What Do Centrists Stand For?

Not to the extent of the Democratic Party
It isn't even close.
The fringe left thoroughly control the messaging/platform and direction of the party. 100%
A shining example of that is RFK. Probably one of the most electable individuals since Obama's first run. Plenty of conservatives, myself included, can find parity with him. No conservative can possibly find common ground with Biden or Newsome. None. They are both puppets of the insane.
And look at what the Democrats are doing to RFK because they fear him. They loathe him. To them he is only slightly above their hatred for Donald Trump.
RFK is a flake conspiracy nut. So is Trump.
RFK is a flake conspiracy nut. So is Trump.
That is what you have been told, and evidently you easily buy what you are fed.
Like Trump, he is the most ill-quoted and misrepresented people in politics today.
He showed that quite well in the hearing when the Democrat puppet parroted the often lie that he is anti-sematic and said the Covid virus was formulated to protect Jews. He never said that. What he did do was speak about a published and peer-reviewed article that talked about two races that suffered less than all the others. And talked about a well known fact that the Chinese have spent large sums of money creating ethnic bio weapons. And he said no one knows if Covid was purposefully created that way, but studies show that the effect of it is there.
1) Does anyone really believe Covid was not lab created?
2) We know that the Chinese have attempted to create ethnic targeted bio weapons. - The Coming Threat of a Genetically Engineered ‘Ethnic Bioweapon’ | National Review

So what he is saying is not out of the realm of possibility. Doesn't mean it is true, but it most certainly isn't crazy to wonder if it is true. And BTW - it is a HELLUVA lot less crazy than Democrats saying men can get pregnant.
That is what you have been told, and evidently you easily buy what you are fed.
Like Trump, he is the most ill-quoted and misrepresented people in politics today.
He showed that quite well in the hearing when the Democrat puppet parroted the often lie that he is anti-sematic and said the Covid virus was formulated to protect Jews. He never said that. What he did do was speak about a published and peer-reviewed article that talked about two races that suffered less than all the others. And talked about a well known fact that the Chinese have spent large sums of money creating ethnic bio weapons. And he said no one knows if Covid was purposefully created that way, but studies show that the effect of it is there.
1) Does anyone really believe Covid was not lab created?
2) We know that the Chinese have attempted to create ethnic targeted bio weapons. - The Coming Threat of a Genetically Engineered ‘Ethnic Bioweapon’ | National Review

So what he is saying is not out of the realm of possibility. Doesn't mean it is true, but it most certainly isn't crazy to wonder if it is true. And BTW - it is a HELLUVA lot less crazy than Democrats saying men can get pregnant.
Nope. I listen to RFK. Let him expose himself.
Nope. I listen to RFK. Let him expose himself.
You listen to edited clips of what he says, and have pre-conceived negative opinion before you even hear it.
If you did listen to him, you wouldn't think that. But that is what you are told to think, and, like all leftist, you will comply without resistance. If leftist media were praising RFK and conservatives hated him - you would equally be praising him also.
End of story.
You listen to edited clips of what he says, and have pre-conceived negative opinion before you even hear it.
If you did listen to him, you wouldn't think that. But that is what you are told to think, and, like all leftist, you will comply without resistance. If leftist media were praising RFK and conservatives hated him - you would equally be praising him also.
End of story.
Nope. I listen to what RFK says.
"The fringe" tend to be ideologues. Their views rarely change.
Their views change all the time. They constantly evolve, usually getting nuttier and nuttier until they get smacked back into reality.
Exactly how we have gotten to a place where we are not supposed to know what a woman is.
Correct, nobody but the Dems deny that.

What you miss is that the Republicans have allowed their party to be completely taken over by their fringe. The only ones that deny that are the Repubs
“Fringe” is a cool word….I’ve noticed Mac1958 and Tumblin Tumbleweed really like that word as well….so tell us, what does a “fringe” Lefty support and stand for….conversely, what does a “fringe” Righty support and stand for?
“Fringe” is a cool word….I’ve noticed Mac1958 and Tumblin Tumbleweed really like that word as well….so tell us, what does a “fringe” Lefty support and stand for….conversely, what does a “fringe” Righty support and stand for?
Good question.
USUALLY - the fringe are the frantic nuts out there making wild claims and wearing pink hair and nose rings screaming about one thing or another. Or it is some radical group proselytizing and screaming "God hates Fags".
On the right, the fringe are still the fringe. Meaning - they are a very small minority.
On the left, the fringe took over. Democrats allowed their party to fully join in the fray of craziness.
What is a woman?
Men can have babies
It is acceptable to give life altering drugs to children on a whim.
And on and on.
These things are now mainstream. The crazies completely control the narrative, messaging and platform for the Democrat Party.
Good question.
USUALLY - the fringe are the frantic nuts out there making wild claims and wearing pink hair and nose rings screaming about one thing or another. Or it is some radical group proselytizing and screaming "God hates Fags".
On the right, the fringe are still the fringe. Meaning - they are a very small minority.
On the left, the fringe took over. Democrats allowed their party to fully join in the fray of craziness.
What is a woman?
Men can have babies
It is acceptable to give life altering drugs to children on a whim.
And on and on.
These things are now mainstream. The crazies completely control the narrative, messaging and platform for the Democrat Party.
I disagree

The Right has gone full Crazy Train while the left still nominates moderates
Sure you can
You can be for medical marijuana
Support decriminalization instead of open sales
Support limited sales
Support sale anywhere
That is not a middle of the road compromise, that is not a centrist position. That is being on one side of the issue. Unless for some reason I am misunderstanding something.
That is not a middle of the road compromise, that is not a centrist position. That is being on one side of the issue. Unless for some reason I am misunderstanding something.
On the other side us
Marijuana possession is a minor infraction
Marijuana is a major felony

Plenty of compromises can be made

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