What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

Someone should define socialism. here I will-- in the modern sense socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. The English-speaking world is way behind thanks to the GOP and the Tories, the worst Savage capitalists in the world for centuries and their propaganda.Napoleon was slightly taller than the average and he did not say England was a country of shopkeepers, he said they were a country of monopolists.

I can help.

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."
The Liberal Crackup
Get it now????
Reagan was totally full of s*** and wanted a give away to the greedy idiot rich and giant corporations while screwing over everyone else. So now we have a flat tax system and the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world by far. Great job, brainwashed functional moron.

Jot this down:

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rateā€¦compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh Dā€™Souza, ā€œRonald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,ā€ p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

While the ranks of the wealthy quickly multiplied, middle-class investors also entered the stock market in rapidly growing numbers. The creation by Congress in 1978 of the 401(k) tax-deferred retirement plan provided new incentives for workers to invest their savings in the stock market (often through mutual funds) rather than relying on company-funded pensions for retirement. The 401(k) led to a kind of democratization of Wall Street, as the percentage of American households owning some stake in the stock marketā€”either directly or through mutual fundsā€”shot quickly from 15.9% in 1983 to 29.6% in 1989.23 Thus the great bull market of the 1980s created more wealth, for more American families, than any previous boom in history.

Investment Company Institute, "Equity Ownership in America, 2005," http://www.ici.org/pdf/rpt_05_equity_owners.pdf,

The Reagan Era Learning Guide: Citations
Yes yes he tripled the debt and gave us the s&l bubble bust. He had his success with a 50% top tax rate and then gave us the kiss of death 28% top tax rate on his way out the door. Great acting job but a total disaster for the country. Not to mention the ridiculous GOP propaganda machine he gave us. So half the country lives on an imaginary planet. Where the GOP are frontier freedom fighters and Democrats are all criminals even though absolutely none of the ridiculous charges ever gets anywhere in the real world....

"....he tripled the debt...."

Amazing how ignorant you are.

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. Butā€¦.the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

ā€œBetween the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.ā€
How Capitalism Will Save Us

I hope you learn more when you get to college, you dope.
Bologna the last 30 years since Reagan left us with a 28% top rate has been the ruin of the middle class and the country. Thanks for the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world. No matter how many $8 an hour jobs are. And of course Obama produced more jobs and growth in his last 3 years than Trump has in his. you live on an imaginary planet
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote ā€œThe Rebel,ā€ he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, ā€¦we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ā€˜bad boy,ā€™ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ā€˜differentā€™ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when weā€™ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it offā€¦..but in our youth, we have it.

Itā€™s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenonā€¦. ā€œThe Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremesā€ The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biologicalā€¦ā€¦.it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...ā€™You didnā€™t build that!ā€™ ā€¦isnā€™t just to get the material thingsā€¦

........itā€™s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesnā€™t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Nowā€¦..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slavesā€¦.or corpses.

Donald Trump's fascism makes socialism attractive.

"Fascism puts nation and often race above the individual. It stands for a centralized government headed by a dictator."
socialism is the cure for 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwjob for everyone else. Fair capitalism what a concept...
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote ā€œThe Rebel,ā€ he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, ā€¦we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ā€˜bad boy,ā€™ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ā€˜differentā€™ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when weā€™ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it offā€¦..but in our youth, we have it.

Itā€™s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenonā€¦. ā€œThe Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremesā€ The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biologicalā€¦ā€¦.it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...ā€™You didnā€™t build that!ā€™ ā€¦isnā€™t just to get the material thingsā€¦

........itā€™s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesnā€™t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Nowā€¦..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slavesā€¦.or corpses.

The ignorance, laziness, and infantile nature of its supporters.
Yes yes, everyone just got lazy and stupid the last 30 years. Has nothing to do with the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else with ridiculously expensive college college loans and crappy jobs.... At least your heroes the greedy idiot lying GOP Rich are doing great.....

No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote ā€œThe Rebel,ā€ he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, ā€¦we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ā€˜bad boy,ā€™ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ā€˜differentā€™ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when weā€™ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it offā€¦..but in our youth, we have it.

Itā€™s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenonā€¦. ā€œThe Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremesā€ The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biologicalā€¦ā€¦.it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...ā€™You didnā€™t build that!ā€™ ā€¦isnā€™t just to get the material thingsā€¦

........itā€™s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesnā€™t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Nowā€¦..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slavesā€¦.or corpses.

The ignorance, laziness, and infantile nature of its supporters.
Yes yes, everyone just got lazy and stupid the last 30 years. Has nothing to do with the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else with ridiculously expensive college college loans and crappy jobs.... At least your heroes the greedy idiot lying GOP Rich are doing great.....

No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
Especially to the young?
Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote ā€œThe Rebel,ā€ he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, ā€¦we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ā€˜bad boy,ā€™ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ā€˜differentā€™ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when weā€™ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it offā€¦..but in our youth, we have it.

Itā€™s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenonā€¦. ā€œThe Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremesā€ The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biologicalā€¦ā€¦.it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...ā€™You didnā€™t build that!ā€™ ā€¦isnā€™t just to get the material thingsā€¦

........itā€™s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesnā€™t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Nowā€¦..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slavesā€¦.or corpses.

The ignorance, laziness, and infantile nature of its supporters.
Yes yes, everyone just got lazy and stupid the last 30 years. Has nothing to do with the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else with ridiculously expensive college college loans and crappy jobs.... At least your heroes the greedy idiot lying GOP Rich are doing great.....

No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy
The ignorance, laziness, and infantile nature of its supporters.
Yes yes, everyone just got lazy and stupid the last 30 years. Has nothing to do with the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else with ridiculously expensive college college loans and crappy jobs.... At least your heroes the greedy idiot lying GOP Rich are doing great.....

No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy

Sure they were. That so called literacy program was a political reeducation program. Don't repeat what they want to hear and you got shot.
Yes yes, everyone just got lazy and stupid the last 30 years. Has nothing to do with the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else with ridiculously expensive college college loans and crappy jobs.... At least your heroes the greedy idiot lying GOP Rich are doing great.....

No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy

Sure they were. That so called literacy program was a political reeducation program. Don't repeat what they want to hear and you got shot.
Well that is what the wild men over at the GOP propaganda machine say. Can't find it anywhere else.
Fact-checking Bernie Sanders' claim on Cuba literacy under Castro
Claim: ā€œWhen Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.ā€
Claimed by: Bernie Sanders
Fact check by PolitiFact: Mostly True
No, it doesn't. Ignorance of the evils of socialism and a basic denial of human nature.

Socialism merely trades one group of one percenters for another. The difference being the new one percenters like to murder mass quantities of people.
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy

Sure they were. That so called literacy program was a political reeducation program. Don't repeat what they want to hear and you got shot.
Well that is what the wild men over at the GOP propaganda machine say. Can't find it anywhere else.
Fact-checking Bernie Sanders' claim on Cuba literacy under Castro
Claim: ā€œWhen Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.ā€
Claimed by: Bernie Sanders
Fact check by PolitiFact: Mostly True

Didn't read your link did you dumbass. They clearly admit the literacy program was used for propaganda purposes, you stupid little hater dupe...
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote ā€œThe Rebel,ā€ he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, ā€¦we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ā€˜bad boy,ā€™ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ā€˜differentā€™ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when weā€™ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it offā€¦..but in our youth, we have it.

Itā€™s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenonā€¦. ā€œThe Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremesā€ The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biologicalā€¦ā€¦.it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...ā€™You didnā€™t build that!ā€™ ā€¦isnā€™t just to get the material thingsā€¦

........itā€™s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesnā€™t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Nowā€¦..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slavesā€¦.or corpses.

The answer is easy: almost everybody likes "free" shit.

As for why the younger generations find it so appealing... you're talking about a generation where everyone got a trophy, everyone was special, everyone was equal, everyone passed, they were never "wrong," and no one had to work for what they got. They've been groomed for it...
Income inequality? Please let me explain should we stop the gender gap ? Yes! Should we reconsider sex as a factor? No! Performance is a factor if I was a business owner and Iā€™ll pay everyone fair because I donā€™t give a damn about sex
As always you are talkin about communism not the European Canada Australia style socialism Sanders and everybody is talking about outside the bubble of GOP bologna. Bounce back

Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy

Sure they were. That so called literacy program was a political reeducation program. Don't repeat what they want to hear and you got shot.
Well that is what the wild men over at the GOP propaganda machine say. Can't find it anywhere else.
Fact-checking Bernie Sanders' claim on Cuba literacy under Castro
Claim: ā€œWhen Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.ā€
Claimed by: Bernie Sanders
Fact check by PolitiFact: Mostly True

Didn't read your link did you dumbass. They clearly admit the literacy program was used for propaganda purposes, you stupid little hater dupe...
I am shocked shocked. But there's nothing about re-education camps or the other BS they're going on about on the propaganda machine. Nothing Sanders is talking about has not been done in every other modern rich country. Try Canada they have basically free University and healthcare of course and the living wage and daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations. You are all brainwashed fear-mongered functional morons.....
Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy

Sure they were. That so called literacy program was a political reeducation program. Don't repeat what they want to hear and you got shot.
Well that is what the wild men over at the GOP propaganda machine say. Can't find it anywhere else.
Fact-checking Bernie Sanders' claim on Cuba literacy under Castro
Claim: ā€œWhen Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.ā€
Claimed by: Bernie Sanders
Fact check by PolitiFact: Mostly True

Didn't read your link did you dumbass. They clearly admit the literacy program was used for propaganda purposes, you stupid little hater dupe...
I am shocked shocked. But there's nothing about re-education camps or the other BS they're going on about on the propaganda machine. Nothing Sanders is talking about has not been done in every other modern rich country. Try Canada they have basically free University and healthcare of course and the living wage and daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations. You are all brainwashed fear-mongered functional morons.....
and by the way corporate media certainly doesn't go out of their way to help Sanders. Rich capitalists everywhere. Too bad about the rest of the people LOL thanks GOP!
Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy

Sure they were. That so called literacy program was a political reeducation program. Don't repeat what they want to hear and you got shot.
Well that is what the wild men over at the GOP propaganda machine say. Can't find it anywhere else.
Fact-checking Bernie Sanders' claim on Cuba literacy under Castro
Claim: ā€œWhen Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.ā€
Claimed by: Bernie Sanders
Fact check by PolitiFact: Mostly True

Didn't read your link did you dumbass. They clearly admit the literacy program was used for propaganda purposes, you stupid little hater dupe...
I am shocked shocked. But there's nothing about re-education camps or the other BS they're going on about on the propaganda machine. Nothing Sanders is talking about has not been done in every other modern rich country. Try Canada they have basically free University and healthcare of course and the living wage and daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations. You are all brainwashed fear-mongered functional morons.....

Yep, free healthcare...dumbass.

'Free' Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It's Worth
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy

Sure they were. That so called literacy program was a political reeducation program. Don't repeat what they want to hear and you got shot.
Well that is what the wild men over at the GOP propaganda machine say. Can't find it anywhere else.
Fact-checking Bernie Sanders' claim on Cuba literacy under Castro
Claim: ā€œWhen Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.ā€
Claimed by: Bernie Sanders
Fact check by PolitiFact: Mostly True

Didn't read your link did you dumbass. They clearly admit the literacy program was used for propaganda purposes, you stupid little hater dupe...
I am shocked shocked. But there's nothing about re-education camps or the other BS they're going on about on the propaganda machine. Nothing Sanders is talking about has not been done in every other modern rich country. Try Canada they have basically free University and healthcare of course and the living wage and daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations. You are all brainwashed fear-mongered functional morons.....

Yep, free healthcare...dumbass.

'Free' Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It's Worth
I didn't mean free healthcare I meant free University basically. Something is wrong with your link. All I know is no other rich country spends more than 60% of what we do on healthcare and get better results. That anyway we have plenty of MRI machines and the catscans that they don't have enough of in Canada. Because they've had conservative governments.... Like the UK
Sanders lauds Castro, Mao, and Chavez. Not one of them is Canadian style socialism you twit.
He just says that they were not absolutely horrible in all respects. Castro and Hugo Chavez gave the people health Care literacy housing etc etc. Is certainly against all authoritarian governments and dictatorships totally. Look at the policies he wants and he likes the truth even if it is difficult for the brainwashed to handle. Democratic socialism is what every other modern country has. We don't have health care otherwise we'd be socialist too in the modern sense. The United States has a lot of Cold war dinosaur ideology. Socialism is not communism. You think Sanders is for communism? absolute idiocy

Sure they were. That so called literacy program was a political reeducation program. Don't repeat what they want to hear and you got shot.
Well that is what the wild men over at the GOP propaganda machine say. Can't find it anywhere else.
Fact-checking Bernie Sanders' claim on Cuba literacy under Castro
Claim: ā€œWhen Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.ā€
Claimed by: Bernie Sanders
Fact check by PolitiFact: Mostly True

Didn't read your link did you dumbass. They clearly admit the literacy program was used for propaganda purposes, you stupid little hater dupe...
I am shocked shocked. But there's nothing about re-education camps or the other BS they're going on about on the propaganda machine. Nothing Sanders is talking about has not been done in every other modern rich country. Try Canada they have basically free University and healthcare of course and the living wage and daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations. You are all brainwashed fear-mongered functional morons.....

Yes, their healthcare is so great that Canadian politicians come to the US and pay for their procedures here.
Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

Ho, hum, let me save you a bunch of cut and paste.

What makes it attractive to these young folks is that they hear stories about how their grandparents belonged to unions and brought home nice middle class salaries and lived what we called "The American Dream".

Then they look at their parents, often working two jobs to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, often being sucked dry by the banks. Maybe they watch how a terminal illness wipes the family out even after they've bought insurance.

They look at their own situation, where they plan their futures, realize they'll be paying off their college loans into their 30's before they can even think about starting their own families.

Then along comes Commie Bernie - who I don't support but will vote for if he's the alternative to Trump - saying, "Hey, maybe if we distributed the wealth fairly and didn't let the Academic-Industrial-Wall Street Axis exploit you, you might have a better life."

Now, being a malfunctioning robot, I doubt you understand these very HUMAN reasons why people support Socialism.
The main thing that has made socialism even a SUBJECT is the fact that the Right has mangled CAPITALISM.

But the LAST thing they'll do is "see" THAT.

Well, congratulations. This is what happens when you equate Wall Street with the Wild West. An ALTERNATIVE.
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Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote ā€œThe Rebel,ā€ he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, ā€¦we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ā€˜bad boy,ā€™ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ā€˜differentā€™ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when weā€™ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it offā€¦..but in our youth, we have it.

Itā€™s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenonā€¦. ā€œThe Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremesā€ The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biologicalā€¦ā€¦.it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...ā€™You didnā€™t build that!ā€™ ā€¦isnā€™t just to get the material thingsā€¦

........itā€™s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesnā€™t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Nowā€¦..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slavesā€¦.or corpses.

It promises everything without cost. And the young have no real world experience to understand the lie.....
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

What always happens...first, economic and social decline...then, with time, mass graves.
It promises everything without cost. And the young have no real world experience to understand the lie.....

Or they understand better than you think.

Here's the thing, if you took all the wealth and distributed it equally, everyone would be in an upper middle class lifestyle.

Instead, we have 140 million people who live below the poverty line, while 1% control 43% of the wealth.

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