What exactly did they do?

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Great. Wonderful.

When it comes to the question of the thread,
"What exactly did they do?", the indictments explain it in great detail.
no they don't. not one of them does. again for your education a tenth time, the DNC server was never ever looked at by a US intelligence agency. not one of em. So that isn't evidence in the indictment that is wishful ploy to get an indictment. If they actually came to america they would be entitled to the evidence and we already know, it doesn't exist because one Russia company did come here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:dude you need new material. that shits been debunked in here at least ten times.

Look, dope. The server would only give clues to the origins of the hackers IP address and their methods of gaining access. It would not tell them any of the detailed information contained in the indictment. That came from our intelligence agencies.

You're arguing a point that is irrelevant to the information we now have.

It's like arguing your apendicitis is not cured after surgery because they didn't give you tylenol before.

Truly stupid.
look, there is no information that was retrieved by a US intelligence agency. none. No matter how fking bad you wish that were true, it isn't. so you're flat out lying. sorry!!!
look, there is no information that was retrieved by a US intelligence agency. none

Where did it come from, dope?
scripted from the demoloser party that's where. see how easy that is?

Sure, QTARD. It's all a conspiracy headed by Trump's own appointees.
no they don't. not one of them does. again for your education a tenth time, the DNC server was never ever looked at by a US intelligence agency. not one of em. So that isn't evidence in the indictment that is wishful ploy to get an indictment. If they actually came to america they would be entitled to the evidence and we already know, it doesn't exist because one Russia company did come here. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:dude you need new material. that shits been debunked in here at least ten times.

Look, dope. The server would only give clues to the origins of the hackers IP address and their methods of gaining access. It would not tell them any of the detailed information contained in the indictment. That came from our intelligence agencies.

You're arguing a point that is irrelevant to the information we now have.

It's like arguing your apendicitis is not cured after surgery because they didn't give you tylenol before.

Truly stupid.
look, there is no information that was retrieved by a US intelligence agency. none. No matter how fking bad you wish that were true, it isn't. so you're flat out lying. sorry!!!
look, there is no information that was retrieved by a US intelligence agency. none

Where did it come from, dope?
scripted from the demoloser party that's where. see how easy that is?

Sure, QTARD. It's all a conspiracy headed by Trump's own appointees.
so you got nothing as usual.
Fucking moron... what were the bribes ... ?
"Speaking fee" is a euphemism meaning "bribe," you dumb fuck.

Every time I think you can’t get any dumber, you do. There really is no bottom to your stupidity.

A bribe is a payment for something of value that the recipient would not have provided if not for the bribe. What exactly could Bill Clinton give these people in return for these “bribes”?

He’s not the President, has no power or influence over the government and can’t change public policy.

Then there the fact that speaking fees from foreign entities were paid to the Clinton Foundation and not to the Clintons personally. And the Clintons take no salaries or compensation from the Foundation.

his wife signed the uranium one deal. tit for tat. Do you really think the foundation is not the Clinton family bank account?

The Uranium One deal has been debunked so many times one would think you’d be embarrassed to try to use it.

As for the Clinton Foundation, no it’s not the Clinton’s bank account. Not according to the auditors, the IRS, the FBI, or any of the charity watch groups which have reviewed their operations and their work. In fact, the Clintons donate a large portion of their income to the Foundation, mostly foreign speaking fees, so it’s actually the other way around. Contrast this to Trump who has contributed to his Foundation since 2008, using other people’s money and then claiming personal credit for the funds donated by the Foundation.

The Clintons have a modest net worth for their incomes and their work history. Around $5 million. All of their finances are a matter of public record.
debunked? did you write that word? debunked? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: that is just your wishful dream.
Of course it’s been debunked.


Shit, even rightwing Fox debunked it...

Except it wasn’t illegal and nothing you can say or do will change that. You’re not a lawyer, you’re not even particularly bright, and your opinion of her guilt or innocence isn’t material to the discussion.

And wasn’t just Comey, who said it. The Inspector General reviewed the file and said Comey’s conclusion was correct.

Colin Powell used a web-based AOL account for his email. According to you that’s an unsecured server and Powell should be in jail.

Condo Rice used a private email account too maybe she should have been locked up.

And the Trumps have been using a private server for their emails too. Lock
Papadopolous, Gates and Flynn. And all three plead guilty.

Charges for Stone, Cohen, and Junior are coming.

Speaking of which, what kind of an asshole throws his own kid under the bus to save his own skin. Trump tweeted that Junior met with the Rusdians tonget dirt on Hillaru but he knew nothing about it.

Bullshit. The lying prick knew about it. He even said he was going to have a big press conference and expose the Clintons right after that meeting was scheduled.

Bripat wants to let the criminal Trump’s go free for treason, but he’d lock Hillary up for having a private server that nobody hacked. There truly is no cure for stupid.

its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source. It is illegal to pay for that information (Hillary paid for the fake dossier). Her server was hacked, its very likely that Russia, Pakistan, the UK, and others have the missing 30,000 emails and were waiting for her to win so they could start blackmailing her.

How do you know what and when Trump knew about the Jr meeting with the Russians? are you clairvoyant?

speaking of no cure for stupid, you are the poster child.

its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source.


then quote the statute that makes it illegal and then explain why it doesn't apply to Hillary.

Clinton did nothing illegal. Hiring a firm founded by investigative jounalists who specialize in research and intelligence to develop intel on her opponent is not nefarious in any way. Who does anyone hire to do such work?

Trump and co were looking to get information directly from the Russians as a part of the Russian govts efforts to help him get elected using feloniously obtained information.

You honestly don't see the difference?

her campaign PAID for the Russian lying dossier, then the DOJ used those lies as the basis for FISA warrants to spy on American citizens.

she transmitted classified data on an unsecure private server to people who did not hold security clearances------those are felonies.

it she had put under oath as she should have been, she would have committed perjury when she denied those things.

there is absolutely no proof that the Trump campaign had any illegal dealings with Russia or any other government. There is proof however, the employees of the FBI used their positions to try to influence the election.

Internal corruption is as bad, if not worse, than foreign corruption,.
Nope, her campaign paid an American research firm.
its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source. It is illegal to pay for that information (Hillary paid for the fake dossier). Her server was hacked, its very likely that Russia, Pakistan, the UK, and others have the missing 30,000 emails and were waiting for her to win so they could start blackmailing her.

How do you know what and when Trump knew about the Jr meeting with the Russians? are you clairvoyant?

speaking of no cure for stupid, you are the poster child.

its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source.


then quote the statute that makes it illegal and then explain why it doesn't apply to Hillary.

Clinton did nothing illegal. Hiring a firm founded by investigative jounalists who specialize in research and intelligence to develop intel on her opponent is not nefarious in any way. Who does anyone hire to do such work?

Trump and co were looking to get information directly from the Russians as a part of the Russian govts efforts to help him get elected using feloniously obtained information.

You honestly don't see the difference?

her campaign PAID for the Russian lying dossier, then the DOJ used those lies as the basis for FISA warrants to spy on American citizens.

she transmitted classified data on an unsecure private server to people who did not hold security clearances------those are felonies.

it she had put under oath as she should have been, she would have committed perjury when she denied those things.

there is absolutely no proof that the Trump campaign had any illegal dealings with Russia or any other government. There is proof however, the employees of the FBI used their positions to try to influence the election.

Internal corruption is as bad, if not worse, than foreign corruption,.

I'm done, dope. I've explained it and now you're just spamming garbage.

Fusion GPS is still in business, dope. There is no pending criminal matters related to their work with the dossier. Ask yourself why that is, loser.
That’s all he does.

Except it wasn’t illegal and nothing you can say or do will change that. You’re not a lawyer, you’re not even particularly bright, and your opinion of her guilt or innocence isn’t material to the discussion.

And wasn’t just Comey, who said it. The Inspector General reviewed the file and said Comey’s conclusion was correct.

Colin Powell used a web-based AOL account for his email. According to you that’s an unsecured server and Powell should be in jail.

Condo Rice used a private email account too maybe she should have been locked up.

And the Trumps have been using a private server for their emails too. Lock
Papadopolous, Gates and Flynn. And all three plead guilty.

Charges for Stone, Cohen, and Junior are coming.

Speaking of which, what kind of an asshole throws his own kid under the bus to save his own skin. Trump tweeted that Junior met with the Rusdians tonget dirt on Hillaru but he knew nothing about it.

Bullshit. The lying prick knew about it. He even said he was going to have a big press conference and expose the Clintons right after that meeting was scheduled.

Bripat wants to let the criminal Trump’s go free for treason, but he’d lock Hillary up for having a private server that nobody hacked. There truly is no cure for stupid.

its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source. It is illegal to pay for that information (Hillary paid for the fake dossier). Her server was hacked, its very likely that Russia, Pakistan, the UK, and others have the missing 30,000 emails and were waiting for her to win so they could start blackmailing her.

How do you know what and when Trump knew about the Jr meeting with the Russians? are you clairvoyant?

speaking of no cure for stupid, you are the poster child.

its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source.


then quote the statute that makes it illegal and then explain why it doesn't apply to Hillary.

Once again, you lazy right wing shits want others to do YOUR research for you.

If you want something proven, do it yourself.

he made a claim, I asked him to support it. simple

No, YOU made the claim that it’s not illegal to get election campaign help from a foreign government.

It’s YOU was needs to support that assertion.
its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source. It is illegal to pay for that information (Hillary paid for the fake dossier). Her server was hacked, its very likely that Russia, Pakistan, the UK, and others have the missing 30,000 emails and were waiting for her to win so they could start blackmailing her.

How do you know what and when Trump knew about the Jr meeting with the Russians? are you clairvoyant?

speaking of no cure for stupid, you are the poster child.

its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source.


then quote the statute that makes it illegal and then explain why it doesn't apply to Hillary.

Once again, you lazy right wing shits want others to do YOUR research for you.

If you want something proven, do it yourself.

he made a claim, I asked him to support it. simple

No, YOU made the claim that it’s not illegal to get election campaign help from a foreign government.

It’s YOU was needs to support that assertion.
He can’t and he knows he can’t which is why he’s trying to disperse the burden of proof onto others. At some point, when his position is totally destroyed because he can’t actually support it, he’ll put you on ignore so that he can stop being badgered to prove his moronic claims.
Every time I think you can’t get any dumber, you do. There really is no bottom to your stupidity.

A bribe is a payment for something of value that the recipient would not have provided if not for the bribe. What exactly could Bill Clinton give these people in return for these “bribes”?

He’s not the President, has no power or influence over the government and can’t change public policy.

Then there the fact that speaking fees from foreign entities were paid to the Clinton Foundation and not to the Clintons personally. And the Clintons take no salaries or compensation from the Foundation.

His wife had power. Please don't call someone stupid when their view of the FACTS is different than your own. Speaking fees were paid to the Clintons. In addition to that, huge contributions were made to the fraudulent charity.

Mostly foreign powers with business before the State Department. They are bribes.
Fucking moron... what were the bribes ... ?
"Speaking fee" is a euphemism meaning "bribe," you dumb fuck.

Every time I think you can’t get any dumber, you do. There really is no bottom to your stupidity.

A bribe is a payment for something of value that the recipient would not have provided if not for the bribe. What exactly could Bill Clinton give these people in return for these “bribes”?

He’s not the President, has no power or influence over the government and can’t change public policy.

Then there the fact that speaking fees from foreign entities were paid to the Clinton Foundation and not to the Clintons personally. And the Clintons take no salaries or compensation from the Foundation.

his wife signed the uranium one deal. tit for tat. Do you really think the foundation is not the Clinton family bank account?

The Uranium One deal has been debunked so many times one would think you’d be embarrassed to try to use it.

As for the Clinton Foundation, no it’s not the Clinton’s bank account. Not according to the auditors, the IRS, the FBI, or any of the charity watch groups which have reviewed their operations and their work. In fact, the Clintons donate a large portion of their income to the Foundation, mostly foreign speaking fees, so it’s actually the other way around. Contrast this to Trump who has contributed to his Foundation since 2008, using other people’s money and then claiming personal credit for the funds donated by the Foundation.

The Clintons have a modest net worth for their incomes and their work history. Around $5 million. All of their finances are a matter of public record.

Fucking moron... what were the bribes ... ?
"Speaking fee" is a euphemism meaning "bribe," you dumb fuck.

Every time I think you can’t get any dumber, you do. There really is no bottom to your stupidity.

A bribe is a payment for something of value that the recipient would not have provided if not for the bribe. What exactly could Bill Clinton give these people in return for these “bribes”?

He’s not the President, has no power or influence over the government and can’t change public policy.

Then there the fact that speaking fees from foreign entities were paid to the Clinton Foundation and not to the Clintons personally. And the Clintons take no salaries or compensation from the Foundation.

his wife signed the uranium one deal. tit for tat. Do you really think the foundation is not the Clinton family bank account?

The Uranium One deal has been debunked so many times one would think you’d be embarrassed to try to use it.

As for the Clinton Foundation, no it’s not the Clinton’s bank account. Not according to the auditors, the IRS, the FBI, or any of the charity watch groups which have reviewed their operations and their work. In fact, the Clintons donate a large portion of their income to the Foundation, mostly foreign speaking fees, so it’s actually the other way around. Contrast this to Trump who has contributed to his Foundation since 2008, using other people’s money and then claiming personal credit for the funds donated by the Foundation.

The Clintons have a modest net worth for their incomes and their work history. Around $5 million. All of their finances are a matter of public record.

That is a complete and utter lie which had been thoroughly debunked.
Look, dope. The server would only give clues to the origins of the hackers IP address and their methods of gaining access. It would not tell them any of the detailed information contained in the indictment. That came from our intelligence agencies.

You're arguing a point that is irrelevant to the information we now have.

It's like arguing your apendicitis is not cured after surgery because they didn't give you tylenol before.

Truly stupid.
look, there is no information that was retrieved by a US intelligence agency. none. No matter how fking bad you wish that were true, it isn't. so you're flat out lying. sorry!!!
look, there is no information that was retrieved by a US intelligence agency. none

Where did it come from, dope?
scripted from the demoloser party that's where. see how easy that is?

Sure, QTARD. It's all a conspiracy headed by Trump's own appointees.
so you got nothing as usual.

That's not what you suggested?
Every time I think you can’t get any dumber, you do. There really is no bottom to your stupidity.

A bribe is a payment for something of value that the recipient would not have provided if not for the bribe. What exactly could Bill Clinton give these people in return for these “bribes”?

He’s not the President, has no power or influence over the government and can’t change public policy.

Then there the fact that speaking fees from foreign entities were paid to the Clinton Foundation and not to the Clintons personally. And the Clintons take no salaries or compensation from the Foundation.

His wife had power. Please don't call someone stupid when their view of the FACTS is different than your own. Speaking fees were paid to the Clintons. In addition to that, huge contributions were made to the fraudulent charity.


I don’t call Bripat stupid because he disagrees with me. I call him stupid because he steadfastly refuses to fact check anything or read links and then calls people liars when they refute his posts.

He’s also insulting and rude. I don’t normally call anyone stupid, but I make an exception in the case of Bripat because he never learns anything. He’s the name ignorant chucklehead he was when I joined this board.
its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source. It is illegal to pay for that information (Hillary paid for the fake dossier). Her server was hacked, its very likely that Russia, Pakistan, the UK, and others have the missing 30,000 emails and were waiting for her to win so they could start blackmailing her.

How do you know what and when Trump knew about the Jr meeting with the Russians? are you clairvoyant?

speaking of no cure for stupid, you are the poster child.

its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source.


then quote the statute that makes it illegal and then explain why it doesn't apply to Hillary.

Once again, you lazy right wing shits want others to do YOUR research for you.

If you want something proven, do it yourself.

he made a claim, I asked him to support it. simple

No, YOU made the claim that it’s not illegal to get election campaign help from a foreign government.

It’s YOU was needs to support that assertion.
it isn't illegal. post up the statute that says it is illegal? that would be the initial post and then we could debunk that.
look, there is no information that was retrieved by a US intelligence agency. none. No matter how fking bad you wish that were true, it isn't. so you're flat out lying. sorry!!!
look, there is no information that was retrieved by a US intelligence agency. none

Where did it come from, dope?
scripted from the demoloser party that's where. see how easy that is?

Sure, QTARD. It's all a conspiracy headed by Trump's own appointees.
so you got nothing as usual.

That's not what you suggested?
no, I've always said you had nothing. and you still have nothing. I haven't wavered once.
Fucking moron... what were the bribes ... ?
"Speaking fee" is a euphemism meaning "bribe," you dumb fuck.

Every time I think you can’t get any dumber, you do. There really is no bottom to your stupidity.

A bribe is a payment for something of value that the recipient would not have provided if not for the bribe. What exactly could Bill Clinton give these people in return for these “bribes”?

He’s not the President, has no power or influence over the government and can’t change public policy.

Then there the fact that speaking fees from foreign entities were paid to the Clinton Foundation and not to the Clintons personally. And the Clintons take no salaries or compensation from the Foundation.

his wife signed the uranium one deal. tit for tat. Do you really think the foundation is not the Clinton family bank account?

The Uranium One deal has been debunked so many times one would think you’d be embarrassed to try to use it.

As for the Clinton Foundation, no it’s not the Clinton’s bank account. Not according to the auditors, the IRS, the FBI, or any of the charity watch groups which have reviewed their operations and their work. In fact, the Clintons donate a large portion of their income to the Foundation, mostly foreign speaking fees, so it’s actually the other way around. Contrast this to Trump who has contributed to his Foundation since 2008, using other people’s money and then claiming personal credit for the funds donated by the Foundation.

The Clintons have a modest net worth for their incomes and their work history. Around $5 million. All of their finances are a matter of public record.

^ That is not simply your view of the facts.
That view requires you to deliberately ignore the facts in favor of a more desireable narrative. That is stupid.

then quote the statute that makes it illegal and then explain why it doesn't apply to Hillary.

Once again, you lazy right wing shits want others to do YOUR research for you.

If you want something proven, do it yourself.

he made a claim, I asked him to support it. simple

No, YOU made the claim that it’s not illegal to get election campaign help from a foreign government.

It’s YOU was needs to support that assertion.
it isn't illegal. post up the statute that says it is illegal? that would be the initial post and then we could debunk that.

It is illegal to get assistance from a foreign government in an election.

Fox News host wrong that no law bans Russia-Trump collusion

then quote the statute that makes it illegal and then explain why it doesn't apply to Hillary.

Once again, you lazy right wing shits want others to do YOUR research for you.

If you want something proven, do it yourself.

he made a claim, I asked him to support it. simple

No, YOU made the claim that it’s not illegal to get election campaign help from a foreign government.

It’s YOU was needs to support that assertion.
it isn't illegal. post up the statute that says it is illegal? that would be the initial post and then we could debunk that.
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
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