What do leftists stand for, or care about, that the GOP is allegedly trying to destroy?

Can I assume that Hillary means that the GOP is wrecking the communist agenda?

Is that what she meant?

What I want to know is if Hillary realizes that the same thing could conceivably said going the other way. If she's correct - and she's not - isn't it just as impossible for Republicans to be civil to Democrats because the Dems want to tear down and destroy everything Republicans stand for and believe in? And would she consider that equally acceptable?
For example. Lebron hired armed security for his family because his name was found on a list of places to be robbed. Gun nuts claimed he was being a hypocrite because he said no one needed to carry a gun in public. Think about that for a moment. WTF does one have to do with the other?
Did Lebron make any statements against private citizens being allowed to carry a concealed weapon? If he did, then yes, he is a flaming hypocrite, but I don't know what he said one way or the other.

It is true that celebrities will make public statements about the evils of private citizens carrying guns for protection, then go hire a security detail doing that very thing. So, celebrities are the only people entitled to personal protection? That's bullshit.

Naaahh. Anyone who can afford hired security is entitled to personal protection. But the poor riffraff? Sorry, suckers.
For example. Lebron hired armed security for his family because his name was found on a list of places to be robbed. Gun nuts claimed he was being a hypocrite because he said no one needed to carry a gun in public. Think about that for a moment. WTF does one have to do with the other?
Did Lebron make any statements against private citizens being allowed to carry a concealed weapon? If he did, then yes, he is a flaming hypocrite, but I don't know what he said one way or the other.

It is true that celebrities will make public statements about the evils of private citizens carrying guns for protection, then go hire a security detail doing that very thing. So, celebrities are the only people entitled to personal protection? That's bullshit.

Naaahh. Anyone who can afford hired security is entitled to personal protection. But the poor riffraff? Sorry, suckers.
Anyone that can buy a weapon is entitled to personal protection.
Why not? If Republicans want clean air and water, what specifically, are they prepared to do to address these things?

We have the cleanest air and water in the entire world.

Try drinking water out of a faucet anywhere else on the planet.

BTW, the EPA was established by a republicrat.

Just like The Civil Rights Act was written by Republicrats, and resisted by democrooks for decades.

When republicrats want things done, they get them done. Democrooks, invent problems, demand solutions that not only can not solve the problem, but become other problems entirely.

Why not? If Republicans want clean air and water, what specifically, are they prepared to do to address these things?

We have the cleanest air and water in the entire world.

Try drinking water out of a faucet anywhere else on the planet.

BTW, the EPA was established by a republicrat.

Just like The Civil Rights Act was written by Republicrats, and resisted by democrooks for decades.

When republicrats want things done, they get them done. Democrooks, invent problems, demand solutions that not only can not solve the problem, but become other problems entirely.

Try drinking out of a faucet in Flint, Michigan.
We have the cleanest air and water in the entire world.

No, and no.

Try drinking water out of a faucet anywhere else on the planet.


BTW, the EPA was established by a republicrat.

Just like The Civil Rights Act was written by Republicrats, and resisted by democrooks for decades.

When republicrats want things done, they get them done. Democrooks, invent problems, demand solutions that not only can not solve the problem, but become other problems entirely.

More irrelevant BS. I repeat: If Republicans want clean air and water, what specifically, are they prepared to do to address these things?
How does protecting your family from a documented threat at home have anything to do with a private citizen carrying around a gun? Did you think about what I said?

Now even if he did have a armed security detail protecting him in public he has a specific reason. He is famous. Most people are not famous and dont have the threats to their safety that a famous person would. That would be like expecting the POTUS to not have the CIA protecting him because he was anti gun.
Most people who are not famous get assaulted, robbed, raped, and murdered. Why does he get special treatment? This is complete bullshit.
How does protecting your family from a documented threat at home have anything to do with a private citizen carrying around a gun? Did you think about what I said?

Now even if he did have a armed security detail protecting him in public he has a specific reason. He is famous. Most people are not famous and dont have the threats to their safety that a famous person would. That would be like expecting the POTUS to not have the CIA protecting him because he was anti gun.
Most people who are not famous get assaulted, robbed, raped, and murdered. Why does he get special treatment? This is complete bullshit.
Because he can afford to hire professionals should he need an armed force in public. Thats like asking why do some people get to buy a mercedes benz.
To what was the sea-hag referring?

I honestly would like to know specifics. I may agree with her.
Democrats Unveil Populist Economic Agenda for 2018

Opinion | Chuck Schumer: A Better Deal for American Workers

From Schumer's op-ed:

We’ve already proposed creating jobs with a $1 trillion infrastructure plan; increasing workers’ incomes by lifting the minimum wage to $15; and lowering household costs by providing paid family and sick leave.

We’re going to fight for rules to stop prescription drug price gouging and demand that drug companies justify price increases to the public. And we’re going to push for empowering Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for older Americans.

We are going to fight to allow regulators to break up big companies if they’re hurting consumers and to make it harder for companies to merge if it reduces competition.

We propose giving employers, particularly small businesses, a large tax credit to train workers for unfilled jobs. This will have particular resonance in smaller cities and rural areas, which have experienced an exodus of young people who aren’t trained for the jobs in those areas.

I’ll start!

The environment! Cons want to eliminate the EPA . One of the most successful agencies ever . And role back all kinds of environment regs and laws. All in a effort to appease their big biz masters
Here's some of that EPA "success", Corky.


Great example . A mine company caused all that pollution . You’d rather have that go unchecked ?
I’ll start!

The environment! Cons want to eliminate the EPA . One of the most successful agencies ever . And role back all kinds of environment regs and laws. All in a effort to appease their big biz masters

Thanks Timmy, you always prove liberals are retards.

Are you actually a GOP operative trying to make bed wetters look stupid? They don't need help in that.

The EPA is a malignancy. It promotes the global warming hoax and is riddled with communist pin heads that are detrimental to the country. The states should be responsible for their own environmental quality.

That doesn't mean that what imbeciles like you are programmed to parrot:
"Republicans want dirty air and water" is rational, true or worth debating. You are a detriment to the environment just because you steal so much oxygen.

You should stop that.


Yeah ! Cuse them cleaning up our water and air which were disasters 40’years ago. And that stupid bald eagle of ours ! Should’ve let them get poisoned out of exitance !
To what was the sea-hag referring?

I honestly would like to know specifics. I may agree with her.

According to one of your fellow far right wing nuts, this is what the GOP is trying to accomplish...

1. No illegal aliens

2. No abortion

3. No Affirmative Action

4. No Muslim immigration/travel.

5. No gun-free zones.

6. No same sex marriage. Homosexuality may be banned from TV and movies too.

7. No national anthem kneeling.

8. No sanctuary cities.

9. No idiocy.

10. Plenty of common sense.
I’ll start!

The environment! Cons want to eliminate the EPA . One of the most successful agencies ever . And role back all kinds of environment regs and laws. All in a effort to appease their big biz masters

How about rolling it back just because it's not supported by the Constitution?
I’ll start!

The environment! Cons want to eliminate the EPA . One of the most successful agencies ever . And role back all kinds of environment regs and laws. All in a effort to appease their big biz masters
The only thing that really got the EPA in trouble with the public was their unreasonable stance on certain issues and actions they took against private landowners. Most people will tolerate a certain level of government interference, but when the EPA tells a private landowner that he/she cannot graze cattle or otherwise make use of their own property, and do so without providing an avenue of due process or appeal, you get serious blowback. Big Biz is only too happy to propagandize that situation to the point where everybody hates the EPA and wants it gone.

No one says the epa is perfect . They can use some reigning in sometimes . But cons want to throw the baby out with the bath water .

You wanted an example . That’s mine .
To what was the sea-hag referring?

I honestly would like to know specifics. I may agree with her.

According to one of your fellow far right wing nuts, this is what the GOP is trying to accomplish...

1. No illegal aliens

2. No abortion

3. No Affirmative Action

4. No Muslim immigration/travel.

5. No gun-free zones.

6. No same sex marriage. Homosexuality may be banned from TV and movies too.

7. No national anthem kneeling.

8. No sanctuary cities.

9. No idiocy.

10. Plenty of common sense.

Which accomplishes the dual goal of NOT answering the actual question, and also attempting to make one person responsible for the words of some unknown random person.

Way to multitask! :clap::clap:
I’ll start!

The environment! Cons want to eliminate the EPA . One of the most successful agencies ever . And role back all kinds of environment regs and laws. All in a effort to appease their big biz masters

How about rolling it back just because it's not supported by the Constitution?

What IS supported by the constitution? If you want to be that strict, we shouldn’t have an Air Force . Or NASA .
I’ll start!

The environment! Cons want to eliminate the EPA . One of the most successful agencies ever . And role back all kinds of environment regs and laws. All in a effort to appease their big biz masters
Here's some of that EPA "success", Corky.


Great example . A mine company caused all that pollution . You’d rather have that go unchecked ?
It was the EPA that despoiled the Animas River, puddinhead.
To what was the sea-hag referring?

I honestly would like to know specifics. I may agree with her.
They stand for depravity, for anti-human rights. They stand for criminality, murder, and genetic tinkering..they stand for human trafficking, sex trafficking, and abortion.

They're the cult of death and perversion.

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