The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

That's not what disenfranchised means dumb dumb. You illiterate moron. :laugh:

Your narration of Biden being forced out in your little cosplay isn't the same thing as disenfranchisement in the real world. He chose to exist the race. Through pressure or incentive, who gives a shit? That's simply called politics.

He exist the race?
WTF is this? The Democrats just made up another new election rule because they are so f**d up as a Party they staged their own coup to kick the incumbent out of the race? Bullshit! Have the convention as the Constitution dictates and pick your Nominee PER THE PROCESS. This "Virtual Roll Call Vote" subverting the centuries old convention process is another example of Democrat ELECTION TAMPERING.

She's still not "Picked" although she has garnered support for the most EC voters for the Democrat Primary. You think that tRump did anything different except he threatened, bribed and intimidated. The Democrats are still going to have a primary but Harris is the presumptive leader. You want it changed? Then you forget your criminal MAGAt ways, file as a democrat and come up with your own leader to garner the majority of the voting stock for the Democratic Primary. Otherwise, you are just another sobbing, scared, criminal MAGAt.
WTF is this? The Democrats just made up another new election rule because they are so f**d up as a Party they staged their own coup to kick the incumbent out of the race? Bullshit! Have the convention as the Constitution dictates and pick your Nominee PER THE PROCESS. This "Virtual Roll Call Vote" subverting the centuries old convention process is another example of Democrat ELECTION TAMPERING.

But it was okay for it to happen for tRump? Newsflash: look up the word "Presumptive".
WTF is this? The Democrats just made up another new election rule because they are so f**d up as a Party they staged their own coup to kick the incumbent out of the race? Bullshit! Have the convention as the Constitution dictates and pick your Nominee PER THE PROCESS. This "Virtual Roll Call Vote" subverting the centuries old convention process is another example of Democrat ELECTION TAMPERING.
REPUBLICANS want to know

Fuck em. Dems are fine with it
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote

tRump was the Presumptive canidate until it was made official at the Primary. Harris is the presumptive democratic candidate right now. And will continue to be presumptive until the votes are counted at the primary. Look up the word Presumptive, MAGAt.
WTF is this? The Democrats just made up another new election rule because they are so f**d up as a Party they staged their own coup to kick the incumbent out of the race? Bullshit! Have the convention as the Constitution dictates and pick your Nominee PER THE PROCESS. This "Virtual Roll Call Vote" subverting the centuries old convention process is another example of Democrat ELECTION TAMPERING.
She’s not the nominee yet, not until the convention. She can call herself the nominee all she wants, but if the delegates vote for someone else, then she’s out.

What part of our Presidential Election Process says it's OK to pick the Nominee BEFORE the Convention?

I hadn't realised you were part of the Democratic presidential election process. Be that as it may, I believe the nominee hasn't been officially confirmed.

So what are you really whining about? The shitshow that was the Republican convention?
Have the rest of you guys ever seen such bad acting and fake pearl clutching before?
It's endless.

Then vote on ideas.
Do you think women should have abortion rights, or not?
Do you think trickle down economics actually works, or not?
Abortion best left to voters of each state. Ending Roe established this. So now nobody can lose on the issue.
I guess that means you have no idea what you think about women's abortion rights but wish to leave it up to your state's voters, nor are you aware of the idea of economic policy.

Fair enough.
Too bad all those news stories playing up her new, big, broad responsibilities for the immigration/border problem are still around.
They are pushed down the Google algorithm onto page 1,034, and the media has done as ordered by the DNC and completely flip-flopped their message.

Yes, they're around, and they are truthful, but they are being suppressed by the DNC/media/big tech.. and that cabal is now spreading lies to the public.

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