"What is the Democrats' message?"

Dems message: Communist Party USA loves us, so should you. We're coming for your money and guns and will throw open our borders to illegals and criminals. Vote DeMS-13.

Brought to you by the DNC and paid for by ISIS backers Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Nazi collaborator George Soros

well put frank

however you forgot the hate platform they are heavily into
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?

your question was answered in novermber 2016. Do not elect democrats. You wrongly assume that the media and dem lies are more influential to voters than having a job and a larger paycheck. People vote for what makes their lives better, not some left wing socialist bullshit about "fairness" and "tolerance". They are smart enough to see who is actually fair and tolerant in their personal lives-----------and its not liberal democrats.

Give the average American some credit. They/we are not as dumb as the dems and media think we are.
How many votes did Hill beat trump by ? and in NY where people do very well we voted for Hill..Yes we'd like a better life too ,,,,,but not under repub fiscal lol conservatives

you can vote however you choose. in 2016 your candidate lost. Deal with it and move on.
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?

your question was answered in novermber 2016. Do not elect democrats. You wrongly assume that the media and dem lies are more influential to voters than having a job and a larger paycheck. People vote for what makes their lives better, not some left wing socialist bullshit about "fairness" and "tolerance". They are smart enough to see who is actually fair and tolerant in their personal lives-----------and its not liberal democrats.

Give the average American some credit. They/we are not as dumb as the dems and media think we are.
How many votes did Hill beat trump by ? and in NY where people do very well we voted for Hill..Yes we'd like a better life too ,,,,,but not under repub fiscal lol conservatives

you can vote however you choose. in 2016 your candidate lost. Deal with it and move on.
I'm trying red but the blind republicans supporting trump make it hard to just move on There's a viper in our WH and they extol him??....
The dem message in 2016 was "We hate you". In 2018 it will be "We really hate you". In 2020 it will be "We aren't kidding, we want you dead."

What will democrats do in 2020 when Trump wins reelection?
The dem message in 2016 was "We hate you". In 2018 it will be "We really hate you". In 2020 it will be "We aren't kidding, we want you dead."

What will democrats do in 2020 when Trump wins reelection?
don't count your chickens until they hatch
The dem message in 2016 was "We hate you". In 2018 it will be "We really hate you". In 2020 it will be "We aren't kidding, we want you dead."

What will democrats do in 2020 when Trump wins reelection?
don't count your chickens until they hatch
Neither should you. Now suppose all your democrat dreams come true. California secedes and becomes an independent nation. Hillary Clinton is elected President of the new country. Without the illegals in California voting, Trump is reelected in a landslide that hasn't been seen since Reagan.
The dem message in 2016 was "We hate you". In 2018 it will be "We really hate you". In 2020 it will be "We aren't kidding, we want you dead."

What will democrats do in 2020 when Trump wins reelection?
don't count your chickens until they hatch
Neither should you. Now suppose all your democrat dreams come true. California secedes and becomes an independent nation. Hillary Clinton is elected President of the new country. Without the illegals in California voting, Trump is reelected in a landslide that hasn't been seen since Reagan.
you're on something ..hill isn't running anymore......and trump winning in 2020? Chance of that are slim and none and slim just walked out the door
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?

your question was answered in novermber 2016. Do not elect democrats. You wrongly assume that the media and dem lies are more influential to voters than having a job and a larger paycheck. People vote for what makes their lives better, not some left wing socialist bullshit about "fairness" and "tolerance". They are smart enough to see who is actually fair and tolerant in their personal lives-----------and its not liberal democrats.

Give the average American some credit. They/we are not as dumb as the dems and media think we are.
How many votes did Hill beat trump by ? and in NY where people do very well we voted for Hill..Yes we'd like a better life too ,,,,,but not under repub fiscal lol conservatives

you can vote however you choose. in 2016 your candidate lost. Deal with it and move on.
I'm trying red but the blind republicans supporting trump make it hard to just move on There's a viper in our WH and they extol him??....

try these facts:

unemployment claims at record lows
black unemployment the lowest in 30 years
American companies expanding in america
new trade deals favorable to americans being put in place
north korea coming to the table for the first time
American workers seeing larger paychecks and bonuses

If you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. He did not run to be your fishing buddy. He is doing the JOB of president better than Obama, Clinton, both Bushes, and most of his predecessors, and he is doing it in spite of the constant attacks from the establishment in both parties, the media, and the brain dead hollyloonies.
The dem message in 2016 was "We hate you". In 2018 it will be "We really hate you". In 2020 it will be "We aren't kidding, we want you dead."

What will democrats do in 2020 when Trump wins reelection?
don't count your chickens until they hatch
Neither should you. Now suppose all your democrat dreams come true. California secedes and becomes an independent nation. Hillary Clinton is elected President of the new country. Without the illegals in California voting, Trump is reelected in a landslide that hasn't been seen since Reagan.
you're on something ..hill isn't running anymore......and trump winning in 2020? Chance of that are slim and none and slim just walked out the door

care to bet on the 2020 race? you guys said he couldn't win in 2016 and he did. YOU are out of touch with the American voters.
The dem message in 2016 was "We hate you". In 2018 it will be "We really hate you". In 2020 it will be "We aren't kidding, we want you dead."

What will democrats do in 2020 when Trump wins reelection?
don't count your chickens until they hatch
Neither should you. Now suppose all your democrat dreams come true. California secedes and becomes an independent nation. Hillary Clinton is elected President of the new country. Without the illegals in California voting, Trump is reelected in a landslide that hasn't been seen since Reagan.

is there a place we can contribute to California seceding?
unemployment claims at record lows
black unemployment the lowest in 30 years
American companies expanding in america
new trade deals favorable to americans being put in place
north korea coming to the table for the first time
American workers seeing larger paychecks and bonuses
None of the things you list are the top of the list of priorities of many minorities, a rapidly growing group.
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?

You witness it every day. They will keep throwing different shit against the wall every day trying to find something that sticks.
The dem message in 2016 was "We hate you". In 2018 it will be "We really hate you". In 2020 it will be "We aren't kidding, we want you dead."

What will democrats do in 2020 when Trump wins reelection?
don't count your chickens until they hatch
Neither should you. Now suppose all your democrat dreams come true. California secedes and becomes an independent nation. Hillary Clinton is elected President of the new country. Without the illegals in California voting, Trump is reelected in a landslide that hasn't been seen since Reagan.
you're on something ..hill isn't running anymore......and trump winning in 2020? Chance of that are slim and none and slim just walked out the door

care to bet on the 2020 race? you guys said he couldn't win in 2016 and he did. YOU are out of touch with the American voters.
No He could possibly win again We weren't out of touch with the American voter,after all she did receive 3 million more votes what we DIDN"T consider was the fact there were so many that could be conned by this shyster this viper this pervert this republican
The democrats message is to resist anything that could have people thanking President Trump.....
The reason that Crooked Hillary lost was that she had no message Americans wanted to hear.

The idiot ran on a far Left platform to have open borders, demonize the NRA, bring in a million Muslims, raise taxes and curtail the right to keep and bear arms. Who in their right mind would vote for somebody like that? Only the illegals, welfare queens, Moon Bats and queers.

The funny thing as bat shit crazy Libtard that she was she was less crazy than the other Democrat running.
Yeah, not very close. There is no one on this board who is more of an advocate of freedom of expression than me. Which is one of the many primary reasons I happily take incoming from the Regressive Left on a regular basis.
Yes, you are all for freedom of expression for Nazis and other creeps.Muslims, not so much.
What?!?! Mac is very fair to Muslims. All they have to do is agree with him that just about every Muslim they know is a wife-beating, US Soldier-killing, sharia-law loving extremist. They simply have to denounce their religion and accept discrimination as a fact of life here. Do that and you'll get to be in his siggy!
DOTR, see? I just mention "Regressive Left", and they immediately jump in to both self-identify and illustrate my point for me.

My little stalker friends literally can't help themselves.

Thats just the left. Leftists always demand ideological purity. Thus their periodic self purges.
How did it help last election?
Okay, so you feel that you don't need to do anything other than what you've been doing.

Is that fair?

I don’t care if it’s fair. It is what I will do.
Sorry, I didn't write that very well. I meant, is that a fair representation of your point?

For now it is. Some of this is a waiting game. Moving the Overton Window. Giving Trump leave to poke the rats nests and letting our nation see the repellent creatures he stirs up.
He is winning. You have no way of knowing that of course. Your response is to clamp down on speech but it hurts you more than it helps.
Yeah, not very close. There is no one on this board who is more of an advocate of freedom of expression than me.

Which is one of the many primary reasons I happily take incoming from the Regressive Left on a regular basis.

Okay, we'll see.

the leftist's chokehold on the media you yourself depend on is bad for you. It leads to a distorted view of America. I dont care about crowd size. Not the point. Just an illustration of what they do all day every day.
And then you are shocked at results on election night. Since you were lied to for months in order to gin up support your only way to make sense of it is a conspiracy theory with Russians.
This plays in our favor. So will continue with what worked. Among other things.

Hillary detests regular people, she couldn't hide that disdain. The **** will die soon and I'll toast her remains. She is an embarrassment to the World.
Democrats are hanging everything on open borders resulting in killing off Americans. All they have is their hoped for change in demographics.

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