What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

Why are you government school grads unable to construct a cogent response?

Maybe this is why:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…" Coulter
And red states are worse.

As you are a fathead, Venezuela seems the perfect landing spot for you:

“Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelans reported losing on average 11 kilograms (24 lbs) in body weight last year and almost 90 percent now live in poverty,… in 1999, leftist President Hugo Chavez was proud of improving Venezuela’s social indicators due to oil-fueled welfare policies. But his successor President Nicolas Maduro’s rule since 2013 has coincided with a deep recession, due to failed state-led economic policies and the plunge in global oil prices.” Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits

I see you are still ignoring red states are worse in education. Really kills the partisan garbage you spew.

Liberals control the education industry nationwide.

How do American students do in international competition?

Take your time.
That is a funny claim. Red states are worse...
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.

I’m beginning to think we should just put all Bernie supporters in prison. After all, prison is really a “socialist” system. They get free food, shelter, and health services, all paid for by the “rich” taxpayers. They won’t even have to work. Just imagine how well off the country would be with all of them separated from society, even if we had to pay taxes to keep their “community” secured.
Everything Sanders talks about has already been done in every other modern rich country. Canada New Zealand Australia all have a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. And mainly they tax their rich and giant corporations their fair share. You people are brainwashed functional moron chumps of the greedy idiot GOP billionaires.... Mainly Rupert Murdoch because only media owned by him spews the crap you love.... IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!. Dumbasses.....
No...moron. If you take all the wealth, those who can create wealth will stop.....and the economic and social decline will create widespread poverty......as you see in Venezuela....then the mass graves happen......

What I see in Venezuela is the west inflicting 20 years of economic warfare on them because they picked an economic system we don't like. It's like if I broke both of your legs with a baseball bat and then mocked you for not being able to run a marathon.

Guy, we ALREADY have widespread economic and social decline since Reagan... I would LOVE to have the kind of middle class lifestyle my Dad had with his union job and his high school education. How about we bring THAT back.

That's bullcrap......was wealthy before they voted for the socialists.....now they are eating their pets and zoo animals and can't wipe their butts because they don't have toilet paper...
They were wealthy back in the seventies when OPEC was running wild.I'm sure their problems have nothing to do with so many US sanctions against them that they cannot sell their oil LOL.... Not to mention so much covert action.... At any rate it has no lessons for the rich modern world we should be leading instead ofsetting records for the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere.... Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes of the greedy idiot rich....

Worst inequality.....?....our country has the most opportunity of any country in the world......the problem we have is people like you, who support stupid, socialist policies that destroy a country's ability to advance and achieve...
No...moron. If you take all the wealth, those who can create wealth will stop.....and the economic and social decline will create widespread poverty......as you see in Venezuela....then the mass graves happen......

What I see in Venezuela is the west inflicting 20 years of economic warfare on them because they picked an economic system we don't like. It's like if I broke both of your legs with a baseball bat and then mocked you for not being able to run a marathon.

Guy, we ALREADY have widespread economic and social decline since Reagan... I would LOVE to have the kind of middle class lifestyle my Dad had with his union job and his high school education. How about we bring THAT back.

That's bullcrap......was wealthy before they voted for the socialists.....now they are eating their pets and zoo animals and can't wipe their butts because they don't have toilet paper...
They were wealthy back in the seventies when OPEC was running wild.I'm sure their problems have nothing to do with so many US sanctions against them that they cannot sell their oil LOL.... Not to mention so much covert action.... At any rate it has no lessons for the rich modern world we should be leading instead ofsetting records for the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere.... Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes of the greedy idiot rich....

Worst inequality.....?....our country has the most opportunity of any country in the world......the problem we have is people like you, who support stupid, socialist policies that destroy a country's ability to advance and achieve...
worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world dumbass. After 35 years of give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else. If you didn't know ridiculous garbage propaganda you wouldn't know a damn thing. The GOP has been in charge since Ronald Reagan started. They refuse to compromise on anyting and they have reconciliation so they can cut taxes on the rich and screw everybody else by cutting services benefits and programs. Wake up and smell the coffee you piece of s*** ignoramus.
Maybe Socialism is attractive for many because this political phylosophy (or ideology I don't know how to call it...) wants to remove all differences between rich and poor.
Of course this is just theory, real world is something different.
When socialist countries were alive and thriving (Soviet Union, DDR, Czechoslovakia, et al) the poor were just poor and the rich were rich.
Equality was a myth :(
Listen brainwashed functional moron you're talking about communism a dictatorship that owns all business and industry that nobody is for anymore except people with guns to their heads in China North Korea and Cuba. Sanders and everyone else in the world is talking about modern world socialism the kind of society they have in every rich country but here. Everything Sanders wants ,every other rich country already has. Living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly they tax the rich their fair share. Wake up and smell the coffee s*******
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.

I’m beginning to think we should just put all Bernie supporters in prison. After all, prison is really a “socialist” system. They get free food, shelter, and health services, all paid for by the “rich” taxpayers. They won’t even have to work. Just imagine how well off the country would be with all of them separated from society, even if we had to pay taxes to keep their “community” secured.

What a smart cookie you are!!!

You beat me to this:

"A 'Liberal Paradise' would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only Law Enforcement has guns. And believe it or not, such a place does indeed exist...it's called a prison." -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio
No...moron. If you take all the wealth, those who can create wealth will stop.....and the economic and social decline will create widespread poverty......as you see in Venezuela....then the mass graves happen......

What I see in Venezuela is the west inflicting 20 years of economic warfare on them because they picked an economic system we don't like. It's like if I broke both of your legs with a baseball bat and then mocked you for not being able to run a marathon.

Guy, we ALREADY have widespread economic and social decline since Reagan... I would LOVE to have the kind of middle class lifestyle my Dad had with his union job and his high school education. How about we bring THAT back.

That's bullcrap......was wealthy before they voted for the socialists.....now they are eating their pets and zoo animals and can't wipe their butts because they don't have toilet paper...
They were wealthy back in the seventies when OPEC was running wild.I'm sure their problems have nothing to do with so many US sanctions against them that they cannot sell their oil LOL.... Not to mention so much covert action.... At any rate it has no lessons for the rich modern world we should be leading instead ofsetting records for the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere.... Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes of the greedy idiot rich....

Worst inequality.....?....our country has the most opportunity of any country in the world......the problem we have is people like you, who support stupid, socialist policies that destroy a country's ability to advance and achieve...
worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world dumbass. After 35 years of give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else. If you didn't know ridiculous garbage propaganda you wouldn't know a damn thing. The GOP has been in charge since Ronald Reagan started. They refuse to compromise on anyting and they have reconciliation so they can cut taxes on the rich and screw everybody else by cutting services benefits and programs. Wake up and smell the coffee you piece of s*** ignoramus.

"worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world dumbass"

If you actually believed that....'

"How Much is a Flight from New York City to Caracas?
We have collected flight cost data from across the web for travel from New York City to Caracas, and have found the average flight price for this trip to be $2554."
Flights from New York City to Caracas as low as $67

But you know you're lying.
Why are you government school grads unable to construct a cogent response?

Maybe this is why:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…" Coulter
And red states are worse.

As you are a fathead, Venezuela seems the perfect landing spot for you:

“Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelans reported losing on average 11 kilograms (24 lbs) in body weight last year and almost 90 percent now live in poverty,… in 1999, leftist President Hugo Chavez was proud of improving Venezuela’s social indicators due to oil-fueled welfare policies. But his successor President Nicolas Maduro’s rule since 2013 has coincided with a deep recession, due to failed state-led economic policies and the plunge in global oil prices.” Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits

I see you are still ignoring red states are worse in education. Really kills the partisan garbage you spew.

Liberals control the education industry nationwide.

How do American students do in international competition?

Take your time.
That is a funny claim. Red states are worse...

Liberals control the education industry nationwide.

How do American students do in international competition?
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.

Q. What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

A. Fiscal Conservatism and Greed.

If the tax fraud passed by a lame duck GOP and signed by trump had provided 3/4 of the tax cuts to the bottom 3/4 of the population, and not provided massive tax cuts to Corporation and the 1%ers; had eliminated interest payments for all Education Loans, using interest paid to be applied to reducing the principle; reestablish interest paid on credit cards (something Reagan eliminated) along with Auto Loans, Labor union dues, and 100% of the money spent on health care; and trump's attack on Blues States cutting the dollar amount to a mere $10k for State Income Taxes and Real Estate Taxes, maybe then the rising annual deficits could be greatly reduced, and We the People would enjoy the "unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Of course they will require voting for Democrats, up and down the slate in Federal and State offices of Trust. We can never again trust the current Republican Senators or the current President or Vice President to tell the truth.
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.

Q. What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

A. Fiscal Conservatism and Greed.

If the tax fraud passed by a lame duck GOP and signed by trump had provided 3/4 of the tax cuts to the bottom 3/4 of the population, and not provided massive tax cuts to Corporation and the 1%ers; had eliminated interest payments for all Education Loans, using interest paid to be applied to reducing the principle; reestablish interest paid on credit cards (something Reagan eliminated) along with Auto Loans, Labor union dues, and 100% of the money spent on health care; and trump's attack on Blues States cutting the dollar amount to a mere $10k for State Income Taxes and Real Estate Taxes, maybe then the rising annual deficits could be greatly reduced, and We the People would enjoy the "unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Of course they will require voting for Democrats, up and down the slate in Federal and State offices of Trust. We can never again trust the current Republican Senators or the current President or Vice President to tell the truth.

So your lack of understanding of content has convinced you that "bigger and bolder type" proves truth?

Let’s hope that the Deep State is using the Patriot Act, and reading your posts…and is in the process of sending agents to do a wellness check.
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.

Q. What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

A. Fiscal Conservatism and Greed.

If the tax fraud passed by a lame duck GOP and signed by trump had provided 3/4 of the tax cuts to the bottom 3/4 of the population, and not provided massive tax cuts to Corporation and the 1%ers; had eliminated interest payments for all Education Loans, using interest paid to be applied to reducing the principle; reestablish interest paid on credit cards (something Reagan eliminated) along with Auto Loans, Labor union dues, and 100% of the money spent on health care; and trump's attack on Blues States cutting the dollar amount to a mere $10k for State Income Taxes and Real Estate Taxes, maybe then the rising annual deficits could be greatly reduced, and We the People would enjoy the "unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Of course they will require voting for Democrats, up and down the slate in Federal and State offices of Trust. We can never again trust the current Republican Senators or the current President or Vice President to tell the truth.

So your lack of understanding of content has convinced you that "bigger and bolder type" proves truth?

Let’s hope that the Deep State is using the Patriot Act, and reading your posts…and is in the process of sending agents to do a wellness check.

LOL, you may know that I'm up to your game, my alter ego (Wry Catcher) established your strategy: Troll then attack.

Your use of the
Deep State, that a conspiracy exists within the Federal Civil Service would be ludicrous if it weren't so evil; other biddable fools used it to feed the ego of DJT (something of girth even larger than his fat ass and equal to his dishonesty).

Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.
View attachment 308939

Why are you government school grads unable to construct a cogent response?

Maybe this is why:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…" Coulter
And red states are worse.

As you are a fathead, Venezuela seems the perfect landing spot for you:

“Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelans reported losing on average 11 kilograms (24 lbs) in body weight last year and almost 90 percent now live in poverty,… in 1999, leftist President Hugo Chavez was proud of improving Venezuela’s social indicators due to oil-fueled welfare policies. But his successor President Nicolas Maduro’s rule since 2013 has coincided with a deep recession, due to failed state-led economic policies and the plunge in global oil prices.” Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits

I see you are still ignoring red states are worse in education. Really kills the partisan garbage you spew.
/——/ Many Red States do have poor education, however Blue Stares aren’t much better.
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.

Q. What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

A. Fiscal Conservatism and Greed.

If the tax fraud passed by a lame duck GOP and signed by trump had provided 3/4 of the tax cuts to the bottom 3/4 of the population, and not provided massive tax cuts to Corporation and the 1%ers; had eliminated interest payments for all Education Loans, using interest paid to be applied to reducing the principle; reestablish interest paid on credit cards (something Reagan eliminated) along with Auto Loans, Labor union dues, and 100% of the money spent on health care; and trump's attack on Blues States cutting the dollar amount to a mere $10k for State Income Taxes and Real Estate Taxes, maybe then the rising annual deficits could be greatly reduced, and We the People would enjoy the "unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Of course they will require voting for Democrats, up and down the slate in Federal and State offices of Trust. We can never again trust the current Republican Senators or the current President or Vice President to tell the truth.

So your lack of understanding of content has convinced you that "bigger and bolder type" proves truth?

Let’s hope that the Deep State is using the Patriot Act, and reading your posts…and is in the process of sending agents to do a wellness check.

LOL, you may know that I'm up to your game, my alter ego (Wry Catcher) established your strategy: Troll then attack.

Your use of the
Deep State, that a conspiracy exists within the Federal Civil Service would be ludicrous if it weren't so evil; other biddable fools used it to feed the ego of DJT (something of girth even larger than his fat ass and equal to his dishonesty).

/——/ Are you saying there are no career bureaucrats in Washington who have an Agenda to protect their jobs and pensIons and see DJT as a threat to their security?
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.

Q. What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

A. Fiscal Conservatism and Greed.

If the tax fraud passed by a lame duck GOP and signed by trump had provided 3/4 of the tax cuts to the bottom 3/4 of the population, and not provided massive tax cuts to Corporation and the 1%ers; had eliminated interest payments for all Education Loans, using interest paid to be applied to reducing the principle; reestablish interest paid on credit cards (something Reagan eliminated) along with Auto Loans, Labor union dues, and 100% of the money spent on health care; and trump's attack on Blues States cutting the dollar amount to a mere $10k for State Income Taxes and Real Estate Taxes, maybe then the rising annual deficits could be greatly reduced, and We the People would enjoy the "unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Of course they will require voting for Democrats, up and down the slate in Federal and State offices of Trust. We can never again trust the current Republican Senators or the current President or Vice President to tell the truth.

So your lack of understanding of content has convinced you that "bigger and bolder type" proves truth?

Let’s hope that the Deep State is using the Patriot Act, and reading your posts…and is in the process of sending agents to do a wellness check.

LOL, you may know that I'm up to your game, my alter ego (Wry Catcher) established your strategy: Troll then attack.

Your use of the
Deep State, that a conspiracy exists within the Federal Civil Service would be ludicrous if it weren't so evil; other biddable fools used it to feed the ego of DJT (something of girth even larger than his fat ass and equal to his dishonesty).

"Your use of the Deep State, that a conspiracy exists within the Federal Civil Service would be ludicrous if it weren't so evil;"

Let's check:

“This week we witnessed yet another august civil servant, Ambassador William Taylor, immolate a hard-earned reputation over a 50-plus year career on the altar of the Deep State.

… they would go on to pursue careers in government, Mr. Mueller taking a legal path and Mr. Taylor primarily a diplomatic one, each reaching lofty heights in their respective fields.

But something happened on the way to the Deep State country club. They were enlisted by a desperate establishment suffering paroxysms in the face of a Trump administration determined to expose its massive corruption. Messrs. Taylor and Mueller were asked to man the ramparts anew, this time to defend an ossified, decrepit system of cronyism, pay-for-play, and sketchy family-enriching relationships between foreign governments and elite Americans politicians. Oh, the humanity!”
William Taylor Joins Robert Mueller on the Ash Heap of the Deep State's Altar

And this...

"Andrew McCabe Confirms: Deep State Plotted To Take Down Trump"
Andrew McCabe Confirms: Deep State Plotted To Take Down Trump | Investor's Business Daily

Put you in your place quick enough, huh?

And what does this have to do with the OP to which you've linked?
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.

I’m beginning to think we should just put all Bernie supporters in prison. After all, prison is really a “socialist” system. They get free food, shelter, and health services, all paid for by the “rich” taxpayers. They won’t even have to work. Just imagine how well off the country would be with all of them separated from society, even if we had to pay taxes to keep their “community” secured.
Everything Sanders talks about has already been done in every other modern rich country. Canada New Zealand Australia all have a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. And mainly they tax their rich and giant corporations their fair share. You people are brainwashed functional moron chumps of the greedy idiot GOP billionaires.... Mainly Rupert Murdoch because only media owned by him spews the crap you love.... IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!. Dumbasses.....

All those countries are white, with very few minorities on welfare. A little fact you morons never compute.
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

Which ironically is the exact opposite of socialism...
Free shit. They love getting stuff they don't have to work for.

I guess we all want that to one degree or another. A ball player loves to make $1 million for merely swinging a bat ie not working. But, the issue is when libs tell them they are not stealing the free stuff but rather taking from others what is rightfully theirs.
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

Which ironically is the exact opposite of socialism...

I wish you had read further into the OP.....it ended with this:

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.
Free shit. They love getting stuff they don't have to work for.

I guess we all want that to one degree or another. A ball player loves to make $1 million for merely swinging a bat ie not working. But, the issue is when libs tell them they are not stealing the free stuff but rather taking from others what is rightfully theirs.

Echoes this:

Progressive Franklin Roosevelt took the idea of equality in our founding documents to the economic realm. The Second Bill of Rights, 1944, was actually a replacement of the Bill of Rights, and a redefinition of the relationship of the citizen and his government: a federal takeover of the responsibilities of everyday life:

The right to a useful and remunerative job…
The right to a good education.
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies…
The right to adequate protection fromn the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.
Then right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.
The right of every family to a decent home.
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation.

Ayn Rand, in reviewing each of the ‘rights’ guaranteed by FDR suggested asking ‘at whose expense?’

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