What A Blessing: Texas Adoption Agencies Could Ban Jews, Gays, And Muslims

If the birth mother wants the child to go to a family of a particular religion, then she should work through one of the religious adoption agencies, and there is no problem, right?

Otherwise, there shouldn't be discrimination - a good family is a good family and she is choosing to give up the child. The best that can be promised is that the child will be placed in a stable loving family.
But what is happening is the anti-Christian lobby is attempting to make it ILLEGAL for Christian agencies to consider only CHRISTIAN families for the babies of CHRISTIANS that they are seeking to place.
the anti-Christian lobby

Indian Reservations are allowed to reject white adoptive parents for Indian kids when they remove kids from their parents.

I think that is more complex ... because there was a history of removing Indian children and putting them into outside foster care and families. I think the history of our nation with the Indian nations adds an additional level of complexity.
Honey, there is a global history of removing the children of conquered societies and placing them with their conquerors. It isn't specific to Indians. So why should they get to choose to place children with Indians...but Christians may not place kids with Christians? Keep in mind...these are Christian adoption agencies, who take money from Christians to help deeper as Te families who have GONE TO THEM to find goid Christian homes for their kids. Fuck the baby killing anti Christians, who seek to prevent the formation of Christian families, and would rather see children dead, or placed with mentally ill homosexuals, or militant, anti female Muslims than allow average Christians to adopt them.

I have no problem with Christian families. Or any other living nurturing family. That's the point.

A child shouldn't be denied a family solely on the basis of religion or gender.

I don't see where you get that I'm "against" Christians since I don't think they should be discriminated against either.
kids aren't being denied families. That's the point. There are plenty if Christian families willing to adopt. What the homo crowd wants is to be able to interfere with the right of Christian birth parents to be able to choose who adopts their kids.
If it's a private agency fine. The OP said "and others" including those accepting government funds. That's not fine.
If the birth mother wants the child to go to a family of a particular religion, then she should work through one of the religious adoption agencies, and there is no problem, right?

Otherwise, there shouldn't be discrimination - a good family is a good family and she is choosing to give up the child. The best that can be promised is that the child will be placed in a stable loving family.
That's way too simple. There has to be a war against Christianity, don't you understand?
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
This isn't about hatred. It's about protectionism and love for the children.
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
A read yesterday that Steve is actually a leftie's sock and he writes this way to make RW's look bad. Don't let him get under your skin; he's not real.
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
This isn't about hatred. It's about protectionism and love for the children.

Bullshit. It is ALL about hate. That is what you live for. Otherwise you would be pushing for deeper background checks and not worrying about religions or sexual orientation.
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
A read yesterday that Steve is actually a leftie's sock and he writes this way to make RW's look bad. Don't let him get under your skin; he's not real.

He doesn't get under my skin at all.
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.
If they want rights, they simply have to keep the child.
The keyword is responsible.
What if there is an illness, permanent loss of income or some other circumstance that compels a couple to put their child up for adoption?
Changes nothing. They give up the child, they give up all rights as well.

No one gives children up for adoption because they're going through a bad patch. And no adoptive parent is going to take a child with "strings" attached. Especially strings that override their interests as hands on parents making the day to day decisions parents make, in favour of someone who isn't there and doesn't know what's going on.

There are so many children awaiting adoption, it is much easier and less complicated to find a child for whom all parental ties are severed.

Parents who do not sever ties are also the type to try to come back into a child's life after they're adopted and try to re-insert themselves into a child's life. Sometimes that's a good thing. More often, it's not.
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.
If they want rights, they simply have to keep the child.
The keyword is responsible.
What if there is an illness, permanent loss of income or some other circumstance that compels a couple to put their child up for adoption?
If my family didn't step forward I would disown them.

Seriously. Who in your family would not raise your children in the event you were to become incapacitated?

Understood if you have no other family to accept the responsibility.
Just as Conservative Jesus taught. Suffer the little children to come unto Me, except my fellow Jews, the upstart Muslims and by no means Gays.

Send them to the Cardinal.....in the........uh.........Rectory........

"moral christian"?

What could YOU possibly know about either?

Post the EXACT bible passage that says that Jews, gays, Muslims babies should not be adopted or be the adopters.

"moral christian"

What a laugh.


Leave no child's behind.

Damn catholics. They hate children.

Rectitude was the fondest memory of Steve's rearing, he will tell you.

By your logic the right thing to do is take innocent Muslim Jew and atheist kids away from their parents.

Kids up for adoption aren't Christians. They haven't decided for themselves. So they are up for grabs if a Jew Muslim or atheist wants to brainwash them.

As an atheist I would just lie

Oh look leftists NOT approving of CHOICE once again....still trying to figure out if leftists think choice is OK for anything other than murdering babies.

This is about the opposite of CHOICE.
Nonsense. Its about allow adoption agencies CHOOSING who they want to allow to adopt children. They already CHOOSE based on certain criteria this just allows them to expand that.

So more children stay in foster care or an institution because of the adoption agency's baseless bias? How compassionate.
It is compassionate and it's not bias. Raising these kids in total Christianity is the pure moral thing to do. They must be one with the Bible.
Why am I visualizing Carrie White?
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.
Perhaps in certain circumstances. But as a former adoption case worker, supervisor and trainer, I will tell you there are far more children in need of a permanent and stable home than there are adoptive parents who can provide for them. There are numerous criteria that must be considered and race, ethnicity and sexual orientation are not on the list.

I will add that it is ignorant, opprobrious, bigoted bovine excrement to suggest that any group should be systematically eliminated from consideration as adoptive parents. It is discrimination and a disservice to the children who have suffered enough already.

Lastly, few of the birth parents who's children have been placed for adoption are what I would call responsible. Most have abused and/or neglected the children and in my opinion have forfeited there right to make those decisions.
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.

Now that is an interesting question. Should birth mothers be allow d to dictate by who and how their child will be raised when given up to adoption? You mentioned "responsible couples" in your post, but I doubt there are many responsible couples giving up kids for adoption. Having birth parents who were neither responsible or a couple is kinda how these babies ended up being adopted.

I would allow for input on religion and at least a lower middle class standard of living.
To be honest, I know quite a few adoptive parents who are more than dysfunctional but have good careers and nice homes.
You can be successful, yet irresponsible, or just downright evil.
You know quite a few adoptive parents who are more than dysfunctional? Really ? Not sure I believe that. No one knows "quite a few adoptive parents " leave along quite a few dysfunctional ones. So are you saying that having a good careers and nice homes trumps dysfunctional. Let me tell you something, I have investigated child abuse and neglect case in communities where everyone had good careers and nice homes. Dysfunction is dysfunction and regardless of who the parents are, it fucks up the kids equally badly
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.

Now that is an interesting question. Should birth mothers be allow d to dictate by who and how their child will be raised when given up to adoption? You mentioned "responsible couples" in your post, but I doubt there are many responsible couples giving up kids for adoption. Having birth parents who were neither responsible or a couple is kinda how these babies ended up being adopted.

I would allow for input on religion and at least a lower middle class standard of living.
To be honest, I know quite a few adoptive parents who are more than dysfunctional but have good careers and nice homes.
You can be successful, yet irresponsible, or just downright evil.
You know quite a few adoptive parents who are more than dysfunctional? Really ? Not sure I believe that. No one knows "quite a few adoptive parents " leave along quite a few dysfunctional ones. So are you saying that having a good careers and nice homes trumps dysfunctional. Let me tell you something, I have investigated child abuse and neglect case in communities where everyone had good careers and nice homes. Dysfunction is dysfunction and regardless of who the parents are, it fucks up the kids equally badly
I live in an Orthodox Jewish community and everybody knows when someone passes gas.
If you don't see it, the kids spill the beans when they become teenagers, especially if they reject the religion.
And I have enough respect for the difference in the religions to allow for the biological parents to request the religion.
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.

Now that is an interesting question. Should birth mothers be allow d to dictate by who and how their child will be raised when given up to adoption? You mentioned "responsible couples" in your post, but I doubt there are many responsible couples giving up kids for adoption. Having birth parents who were neither responsible or a couple is kinda how these babies ended up being adopted.

I would allow for input on religion and at least a lower middle class standard of living.
To be honest, I know quite a few adoptive parents who are more than dysfunctional but have good careers and nice homes.
You can be successful, yet irresponsible, or just downright evil.

Indeed they can. And that is not about religious beliefs or sexual orientation. There are plenty of horror stories about children being abused by "good christian" parents.
Only if the children have been infiltrated by Satan.
I would believe that you have been infiltrated by Satan, if I believed in Satan. Since I don't, I can only conclude that you are mentally ill.
I suspect this will face Constitutional challenge.
It shouldn't. Nothing should come between doing what's right for our loving Christian God.

I was adopted by Jews, and it's the greatest honor I could be ever given. Give me Jews, Muslims, gays. ANYONE but people with your viewpoint.

Since I was an orphan, your kind of narrow minded sight is a riddle to me. You think that a starved, abandoned and neglected child really cares for which ethnic group or religion his adoptive parents belong? what children need is care.

You're not very intelligent.
Word up!! Word up!!

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