We have witnessed the inevitable defeat of Donald Trump in November

Colorado has left the convention floor.

Other states to follow.
He could actually lose Colo to HRC. Two months ago I would have cracked up laughing. I'm not laughing, even after HRC's email debacle.

There is no HRC email debacle. You are not laughing because your has been Trumped by hate and ignorance.


During their exchange, Comey admitted that Clinton, despite her claims of innocence, shared classified information from multiple devices and failed to turn over all of her work-related emails after she was ordered to do so.

GOWDY: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received classified information over her private e-mail. Was that true?

COMEY: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent —

GOWDY: So it was not true?

COMEY: That’s what I said.

GOWDY: OK. Well, I’m looking for a little shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was not marked classified on her e-mails either sent or received, was that true?

COMEY: That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.’ Was that true?

COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?

COMEY: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of State.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said neither she nor anyone else deleted work-related e-mails from her personal account. Was that true?

COMEY: That’s a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related e-mails in — on devices or slack space, whether they were deleted or whether when a server was changed out something happened to them. There’s no doubt that the work-related e-mails that were removed electronically from the — the e-mail system.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually?


In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.
The Rules Committee, led by my friend over ruled the will of the majority of the delegates (NeverTrump) at the Convention, and are now trying to move forward. The NeverTrump GOP will now guarantee Donald's defeat in November.


Half of the Republican party will either be sitting out this election, doing a write in or voting for Hillary Clinton. Either way it's a vote for Hillary Clinton. She will most certainly be the next POTUS. With Trump at the top of the ticket, Republicans will also lose the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.

I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republican women organize to support Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

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Most of the job growth in this country that Obama tries to take credit for has been in states where the Democrats are not in charge of the government. Texas by itself has had half of the job growth that the asshole Obama tries to take credit for.

It is time for that shithead Obama to start being honest with America but don't count on it.

Obama has been a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary will be more of the same.
I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.
Then why did Gw bush refer to Clinton's surplus when he announced tax breaks to the rich? Why???

He knew the truth, to Democrats, would be too much for them to comprehend.
The Rules Committee, led by my friend over ruled the will of the majority of the delegates (NeverTrump) at the Convention, and are now trying to move forward. The NeverTrump GOP will now guarantee Donald's defeat in November.


I heard the "vote". The "No's" were easily as loud if not more so than those in agreement. Somebody must have paid off the speaker guy. I won't mention any names but his initials are DT.
The Rules Committee, led by my friend over ruled the will of the majority of the delegates (NeverTrump) at the Convention, and are now trying to move forward. The NeverTrump GOP will now guarantee Donald's defeat in November.


I heard the vote. The "No's" were easily as loud if not more so than those in agreement. Somebody must have paid off the speaker guy. I won't mention any names but his initials are DT.

I heard it too--there was no way to tell--even on the 2nd try--that the yes's had their favor. Afterward's the convention turned into an RNC funeral---very low enthusiasm.

This election is over--Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. Frankly, they deserve every loss coming their way. They were warned time and time again, and they ignored every single warning and voted for the Chimpanzee anyway. I doubt Trump will even win 50% of the Republican party.

The Rules Committee, led by my friend over ruled the will of the majority of the delegates (NeverTrump) at the Convention, and are now trying to move forward. The NeverTrump GOP will now guarantee Donald's defeat in November.


I heard the vote. The "No's" were easily as loud if not more so than those in agreement. Somebody must have paid off the speaker guy. I won't mention any names but his initials are DT.

I heard it too--there was no way to tell--even on the 2nd try--that the yes's had their favor. Afterward's the convention turned into an RNC funeral---very low enthusiasm.

This election is over--Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. Frankly, they deserve every loss coming their way. They were warned time and time again, and they ignored every single warning and voted for the Chimpanzee anyway. I doubt Trump will even win 50% of the Republican party.


I have totally lost any will to give a rat's ass who wins.

Neither candidate will get any help from congress.
Markle, post: 14778806
In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.

Three emails had partial classified markings that Comey explained Sec Clinton was not technologically savvy enough to detect.

The FBI surely used sophisticated high tech to find and interpret those partial markings.

That explains why she was not lying and there was no crime committed in Comey's 'Republican' opinion to prosecute.

That's why the email debacle only exists in Hillary hater's heads and Comey did her a favor by finishing up well ahead of November.

Nothing left to talk about already.

She has a strong electoral college lead currently and will only improve as people start paying attention to what an incompetent boob has done to change the GOP to the WPP.

The White Peoples Party of Donald Trump.
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I knew you'd say that.

So there has been a jobs recovery. Thank you for finally admitting it.

And if red states are doing so well why are the people in them so angry?
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

Then Donald is the most beloved man in the universe.
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
No, the president doesn’t engage in the ignorant, hateful bigotry that most on the right do.

Obama correctly and accurately understands that religions don’t commit acts of terror, that Muslims as a whole are not ‘responsible’ for the acts of the non-representative few, and that those who commit acts of terror are alone responsible for their crimes, not the religion they claim to belong to.
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
No, the president doesn’t engage in the ignorant, hateful bigotry that most on the right do.

Obama correctly and accurately understands that religions don’t commit acts of terror, that Muslims as a whole are not ‘responsible’ for the acts of the non-representative few, and that those who commit acts of terror are alone responsible for their crimes, not the religion they claim to belong to.

Its not inaccurate, unless you simply have not been paying attention over the last 20 years, to say that there is an extreme ideology out there determined to kill Americans who believe they are in a holy war. Does that label all Muslims as terrorists? No. It acknowledges where the threat exists, what region they thrive, and what their extreme faith believes. Obama was not afraid to name Saudia Arabia as the "region" where it appears to have, in some way, endorsed terrorism on 9-11 .... he just shares a different point of view when it's under HIS administration.
Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.
Then why did Gw bush refer to Clinton's surplus when he announced tax breaks to the rich? Why???
I don't know. Maybe because the Clintons and the Bushes are friends. Maybe because Bush is a dumbass Washington insider. I don't know.

Regardless, the so-called "surplus" did not exist.
Do we calculate U.S. Budgets in the same manner today as we calculated U.S. budgets during the Clinton Presidency?

YES, we do!!!

Clinton/Gingrich HAD a Budget Surplus....whomever you are reading on this topic, is simply partisans, playing with your head!!!

NOTE! the BUDGET is not the same thing as the National DEBT.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

  • By Brooks Jackson
  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets... which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.

Part of it is that the white trash contingent have been inflamed for eight years by the color of the president's skin.
I think it's because texas' and Indiana's real unemployment is a lot higher than they are telling us.

If real unemployment is real then it must be real in Mike pences state too.

And does Mike pence have a projected surplus like Clinton did?

As you know, President Clinton did NOT have a surplus much as you DESPERATELY want to believe that myth. Plus, the House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. Those budgets were sent to the White House by who? RIGHT! Newt Gingrich, he also forced President Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The act that took millions OFF the WELFARE ROLLS and put them on PAYROLLS. It also took them from receiving tax money to PAYING taxes.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who dismantled that highly successful program.
I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

Then Donald is the most beloved man in the universe.
I knew trump was modeling his campaign on how Obama ran in 2008 but for them to steal Michelle Obama's speech?
You are gonna be so inconsolable after election day......

Still rooting for a woman who took a dump on her security clearance and trafficked in intel that may have gotten foreign assets murdered?

This Clinton will be no different than her husband on handling terrorist attacks, as he called it simply a crime. Obama refuses to acknowledge the ideology but would rather blame guns to divert attention. Yet he did not hesitate to mention a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity. As long as the left continues to make excuses and not honestly look at the threat we are facing, we will find a lot more terrorist attacks going unanswered whether it's Benghazi, San Bernardino, Orlando, USS Cole, or the U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya and Tanzania. Her attitude will be the same as it is towards those families that have been effected by Benghazi - "it's time to move on".
No, the president doesn’t engage in the ignorant, hateful bigotry that most on the right do.

Obama correctly and accurately understands that religions don’t commit acts of terror, that Muslims as a whole are not ‘responsible’ for the acts of the non-representative few, and that those who commit acts of terror are alone responsible for their crimes, not the religion they claim to belong to.
A majority of Muslims believe in a world wide Caliphate. How to get there is where they disagree.
A majority of Muslims believe Apostates should be killed and Adulterers stoned.
A majority of Muslims believe that anyone who speaks ill of their faith should be executed.
These are your moderate Muslims. They might not all be for using terroristic tactics to bring about this change but they all want it.

I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

I have posted the figures several times that showed that the cumulative Federal national debt was greater when Slick Willy left office than when he took over and all I get is stupidity out of the Moon Bats. They also conveniently forget the aggressive role Newt and the 1994 Republicans played in getting Slick Willy under control. None of them ever want to talk about the declining economy Slick Willy turned over to Bush in 2001.

For the most part they are uneducable. You have to remember they are the idiots that voted for Obama and think Crooked Hillary is honest so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.

I've been trying for years to convince the liberal dingbats that Clinton's "surplus" was in his mind only. (Just another Clinton LIE!) It was voodoo economics and the ignoring of the 'off budget' items that created the imaginary "surplus". I've posted numerous educational links over the years, but the diehard liberal supporters reject the truth like the bubonic plague. Liberals and the truth are like oil and water...they don't mix.

I have posted the figures several times that showed that the cumulative Federal national debt was greater when Slick Willy left office than when he took over and all I get is stupidity out of the Moon Bats. They also conveniently forget the aggressive role Newt and the 1994 Republicans played in getting Slick Willy under control. None of them ever want to talk about the declining economy Slick Willy turned over to Bush in 2001.

For the most part they are uneducable. You have to remember they are the idiots that voted for Obama and think Crooked Hillary is honest so you know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
What president had a lower debt leaving office than when they came in?

Clinton had a surplus fool.

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