What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?


So Nike gets wealthy off the have nots? Come on.
The entire purpose of capitalism is to exploit the yearning of have nots to be haves.

It is? Cool!!!! How are the Celtics exploiting their fans?
By providing a place that average everyday white people can vicariously experience what its like to be good at basketball.

How is that exploitation? This will be rich.
Because they know good and well these average everyday white people will never be good at basketball.

So what? When we go to movies we know we cannot act? Doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy the movie?
Perhaps that's because schools don't teach anything at all about home or local community economics.
If an alien from Mars came to Earth he would think the NBA and NFL were racist. My point, you mental midget is that stats don't always tell the whole story. 75% NBA = black. 70% of NFL = black. Can you name one white corner back? No.

When the NBA and ABA merged the best players were still black.

If an alien from Mars came to Earth he would think the NBA and NFL were racist. My point, you mental midget is that stats don't always tell the whole story. 75% NBA = black. 70% of NFL = black. Can you name one white corner back? No.

When the NBA and ABA merged the best players were still black.

If an alien from Mars came to Earth he would think the NBA and NFL were racist. My point, you mental midget is that stats don't always tell the whole story. 75% NBA = black. 70% of NFL = black. Can you name one white corner back? No.

When the NBA and ABA merged the best players were still black.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day......but you? NEVER.

There are no "aliens from Mars" here, you dunce. However, here are some actual facts.

*When the NBA and ABA merged in 1976, the top scorer was Pete Maravich, and the center with the most rebounds per game was Bill Walton. Rick Barry, who came from the ABA led the NBA in steals in the 1975-1976 season and was an NBA all star for three consecutive years.

And of course Larry Bird would arrive in the NBA 1978 and be recognized as one of the best ever for the majority of his career

*The NFL is in fact predominately black, but 5 the highest paid players in the league are white.

You mentioned 3 players. LMAO. Bird arrived in 1980. Barry and Pistol Pete would not make the top 10 of all time list. Larry would. 1/10.

1) Michael Jordan
2) Kareem
3) LeBron
4) Wilt
5) Kobe Bryant
6) Bill Russell
7) Magic Johnson
8) Larry Bird
9) Tim Duncan
10) Dr. J

1/10 is white. Right now there is not one white player in the Top 10. Top 30 NBA prospects all black.

Keep trying.

How many pro sports are there?

Try another argument chump.

Tennis? See the Williams sisters? Dominate every sport. Except hockey...thats a Canuck sport.

Are the majority of pro tennis players black? No.

Try another argument chump.

How do you know?
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

I don't understand the question. Are blacks special?
You’re a pathetic asshole who has zero clue as to what Wall Street did to you.

Yeah and that's why I once held a series 7 license, a life, health and annuities license, along with being a CFP. Don't assume things based on your racism son.
Which are worthless when the economic cycles end.
People have learned that Annuities are a ripoff.
You’re problem is that your credentials only help in a growing community.

Actually if you understand investments you understand how and why economic cycles end. You also understand the effects of bogus speculation and junk investment vehicles like credit default swaps, derivatives mortgage backed securities, etc.

You don't understand investments. LMAO. You're too busy whining and crying.

Yeah I know, I passed those exams because affirmative action took them for me. Do you think that your fellow jews who primarily vote democrat are in the democratic concertation camps? I've seen it all. Here we see a neo nazi Jew folks.

Sigh. You are irrational. When you grow up and become an adult we can have an adult conversation. Call me a Nazi to my face and I break your arm. Little man. You can call me anything else. Don’t care.
The entire purpose of capitalism is to exploit the yearning of have nots to be haves.

It is? Cool!!!! How are the Celtics exploiting their fans?
By providing a place that average everyday white people can vicariously experience what its like to be good at basketball.

How is that exploitation? This will be rich.
Because they know good and well these average everyday white people will never be good at basketball.

So what? When we go to movies we know we cannot act? Doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy the movie?
We arent talking about enjoying anything. We are talking about exploitation. Did you forget when you asked how that was exploitation?
Explains why you’re not married....not that there is anything wrong with that

Never wanted to. Never felt financially secure until about 3 years ago. By that point it was too late but damn I now have a lot of money.

I could tell you a million reasons. I remember when I was a kid fearing the idea of getting a divorce and losing half my shit and ruining my life plus the lives of my kids.

It's a stupid concept.

I could never meet anyone worth getting married. Oh I met women who I would have married but then they wouldn't marry me. THey had looks, money and great personalities. They could and did do much better than me.

I get sick of women fast. I'm dating a 25 year old hot Belarusian woman right now. I'm even getting sick of her. I'm not ready to break up with her but I don't get excited about seeing her like I did a couple weeks ago.

She asked if she could move in. The next day we talked and both decided that would kill the relationship.

Why did you get married? Did you want to have kids? Can you not stand being alone?

If you offered me 10 Trillion or my kids. i'd take my kids.

Why did I or people in general? My wife was and is a traditional person and she wanted a family and marriage. I would have been happy just living together. In terms of kids, I like them and in general I think people tend to have kids because of fear of their own mortality.

I like kids too and if I would have felt like I could afford them in my early 30's I probably would have had some. Finances also stopped me from wanting to get married. OR, finances stopped women from wanting to marry me. Now they all are like WHOA who's this guy. All these older women at church (I'm 47) are like who's the guy in the nice suit with the nice truck and pontoon boat?

LOL. I like to throw in the pontoon boat because unkotare is extremely jealous of all the toys I have. I paid $25,500 cash for it this summer without even blinking an eye.

Now I want to retire not have kids. I could probably have kids now that I have $ but I got used to having money.

Dude I drop that much on our annual April getaway. 47 is not old. You can easily still have kids if you marry someone who is 40 or younger.

He and his husband could always adopt.

It is? Cool!!!! How are the Celtics exploiting their fans?
By providing a place that average everyday white people can vicariously experience what its like to be good at basketball.

How is that exploitation? This will be rich.
Because they know good and well these average everyday white people will never be good at basketball.

So what? When we go to movies we know we cannot act? Doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy the movie?
We arent talking about enjoying anything. We are talking about exploitation. Did you forget when you asked how that was exploitation?

As a fan I enjoy the game. Don’t feel like I am exploited at all. You so angry. Why? Come to Boston. I ll buy you a beer.
I hope all the more qualified whites denied jobs or promotions to make this happen, are libs happy to take one for the team.

They/You aren't more qualified. That's what you don't seem to understand. This is just the right wings argument against diversity. You aren't more qualified or smarter. You are simply white. And the guy hiring is white.

If they have to put effort into making it happen, it is because hiring the best person for the job, was not giving them the diversity outcome you wanted.

THe CEO's just showed how much they give a damn about their white employees, ie zero.

Your assumption that whites look out for each other, is disproved by your own link.
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous. What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying. But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now. But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

There are more women in universities now than men. Stop whining.
Yea, so why are there so many more men climbing higher on the corporate ladder? We used to think it was women's fault and their fault alone. They stopped working to have kids seems to be a popular excuse given as to why so few women are on the BOD or the Upper management work chart. Now most companies realize their unconscious bias and they are trying to promote more women and minorities.

We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously. We will commit to rolling out and/or expanding unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations. Additionally, we will make non-proprietary unconscious bias education modules available to others free of charge.

What sucks is that white men will show up to vote against this but stupid women and minorities won't show up to vote for this shit.

Why don't you shut he hell up with that shit white boy. Because this is not true. The problem is white boys like you who vote for this because you actually believe your punk asses are being left the fuck out.
Never wanted to. Never felt financially secure until about 3 years ago. By that point it was too late but damn I now have a lot of money.

I could tell you a million reasons. I remember when I was a kid fearing the idea of getting a divorce and losing half my shit and ruining my life plus the lives of my kids.

It's a stupid concept.

I could never meet anyone worth getting married. Oh I met women who I would have married but then they wouldn't marry me. THey had looks, money and great personalities. They could and did do much better than me.

I get sick of women fast. I'm dating a 25 year old hot Belarusian woman right now. I'm even getting sick of her. I'm not ready to break up with her but I don't get excited about seeing her like I did a couple weeks ago.

She asked if she could move in. The next day we talked and both decided that would kill the relationship.

Why did you get married? Did you want to have kids? Can you not stand being alone?

If you offered me 10 Trillion or my kids. i'd take my kids.

Why did I or people in general? My wife was and is a traditional person and she wanted a family and marriage. I would have been happy just living together. In terms of kids, I like them and in general I think people tend to have kids because of fear of their own mortality.

I like kids too and if I would have felt like I could afford them in my early 30's I probably would have had some. Finances also stopped me from wanting to get married. OR, finances stopped women from wanting to marry me. Now they all are like WHOA who's this guy. All these older women at church (I'm 47) are like who's the guy in the nice suit with the nice truck and pontoon boat?

LOL. I like to throw in the pontoon boat because unkotare is extremely jealous of all the toys I have. I paid $25,500 cash for it this summer without even blinking an eye.

Now I want to retire not have kids. I could probably have kids now that I have $ but I got used to having money.

Dude I drop that much on our annual April getaway. 47 is not old. You can easily still have kids if you marry someone who is 40 or younger.
You spend $25K once a year? GTFO

You go to Aruba for a week with 4 people and see how much you spend. Atlantis the year before.
My brother goes to Greece every year with his family of 4. He's rich so I don't blame him. But, his sister in law goes with her family of four and she's just a teacher and her husband doesn't make shit. They must spend at least $10K a year going to Greece. AT LEAST.

If you aren't rich then you're an idiot throwing away $25K a year on a trip every year. I'm now getting the feeling you have more money than the average schlub.

Someone here earlier said, "everyone makes almost 6 figures". How out of touch can they be? No not everyone makes almost 6 figures.

The median household income in the United States is $56,516

Lets say the number is now $65K. It is hardly "almost 6 figures".

And my home is paid off so my income goes a lot further than most people's because I have zero debt and almost zero bills. I could work at Walmart and pay my monthly bills. I am literally the Republican wet dream. When they tell people how to live financially, they are describing me.

So you telling me you are saving enough for retirement and you spend $25K a year on a trip every year? What do you do again? I'm finding that hard to believe but I don't want to doubt you like unkotare doubts me. I'll believe you.
They/You aren't more qualified. That's what you don't seem to understand. This is just the right wings argument against diversity. You aren't more qualified or smarter. You are simply white. And the guy hiring is white.

If they have to put effort into making it happen, it is because hiring the best person for the job, was not giving them the diversity outcome you wanted.

THe CEO's just showed how much they give a damn about their white employees, ie zero.

Your assumption that whites look out for each other, is disproved by your own link.
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous. What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying. But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now. But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

There are more women in universities now than men. Stop whining.

With Kavanaugh Confirmation, GOP Commits Again To Patriarchy, Misogyny
The GOP is now essentially the last bastion of male dominance in a Me Too world.

With Kavanaugh Confirmation, GOP Commits Again To Patriarchy, Misogyny | HuffPost

Thanks to the Me Too movement, most corners of the culture are starting to listen to women when they come forward about sexual harassment and assault.

But not the GOP. The male-dominated party’s answer to Me Too is: deny and attack.

Republican senators, President Donald Trump and their allies in the conservative media put on a show of male anger, resentment and victimhood to force through the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh last week, even though he was credibly accused of sexual misconduct by three women.

And with his elevation to the Supreme Court, over the objection of so many women and sexual assault survivors, Republicans demonstrated their hard-line commitment to male supremacy.

Should have said WHITE male supremacy.

So now you resort to links from Lefitst sources? The media is Lefits and biased. Read or listen to Ben Shapiro. Learn some logic.

No, the media is controlled primarily by conservative owners. And listening to Ben Shapiro is listening to nonsense.
By providing a place that average everyday white people can vicariously experience what its like to be good at basketball.

How is that exploitation? This will be rich.
Because they know good and well these average everyday white people will never be good at basketball.

So what? When we go to movies we know we cannot act? Doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy the movie?
We arent talking about enjoying anything. We are talking about exploitation. Did you forget when you asked how that was exploitation?

As a fan I enjoy the game. Don’t feel like I am exploited at all. You so angry. Why? Come to Boston. I ll buy you a beer.
Thats the thing with capitalism. The marketing is meant to make you feel either smart, powerful, special or induce a fear of loss in you. If you lack intelligence you wont feel exploited. You just feel smart, powerful, special, or no longer in fear. Basically all the things a carnival barker like Drumpf does to get you to support him.
They/You aren't more qualified. That's what you don't seem to understand. This is just the right wings argument against diversity. You aren't more qualified or smarter. You are simply white. And the guy hiring is white.

If they have to put effort into making it happen, it is because hiring the best person for the job, was not giving them the diversity outcome you wanted.

THe CEO's just showed how much they give a damn about their white employees, ie zero.

Your assumption that whites look out for each other, is disproved by your own link.
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous. What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying. But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now. But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

There are more women in universities now than men. Stop whining.
Yea, so why are there so many more men climbing higher on the corporate ladder? We used to think it was women's fault and their fault alone. They stopped working to have kids seems to be a popular excuse given as to why so few women are on the BOD or the Upper management work chart. Now most companies realize their unconscious bias and they are trying to promote more women and minorities.

We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously. We will commit to rolling out and/or expanding unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations. Additionally, we will make non-proprietary unconscious bias education modules available to others free of charge.

What sucks is that white men will show up to vote against this but stupid women and minorities won't show up to vote for this shit.

Why don't you shut he hell up with that shit white boy. Because this is not true. The problem is white boys like you who vote for this because you actually believe your punk asses are being left the fuck out.
The entire post is in your defense except for the last part. And it's true that you darkies and women won't show up to vote for the party that is in favor of diversity. I pick on women more than I do blacks because you are truly a minority. Women make up 50% of the population and they benefit most from Affirmative Action yet they vote GOP who's against it or they too don't show up.

Did you misread my post or did you just get mad at the last part? Because it's fucking true. White men will show up in droves this November to vote for Trump. Hell, so will white women. So white women will vote for Trump and you idiots won't show up because you don't think voting matters. You think the democrats let you down. Well guess what? You let the Democrats down in 2010, 2014 and 2018.

I will show up and vote for diversity. I'm a white male. Why do I do this when so many colored don't show up?
They/You aren't more qualified. That's what you don't seem to understand. This is just the right wings argument against diversity. You aren't more qualified or smarter. You are simply white. And the guy hiring is white.

If they have to put effort into making it happen, it is because hiring the best person for the job, was not giving them the diversity outcome you wanted.

THe CEO's just showed how much they give a damn about their white employees, ie zero.

Your assumption that whites look out for each other, is disproved by your own link.
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous. What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying. But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now. But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

There are more women in universities now than men. Stop whining.
Yea, so why are there so many more men climbing higher on the corporate ladder? We used to think it was women's fault and their fault alone. They stopped working to have kids seems to be a popular excuse given as to why so few women are on the BOD or the Upper management work chart. Now most companies realize their unconscious bias and they are trying to promote more women and minorities.

We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously. We will commit to rolling out and/or expanding unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations. Additionally, we will make non-proprietary unconscious bias education modules available to others free of charge.

What sucks is that white men will show up to vote against this but stupid women and minorities won't show up to vote for this shit.

Do you have things to do? All your posts are long and convoluted. Give it 10 yrs. Women are there. But women also bear children and choose lesser roles or to stay home and to raise them. Cannot change biology.

Stop your identity politics. It’s boring.

But that's exactly what the right does.
Which are worthless when the economic cycles end.
People have learned that Annuities are a ripoff.
You’re problem is that your credentials only help in a growing community.

Actually if you understand investments you understand how and why economic cycles end. You also understand the effects of bogus speculation and junk investment vehicles like credit default swaps, derivatives mortgage backed securities, etc.

You don't understand investments. LMAO. You're too busy whining and crying.

Yeah I know, I passed those exams because affirmative action took them for me. Do you think that your fellow jews who primarily vote democrat are in the democratic concertation camps? I've seen it all. Here we see a neo nazi Jew folks.

Sigh. You are irrational. When you grow up and become an adult we can have an adult conversation. Call me a Nazi to my face and I break your arm. Little man. You can call me anything else. Don’t care.

Watchout! Prime Time (im2) thinks he’s a badass!
So do you. You brag you were this bad ass wrestler in college but won't be honest you wrestled at like 120 pounds gook.
If they have to put effort into making it happen, it is because hiring the best person for the job, was not giving them the diversity outcome you wanted.

THe CEO's just showed how much they give a damn about their white employees, ie zero.

Your assumption that whites look out for each other, is disproved by your own link.
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous. What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying. But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now. But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

There are more women in universities now than men. Stop whining.
Yea, so why are there so many more men climbing higher on the corporate ladder? We used to think it was women's fault and their fault alone. They stopped working to have kids seems to be a popular excuse given as to why so few women are on the BOD or the Upper management work chart. Now most companies realize their unconscious bias and they are trying to promote more women and minorities.

We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously. We will commit to rolling out and/or expanding unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations. Additionally, we will make non-proprietary unconscious bias education modules available to others free of charge.

What sucks is that white men will show up to vote against this but stupid women and minorities won't show up to vote for this shit.

Do you have things to do? All your posts are long and convoluted. Give it 10 yrs. Women are there. But women also bear children and choose lesser roles or to stay home and to raise them. Cannot change biology.

Stop your identity politics. It’s boring.

But that's exactly what the right does.

Women are rarely picked to be CEO, and it's not because they're all dropping out to have babies

and it's not because they're all dropping out to have babies

Explains why you’re not married....not that there is anything wrong with that

Never wanted to. Never felt financially secure until about 3 years ago. By that point it was too late but damn I now have a lot of money.

I could tell you a million reasons. I remember when I was a kid fearing the idea of getting a divorce and losing half my shit and ruining my life plus the lives of my kids.

It's a stupid concept.

I could never meet anyone worth getting married. Oh I met women who I would have married but then they wouldn't marry me. THey had looks, money and great personalities. They could and did do much better than me.

I get sick of women fast. I'm dating a 25 year old hot Belarusian woman right now. I'm even getting sick of her. I'm not ready to break up with her but I don't get excited about seeing her like I did a couple weeks ago.

She asked if she could move in. The next day we talked and both decided that would kill the relationship.

Why did you get married? Did you want to have kids? Can you not stand being alone?

If you offered me 10 Trillion or my kids. i'd take my kids.

Why did I or people in general? My wife was and is a traditional person and she wanted a family and marriage. I would have been happy just living together. In terms of kids, I like them and in general I think people tend to have kids because of fear of their own mortality.

I like kids too and if I would have felt like I could afford them in my early 30's I probably would have had some. Finances also stopped me from wanting to get married. OR, finances stopped women from wanting to marry me. Now they all are like WHOA who's this guy. All these older women at church (I'm 47) are like who's the guy in the nice suit with the nice truck and pontoon boat?

LOL. I like to throw in the pontoon boat because unkotare is extremely jealous of all the toys I have. I paid $25,500 cash for it this summer without even blinking an eye.

Now I want to retire not have kids. I could probably have kids now that I have $ but I got used to having money.

Holy closet case, Batman!

He drags a pontoon boat to church?


My 25 year old girlfriend asked me if she could move in. I said yes at first but then thought all about the pros and cons and ultimately I told her I don't think it's a good idea. At least right now. She would have to break her lease and I would have to help her move and then she has a dog so we'd have 2 dogs living in my place. Screw all that.

Next year her sister is coming with her family from Belarus. If my girlfriend doesn't own a home by then, she's going to stay with me while they stay in her condo. That way we don't have to move her shit or break her lease. Not such a big commitment especially when both of us know it could be a big mistake. Why ruin the good thing we have going?
If they have to put effort into making it happen, it is because hiring the best person for the job, was not giving them the diversity outcome you wanted.

THe CEO's just showed how much they give a damn about their white employees, ie zero.

Your assumption that whites look out for each other, is disproved by your own link.
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous. What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying. But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now. But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

There are more women in universities now than men. Stop whining.

With Kavanaugh Confirmation, GOP Commits Again To Patriarchy, Misogyny
The GOP is now essentially the last bastion of male dominance in a Me Too world.

With Kavanaugh Confirmation, GOP Commits Again To Patriarchy, Misogyny | HuffPost

Thanks to the Me Too movement, most corners of the culture are starting to listen to women when they come forward about sexual harassment and assault.

But not the GOP. The male-dominated party’s answer to Me Too is: deny and attack.

Republican senators, President Donald Trump and their allies in the conservative media put on a show of male anger, resentment and victimhood to force through the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh last week, even though he was credibly accused of sexual misconduct by three women.

And with his elevation to the Supreme Court, over the objection of so many women and sexual assault survivors, Republicans demonstrated their hard-line commitment to male supremacy.

Should have said WHITE male supremacy.

So now you resort to links from Lefitst sources? The media is Lefits and biased. Read or listen to Ben Shapiro. Learn some logic.

No, the media is controlled primarily by conservative owners. And listening to Ben Shapiro is listening to nonsense.
And these 7 rich corporations owned by rich white dudes would like us to believe their product is liberal. It is only as liberal as they want it to be. They'll never talk out against corporations. But they'll be liberal on social issues like gays because that riles up the right and gets them to show up and vote. Just look at how trannys in the ladies room worked on them in 2018
Actually if you understand investments you understand how and why economic cycles end. You also understand the effects of bogus speculation and junk investment vehicles like credit default swaps, derivatives mortgage backed securities, etc.

You don't understand investments. LMAO. You're too busy whining and crying.

Yeah I know, I passed those exams because affirmative action took them for me. Do you think that your fellow jews who primarily vote democrat are in the democratic concertation camps? I've seen it all. Here we see a neo nazi Jew folks.

Sigh. You are irrational. When you grow up and become an adult we can have an adult conversation. Call me a Nazi to my face and I break your arm. Little man. You can call me anything else. Don’t care.

Watchout! Prime Time (im2) thinks he’s a badass!
...You brag .....

No, I don’t.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Jobs, opportunity, freedom, prosperity.
Dems offer that too.


If they did I would of never left the Chicago area.

No Democrat president on record has left office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started. Meanwhile, only one Republican president can tout that achievement. So if you couldn’t find work during a Democrat president, that’s on you, not them.
You don't understand investments. LMAO. You're too busy whining and crying.

Yeah I know, I passed those exams because affirmative action took them for me. Do you think that your fellow jews who primarily vote democrat are in the democratic concertation camps? I've seen it all. Here we see a neo nazi Jew folks.

Sigh. You are irrational. When you grow up and become an adult we can have an adult conversation. Call me a Nazi to my face and I break your arm. Little man. You can call me anything else. Don’t care.

Watchout! Prime Time (im2) thinks he’s a badass!
...You brag .....

No, I don’t.
Then how do I know?

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