"What is the Democrats' message?"

No He could possibly win again We weren't out of touch with the American voter,after all she did receive 3 million more votes what we DIDN"T consider was the fact there were so many that could be conned by this shyster this viper this pervert this republican

who was conned? he has done exactly what he said he would do during the campaign. Its you lefties who were conned, you were told Hillary cares about you, it was a lie, she only cares about herself and her far left agenda of bringing this country down.
Hope you're in a red state when China's tariffs hit Maybe you need a little pain brought on by that AH in our WH to get you on the right track

china sells more to us than we sell to them. Tariffs will hurt them a lot more than they will hurt us. They will also make American products price competitive which will create American jobs.

but I understand, you are a hater, facts don't matter to you
when it starts red staters will be screaming bloody murder.......think they can't get soy beans etc etc from other countries?

Soy beans are grown in the USA, doofus. Tariffs will put them on an equal price footing with imported soybeans.

are you as dumb as you appear to be?

Spoken like a dutiful Dotard! ^
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”

we would win a trade war and china would lose. previous presidents have allowed china to win and help put this country in huge debt to china, Trump is trying to reverse that.

We don't need Chinese products to survive, but they need American food to survive. We have all the leverage here to stop the unfair advantage they have had for far too long.

how do you win a trade war, trump loon? and how do you think you're better able to gauge the effects of a trade war than actual smart people who are trained in economics.

hint: you can't. :cuckoo:

OK, jelly. does china sell more to America or does America sell more to china? Hint: the country selling the most has the most to lose in a trade war.
The education of redfish
Why China’s soybean tariffs matter
April 5, 2018 6.46am EDT
A farmer harvest his soybean field in Loami, Ill. AP Photo/Seth Perlman
China’s plan to levy a 25 percent tariff on imports of U.S. soybeans may come as something of a surprise to most Americans. But to a professor of agricultural economics who studies international commodity markets for a living, this was not at all unexpected.

Even before the conclusion of the 2016 presidential race, trade analysts were already weighing the possibility that China might impose an embargo on U.S. soybean imports based on protectionist rhetoric from both candidates.

And now that risk of a trade war is reality, and American soybean farmers may be among the biggest losers.

Soybeans are a crucial part of the global food chain, particularly as a source of protein in the production of hogs and poultry.

In 2016, the U.S. accounted for US$22.8 billion worth of global soybean exports, the most of any country. Its nearest competitor is Brazil, which exported $21 billion.

Meanwhile, China accounts for the lion’s share of global soybean imports at $34 billion, or two-thirds of the total.

American exports made up about a third of that, or $12.4 billion, making soybeans the United States’ second-most valuable export to China after varieties of airplanes.

The importance of China as a market for soybeans has been driven by an explosion in demand for meat as consumers switch from a diet dominated by rice to one where pork, poultry and beef play an important part. Chinese production of meat from those three animals surged 250 percent from 1986 to 2012 and is projected to increase another 30 percent by the end of the current decade. However, China is unable to produce enough animal feed itself, hence the need to import soybeans from the United States and Brazil.

That’s why the tariffs have tremendous potential to hurt farmers here in Ohio, where soybeans are the number one agricultural export at $1.4 billion. China is the state’s largest export market.

And Ohio is just the sixth-largest exporter of soybeans, after Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana and Nebraska, all of which will suffer from the tariffs.

Not only do farmers stand to lose out by giving up market share to Brazilian farmers, but soybean prices will probably fall as well, hurting incomes and creating a double whammy for Midwest farms.
And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”

we would win a trade war and china would lose. previous presidents have allowed china to win and help put this country in huge debt to china, Trump is trying to reverse that.

We don't need Chinese products to survive, but they need American food to survive. We have all the leverage here to stop the unfair advantage they have had for far too long.

how do you win a trade war, trump loon? and how do you think you're better able to gauge the effects of a trade war than actual smart people who are trained in economics.

hint: you can't. :cuckoo:

Oy vey trump should listen to Robert (((Reich))) and (((Greenspan))) and (((Yellen))) and Barbara (((Bergman)))) and Robert (((Klein))) and Paul (((Krugman))) etc etc etc
The administrative state only has your best interests at heart.
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And lesson for dummies red
Were China to want to match Trump’s latest threat, it wouldn’t have enough American goods imports to target. It could take other measures like curbing package tours or student transfers to the U.S., or hamper American companies operating in China.

“This is starting to feel like the beginnings of a trade war, if simply each proposal is matched with a retaliation,” said Patrick Bennett, a Hong Kong-based strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. “The U.S. risks isolating itself from global trade in this process and we think the U.S., USD and U.S. asset markets have more to lose.”

we would win a trade war and china would lose. previous presidents have allowed china to win and help put this country in huge debt to china, Trump is trying to reverse that.

We don't need Chinese products to survive, but they need American food to survive. We have all the leverage here to stop the unfair advantage they have had for far too long.

how do you win a trade war, trump loon? and how do you think you're better able to gauge the effects of a trade war than actual smart people who are trained in economics.

hint: you can't. :cuckoo:

OK, jelly. does china sell more to America or does America sell more to china? Hint: the country selling the most has the most to lose in a trade war.
The education of redfish
Why China’s soybean tariffs matter
April 5, 2018 6.46am EDT
A farmer harvest his soybean field in Loami, Ill. AP Photo/Seth Perlman
China’s plan to levy a 25 percent tariff on imports of U.S. soybeans may come as something of a surprise to most Americans. But to a professor of agricultural economics who studies international commodity markets for a living, this was not at all unexpected.

Even before the conclusion of the 2016 presidential race, trade analysts were already weighing the possibility that China might impose an embargo on U.S. soybean imports based on protectionist rhetoric from both candidates.

And now that risk of a trade war is reality, and American soybean farmers may be among the biggest losers.

Soybeans are a crucial part of the global food chain, particularly as a source of protein in the production of hogs and poultry.

In 2016, the U.S. accounted for US$22.8 billion worth of global soybean exports, the most of any country. Its nearest competitor is Brazil, which exported $21 billion.

Meanwhile, China accounts for the lion’s share of global soybean imports at $34 billion, or two-thirds of the total.

American exports made up about a third of that, or $12.4 billion, making soybeans the United States’ second-most valuable export to China after varieties of airplanes.

The importance of China as a market for soybeans has been driven by an explosion in demand for meat as consumers switch from a diet dominated by rice to one where pork, poultry and beef play an important part. Chinese production of meat from those three animals surged 250 percent from 1986 to 2012 and is projected to increase another 30 percent by the end of the current decade. However, China is unable to produce enough animal feed itself, hence the need to import soybeans from the United States and Brazil.

That’s why the tariffs have tremendous potential to hurt farmers here in Ohio, where soybeans are the number one agricultural export at $1.4 billion. China is the state’s largest export market.

And Ohio is just the sixth-largest exporter of soybeans, after Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana and Nebraska, all of which will suffer from the tariffs.

Not only do farmers stand to lose out by giving up market share to Brazilian farmers, but soybean prices will probably fall as well, hurting incomes and creating a double whammy for Midwest farms.

Sure. The Chinese communists have been buying from the us in order to keep the prices they pay higher.
If they could buy them from Brazil cheaper they would. If they could collapse the us market and make them cheaper they would have already. What fool wrote that article?
And if they think the threat of damaging soybean farmers will allow them to keep dumping steel then they have underestimated Trump as badly as democrats did.
Trumps tariffs create American jobs. Soybean tariffs will not create one single Chinese job. It will only make soybean 25% higher in China.
They have no weapon here except their own suffering.
unemployment claims at record lows
black unemployment the lowest in 30 years
American companies expanding in america
new trade deals favorable to americans being put in place
north korea coming to the table for the first time
American workers seeing larger paychecks and bonuses
None of the things you list are the top of the list of priorities of many minorities, a rapidly growing group.

They prefer handouts to jobs?
unemployment claims at record lows
black unemployment the lowest in 30 years
American companies expanding in america
new trade deals favorable to americans being put in place
north korea coming to the table for the first time
American workers seeing larger paychecks and bonuses
None of the things you list are the top of the list of priorities of many minorities, a rapidly growing group.

jobs and paychecks are not of interest to minorities? really? which ones?
That's not what I said.

I said it's not their top priority.

if money in their pocket is not their top priority, what is?
It was in my OP.

They think you hate them, so they don't trust you.

They think you don't want them here, so they don't want to enable you.

All of that comes first. That's what the GOP doesn't get.

By “get” you mean surrender.
If you think the GOP can continue this way as the country gets browner, okay. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're right.

Clearly the GOP has chosen to do nothing

Your best hope is the destruction of a nation. Importing voters to outvote natives.
I don’t know about the GOP but we aren’t “doing nothing”. We elected Trump to stop this cultural genocide.
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Republicans have mastered ruling from a minority
I, for one, am hard pressed to agree with that assertion. I see little evidence of GOP ruling (leadership), let alone mastery of such.

I mean really. How does one bitch and moan for seven years solid and pass a ton of bills to repeal one damn law, have those bills vetoed and then, upon obtaining tripartite control of the government, not pass any one of those same bills and, even worse, "dick around" trying to come up with a different bill that too did not pass? One (a group) has nobody else but oneself to blame for such an fiasco and that one embarked on such an escapade shows clearly that one was FOS from the get go, that is, that one didn't care about substance, but only about political gain. That's not leadership; that's partisanship and "swampiness."
If you think the GOP can continue this way as the country gets browner, okay. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're right.

Clearly the GOP has chosen to do nothing

Your best hope is the destruction of a nation. Importing voters to outvote natives.
I don’t know about the GOP but we aren’t “doing nothing”. We elected Trump to stop this cultural genocide.

what cultural genocide is that? not being white supremacists?
Mac, I respect the heck out of you for asking real questions to both sides, but I still don't know what you are looking for here. What PR stuff do you think the gop has to do? I know the media is pounding the message that republicans hate all minorities and women. What makes this really tough is that you say the issues don't matter. So the gop can't say that common sense helps everybody. So I assume you want some massive PR campaign that says no, we don't hate you. There are many minority conservatives in government, and the left destroys them. It is sick that the 'they hate you' message applies even to minority conservatives. You say the gop is ignoring this problem, and that saying nothing can be done is a cop out. I think the biggest problem the gop has is that they think it is obvious that common sense policy helps everybody. You are correct, policy won't do a darn thing. This is tough, and I'm sure the gop is looking for something to turn the tide. If someone had the answer, they definately would be doing it. Bright 'We love everybody' buttons with a fancy jingle?
White people need to shut up.

And the audience is cheering. I don't think these people can be topped when it comes to racism. Hitler would have had difficult time coming with such rhetoric.
"What's the Democrats' message?" is something most Republicans these days have to ask because they're too fuckin' stupid to do basic research.

I run a small business and for the life of me I just don't comprehend the modern Republican talking points, which go something like, "Low taxes and cutting burdensome regulations will help small businesses."

Um, no, speaking as a socially progressive/fiscal conservative, DEMAND helps my business. Paying a couple grand less in taxes is alright, but it's negated by the fact that healthcare costs keep rising. And there isn't any regulation standing in my way.

I want demand. Demand is what makes me prosper, not meager little tax cuts while they give the majority of them to billionaires that don't need them. I want increased demand and want more people making more money so they can spend it in the economy. We still have rampant wage stagnation. Wage stagnation is the thing that affects small business owners the most. That's what's standing in our way.

Cost of living continues to outpace wages. From a basic capitalistic view, I had to switch over to the Democrats in my lifetime because their policies literally put more money in the hands of more people, which in effect is the action of trickling down the prosperity that Republicans pay lip service to, but which they never actually DO when they're in power.

All they seem to do nowadays is distract their simpleminded base with targets & strawmen while they rob them blind, just the way they did w/Trump's tax cut, which is a total scam in the long run on the little guy.

We need a real plan to raise wages in this country. When more $ goes to real people, they spend it and small businesses do better as a result, and local economies do bette. No tax cut and no cut in regulations can offset that and Democrats "get" this basic free market concept in a way Republicans just don't, even though they flap their gums a lot about it.
"What's the Democrats' message?" is something most Republicans these days have to ask because they're too fuckin' stupid to do basic research.

I run a small business and for the life of me I just don't comprehend the modern Republican talking points, which go something like, "Low taxes and cutting burdensome regulations will help small businesses."

Um, no, speaking as a socially progressive/fiscal conservative, DEMAND helps my business. Paying a couple grand less in taxes is alright, but it's negated by the fact that healthcare costs keep rising. And there isn't any regulation standing in my way.

I want demand. Demand is what makes me prosper, not meager little tax cuts while they give the majority of them to billionaires that don't need them. I want increased demand and want more people making more money so they can spend it in the economy. We still have rampant wage stagnation. Wage stagnation is the thing that affects small business owners the most. That's what's standing in our way.

Cost of living continues to outpace wages. From a basic capitalistic view, I had to switch over to the Democrats in my lifetime because their policies literally put more money in the hands of more people, which in effect is the action of trickling down the prosperity that Republicans pay lip service to, but which they never actually DO when they're in power.

All they seem to do nowadays is distract their simpleminded base with targets & strawmen while they rob them blind, just the way they did w/Trump's tax cut, which is a total scam in the long run on the little guy.

We need a real plan to raise wages in this country. When more $ goes to real people, they spend it and small businesses do better as a result, and local economies do bette. No tax cut and no cut in regulations can offset that and Democrats "get" this basic free market concept in a way Republicans just don't, even though they flap their gums a lot about it.
I will make it simple for your dumb ass.

If you are white Democrats don't give a shit about you.

None of your nonsense about the "free market" matters when that is put into proper perspective.
"What's the Democrats' message?" is something most Republicans these days have to ask because they're too fuckin' stupid to do basic research.

I run a small business and for the life of me I just don't comprehend the modern Republican talking points, which go something like, "Low taxes and cutting burdensome regulations will help small businesses."

Um, no, speaking as a socially progressive/fiscal conservative, DEMAND helps my business. Paying a couple grand less in taxes is alright, but it's negated by the fact that healthcare costs keep rising. And there isn't any regulation standing in my way.

I want demand. Demand is what makes me prosper, not meager little tax cuts while they give the majority of them to billionaires that don't need them. I want increased demand and want more people making more money so they can spend it in the economy. We still have rampant wage stagnation. Wage stagnation is the thing that affects small business owners the most. That's what's standing in our way.

Cost of living continues to outpace wages. From a basic capitalistic view, I had to switch over to the Democrats in my lifetime because their policies literally put more money in the hands of more people, which in effect is the action of trickling down the prosperity that Republicans pay lip service to, but which they never actually DO when they're in power.

All they seem to do nowadays is distract their simpleminded base with targets & strawmen while they rob them blind, just the way they did w/Trump's tax cut, which is a total scam in the long run on the little guy.

We need a real plan to raise wages in this country. When more $ goes to real people, they spend it and small businesses do better as a result, and local economies do bette. No tax cut and no cut in regulations can offset that and Democrats "get" this basic free market concept in a way Republicans just don't, even though they flap their gums a lot about it.
I will make it simple for your dumb ass.

If you are white Democrats don't give a shit about you.

None of your nonsense about the "free market" matters when that is put into proper perspective.

I'm white as can be and Democrats have a better grasp on business than Republicans do. With Republicans in charge, they do a lot of talking and a lot of bellyaching over things that have practical solutions, like this trade war we're on the horizon of having w/China. Totally unnecessary. Trump said he was a master dealmaker. So why not just renegotiate the terms of our trade practices with them? Because he's actually never cut a good deal in his life.

The economy goes to shit by the end of Republican rule in my lifetime. They just don't get it. It's really Republicans who don't give a shit about white people. After all, it's you stupid cowpokes who kept voting all these years to have all the taxpayer wealth go to corporate farming, which has put family farmers out of business. Democrats didn't do that. You did it to your own stupid selves, just like you're doing it to yourselves some more now. Wake up.
unemployment claims at record lows
black unemployment the lowest in 30 years
American companies expanding in america
new trade deals favorable to americans being put in place
north korea coming to the table for the first time
American workers seeing larger paychecks and bonuses
None of the things you list are the top of the list of priorities of many minorities, a rapidly growing group.

They prefer handouts to jobs?
There's a good example of my point.
None of the things you list are the top of the list of priorities of many minorities, a rapidly growing group.

jobs and paychecks are not of interest to minorities? really? which ones?
That's not what I said.

I said it's not their top priority.

if money in their pocket is not their top priority, what is?
It was in my OP.

They think you hate them, so they don't trust you.

They think you don't want them here, so they don't want to enable you.

All of that comes first. That's what the GOP doesn't get.

By “get” you mean surrender.
I think "trained to ignore" is probably closer.
If you think the GOP can continue this way as the country gets browner, okay. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're right.

Clearly the GOP has chosen to do nothing

Your best hope is the destruction of a nation. Importing voters to outvote natives.
I don’t know about the GOP but we aren’t “doing nothing”. We elected Trump to stop this cultural genocide.
And you really think that simply electing Trump is going to stop what's coming?
"What's the Democrats' message?" is something most Republicans these days have to ask because they're too fuckin' stupid to do basic research.

I run a small business and for the life of me I just don't comprehend the modern Republican talking points, which go something like, "Low taxes and cutting burdensome regulations will help small businesses."

Um, no, speaking as a socially progressive/fiscal conservative, DEMAND helps my business. Paying a couple grand less in taxes is alright, but it's negated by the fact that healthcare costs keep rising. And there isn't any regulation standing in my way.

I want demand. Demand is what makes me prosper, not meager little tax cuts while they give the majority of them to billionaires that don't need them. I want increased demand and want more people making more money so they can spend it in the economy. We still have rampant wage stagnation. Wage stagnation is the thing that affects small business owners the most. That's what's standing in our way.

Cost of living continues to outpace wages. From a basic capitalistic view, I had to switch over to the Democrats in my lifetime because their policies literally put more money in the hands of more people, which in effect is the action of trickling down the prosperity that Republicans pay lip service to, but which they never actually DO when they're in power.

All they seem to do nowadays is distract their simpleminded base with targets & strawmen while they rob them blind, just the way they did w/Trump's tax cut, which is a total scam in the long run on the little guy.

We need a real plan to raise wages in this country. When more $ goes to real people, they spend it and small businesses do better as a result, and local economies do bette. No tax cut and no cut in regulations can offset that and Democrats "get" this basic free market concept in a way Republicans just don't, even though they flap their gums a lot about it.
I will make it simple for your dumb ass.

If you are white Democrats don't give a shit about you.

None of your nonsense about the "free market" matters when that is put into proper perspective.

I'm white as can be and Democrats have a better grasp on business than Republicans do. With Republicans in charge, they do a lot of talking and a lot of bellyaching over things that have practical solutions, like this trade war we're on the horizon of having w/China. Totally unnecessary. Trump said he was a master dealmaker. So why not just renegotiate the terms of our trade practices with them? Because he's actually never cut a good deal in his life.

The economy goes to shit by the end of Republican rule in my lifetime. They just don't get it. It's really Republicans who don't give a shit about white people. After all, it's you stupid cowpokes who kept voting all these years to have all the taxpayer wealth go to corporate farming, which has put family farmers out of business. Democrats didn't do that. You did it to your own stupid selves, just like you're doing it to yourselves some more now. Wake up.
I didn't say Republicans love white people, I said that Democrats HATE you.

When that dumbass inbred bitch from Idaho said that her job is make white people "shut up" to laughs and cheers from Democrats all over the country, THAT should have been the wake up call low IQ yokels like you needed to actually wake the fuck up and realize that economic policies literally don't matter anymore.
If you think the GOP can continue this way as the country gets browner, okay. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're right.

Clearly the GOP has chosen to do nothing

Your best hope is the destruction of a nation. Importing voters to outvote natives.
I don’t know about the GOP but we aren’t “doing nothing”. We elected Trump to stop this cultural genocide.
And you really think that simply electing Trump is going to stop what's coming?
What is coming for Democrats and their European buddies is far far worse.

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