We republicans now need to work with Obama to avoid the fiscal cliff

We republicans are going to have to make a deal with him(obama) or we're going over the fiscal cliff. That will be a blood bath.

Would you be ok with a 3-4% raise in the income tax on people making a million dollars per year. With the corporate going down to 28% like Obama said he would earlier this year?

Maybe we can discuss some middle class tax cuts to help businesses?

I think we now owe the American people at least this much?

We need to go off that fiscal cliff. No deal that obama would make would benefit the people when his goal is to move more people into dependency.
The budget control act was in itself a compromise.

Yes, it was, Snipe.

A compromise that will ONLY go into effect if CONGRESS does nothing to pprevent it from going into effect.

I assumed that most people already understood that fact.

In your case, I suppose I was wrong for not pointing out the bloody obvious.

You are calling for undoing the previous compromise, which was made into law as a concession to Obama since the Democrats refused to engage in the budget process.

Just get your facts straight.

I not only got the facts right, I documented how right they were.

Just admit for once, that you made a factuasl mistake and move on.

That how grown ups deal with the fact that sometimes they're wrong. They acknowledge that they were misinformed and they move on.

You should give it a try.
We republicans are going to have to make a deal with him(obama) or we're going over the fiscal cliff. That will be a blood bath.

Would you be ok with a 3-4% raise in the income tax on people making a million dollars per year. With the corporate going down to 28% like Obama said he would earlier this year?

Maybe we can discuss some middle class tax cuts to help businesses?

I think we now owe the American people at least this much?

We need to go off that fiscal cliff. No deal that obama would make would benefit the people when his goal is to move more people into dependency.

The Leftists are buying elections with a trillion in borrowed handouts each year.

Short of shocking the system with Taxmageddon and draconian cuts, nothing is going to change.
who cares, romney would have done exactly the same sh*#, keeping the global elites agenda on course. this soap opera of an election just creates an illusion of choice. so keep on blabbin about dem/rep bla bla bla bla bla, its all hot air, totally meaningless you might as well debate size of a badgers arse crack.
who cares, romney would have done exactly the same sh*#, keeping the global elites agenda on course. this soap opera of an election just creates an illusion of choice. so keep on blabbin about dem/rep bla bla bla bla bla, its all hot air, totally meaningless you might as well debate size of a badgers arse crack.

No, Romney would have been a good president.

I think he'll run again.

He'll win next time.

Reagan showed how possible that is.
Fuck that. The budget gets worked up by the House, then goes to HARRY REID to work out resolution, and then goes to Obama for signature or veto.

Fuck his dictator approach.

Well gee, if the budget is written by the House, how come people always give the President shit over the deficit?

Can't have it both ways, SnippedFart.
Good point, House. See? Obama's landslide is already making you more reasonable!

Barry's "landslide" is a lot less this go-round than in '08. His 7 point popular vote margin shrunk, thus far, to about a half of point. Also lost about 90 or so EC votes. Nonetheless, a win is a win but it's no where near a landslide.
5 hours post concession and my convictions haven't changed 1 iota.

I'll be happy to discuss raising taxes AFTER we see some REAL cuts instituted.

Not cuts 10 years down the road with taxes raised today...we've seen that shell game in action too many times....the government grows, the deficit grows, the cuts evaporate and our debt is higher than ever.

We are borrowing 40 cents of every dollar spent by the federal government...that's a fact.

The debt is growing by a trillion dollars of deficit spending per year under Obama...that's a fact.

The GDP hasn't grown by more than an anemic 2.2% quarterly under Obama's economic leadership, so we sure as hell aren't growing out of debt...that's a fact.

And what is the Presidents plan to fight this inferno of debt you ask?

He's got a watering can with the "tax the rich" scheme in it.

That's not a plan, it's a practical joke. And the irony is the only folks laughing today are the ones that fell for it.
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who cares, romney would have done exactly the same sh*#, keeping the global elites agenda on course. this soap opera of an election just creates an illusion of choice. so keep on blabbin about dem/rep bla bla bla bla bla, its all hot air, totally meaningless you might as well debate size of a badgers arse crack.

No, Romney would have been a good president.

I think he'll run again.

He'll win next time.

Reagan showed how possible that is.

oh dear, you poor fool. bla bla bla, pointless.
I think a badgers anus is a bad thing, discuss.....
who cares, romney would have done exactly the same sh*#, keeping the global elites agenda on course. this soap opera of an election just creates an illusion of choice. so keep on blabbin about dem/rep bla bla bla bla bla, its all hot air, totally meaningless you might as well debate size of a badgers arse crack.

No, Romney would have been a good president.

I think he'll run again.

He'll win next time.

Reagan showed how possible that is.

oh dear, you poor fool. bla bla bla, pointless.
I think a badgers anus is a bad thing, discuss.....

Badger's anus?

Haven't heard that one before.

Did they just let you out of the funny farm?

Been a member since 2007 and you only have 311 posts.

Guess you've been locked up or don't have much to say.
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5 hours post concession and my convictions haven't changed 1 iota.

I'll be happy to discuss raising taxes AFTER we see some REAL cuts instituted.

Not cuts 10 years down the road with taxes raised today...we've seen that shell game in action too many times....the government grows, the deficit grows, the cuts evaporate and our debt is higher than ever.

We are borrowing 40 cents of every dollar spent by the federal government...that's a fact.

The debt is growing by a trillion dollars of deficit spending per year under Obama...that's a fact.

The GDP hasn't grown by more than an anemic 2.2% quarterly under Obama's economic leadership, so we sure as hell aren't growing out of debt...that's a fact.

And what is the Presidents plan to fight this inferno of debt you ask?

He's got a watering can with the "tax the rich" scheme in it.

That's not a plan, it's a practical joke. And the irony is the only folks laughing today are the ones that fell for it.

Yup. Start cutting and cutting big. Get rid of the tax cuts, loopholes, subsidies and foreign aid.

Everything should be on that table.

They once they do that then they can see where they need to go.

As far as raising taxes they need to raise everyones taxes. There just aren't enough rich out there to make a difference. The middle class is where the revenue is.

Of course none of this will happen.

I think we are headed for that cliff.

Oh wait. Dec 21st is fast approaching. Never mind. We'll all be dead anyway. LOL
House Republicans need to pass Obama's tax proposals in their entirety and let him take the credit or blame for the results. If they block his proposals and middle class taxes go up, they will be voted out of office in the 2014 elections.
People only hate the other guy's congressman. The Republicans control the House of Representatives for at least 8 more years thanks to redistricting, and they control the checkbook.

No, I hate my Congressman. :lol:

My excellent point stands, and you look like more the ass by failing to address it.


What are you, retarded? I am always pointing out that the house controls the purse strings, and wingnuts are always arguing that with me:


A credit downgrade for the US, maybe?

Oh bullshit. Wouldn't that be one of the tremendous accomplishments accredited to the idiot infesting the Oval Orifice?

Nope. The House controls the purse strings, not the President.

And the President is not obligated to negotiate a single fucking thing in order for the House to do the job they were elected to do, which is control the purse strings.


You can rant all you want, and it does not change those facts.

That's right, there have been 208 weekends in the last 4 years. Wth, is he not allowed a guilty pleasure once every two weeks?

Golf is a guilty pleasure? Golf is probably good for you. Nonetheless, it is still leisure. And frankly that's a lot of leisure for a guy with a lot of responsibilities and a lot of failures.

I would bet that Speaker Boehner plays more, and more often away from Washington than President Obama (praise be unto Him!) does.

And, while it looks like the teabaggers have relieved him of responsibility, he has failed miserably as Speaker, and has blocked everything that Obama has proposed.

The House controls the purse strings, not the President Of The United States.

Boehner owns all of the failures.


Yep....Obama = broken promise after broken promise.

cut the deficit
transparent government
no red state, no blue state, just one nation

Are you aware that the Republicans in the House and Senate refused to allow the closing of GTMO?

Are you aware that the House controls the purse strings, not the Executive Branch?

I don't see any evidence that he has been less transparent than Bush.

When - on the very night of Obama's inauguration - Republicans get together to agree that they will oppose everything he does, who gets the blame for national division?

Here, talking about Reagan in the 1980s:

He halved black unemployment
How did he do that?
and presided over a 12 percent increase in family earning.
"Presiding over" something isn't actually doing something.
If both of those items are actually true, the credit would go to the Democratic House, which controls the purse strings.

That's just the first 4 that I found. There are a bunch more.

So what are you talking about?
We republicans are going to have to make a deal with him(obama) or we're going over the fiscal cliff. That will be a blood bath.

Would you be ok with a 3-4% raise in the income tax on people making a million dollars per year. With the corporate going down to 28% like Obama said he would earlier this year?

Maybe we can discuss some middle class tax cuts to help businesses?

I think we now owe the American people at least this much?

I agree, but somehow I seriously doubt it will happen.
The question is, will Obama work with the Republicans in Congress or will he do he regular act of "It's my way or the highway", because we won.

No, will the Republicans in Congress realize that Obama has now won two landslides and they have to compromise with his agenda?

If Obama and his supporters are going to run around calling last night a landslide.

Were all fucked. Last night was an extremely close election, not a landslide.

The question is, will Obama work with the Republicans in Congress or will he do he regular act of "It's my way or the highway", because we won.

No, will the Republicans in Congress realize that Obama has now won two landslides and they have to compromise with his agenda?

If Obama and his supporters are going to run around calling last night a landslide.

Were all fucked. Last night was an extremely close election, not a landslide.


Dimwitcraps think a .1% drop in unemployment is reason to have a party it's no wonder they believe (you'll notice I didn't say think) that the election was a landslide.
I said it the first go around and I'll say it again. Republicans need to stand firm. Call his bluff. The worst thing that can happen is the economy crashes but we know now that mister miracle can handle that with ease.
The question is, will Obama work with the Republicans in Congress or will he do he regular act of "It's my way or the highway", because we won.

No, will the Republicans in Congress realize that Obama has now won two landslides and they have to compromise with his agenda?

If Obama and his supporters are going to run around calling last night a landslide.

Were all fucked. Last night was an extremely close election, not a landslide.


Too late, we saw you kissing their liberal asses last night.
The question is, will Obama work with the Republicans in Congress or will he do he regular act of "It's my way or the highway", because we won.

No, will the Republicans in Congress realize that Obama has now won two landslides and they have to compromise with his agenda?

If Obama and his supporters are going to run around calling last night a landslide.

Were all fucked. Last night was an extremely close election, not a landslide.

"I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my style." - George Bush, 2004.

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