"What is the Democrats' message?"

Democrats are hanging everything on open borders resulting in killing off Americans. All they have is their hoped for change in demographics.
folks entering illegally are at the lowest in 40 years

thank Trump for that. If Hillary had won, they would be pouring across the border.
why ? What has he done?? Built a wall??? Far as I know nothing until sending recently Nat Guard BTW how much is that costing tax payers ? The fiscal conservatives Bwwwwwwhahaha
What has he done? I’m glad you asked.....

Democrats are hanging everything on open borders resulting in killing off Americans. All they have is their hoped for change in demographics.
folks entering illegally are at the lowest in 40 years

thank Trump for that. If Hillary had won, they would be pouring across the border.
why ? What has he done?? Built a wall??? Far as I know nothing until sending recently Nat Guard BTW how much is that costing tax payers ? The fiscal conservatives Bwwwwwwhahaha

he first lifted the restrictions put on the border patrol by obozo, the wall is getting built. enforcing our existing immigration laws is not difficult and Trump is doing that.

He tried to work with the dems to fix DACA but they refused.
No He could possibly win again We weren't out of touch with the American voter,after all she did receive 3 million more votes what we DIDN"T consider was the fact there were so many that could be conned by this shyster this viper this pervert this republican

who was conned? he has done exactly what he said he would do during the campaign. Its you lefties who were conned, you were told Hillary cares about you, it was a lie, she only cares about herself and her far left agenda of bringing this country down.
Hope you're in a red state when China's tariffs hit Maybe you need a little pain brought on by that AH in our WH to get you on the right track

china sells more to us than we sell to them. Tariffs will hurt them a lot more than they will hurt us. They will also make American products price competitive which will create American jobs.

but I understand, you are a hater, facts don't matter to you
when it starts red staters will be screaming bloody murder.......think they can't get soy beans etc etc from other countries?

Soy beans are grown in the USA, doofus. Tariffs will put them on an equal price footing with imported soybeans.

are you as dumb as you appear to be?
They will be buying soybeans from Brazil ..Will you be buying $500 shoes from Italy?? and dumb ??? You should do a little reading up on the subject before calling anyone dumb
Democrats are hanging everything on open borders resulting in killing off Americans. All they have is their hoped for change in demographics.
folks entering illegally are at the lowest in 40 years

thank Trump for that. If Hillary had won, they would be pouring across the border.
why ? What has he done?? Built a wall??? Far as I know nothing until sending recently Nat Guard BTW how much is that costing tax payers ? The fiscal conservatives Bwwwwwwhahaha
The threatening to do something major about the problem(i.e the wall, and ending birthright citizenship for children of illegals), on top of the ICE raids, on top of the lawsuits against sanctuary cities, combined with MOAB dropped on Syria etc scared the shit out of the hypocrite Mexican activists and their smuggling campaigns.
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?
Let’s all be useless bystanders like you and stand for nothing.
Democrats are hanging everything on open borders resulting in killing off Americans. All they have is their hoped for change in demographics.
folks entering illegally are at the lowest in 40 years

thank Trump for that. If Hillary had won, they would be pouring across the border.
why ? What has he done?? Built a wall??? Far as I know nothing until sending recently Nat Guard BTW how much is that costing tax payers ? The fiscal conservatives Bwwwwwwhahaha

he first lifted the restrictions put on the border patrol by obozo, the wall is getting built. enforcing our existing immigration laws is not difficult and Trump is doing that.

He tried to work with the dems to fix DACA but they refused.
He tried to blackmail dems They called him out for his bullshit
who was conned? he has done exactly what he said he would do during the campaign. Its you lefties who were conned, you were told Hillary cares about you, it was a lie, she only cares about herself and her far left agenda of bringing this country down.
Hope you're in a red state when China's tariffs hit Maybe you need a little pain brought on by that AH in our WH to get you on the right track

china sells more to us than we sell to them. Tariffs will hurt them a lot more than they will hurt us. They will also make American products price competitive which will create American jobs.

but I understand, you are a hater, facts don't matter to you
when it starts red staters will be screaming bloody murder.......think they can't get soy beans etc etc from other countries?

Soy beans are grown in the USA, doofus. Tariffs will put them on an equal price footing with imported soybeans.

are you as dumb as you appear to be?
They will be buying soybeans from Brazil ..Will you be buying $500 shoes from Italy?? and dumb ??? You should do a little reading up on the subject before calling anyone dumb

I don't eat soybeans or buy $500 shoes, so I guess none of that will impact me. Got anything else?
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”
Let’s all be useless bystanders like you and stand for nothing.
I'm more than happy to direct you to the link at the end of the second line of my sig, in which I lay out my positions on the issues clearly.

So, that's a heckuva fail there.

I gleefully take incoming from wingers on both ends every single day here. I don't need an ideological safe space in which I can hide.
Democrats are hanging everything on open borders resulting in killing off Americans. All they have is their hoped for change in demographics.
folks entering illegally are at the lowest in 40 years

thank Trump for that. If Hillary had won, they would be pouring across the border.
why ? What has he done?? Built a wall??? Far as I know nothing until sending recently Nat Guard BTW how much is that costing tax payers ? The fiscal conservatives Bwwwwwwhahaha

he first lifted the restrictions put on the border patrol by obozo, the wall is getting built. enforcing our existing immigration laws is not difficult and Trump is doing that.

He tried to work with the dems to fix DACA but they refused.
He tried to blackmail dems They called him out for his bullshit

He tried to make a deal with them, a compromise. Like Clinton and Newt did, like Reagan and O'Neill did, the dems refused because they are nothing but obstructionists. He offered what they said they wanted, they refused. they are liars and hypocrites.
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”
And DOW off 572 on friday means Americas investing world is happy with trumps doing?
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”

we would win a trade war and china would lose. previous presidents have allowed china to win and help put this country in huge debt to china, Trump is trying to reverse that.

We don't need Chinese products to survive, but they need American food to survive. We have all the leverage here to stop the unfair advantage they have had for far too long.
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”
And DOW off 572 on friday means Americas investing world is happy with trumps doing?

bullshit, the market is reactive, not proactive. corporate profits are up, consumer confidence is up. a correction was way over due. Good time to buy. just like 08 was a great time to buy.
That is not the message. Here is the message.


The fact that these values align with those groups who seek equality under the law and equality of opportunity doesn't mean that the message is not valid.

Having a guy like Trump there to amplify the voices of those who don't believe in those ideals is just a happy circumstance.

And....how many times are you going to post this same thread? What makes you think THIS time will end differently?

it's that whole pretend "moderate" thing
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”

we would win a trade war and china would lose. previous presidents have allowed china to win and help put this country in huge debt to china, Trump is trying to reverse that.

We don't need Chinese products to survive, but they need American food to survive. We have all the leverage here to stop the unfair advantage they have had for far too long.

how do you win a trade war, trump loon? and how do you think you're better able to gauge the effects of a trade war than actual smart people who are trained in economics.

hint: you can't. :cuckoo:
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”
And DOW off 572 on friday means Americas investing world is happy with trumps doing?

bullshit, the market is reactive, not proactive. corporate profits are up, consumer confidence is up. a correction was way over due. Good time to buy. just like 08 was a great time to buy.

wow, jelly knows how to click the smiley face. good job, jelly
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”

we would win a trade war and china would lose. previous presidents have allowed china to win and help put this country in huge debt to china, Trump is trying to reverse that.

We don't need Chinese products to survive, but they need American food to survive. We have all the leverage here to stop the unfair advantage they have had for far too long.

how do you win a trade war, trump loon? and how do you think you're better able to gauge the effects of a trade war than actual smart people who are trained in economics.

hint: you can't. :cuckoo:

OK, jelly. does china sell more to America or does America sell more to china? Hint: the country selling the most has the most to lose in a trade war.
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”

we would win a trade war and china would lose. previous presidents have allowed china to win and help put this country in huge debt to china, Trump is trying to reverse that.

We don't need Chinese products to survive, but they need American food to survive. We have all the leverage here to stop the unfair advantage they have had for far too long.

how do you win a trade war, trump loon? and how do you think you're better able to gauge the effects of a trade war than actual smart people who are trained in economics.

hint: you can't. :cuckoo:

OK, jelly. does china sell more to America or does America sell more to china? Hint: the country selling the most has the most to lose in a trade war.
we all know america sells only about 154 billion to china and most of the meat planes etc are targeted at red states And imo the chinese citizen is far more adept at living in pain than even redstate crackers
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”

we would win a trade war and china would lose. previous presidents have allowed china to win and help put this country in huge debt to china, Trump is trying to reverse that.

We don't need Chinese products to survive, but they need American food to survive. We have all the leverage here to stop the unfair advantage they have had for far too long.

how do you win a trade war, trump loon? and how do you think you're better able to gauge the effects of a trade war than actual smart people who are trained in economics.

hint: you can't. :cuckoo:

OK, jelly. does china sell more to America or does America sell more to china? Hint: the country selling the most has the most to lose in a trade war.

Trade Deficits Are Irrelevant

"What about the argument that American producers are undercut by cheap goods imported from low-wage countries like China? Whose fault is this? The answer is easy. If American consumers refused to buy goods produced in China, there would be no Chinese-made goods on store shelves. American consumers who prefer lower prices to higher prices are the true enemy of American companies and their unions whining about “free but fair trade.” They should show up in front of Walmart and other sellers of foreign products and denounce American consumers who buy foreign-made products. That would be honest. The “free trade but fair trade” lobby finds it more effective to pursue their agenda by stealth — namely intimidate and bribe congressmen into enacting "


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