What liberals dont understand.....

As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.

"I will fight it with violence if need be."

so....by any means necessary?

HEY .....POLITICAL BITCH.......here's ANOTHER conservative declaring "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY"

To preserve the Constitution of the United States? Isn't that the oath our military personnel take?
Just keep your little temper tantrum out there in fly over country and we'll be fine.

Actually, you scum in the inner cities tend to kill each other at an alarming rate. Fly over country is the most safe place. Anywhere democrats are in charge there is poverty, homelessness, and violence.

That's just the contribution democrats bring to the nation.
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.

Dear HereWeGoAgain
What liberals don't understand is their socialist beliefs
count as a political religion, and is therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL
to establish through govt unless taxpayers consent.

What CONSERVATIVES don't understand is we need to
ESTABLISH that socialism is a political religion and
ENFORCE Constitutional laws against that
WITHOUT threatening violence, oppressing or censorship.

It's one thing to try to DENY liberals the right to practice their
own socialism beliefs by voluntary participation and funding.

It's a DIFFERENT approach to use the Constitution to enforce
rules against establishing beliefs through govt and discriminate by creed.

That's what Conservatives don't get and aren't doing either.
Just freaking out and wanting to get rid of liberals,
instead of enforcing laws that would already preclude
socialist beliefs from being established unconstitutionally.

Let us explain things to you. The Military, Roads, Police, Fire Dept,.... are all socialist programs..

The government have virtual monopoly of these services and taxpayers pay for them...

So I think you have to define what you think socialism is?

No, you ignorant lying fuck, none of those things are socialism.

What are "the means of production," stupid?
Using my money for that free stuff.

That's the funny thing about taxes, once they collect it governments don't think it's your money anymore...

And trying to fight it is pretty useless


Funny thing about taxes, if you withhold payment, the government doesn't have your money. A general tax strike is VERY effective in getting the attention of the ruling elite,
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.

Dear HereWeGoAgain
What liberals don't understand is their socialist beliefs
count as a political religion, and is therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL
to establish through govt unless taxpayers consent.

What CONSERVATIVES don't understand is we need to
ESTABLISH that socialism is a political religion and
ENFORCE Constitutional laws against that
WITHOUT threatening violence, oppressing or censorship.

It's one thing to try to DENY liberals the right to practice their
own socialism beliefs by voluntary participation and funding.

It's a DIFFERENT approach to use the Constitution to enforce
rules against establishing beliefs through govt and discriminate by creed.

That's what Conservatives don't get and aren't doing either.
Just freaking out and wanting to get rid of liberals,
instead of enforcing laws that would already preclude
socialist beliefs from being established unconstitutionally.

Let us explain things to you. The Military, Roads, Police, Fire Dept,.... are all socialist programs..

The government have virtual monopoly of these services and taxpayers pay for them...

So I think you have to define what you think socialism is?

No, you ignorant lying fuck, none of those things are socialism.

What are "the means of production," stupid?
Government, of the People, by the People and for the People.
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
Socialism in the modern sense and the sense that every Democrat understands, is simply well regulated fair capitalism with a good safety net. Only You brainwashed functional GOP morons think it means a dictatorship and communism. LOL aaarrrggghhh...
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.

Dear HereWeGoAgain
What liberals don't understand is their socialist beliefs
count as a political religion, and is therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL
to establish through govt unless taxpayers consent.

What CONSERVATIVES don't understand is we need to
ESTABLISH that socialism is a political religion and
ENFORCE Constitutional laws against that
WITHOUT threatening violence, oppressing or censorship.

It's one thing to try to DENY liberals the right to practice their
own socialism beliefs by voluntary participation and funding.

It's a DIFFERENT approach to use the Constitution to enforce
rules against establishing beliefs through govt and discriminate by creed.

That's what Conservatives don't get and aren't doing either.
Just freaking out and wanting to get rid of liberals,
instead of enforcing laws that would already preclude
socialist beliefs from being established unconstitutionally.

Let us explain things to you. The Military, Roads, Police, Fire Dept,.... are all socialist programs..

The government have virtual monopoly of these services and taxpayers pay for them...

So I think you have to define what you think socialism is?

No, you ignorant lying fuck, none of those things are socialism.

What are "the means of production," stupid?
What communists own and socialists regulate, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. "We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize the idiocy of the GOP sabotaging and blocking it....
Using my money for that free stuff.

That's the funny thing about taxes, once they collect it governments don't think it's your money anymore...

And trying to fight it is pretty useless


Funny thing about taxes, if you withhold payment, the government doesn't have your money. A general tax strike is VERY effective in getting the attention of the ruling elite,

Funny thing about taxes, if you withhold payment, the government doesn't have your money. A general tax strike is VERY effective in getting the attention of the ruling elite,

Very difficult to do. They will empty all your accounts overnight if they choose. Unless you sit in an isolated home on a pile of Gold, armed. If things are continuing along fairly normal, they could hurt millions who try to not pay up. Does your employer agree not to withhold?

I suppose if it is all out war money probably does not mean much? Then you could not pay?
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As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
Democracy sucks but if you hate this country so much maybe you should leave. I hear Russia is nice this time of year and they think Western democracy is obsolete.

Why dont you move to Venezuela where your utopia already exists.
No thanks. I'm a law abiding citizen, I don't want to live where anyone with a beef is willing to take the law into their own hands. People such as yourself.
The idiot leftists here are trying to get conservatives to say they'll start shooting people. No conservative is that stupid, they know how that would end and they have no desire to kill innocent people. IF the shit ever hits the fan it won't be that way. It'll be a matter of the right responding to violence by the intolerant left. So far, the right has been pretty damn tolerant.
Thugs outside polling places during the 2008 election showed us where they're coming from, and so did the attacks on Republicans at the Trump rallies in 2016. Sooner or later the thugs are gonna be met with a response and it won't be pretty. You can only take bottles being thrown at you for so long before you start fighting back.
Of course, the leftists in our government are just as intolerant and violent as Antifa or any other group and would not have a problem using force against conservatives defending themselves if they're confident they can get away with it.
THAT'S where we'll all see the reason for the Second Amendment. The FFs understood it's the only thing that stands between freedom and tyranny. Thank you, Founding Fathers!
The idiot leftists here are trying to get conservatives to say they'll start shooting people. No conservative is that stupid, they know how that would end and they have no desire to kill innocent people. IF the shit ever hits the fan it won't be that way. It'll be a matter of the right responding to violence by the intolerant left. So far, the right has been pretty damn tolerant.
You may want to read the OP, doesn't sound tolerant to me.
As a staunch conservative I will not accept liberal/socialist rule.
I will fight it with violence if need be.
Of course the OP is not a conservative as claimed, but an anarchist.

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