What did you have for dinner?

You mean like "New Joisey"?

Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?
It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"

It is Brooklyn actually. That's where he grew up.
I'm from Joisey, actually. Well, actually just since the 10th grade. So it's New Freakin Joisey to be correct.

You can look it up -- he was born and raised in Brooklyn.

But here's a Jersey song consolation prize:
I can look up what, you retarded shithole? I was talking to Lucy about the Brooklyn and Jersey accents and you couldn't follow the conversation.

Go suck a turd for lunch.
I jumped onto a training regimen this week so I'll be having the same meals every day for the next 6 weeks

Breakfast 1 egg, 4 oz lean ground turkey, spinach
Lunch 6 oz chicken, tuna or turkey,and greens
Dinner same as lunch

2 servings of berries a day
You have my condolences.
I jumped onto a training regimen this week so I'll be having the same meals every day for the next 6 weeks

Breakfast 1 egg, 4 oz lean ground turkey, spinach
Lunch 6 oz chicken, tuna or turkey,and greens
Dinner same as lunch

2 servings of berries a day
You have my condolences.

I do this cycle all the time it's really not that tough
Sounds ,,,, minimalist...

It's meant to be
It's a practice in discipline mind over matter I usually up my work outs too so I'm really testing myself

That said it's still easier than fasting for 3 days
I jumped onto a training regimen this week so I'll be having the same meals every day for the next 6 weeks

Breakfast 1 egg, 4 oz lean ground turkey, spinach
Lunch 6 oz chicken, tuna or turkey,and greens
Dinner same as lunch

2 servings of berries a day
You have my condolences.

I do this cycle all the time it's really not that tough
Sounds ,,,, minimalist...

It's meant to be
It's a practice in discipline mind over matter I usually up my work outs too so I'm really testing myself

That said it's still easier than fasting for 3 days
I just eat less, exercise more...
I jumped onto a training regimen this week so I'll be having the same meals every day for the next 6 weeks

Breakfast 1 egg, 4 oz lean ground turkey, spinach
Lunch 6 oz chicken, tuna or turkey,and greens
Dinner same as lunch

2 servings of berries a day
You have my condolences.

I do this cycle all the time it's really not that tough
Sounds ,,,, minimalist...

It's meant to be
It's a practice in discipline mind over matter I usually up my work outs too so I'm really testing myself

That said it's still easier than fasting for 3 days
I just eat less, exercise more...

That's what I'm doing
Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?
It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"

It is Brooklyn actually. That's where he grew up.
I'm from Joisey, actually. Well, actually just since the 10th grade. So it's New Freakin Joisey to be correct.

You can look it up -- he was born and raised in Brooklyn.

But here's a Jersey song consolation prize:
I can look up what, you retarded shithole? I was talking to Lucy about the Brooklyn and Jersey accents and you couldn't follow the conversation.

Go suck a turd for lunch.

Once again in slomo for the Special kids:

Lucy-- 'Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?'
You -- 'It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"'

Well --- no. It isn't. It's Brooklyn.
Read your own posts.
It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"

It is Brooklyn actually. That's where he grew up.
I'm from Joisey, actually. Well, actually just since the 10th grade. So it's New Freakin Joisey to be correct.

You can look it up -- he was born and raised in Brooklyn.

But here's a Jersey song consolation prize:
I can look up what, you retarded shithole? I was talking to Lucy about the Brooklyn and Jersey accents and you couldn't follow the conversation.

Go suck a turd for lunch.

Once again in slomo for the Special kids:

Lucy-- 'Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?'
You -- 'It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"'

Well --- no. It isn't. It's Brooklyn.
Read your own posts.
Like I said, you're reatrd. Proving it over and over does what, exactly? In post 520

Lucy Hamilton said:

Iceweasel said:
Unkotare said:
Outsiders often misunderstand the R thing. One reason Hollywood actors so famously butcher the accent.
You mean like "New Joisey"?

Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?

It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"

I said to Unkotare about the R thing, you mean like New Joisey.

Lucy asked if it was a Brooklyn thing and I said it's a Jersey thing but similar.

The conversation wasn't about Bernie. Now go diddle your clit, it's all you're good for.
So do Vermont people have a similar accent to Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine etc?

Eh, not really. Maybe slightly like Maine. But there are so many immigrants in Vermont, it's diluted.
Meaning, immigrants from other states. I was one of them.

The NOLA accent has a slight Brooklyn thing about it, it's certainly NOT Southern.

You are correct Oosie, it has a similar diphthong and it's absolutely different from the South, even fifty miles away.
I grew up hearing the accents of my cousins/aunts/uncles in southern Mississippi, which is a very different accent from Appalacchia where I live now.

So how did people in NOLA get this type of accent? Who brought it to them?

The French people who settled the area. :)
It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"

It is Brooklyn actually. That's where he grew up.
I'm from Joisey, actually. Well, actually just since the 10th grade. So it's New Freakin Joisey to be correct.

You can look it up -- he was born and raised in Brooklyn.

But here's a Jersey song consolation prize:
I can look up what, you retarded shithole? I was talking to Lucy about the Brooklyn and Jersey accents and you couldn't follow the conversation.

Go suck a turd for lunch.

Once again in slomo for the Special kids:

Lucy-- 'Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?'
You -- 'It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"'

Well --- no. It isn't. It's Brooklyn.
Read your own posts.

Wow. What a spaz he is! Good grief. :rolleyes-41:
I had pork roast (not loin - I like the kind with the fat cap on top better), steamed broccoli with just butter, salt and pepper and mashed potatoes with a couple of cloves of garlic thrown in and a homemade pan sauce that I made with the drippings from the pork roast. I'll make sandwiches with the leftover pork roast. :) Yummy!
I'm from Joisey, actually. Well, actually just since the 10th grade. So it's New Freakin Joisey to be correct.

So do you have a New Joisey accent still?
Negative. I was 16 when we got there, younger siblings have it but not as heavy as the natives. But we were in south Jersey, very different from the north.

Yep. South Jersey gets it from Philly. Think Chris Matthews.
I prolly sounded something like that before I trained for radio. Now I'm not even sure if I can do that accent any more.
Chris Matthews speaks bald fatass constipated homo.

I see this is hard to follow for the kids in the back. I mean linguistically. He speaks Fluffyan.
It's a bald fatass constipated homo dialect of Fluffyan.
So do you have a New Joisey accent still?
Negative. I was 16 when we got there, younger siblings have it but not as heavy as the natives. But we were in south Jersey, very different from the north.

Yep. South Jersey gets it from Philly. Think Chris Matthews.
I prolly sounded something like that before I trained for radio. Now I'm not even sure if I can do that accent any more.
Chris Matthews speaks bald fatass constipated homo.

I see this is hard to follow for the kids in the back. I mean linguistically. He speaks Fluffyan.
It's a bald fatass constipated homo dialect of Fluffyan.

There's no such thing.

Meanwhile back on the topic ... chicken curry and spring rolls with a homemeade peanut ginger sauce.
Back to food....keeping it simple tonight.
Fry up a breaded tenderloin sammich with hot mayo and pickle (mayo/sour cream/sriracha) and a salad.
It is Brooklyn actually. That's where he grew up.
I'm from Joisey, actually. Well, actually just since the 10th grade. So it's New Freakin Joisey to be correct.

You can look it up -- he was born and raised in Brooklyn.

But here's a Jersey song consolation prize:
I can look up what, you retarded shithole? I was talking to Lucy about the Brooklyn and Jersey accents and you couldn't follow the conversation.

Go suck a turd for lunch.

Once again in slomo for the Special kids:

Lucy-- 'Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?'
You -- 'It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"'

Well --- no. It isn't. It's Brooklyn.
Read your own posts.
Like I said, you're reatrd. Proving it over and over does what, exactly? In post 520

Lucy Hamilton said:

Iceweasel said:
Unkotare said:
Outsiders often misunderstand the R thing. One reason Hollywood actors so famously butcher the accent.
You mean like "New Joisey"?

Bernie Sanders has that accent, is that Brooklyn?

It's Jersey but more north Jersey. Brooklyn is similar. Car is cah. Like "Where did ya pock ya cah?"

I said to Unkotare about the R thing, you mean like New Joisey.

Lucy asked if it was a Brooklyn thing and I said it's a Jersey thing but similar.

The conversation wasn't about Bernie. Now go diddle your clit, it's all you're good for.

Iceweasel and Pogo :meow:

Both of you very naughty, now stop it, you've upset Mama :whip::tongue:

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