What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

".... the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

Speaking of "not seeing".....

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed

Wanna see a real fool?

Get a mirror.
The ignorance, laziness, and infantile nature of its supporters.
Yes yes, everyone just got lazy and stupid the last 30 years. Has nothing to do with the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else with ridiculously expensive college college loans and crappy jobs.... At least your heroes the greedy idiot lying GOP Rich are doing great.....

No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

The only difference between socialism and communism is whether the guns are loaded.
So are NRA members socialists or communists?

Why are you such a moron?

Is the NRA a political program?
Maybe Socialism is attractive for many because this political phylosophy (or ideology I don't know how to call it...) wants to remove all differences between rich and poor.
Of course this is just theory, real world is something different.
When socialist countries were alive and thriving (Soviet Union, DDR, Czechoslovakia, et al) the poor were just poor and the rich were rich.
Equality was a myth :(

The idea of societally engineered ‘material equality’ is so absurd that intelligent folks rarely give it any thought. But jealous, lazy, poorly brought up folks….Democrat voters….are so gullible that they believe the promises of their being given the fruits of other peoples’ labor….and they’re all for it!

Kurt Vonnegut wrote a short story satirizing the demand for material equality by expanding the idea to equality of every kind.
The satirical essay by Kurt Vonnegut, outlined a strategy for coping with the knowledge that others are a cut above to bring down the more fortunate.

“And so the leveling process grinds insensately on. The Wall Street Journal recently reprinted a Kurt Vonnegut story, which the paper retitled "It Seemed Like Fiction"…Vonnegut saw the trend and envisioned the day when Americans would achieve perfect equality:

persons of superior intelligence required to wear mental handicap radios that emit a sharp noise every twenty seconds to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains,

persons of superior strength or grace burdened with weights,

those of uncommon beauty forced to wear masks.”
Hard Truths About the Culture War

Nothing could be more ‘Progressive’ than that.

Is it not the fact that those with extraordinary talent produce a society where everyone is more affluent?

Or, as Robert Frost said, “I’m against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise.”
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

".... the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

Speaking of "not seeing".....

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed

Wanna see a real fool?

Get a mirror.
Right on cue. You people are clueless.

The socialists appreciate your assistance.
What always happens...first, economic and social decline...then, with time, mass graves.

Funny thing, we didn't have a middle class in this country until FDR came along.
And we lost it when Reagan came along and busted up the unions.

But you gots your gun and your bible, so you are happy.

Truth is not one of your values, is it.

As long as you can inflict your misery.....that's all that counts for you.

Thank goodness, most people simply roll their eyes and ignore you.
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

".... the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

Speaking of "not seeing".....

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed

Wanna see a real fool?

Get a mirror.
Right on cue. You people are clueless.

The socialists appreciate your assistance.

I believe I just documented that you are the clueless one.

You must be tired of everyone telling you that, huh?

Just between us, how many times have you been in an office where you work, with a security guard standing behind you offering you a cardboard box and demanded back the key to the bathroom?
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

".... the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

Speaking of "not seeing".....

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed

Wanna see a real fool?

Get a mirror.
Right on cue. You people are clueless.

The socialists appreciate your assistance.

I believe I just documented that you are the clueless one.

You must be tired of everyone telling you that, huh?

Just between us, how many times have you been in an office where you work, with a security guard standing behind you offering you a cardboard box and demanded back the key to the bathroom?
You're very good at insulting people. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

That's the way it is for people with self esteem issues. If it makes you feel a little better, fine.

You folks have made people search for an alternative. That's on you, not me.
Yes yes, everyone just got lazy and stupid the last 30 years. Has nothing to do with the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else with ridiculously expensive college college loans and crappy jobs.... At least your heroes the greedy idiot lying GOP Rich are doing great.....

No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

The only difference between socialism and communism is whether the guns are loaded.
So are NRA members socialists or communists?

Why are you such a moron?

Is the NRA a political program?
You associated guns with economic systems.

If the distinction between socialism and communism are loaded guns. Then the NRA is determining factor.
Maybe Socialism is attractive for many because this political phylosophy (or ideology I don't know how to call it...) wants to remove all differences between rich and poor.
Of course this is just theory, real world is something different.
When socialist countries were alive and thriving (Soviet Union, DDR, Czechoslovakia, et al) the poor were just poor and the rich were rich.
Equality was a myth :(

The idea of societally engineered ‘material equality’ is so absurd that intelligent folks rarely give it any thought.
I agree! Material equality is a legend never seen throughout human history :eek:
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

"The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

This is nonsense. First of all, capitalism has not been 'mangled', it is doing very well in this country and others, far better than any other economic model that has ever been tried. True, we do have a lot of crony capitalism, lyin', cheatin', and 'stealin' going on, but ever other economic model has the same thing, it's just worse with capitalism because so much more wealth is created so there is more to steal. BUT, and I believe you have gone on screeds before about this business of blaming the Right for the misdeeds that have been perpetrated in this country, the truth is that the LEFT is just as guilty as the right is when it comes to crooked dealings. Exhibit A: the Clintons.
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

".... the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

Speaking of "not seeing".....

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed

Wanna see a real fool?

Get a mirror.
Right on cue. You people are clueless.

The socialists appreciate your assistance.

I believe I just documented that you are the clueless one.

You must be tired of everyone telling you that, huh?

Just between us, how many times have you been in an office where you work, with a security guard standing behind you offering you a cardboard box and demanded back the key to the bathroom?
You're very good at insulting people. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

That's the way it is for people with self esteem issues. If it makes you feel a little better, fine.

You folks have made people search for an alternative. That's on you, not me.

"You're very good at insulting people. Practice makes perfect, I guess."


And as long as you remain a lying sack of offal, my practice will continue.

You should think of me as Karma.....and the board as the Karma Cafe....

There are no menus, but everyone gets what they deserve.

Write soon, y'hear!
Last edited:
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

".... the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

Speaking of "not seeing".....

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed

Wanna see a real fool?

Get a mirror.
Yes capitalism is mangled. Super low unemployment and weak wages. 3.1 is really weak. Workers have lost all power. The economy is loaded with near monopolies. Wake up.
No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

The only difference between socialism and communism is whether the guns are loaded.
So are NRA members socialists or communists?

Why are you such a moron?

Is the NRA a political program?
You associated guns with economic systems.

If the distinction between socialism and communism are loaded guns. Then the NRA is determining factor.

Gads, you're a moron.

So much so, that you imagine (I almost said 'think') that you need prove it each and ever day.

Trust me on this: once folks have seen your posts.....the opinions remain eternal.
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

"The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

This is nonsense. First of all, capitalism has not been 'mangled', it is doing very well in this country and others, far better than any other economic model that has ever been tried. True, we do have a lot of crony capitalism, lyin', cheatin', and 'stealin' going on, but ever other economic model has the same thing, it's just worse with capitalism because so much more wealth is created so there is more to steal. BUT, and I believe you have gone on screeds before about this business of blaming the Right for the misdeeds that have been perpetrated in this country, the truth is that the LEFT is just as guilty as the right is when it comes to crooked dealings. Exhibit A: the Clintons.
Capitalism does well. We have cronyism or corporatism.
Maybe Socialism is attractive for many because this political phylosophy (or ideology I don't know how to call it...) wants to remove all differences between rich and poor.
Of course this is just theory, real world is something different.
When socialist countries were alive and thriving (Soviet Union, DDR, Czechoslovakia, et al) the poor were just poor and the rich were rich.
Equality was a myth :(

The idea of societally engineered ‘material equality’ is so absurd that intelligent folks rarely give it any thought.
I agree! Material equality is a legend never seen throughout human history :eek:

Here is an insightful analysis:

What if everyone starts off with the same amount of money?

“…. by the end of the first year, some people will have more than others. Guaranteed. Some people, you see, will be careful with what they have. Others won’t. Some people will gamble, others will save. Some will spend lavishly, others will be frugal.

Besides that, some people simply have more of the kind of wealth that can’t be redistributed. Intelligence; education; ambition. Drive, as opposed to: aw, we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get anyway, so let’s just stay on the couch and watch TV. Some people will put a little giddy-up in their get-alongs, and will find ways to improve their own lives.

Some of that will be “unfair,” because some people have more and better resources to tap. Intelligence; talent; family. Even accounting for such differences, though: some people will turn what they have into more, while others will not. Therefore, by the end of the very first year (not to mention the first five or ten) “haves” and “have-nots” will appear.

I know what you’re thinking. Crap. I thought we had it this time. Fairness! And this return to economic inequity will happen, I daresay, even under the strictest Communist policies.

I’ll come back to that.

After ten, twenty, thirty years, those discrepancies will widen. A middle class will form. An upper economic class, and a lower economic class. These classes will not be dead ends: people will be able to move from one to another and back again. But they’ll reappear, despite the original, radical redistribution of wealth.

So: let’s take this exercise further. Rather than a one-time redistribution of wealth, let’s redistribute every year. Every April 23 – Michael Moore’s birthday – all wealth is redistributed. All wages set by Central Command. Everyone is as equal as it’s possible to make them. Even individual advantages are nullified.

Not really, but we’ll come back to that, too.

Obviously, that system does away with any incentive to create. It removes any incentive to save; to be frugal; to work hard. Because no matter what you do, what you get is predetermined.

And yet, by April 22 of the following year, some people will still have more than others. And they’ll keep it.

How can that be? Simple. Even state-enforced economic “equality” did not – cannot – make everyone “equal.” It can only change the attributes that are most important to getting ahead.

Sucking up to your superiors becomes more important than working hard. Figuring out which bureaucrats can do the most for you, and ingratiating yourself to them.

Using the power of government to get you ahead, instead of creating, making, building, selling. Improving technical or academic skills? What for? Improving political skills. That’s what makes a difference.

You may recognize a little of our current system there. More and more, becoming a “have” in our society requires entering the bureaucracy, or getting the bureaucracy on your side.

Even the hard working entrepreneurs and innovators among us increasingly need the bureaucracy’s help. Vast mazes of regulations give bureaucracies vast power over both you and your competitors. Government can make or break an industry. Make or break a company. It can increase the cost of entry beyond plausibility, or it can make that cost go away.

In the free market, wealth comes from work. The closer we move toward socialism, the more wealth comes from power. That’s the difference. The similarity: wealth still exists in relatively few hands.”

What if we just gave everybody the same amount of wealth? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Trump gives a huge corporate tax cut and the result is slow gdp growth and huge deficits. Our capitalism is broken.
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.

"The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM."

This is nonsense. First of all, capitalism has not been 'mangled', it is doing very well in this country and others, far better than any other economic model that has ever been tried. True, we do have a lot of crony capitalism, lyin', cheatin', and 'stealin' going on, but ever other economic model has the same thing, it's just worse with capitalism because so much more wealth is created so there is more to steal. BUT, and I believe you have gone on screeds before about this business of blaming the Right for the misdeeds that have been perpetrated in this country, the truth is that the LEFT is just as guilty as the right is when it comes to crooked dealings. Exhibit A: the Clintons.

“The results were inescapable: nearly everywhere on the planet men and women lived longer, ate better, enjoyed more leisure, and had access to resources and delights that previously had been reserved for the very rich and powerful, or more commonly, had been utterly unknown.” Joel Mokyr, “A Culture of Growth: Origins of the Modern Economy” http://assets.press.princeton.edu/chapters/s10835.pdf
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.
I think the reason is simple

liberals are ignorant of history and human nature
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.
I think the reason is simple

liberals are ignorant of history and human nature
Was the trump farmer bailout socialism? We don’t have good capitalism. Socialism seems ok compared to cronyism.
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.
I think the reason is simple

liberals are ignorant of history and human nature
Was the trump farmer bailout socialism? We don’t have good capitalism. Socialism seems ok compared to cronyism.
When you were blaming trump for the steel layoffs I asked to explain why and you never did

you have to answer my question before asking me a question

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