"What is the Democrats' message?"

That's inflation.
That's pain.

there ain't no free lunch, dude. welcome to the real world.

Say goodbye to that sweet $1200 tax cut.

maybe, maybe not. depends on how much competition is involved in any specific product.

It's escalating. Tariffs from both sides have the same effect. Costs rise for everyone. Including business. So even seemingly unrelated industries will be passing their increased cost to consumers as well. It won't take much for that $1200 to disappear.

this is a game of chess. Trump is very close to declaring check mate, the Chinese cannot stay in the game, their economy is too dependent on the hundreds of billions they export to us every year. They will capitulate, watch.
this is a game of chess.

More like tic-tac-toe. Nobody wins.
In response to the OP, I liked Martin O'Malley when I saw him on the politics and eggs forum/CSPAN yesterday. I believe some dems are beginning to pull together the shredded tatters of their principles and finding their tongues. I agree with him that it had best be the moderates who prevail.
it's all pretty jr high schoolyard crap on both sides.

the dems basic message / path is a direct rip off from trump. run a platform to undo what the last guy did.

we'll see how well it works for the dems.
The Dems' advantage is in demographics, and they know it.

The Republicans somehow don't seem to care about this.
You assume that Americans that fit into those "demographics" are as shallow as the left. How bizarre is it that you morons think you are entitled to their votes simply because you play identity politics.
The numbers bear it out. Those who play Identity Politics have been very successful.

That doesn't make it right. It's cynical, cowardly, dishonest and insulting. But here we are.

My question is, what is the GOP going to do about it? The answer appears to be "Huh? What? Mango!"

are you suggesting that the GOP take on the corrupt tactics of the dems? Are you suggesting that the GOP lie to people like the dems?

I don't think you give amercans enough credit to understand what is going on.
they don't have to take corrupt tactics at all. but when they have the ability to do so, they can try to get some shit done vs. bickering among themselves and getting nothing done.

then again maybe that is a democratic tactic.
Watch how pleased America is with republicans in the next election Drumph has no coat tails ,,,Now you might even lose the senate
there ain't no free lunch, dude. welcome to the real world.

Say goodbye to that sweet $1200 tax cut.

maybe, maybe not. depends on how much competition is involved in any specific product.

It's escalating. Tariffs from both sides have the same effect. Costs rise for everyone. Including business. So even seemingly unrelated industries will be passing their increased cost to consumers as well. It won't take much for that $1200 to disappear.

this is a game of chess. Trump is very close to declaring check mate, the Chinese cannot stay in the game, their economy is too dependent on the hundreds of billions they export to us every year. They will capitulate, watch.
this is a game of chess.

More like tic-tac-toe. Nobody wins.
The rest of the world can play chess,,,Trump only checkers
Great. Losing anything is putting us worse off then before, fool. Rising prices will negate any gains made through tax cuts.

So to recap, Trump gave us deficit expanding tax cuts and then created artificial inflation that swallows up those gains. He's raised our national debt considerably for no gains.

Do you understand that American jobs are impacted when a foreign country sells the same product for less than the US companies? Tariffs just put US companies on an equal footing with their foreign competitors. Do you think its fair that Germany puts a 100% tariff on Harley Davidson motorcycles sold in Germany? But we don't put tariffs on Mercedes or BMWs?
you do understand that once China goes elsewhere for soybeans etc etc etc we may never get that business again ?AND if you hit those farmers in their pockets who do you think they'll be voting for?......remember MONEY talks loudly

so you would favor supporting Chinese companies over American companies in order to keep your meager budget from being impacted?

Reducing the amount of Chinese products sold in this country will create American jobs. Yes, people do vote their pocketbook and having a job makes your pocketbook fuller.
Yes, people do vote their pocketbook and having a job makes your pocketbook fuller.

Until rising cost make it empty again.

so whats your solution, for us to continue to have a negative trade balance with china until they completely own us?
Start with this question.
Why is a negative trade balance bad? Who ever said it needs to be balanced to be beneficial?

I have a negative trade balance with every business I purchase from.
Why don't you do something about the underhanded tactics your own party is involved in. Why is it suddenly the responsibility of the GOP to atone for democratic shenanigans?

Fix your own shit bruh
Well, you see how the Regressives react to me here. My concern is that this country's next move will be FAR left, further than I'd like to go.

And I'm not trying to "fix" the GOP. I'm just asking a question, and I'm not getting any serious answers. Which, actually, is an answer in itself.
Your entire thread is based on your idea that the GOP should somehow lay out a plan to defeat the identity politics that the left use.
The GOP need do nothing more than point to results vs rhetoric. The public is not stupid.

You need to focus on fixing your own party rather than expecting everyone else to do it for you. You should be uniting moderates in your party to pull it back from the radical trajectory it is on.

POINTING at the right wont solve your internal problems.
I take on the Regressive Left more effectively than anyone else here, period.

The Regressives are just biding their time. They figure they have no reason to fix anything. They have no reason to heal anything. Since minorities don't trust the GOP, and since the GOP isn't going to do anything about it, the Regressives will just wait for demographics to bury you.

My guess is that they're right. And as I've said, when Texas goes purple, this is over. We're getting close.
You assume too much. Minorities don't trust the GOP? Really? Who told you that? A biased media? A "political march"?
Ever hear the term, the empty can rattles the most?
A loud voice does not = a majority opinion. If it did the tea party would be in control and fighting the progressives. That however is not the case. As always the battle grounds are somewhere in the middle.
You had democrat candidates that had to run from Pelosi in order to win. So if her identity politics is so powerful why were your candidates in recent elections distancing themselves from her.

Me thinks you put too much stock in the msm.
Great. Losing anything is putting us worse off then before, fool. Rising prices will negate any gains made through tax cuts.

So to recap, Trump gave us deficit expanding tax cuts and then created artificial inflation that swallows up those gains. He's raised our national debt considerably for no gains.

Do you understand that American jobs are impacted when a foreign country sells the same product for less than the US companies? Tariffs just put US companies on an equal footing with their foreign competitors. Do you think its fair that Germany puts a 100% tariff on Harley Davidson motorcycles sold in Germany? But we don't put tariffs on Mercedes or BMWs?
you do understand that once China goes elsewhere for soybeans etc etc etc we may never get that business again ?AND if you hit those farmers in their pockets who do you think they'll be voting for?......remember MONEY talks loudly

so you would favor supporting Chinese companies over American companies in order to keep your meager budget from being impacted?

Reducing the amount of Chinese products sold in this country will create American jobs. Yes, people do vote their pocketbook and having a job makes your pocketbook fuller.
Yes, people do vote their pocketbook and having a job makes your pocketbook fuller.

Until rising cost make it empty again.

what is funny is if Hillary was president and doing the exact same things you would be declaring them wonderful and brilliant.

Don't put words in my mouth, loser.

Stick to the subject.
You're not very good at this after "40 years".
Invalid assumption?
You've been shown that China is the largest importer of soybeans. If they opt to get them cheaper from elsewhere, where are US farmers making up that lost market share?

true, and those American farmers may have to adapt to that changing market. Do you think American soil wont grow anything except soybeans?

Great. So how does eliminating China as a trading partner help us in the long run?

You just removed a revenue steam from America's farmers.

its not eliminating them, its making our trade with them fair to both countries.
its not eliminating them, its making our trade with them fair to both countries.
You just said they would have to grow something else.

true, and those American farmers may have to adapt to that changing market. Do you think American soil wont grow anything except soybeans?

That's only true because you've removed soybeans as a viable commodity.

Yes, fixing trade problems requires changes in America.

what is your solution?

You need to explain the "trade problem".
The Dems' advantage is in demographics, and they know it.

The Republicans somehow don't seem to care about this.
You assume that Americans that fit into those "demographics" are as shallow as the left. How bizarre is it that you morons think you are entitled to their votes simply because you play identity politics.
The numbers bear it out. Those who play Identity Politics have been very successful.

That doesn't make it right. It's cynical, cowardly, dishonest and insulting. But here we are.

My question is, what is the GOP going to do about it? The answer appears to be "Huh? What? Mango!"

are you suggesting that the GOP take on the corrupt tactics of the dems? Are you suggesting that the GOP lie to people like the dems?

I don't think you give amercans enough credit to understand what is going on.
they don't have to take corrupt tactics at all. but when they have the ability to do so, they can try to get some shit done vs. bickering among themselves and getting nothing done.

then again maybe that is a democratic tactic.
Watch how pleased America is with republicans in the next election Drumph has no coat tails ,,,Now you might even lose the senate
Midterms ALWAYS see a swing to the opposition. It is the norm. Matters not who is in the oval office.
Why don't you do something about the underhanded tactics your own party is involved in. Why is it suddenly the responsibility of the GOP to atone for democratic shenanigans?

Fix your own shit bruh
Well, you see how the Regressives react to me here. My concern is that this country's next move will be FAR left, further than I'd like to go.

And I'm not trying to "fix" the GOP. I'm just asking a question, and I'm not getting any serious answers. Which, actually, is an answer in itself.
Your entire thread is based on your idea that the GOP should somehow lay out a plan to defeat the identity politics that the left use.
The GOP need do nothing more than point to results vs rhetoric. The public is not stupid.

You need to focus on fixing your own party rather than expecting everyone else to do it for you. You should be uniting moderates in your party to pull it back from the radical trajectory it is on.

POINTING at the right wont solve your internal problems.
I take on the Regressive Left more effectively than anyone else here, period.

The Regressives are just biding their time. They figure they have no reason to fix anything. They have no reason to heal anything. Since minorities don't trust the GOP, and since the GOP isn't going to do anything about it, the Regressives will just wait for demographics to bury you.

My guess is that they're right. And as I've said, when Texas goes purple, this is over. We're getting close.
You assume too much. Minorities don't trust the GOP? Really? Who told you that? A biased media? A "political march"?
Ever hear the term, the empty can rattles the most?
A loud voice does not = a majority opinion. If it did the tea party would be in control and fighting the progressives. That however is not the case. As always the battle grounds are somewhere in the middle.
You had democrat candidates that had to run from Pelosi in order to win. So if her identity politics is so powerful why were your candidates in recent elections distancing themselves from her.

Me thinks you put too much stock in the msm.
Well, first, I was in the business for 18 years, I know precisely how the game is played, and I know how far left the media leans.

And second, I'm of mixed race, I married into a mixed race family, and I'm quite personally familiar with the opinions of minorities.

So, wrong on both counts.
You assume that Americans that fit into those "demographics" are as shallow as the left. How bizarre is it that you morons think you are entitled to their votes simply because you play identity politics.
The numbers bear it out. Those who play Identity Politics have been very successful.

That doesn't make it right. It's cynical, cowardly, dishonest and insulting. But here we are.

My question is, what is the GOP going to do about it? The answer appears to be "Huh? What? Mango!"

are you suggesting that the GOP take on the corrupt tactics of the dems? Are you suggesting that the GOP lie to people like the dems?

I don't think you give amercans enough credit to understand what is going on.
they don't have to take corrupt tactics at all. but when they have the ability to do so, they can try to get some shit done vs. bickering among themselves and getting nothing done.

then again maybe that is a democratic tactic.
Watch how pleased America is with republicans in the next election Drumph has no coat tails ,,,Now you might even lose the senate
Midterms ALWAYS see a swing to the opposition. It is the norm. Matters not who is in the oval office.
true But how great the swings?? These might be enormous.......and funny how trump is sending NG to guard us just before mid terms ...with those entering at many years low
Why don't you do something about the underhanded tactics your own party is involved in. Why is it suddenly the responsibility of the GOP to atone for democratic shenanigans?

Fix your own shit bruh
Well, you see how the Regressives react to me here. My concern is that this country's next move will be FAR left, further than I'd like to go.

And I'm not trying to "fix" the GOP. I'm just asking a question, and I'm not getting any serious answers. Which, actually, is an answer in itself.
Your entire thread is based on your idea that the GOP should somehow lay out a plan to defeat the identity politics that the left use.
The GOP need do nothing more than point to results vs rhetoric. The public is not stupid.

You need to focus on fixing your own party rather than expecting everyone else to do it for you. You should be uniting moderates in your party to pull it back from the radical trajectory it is on.

POINTING at the right wont solve your internal problems.
I take on the Regressive Left more effectively than anyone else here, period.

The Regressives are just biding their time. They figure they have no reason to fix anything. They have no reason to heal anything. Since minorities don't trust the GOP, and since the GOP isn't going to do anything about it, the Regressives will just wait for demographics to bury you.

My guess is that they're right. And as I've said, when Texas goes purple, this is over. We're getting close.
You assume too much. Minorities don't trust the GOP? Really? Who told you that? A biased media? A "political march"?
Ever hear the term, the empty can rattles the most?
A loud voice does not = a majority opinion. If it did the tea party would be in control and fighting the progressives. That however is not the case. As always the battle grounds are somewhere in the middle.
You had democrat candidates that had to run from Pelosi in order to win. So if her identity politics is so powerful why were your candidates in recent elections distancing themselves from her.

Me thinks you put too much stock in the msm.
Well, first, I was in the business for 18 years, I know precisely how the game is played, and I know how far left the media leans.

And second, I'm of mixed race, I married into a mixed race family, and I'm quite personally familiar with the opinions of minorities.

So, wrong on both counts.
So you are going to apply your personal experience to a national level? Really?
And your experience is moot. We are in uncharted territory at this point. A TV celebrity beat every politician who played the "experienced" game and he beat them all.
Well, you see how the Regressives react to me here. My concern is that this country's next move will be FAR left, further than I'd like to go.

And I'm not trying to "fix" the GOP. I'm just asking a question, and I'm not getting any serious answers. Which, actually, is an answer in itself.
Your entire thread is based on your idea that the GOP should somehow lay out a plan to defeat the identity politics that the left use.
The GOP need do nothing more than point to results vs rhetoric. The public is not stupid.

You need to focus on fixing your own party rather than expecting everyone else to do it for you. You should be uniting moderates in your party to pull it back from the radical trajectory it is on.

POINTING at the right wont solve your internal problems.
I take on the Regressive Left more effectively than anyone else here, period.

The Regressives are just biding their time. They figure they have no reason to fix anything. They have no reason to heal anything. Since minorities don't trust the GOP, and since the GOP isn't going to do anything about it, the Regressives will just wait for demographics to bury you.

My guess is that they're right. And as I've said, when Texas goes purple, this is over. We're getting close.
You assume too much. Minorities don't trust the GOP? Really? Who told you that? A biased media? A "political march"?
Ever hear the term, the empty can rattles the most?
A loud voice does not = a majority opinion. If it did the tea party would be in control and fighting the progressives. That however is not the case. As always the battle grounds are somewhere in the middle.
You had democrat candidates that had to run from Pelosi in order to win. So if her identity politics is so powerful why were your candidates in recent elections distancing themselves from her.

Me thinks you put too much stock in the msm.
Well, first, I was in the business for 18 years, I know precisely how the game is played, and I know how far left the media leans.

And second, I'm of mixed race, I married into a mixed race family, and I'm quite personally familiar with the opinions of minorities.

So, wrong on both counts.
So you are going to apply your personal experience to a national level? Really?
And your experience is moot. We are in uncharted territory at this point. A TV celebrity beat every politician who played the "experienced" game and he beat them all.
Then you have nothing to be concerned about.
The numbers bear it out. Those who play Identity Politics have been very successful.

That doesn't make it right. It's cynical, cowardly, dishonest and insulting. But here we are.

My question is, what is the GOP going to do about it? The answer appears to be "Huh? What? Mango!"

are you suggesting that the GOP take on the corrupt tactics of the dems? Are you suggesting that the GOP lie to people like the dems?

I don't think you give amercans enough credit to understand what is going on.
they don't have to take corrupt tactics at all. but when they have the ability to do so, they can try to get some shit done vs. bickering among themselves and getting nothing done.

then again maybe that is a democratic tactic.
Watch how pleased America is with republicans in the next election Drumph has no coat tails ,,,Now you might even lose the senate
Midterms ALWAYS see a swing to the opposition. It is the norm. Matters not who is in the oval office.
true But how great the swings?? These might be enormous.......and funny how trump is sending NG to guard us just before mid terms ...with those entering at many years low
The numbers illegally crossing has more than doubled since last year.
And lol at "right before". The election is SEVEN MONTHS AWAY. That is an eternity in politics.
while hillary couldn't campaign like trump ,,she sure would be far superior in governing

the old corrupt bitch cant even walk down a few stairs on her own. that hate-filled corrupt liar would have been worse than Obama.
maybe but not nearly as bad as the lying pervert in our WH now

look dude, I understand that you hate Trump, that's your right. But don't let that hate make you stupid.
So your stance is how much better trump is than Hill or Obama and he's saying the right things making Americans proud we have such a fine leader ,,,,bringing our allies even closer in the admiration they have for him?? Am I close?

he was elected to do what he is doing. Yes, I am generally pleased so far. There is nothing wrong with putting this country first and playing hardball with the rest of the world.
Yes he ran to do what he's been doing his whole life Enriching himself at the expense of others
Say goodbye to that sweet $1200 tax cut.

maybe, maybe not. depends on how much competition is involved in any specific product.

It's escalating. Tariffs from both sides have the same effect. Costs rise for everyone. Including business. So even seemingly unrelated industries will be passing their increased cost to consumers as well. It won't take much for that $1200 to disappear.

this is a game of chess. Trump is very close to declaring check mate, the Chinese cannot stay in the game, their economy is too dependent on the hundreds of billions they export to us every year. They will capitulate, watch.
this is a game of chess.

More like tic-tac-toe. Nobody wins.
The rest of the world can play chess,,,Trump only checkers
The rest of the world is being destroyed by a bunch of desert savages who don't even know how to play checkers.
what to YOU think the GOP should be doing?
I laid it out in Post 201, and was told clearly that it's not going to happen. So, okay, there's my answer.

Yes. You want us to destroy some of our most successful spokesmen for racism, to show that we are not racist, and to reach out to those who believe we are racist.

Because making the conversation about how racist we are, will convince them that we are not racist.

Can you see how I find that, not good?
Well, honesty would be a good start, especially with people who don't trust you.

Again, as I keep saying, if you don't feel you need to reach out, great. That's your choice.

Throwing people to the mob is not being honest.

Your path would weaken us while supporting the lie.
are you suggesting that the GOP take on the corrupt tactics of the dems? Are you suggesting that the GOP lie to people like the dems?

I don't think you give amercans enough credit to understand what is going on.
they don't have to take corrupt tactics at all. but when they have the ability to do so, they can try to get some shit done vs. bickering among themselves and getting nothing done.

then again maybe that is a democratic tactic.
Watch how pleased America is with republicans in the next election Drumph has no coat tails ,,,Now you might even lose the senate
Midterms ALWAYS see a swing to the opposition. It is the norm. Matters not who is in the oval office.
true But how great the swings?? These might be enormous.......and funny how trump is sending NG to guard us just before mid terms ...with those entering at many years low
The numbers illegally crossing has more than doubled since last year.
And lol at "right before". The election is SEVEN MONTHS AWAY. That is an eternity in politics.
The numbers illegally crossing has more than doubled since last year.


That's not what Don the Con said.

Trump: 61 percent cut in illegal immigration since election
are you suggesting that the GOP take on the corrupt tactics of the dems? Are you suggesting that the GOP lie to people like the dems?

I don't think you give amercans enough credit to understand what is going on.
they don't have to take corrupt tactics at all. but when they have the ability to do so, they can try to get some shit done vs. bickering among themselves and getting nothing done.

then again maybe that is a democratic tactic.
Watch how pleased America is with republicans in the next election Drumph has no coat tails ,,,Now you might even lose the senate
Midterms ALWAYS see a swing to the opposition. It is the norm. Matters not who is in the oval office.
true But how great the swings?? These might be enormous.......and funny how trump is sending NG to guard us just before mid terms ...with those entering at many years low
The numbers illegally crossing has more than doubled since last year.
And lol at "right before". The election is SEVEN MONTHS AWAY. That is an eternity in politics.
Is trump lying again Gramps?
Is illegal immigration the lowest in 17 years, as Trump said? | PolitiFact
Claim: Illegal immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border is "the lowest in 17 years."
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by PolitiFact: True

Illegal Border Crossings Are Down, But Trump Still Exaggerates the ...
Oct 12, 2017 - Since taking office, President Trump has frequently claimed to have achieved large declines in illegal immigration across the Southwest border with Mexico, and the drop appear to grow with each mention. Mr. Trump has a point: Border crossings have gone down more during his administration. Yet he ...
what to YOU think the GOP should be doing?
I laid it out in Post 201, and was told clearly that it's not going to happen. So, okay, there's my answer.

Yes. You want us to destroy some of our most successful spokesmen for racism, to show that we are not racist, and to reach out to those who believe we are racist.

Because making the conversation about how racist we are, will convince them that we are not racist.

Can you see how I find that, not good?
Well, honesty would be a good start, especially with people who don't trust you.

Again, as I keep saying, if you don't feel you need to reach out, great. That's your choice.

Throwing people to the mob is not being honest.

Your path would weaken us while supporting the lie.
He is a delusional blowhard that doesn't get that EVERYONE is laughing at him.

Republicans would do much better to eliminate the sense of moral superiority that Democrats have instilled in non-whites by pointing out the racist shit that Democrats have done and that they personally supported.

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