What are the chances of a Trump re-election WITHOUT a wall?

Just rewards for what? Being decent, caring people?

For a life lived in a manner contrary to the basic concepts of Right and Wrong as handed down from the earliest of human Societies.

I find “decent, caring people” are generally the least Moral and Virtuous amongst our modern Society; which is saying something in our utterly disgusting American Society of the 20th and 21st Century.
Just rewards for what? Being decent, caring people?

For a life lived in a manner contrary to the basic concepts of Right and Wrong as handed down from the earliest of human Societies.

I find “decent, caring people” are generally the least Moral and Virtuous amongst our modern Society; which is saying something in our utterly disgusting American Society of the 20th and 21st Century.

I know from reading all of your other post that you're a twisted minded ass and care nothing for anyone but yourself. "Moral" men don't beat their wives if she doesn't "obey" them.

We help out the poor and give donations to the churches who help the homeless. I even knit scarves for them because I was told they value hand made items the most because someone actually took the time to make it for them. I volunteer for an animal rescue group and he helps out with the veterans in this area. He works with them to get all of the medical and financial help that is coming to them from the VA. He also helps a poor man by employing him to work around here and pays him a lot higher than minimum wage.

You however would never do anything like that because you find helping out your fellow man and community disgusting.

Tell you what, in the afterlife, I'll be glad to stand toe to toe with you and lets see who gets the harshest judgement.
I know from reading all of your other post that you're a twisted minded ass and care nothing for anyone but yourself. "Moral" men don't beat their wives if she doesn't "obey" them....

Tell you what, in the afterlife, I'll be glad to stand toe to toe with you and lets see who gets the harshest judgement.

You’re Right. A truly Miral man kills her if she doesn’t obey him.

If it is possible, I’d take your challenge. If I’m right I get to see your soul destroyed for Eternity. If you’re Right then I’m doomed to Hell forever, which is where I’d want to be if you’re Right. I win either way.
I know from reading all of your other post that you're a twisted minded ass and care nothing for anyone but yourself. "Moral" men don't beat their wives if she doesn't "obey" them....

Tell you what, in the afterlife, I'll be glad to stand toe to toe with you and lets see who gets the harshest judgement.

You’re Right. A truly Miral man kills her if she doesn’t obey him.

If it is possible, I’d take your challenge. If I’m right I get to see your soul destroyed for Eternity. If you’re Right then I’m doomed to Hell forever, which is where I’d want to be if you’re Right. I win either way.

You are truly twisted and disgusting. Kill her?? Really??

Oh, and one of the ten commandments: Thou shalt NOT kill!!

And, if you killed her, you'd spend the rest of your miserable life in prison. Does your wife know you will kill her if she doesn't obey you?
Trump will get his wall

It will surround his prison
Maybe he's lucky a sitting president can't be indicted?
Then again, he has the money and toughness to beat any bullshit charges Mueller and his dem cohorts come up with.

The Vegas odds favor Trump replacing Ruthie before he gets in legal trouble from the incompetent dem clown car investigations
The odds also favor Trump not finishing his term
The GOP senate won't remove Trump unless its legitimate. So far Mueller has no slam dunk charges.
Nor should they

We don’t want another impeachment over a blowjob or in Trumps case, paying off hookers

I believe Mueller will hit Trump with multiple charges. Some trivial, some serious
The GOP senate won't remove Trump unless its legitimate. So far Mueller has no slam dunk charges.

What about the "charge" that Trump hires mostly corrupt crooks who are being sent to prison??

(....and don't forget that SDNY and NY state AG..................LMAO)

You can indict Trump for the crime of hiring others? Manafort's crimes were 10 years old, Flynn's was a perjury trap, Cohen is just a slimy NYC lawyer/crook, Popadopulus was also a perjury trap. Nothing on Trump.
The FBI had much more on Hillary, but refused to prosecute. So much for equal justice.
We don’t care about Manaforts crimes or Flynn’s
We care about what they have to tell us about the President
You are truly twisted and disgusting. Kill her?? Really??

Oh, and one of the ten commandments: Thou shalt NOT kill!!

And, if you killed her, you'd spend the rest of your miserable life in prison. Does your wife know you will kill her if she doesn't obey you?

The Ten Commandments have no influence on me as I am not a follower of any religion, nevermind an Abrahamic one.

I said a truly Moral man would kill her. Unfortunately at my age I don’t have thst luxury.

She is however well aware that she and her family have no other options if I were to throw them out - effectively a death sentence for all of them. She also knows I’m more than willing to do that.
Hildabeast was your queen. She can’t even walk without assistance these days. I don’t even want to think about the situation the country would be in, if she hadn’t have lost. I’ve heard all kinds of promises from past administrations, that came no where near what he has done in two years. That’s with resistance every step of the way. The wall would have already been done. The go fund me is a good reminder of the support he has, despite the sabotaging from the left. Don’t worry, at some juncture down the road you’ll get your carbon tax, so your leaders can take more for themselves. I don’t give a fuck enough to disrupt governmental hearings. I’ll just continue to vote Right.

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Hildabeast was your queen. She can’t even walk without assistance these days. I don’t even want to think about the situation the country would be in, if she hadn’t have lost. I’ve heard all kinds of promises from past administrations, that came no where near what he has done in two years. That’s with resistance every step of the way. The wall would have already been done. The go fund me is a good reminder of the support he has, despite the sabotaging from the left. Don’t worry, at some juncture down the road you’ll get your carbon tax, so your leaders can take more for themselves. I don’t a fuck enough to disrupt governmental hearings. I’ll just continue to vote Right.

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FDR was in a wheelchair and he served for over 12 years
Hildabeast was your queen. She can’t even walk without assistance these days. I don’t even want to think about the situation the country would be in, if she hadn’t have lost. I’ve heard all kinds of promises from past administrations, that came no where near what he has done in two years. That’s with resistance every step of the way. The wall would have already been done. The go fund me is a good reminder of the support he has, despite the sabotaging from the left. Don’t worry, at some juncture down the road you’ll get your carbon tax, so your leaders can take more for themselves. I don’t a fuck enough to disrupt governmental hearings. I’ll just continue to vote Right.

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FDR was in a wheelchair and he served for over 12 years

Because he had a medical condition, not because he was an uncoordinated fat ass.

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Last edited:
Hildabeast was your queen. She can’t even walk without assistance these days. I don’t even want to think about the situation the country would be in, if she hadn’t have lost. I’ve heard all kinds of promises from past administrations, that came no where near what he has done in two years. That’s with resistance every step of the way. The wall would have already been done. The go fund me is a good reminder of the support he has, despite the sabotaging from the left. Don’t worry, at some juncture down the road you’ll get your carbon tax, so your leaders can take more for themselves. I don’t a fuck enough to disrupt governmental hearings. I’ll just continue to vote Right.

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FDR was in a wheelchair and he served for over 12 years

Because he had a medical condition, not because he was a fat ass.

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No President has had a s Fat an ass as Trump since Taft
Hildabeast was your queen. She can’t even walk without assistance these days. I don’t even want to think about the situation the country would be in, if she hadn’t have lost. I’ve heard all kinds of promises from past administrations, that came no where near what he has done in two years. That’s with resistance every step of the way. The wall would have already been done. The go fund me is a good reminder of the support he has, despite the sabotaging from the left. Don’t worry, at some juncture down the road you’ll get your carbon tax, so your leaders can take more for themselves. I don’t a fuck enough to disrupt governmental hearings. I’ll just continue to vote Right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
FDR was in a wheelchair and he served for over 12 years

Because he had a medical condition, not because he was a fat ass.

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No President has had a s Fat an ass as Trump since Taft

You are an expert on men’s asses, huh?

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The real reason why the Democrats are opposed to the border wall is because they are on a mission to displace their opposition, aka mainstream middle class Anglo voters.

Many Voters are not really aware that millions of Democrats are racist who not accept that American is a sovereign country.

If Trumps approval by the people were as bad as the left-wing pollsters say it is, we wouldn't have gained Senate seats. In fact we would have lost quite a bit. Election results showed that Republicans and Democrats both had huge turnouts last election; the largest since 1929 on both sides. That is the exact opposite of what those approval ratings say about Trump.

Don't be an eternal moron on here........Those senate seats gained were almost all in vivid red states........Look at 2020 and how many GOP senate seats your ilk is going to have to defend........in the soon-to-be recession and scandal-ridden administration.

The 2020 senate races look fine for the GOP. I would not bet against any GOP incumbent. Doug Jones (AL) is gone. That means that the GOP has a 4 seat cushion. Collins, McSally, Tillis and Earnst look solid as well. Gardner (CO) and Shaheen (NH) look to be a wash. It is not a given that the dems will flip the Senate.
Here are the seven senators most likely to lose their seats in 2020
Trump will get his wall

It will surround his prison
Maybe he's lucky a sitting president can't be indicted?
Then again, he has the money and toughness to beat any bullshit charges Mueller and his dem cohorts come up with.

The Vegas odds favor Trump replacing Ruthie before he gets in legal trouble from the incompetent dem clown car investigations
The odds also favor Trump not finishing his term
The GOP senate won't remove Trump unless its legitimate. So far Mueller has no slam dunk charges.
Nor should they

We don’t want another impeachment over a blowjob or in Trumps case, paying off hookers

I believe Mueller will hit Trump with multiple charges. Some trivial, some serious

In what, 20 years? He wasted 2 of them already so he only has 18 left.
Of course, the thread's title doesn't even cover the barrage of fuckups that will have the orange clown going into constant shit-fits........

But, as even the most radical conservatives are openly stating, without a wall, Trump is dead.....

So, Trump cult members, what do you think???

Will the likely ZERO chances of a wall being built with a Dem. led House prevent another disaster of a Trump re-election???

His chances only increase if it’s not done. Especially when it’s Dems and RINOs preventing it, because Americans want the wall.
Of course, the thread's title doesn't even cover the barrage of fuckups that will have the orange clown going into constant shit-fits........

But, as even the most radical conservatives are openly stating, without a wall, Trump is dead.....

So, Trump cult members, what do you think???

Will the likely ZERO chances of a wall being built with a Dem. led House prevent another disaster of a Trump re-election???
just the right wing being frivolous, like usual. there is no express wall building power. Government should not be shut down over that.
Of course, the thread's title doesn't even cover the barrage of fuckups that will have the orange clown going into constant shit-fits........

But, as even the most radical conservatives are openly stating, without a wall, Trump is dead.....

So, Trump cult members, what do you think???

Will the likely ZERO chances of a wall being built with a Dem. led House prevent another disaster of a Trump re-election???
Far better question is: how many MS-13 members must dems import to make up for all the Americans who will no longer support a Party that hates America

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