What do Republicans want?

Disagree. Can you name a harder working country than america? Nope
Yes. Taiwan, S. Korea, and about a half dozen more.
Disagree. Can you name a harder working country than america? Nope
Yep. S. Korea and Taiwan just to name two.

When a company offers 50k to 60k a year for a job that requires zero education and a small and easily demontratable mechanical skills ability but has every job applicant say, "no thanks" when they learn it is 12 hour shifts on a 2-2-3 schedule, it is real easy to say they don't want to work.
Yes. Taiwan, S. Korea, and about a half dozen more.

Yep. S. Korea and Taiwan just to name two.

When a company offers 50k to 60k a year for a job that requires zero education and a small and easily demontratable mechanical skills ability but has every job applicant say, "no thanks" when they learn it is 12 hour shifts on a 2-2-3 schedule, it is real easy to say they don't want to work.
The F.F. listed the duties of the federal government in two sentences. "To provide for the common defense" and "To promote the general welfare". We had that during Trump but Biden broke down the common defense with open borders and an incoherent foreign policy. We had the promotion of the general welfare under Trump and now we have old folks freezing this winter because they can't afford heating oil, empty supermarket shelves because of high diesel costs and crime in the streets where nobody feels safe. Republicans want the Country put back together.
Yes. Taiwan, S. Korea, and about a half dozen more.

Yep. S. Korea and Taiwan just to name two.

When a company offers 50k to 60k a year for a job that requires zero education and a small and easily demontratable mechanical skills ability but has every job applicant say, "no thanks" when they learn it is 12 hour shifts on a 2-2-3 schedule, it is real easy to say they don't want to work.
Maybe people would rather not do that job. It doesn't affect anyone.

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