility and stop electing Republicans that run as fiscal responsible conservatives but govern as big government Liberals.
I remember about a year ago when liberals said Trump didn't have a chance. Now in some states he is beating Hillary. Okay liberals say it, PRESIDENT TRUMP!
"when liberals said Trump didn't have a chance".....has the election happened already?
I was talking about the nomination, you were wrong about that, and he will win the election. Thanks for supporting Hillary!

What president had a lower debt leaving office than when they came in?

Clinton had a surplus fool.

No dumbass the cumulative national debt was greater when he left office than when Slick Willy was elected. I know you Moon Bats are mostly uneducated but you do know how to subtract, don't you? The FY 1994 budget was the first one that Slick Willy had major input after being elected.

The Federal Budget, 1994–2014

Slick Willy had the opportunity to sign the Contract for America to make Federal debt illegal but the big government asshole refused to do it.

Your stupid statement about other Presidents having debt is laughable. It is the kindergarten playground excuse of "I am innocent because Johnny also did it".

Spending more money than this country collects is wrong no matter which Progressive politician does it, Republican or Democrat. Obama's tremendous debt was really wrong. I mean like the worse.

By the way, we don't have a debt problem because we don't tax enough. We have a debt problem because we spend too much.
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I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.
Then why did Gw bush refer to Clinton's surplus when he announced tax breaks to the rich? Why???
I don't know. Maybe because the Clintons and the Bushes are friends. Maybe because Bush is a dumbass Washington insider. I don't know.

Regardless, the so-called "surplus" did not exist.
Do we calculate U.S. Budgets in the same manner today as we calculated U.S. budgets during the Clinton Presidency?

YES, we do!!!

Clinton/Gingrich HAD a Budget Surplus....whomever you are reading on this topic, is simply partisans, playing with your head!!!

NOTE! the BUDGET is not the same thing as the National DEBT.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

  • By Brooks Jackson
  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets... which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.
I doubt that you'll read these. If you do, you'll still find a way to deny it.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus, Part II

The True Federal Deficit
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I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

Then Donald is the most beloved man in the universe.
I knew trump was modeling his campaign on how Obama ran in 2008 but for them to steal Michelle Obama's speech?
Her speech writer will likely be demoted.

I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

I have posted the figures several times that showed that the cumulative Federal national debt was greater when Slick Willy left office than when he took over and all I get is stupidity out of the Moon Bats. They also conveniently forget the aggressive role Newt and the 1994 Republicans played in getting Slick Willy under control. None of them ever want to talk about the declining economy Slick Willy turned over to Bush in 2001.

For the most part they are uneducable. You have to remember they are the idiots that voted for Obama and think Crooked Hillary is honest so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
The Democrat Party is slam full of useful idiots.

Hillary is going to Nevada to support voter registration....likely because there are thousands of illegal aliens there who will gladly accept pay to vote for Democrats.

Hillary is a sleazy, no good bitch!
As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

Then Donald is the most beloved man in the universe.
I knew trump was modeling his campaign on how Obama ran in 2008 but for them to steal Michelle Obama's speech?
Her speech writer will likely be demoted.
This is what we would have to look forward to? LOL Con Artist & Chief.

I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

I have posted the figures several times that showed that the cumulative Federal national debt was greater when Slick Willy left office than when he took over and all I get is stupidity out of the Moon Bats. They also conveniently forget the aggressive role Newt and the 1994 Republicans played in getting Slick Willy under control. None of them ever want to talk about the declining economy Slick Willy turned over to Bush in 2001.

For the most part they are uneducable. You have to remember they are the idiots that voted for Obama and think Crooked Hillary is honest so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
What president had a lower debt leaving office than when they came in?

Clinton had a surplus fool.
You are an incorrigible idiot!

I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

I have posted the figures several times that showed that the cumulative Federal national debt was greater when Slick Willy left office than when he took over and all I get is stupidity out of the Moon Bats. They also conveniently forget the aggressive role Newt and the 1994 Republicans played in getting Slick Willy under control. None of them ever want to talk about the declining economy Slick Willy turned over to Bush in 2001.

For the most part they are uneducable. You have to remember they are the idiots that voted for Obama and think Crooked Hillary is honest so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
The Democrat Party is slam full of useful idiots.

Hillary is going to Nevada to support voter registration....likely because there are thousands of illegal aliens there who will gladly accept pay to vote for Democrats.

Hillary is a sleazy, no good bitch!
So is the GOP. That's why none of them were invited to the convention this year. Bunch of losers you must admit. Either that or the Anyone But Trumpers are right. Are they? Your party is so divided. Bernie supporters will vote for Hillary. Get your excuses ready. You'll lose the Senate too this year fool.
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
The fact is terrorism is a crime and it should be treated as such. The alternative is too terrible to even consider.
As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.
Then why did Gw bush refer to Clinton's surplus when he announced tax breaks to the rich? Why???
I don't know. Maybe because the Clintons and the Bushes are friends. Maybe because Bush is a dumbass Washington insider. I don't know.

Regardless, the so-called "surplus" did not exist.
Do we calculate U.S. Budgets in the same manner today as we calculated U.S. budgets during the Clinton Presidency?

YES, we do!!!

Clinton/Gingrich HAD a Budget Surplus....whomever you are reading on this topic, is simply partisans, playing with your head!!!

NOTE! the BUDGET is not the same thing as the National DEBT.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

  • By Brooks Jackson
  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets... which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.
I doubt that you'll read these. If you do, you'll still find a way to deny it.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus, Part II

The True Federal Deficit
The myth is you can't have a surplus and have increasing debt. There is no question that there were budget surpluses because revenues exceeded expenditures. That is the definition of a budget surplus. Since trust investments in US securities are not considered an expense it has no effect on the surplus but does increase national debt. So unless you redefined the term budget surplus, the Clinton budget surpluses were certainly real.

Economist have argued for years about the treatment of intra-government holding. However, there is no logic in the argument that investment of trust funds is a current budget expense.

So is the GOP. That's why none of them were invited to the convention this year. Bunch of losers you must admit. Either that or the Anyone But Trumpers are right. Are they? Your party is so divided. Bernie supporters will vote for Hillary. Get your excuses ready. You'll lose the Senate too this year fool.

The Republican Party is divided because the party leaders are scared of Trump because they can't control him. Meanwhile the Party of Moon Bats is going to nominate a dishonest corrupt incompetent dishonest bitch because they don't have anybody better. That is really sad when you think about it.
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
The fact is terrorism is a crime and it should be treated as such. The alternative is too terrible to even consider.
Terrorism is an act of war and should be treated as such. Kill the terrorists!
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
The fact is terrorism is a crime and it should be treated as such. The alternative is too terrible to even consider.
Terrorism is an act of war and should be treated as such. Kill the terrorists!
International and domestic. And use drones, for goodness sake. Hellfire from the heavens.
The Rules Committee, led by my friend over ruled the will of the majority of the delegates (NeverTrump) at the Convention, and are now trying to move forward. The NeverTrump GOP will now guarantee Donald's defeat in November.


Clinton's top campaign aides believe that the way to beat Trump in November is not only stoking voters' distrust of him, but to cast a vote for him as a vote for putting the United States in danger. Trump has been doing a good job of this himself lately, saying he didn't care if Saudi Acadia acquired nuclear weapons, a government that is filled with known supporters of terrorism. His repeated promise to tear up NAFTA and trade agreements with China has brought warnings from economist across the country of the serve economic consequences of such an action. His lack of self control, unpredictable behavior, and lack of understanding of international policies aren't desirable qualifications for the man with the nuclear launch codes.

Clinton's claim that Trump is the most dangerous presidential candidate in history is going to be a major part of the Clinton campaign because Trump has given them ample evidence to work with.
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
The fact is terrorism is a crime and it should be treated as such. The alternative is too terrible to even consider.

There is too much killing on the basis of an extreme Muslim ideology that's spreading beyond just a handful of individuals. You can't say that your interest is to protect and defend Americans when you are not willing to be truthful in identifying the ideological threat that exists. You can make excuses for it, however it hasn't stopped their tactics and their increasing boldness. Obama's efforts to sit back and use our troops as advisors while allowing other nations to face our battles for us, hasn't prevented nor reduced the number of attacks we have seen both nationally and globally. Obama has not been able to make this nation any safer by viewing them as criminals needing Miranda rights read to them, it's only embolden these terrorists and the rising of other terror networks. We only had Al Qeada to worry about before Obama, now we have more groups and lost terroritory to contend with. Hillary hasn't shown to be any different, so I'd expect more of the same ... much like the previous Clinton administration when terror attacks went unanswered.
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
The fact is terrorism is a crime and it should be treated as such. The alternative is too terrible to even consider.

There is too much killing on the basis of an extreme Muslim ideology that's spreading beyond just a handful of individuals. You can't say that your interest is to protect and defend Americans when you are not willing to be truthful in identifying the ideological threat that exists. You can make excuses for it, however it hasn't stopped their tactics and their increasing boldness. Obama's efforts to sit back and use our troops as advisors while allowing other nations to face our battles for us, hasn't prevented nor reduced the number of attacks we have seen both nationally and globally. Obama has not been able to make this nation any safer by viewing them as criminals needing Miranda rights read to them, it's only embolden these terrorists and the rising of other terror networks. We only had Al Qeada to worry about before Obama, now we have more groups and lost terroritory to contend with. Hillary hasn't shown to be any different, so I'd expect more of the same ... much like the previous Clinton administration when terror attacks went unanswered.
So if you don't think terrorism should be treated as a crime and Obama's approach is wrong and Clinton's will be, what exactly are you suggesting.

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