What would the President do if...

Obama has kept us safe. Why you so mad?

I'm sure the Boston bombing victims, the Ft Hood victims, the Chattanooga victims, etc feel real safe, no?

Tough to clamp down on domestic terror when the right makes it so easy to get guns .
Boston was done using a damn cooking item you idiot. Guns keep us safe from criminals and government although at times its hard to see the difference between those 2. The left makes it easy for terrorism to happen here with their open border policy.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

What would Obama do? He'd put all the resources he could into finding out who did it while Republicans would be lighting their hair on fire and peeing in their Depends, as usual.
Since Valentine's Day is for a Christian saint and we're Jewish," she asks, "Will God get mad at me for giving someone a valentine?
Thelma's father thinks a bit then says "No, I don't think God would get mad. Who do you want to give a valentine to?”
"The whole Isis group," she says.
"Why them? her father asks in shock
"Well," she says, "I thought that if a little American Jewish girl could have enough love to give them a valentine, they might start to think that maybe we're not all bad, and maybe start loving people a little bit. And if other kids saw what I did and then they sent valentines to them, they'd love everyone a lot. And then they'd start going all over the place telling everyone how much they loved them and how they didn't hate anyone anymore.”
Her father's heart swells and he looks at his daughter with new found pride.
"Thelma, that's the most wonderful thing I've ever heard. ”
"I know," Thelma says...then she adds:

"and once that gets them out in the open, the Marines could blow the crap out of them."
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

What would Obama do? He'd put all the resources he could into finding out who did it while Republicans would be lighting their hair on fire and peeing in their Depends, as usual.

Strange, that would be first for Obungles
Hint...chaos in Mali. Obama says "we are monitoring the situation". Comforting if you are vacationing in Mali...you know you have the Malii special forces protecting you. I guess we still gave no quick react teams in Africa. Shades of Benghazi.
Hint...chaos in Mali. Obama says "we are monitoring the situation". Comforting if you are vacationing in Mali...you know you have the Malii special forces protecting you. I guess we still gave no quick react teams in Africa. Shades of Benghazi.
Not our problem. You take the risk by traveling there.The US should not and will not be every Americans fucking personal protector every time they decide to take a vacation.
Hint...chaos in Mali. Obama says "we are monitoring the situation". Comforting if you are vacationing in Mali...you know you have the Malii special forces protecting you. I guess we still gave no quick react teams in Africa. Shades of Benghazi.
Not our problem. You take the risk by traveling there.The US should not and will not be every Americans fucking personal protector every time they decide to take a vacation.
Americans overseas are not our problem...but Syrian refugees are?
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

The Jerusalem Post? lol. Here's the answer.

The President would retaliate with military force against whoever was determined to be behind it,

and NOT ONE Israeli would join the fight.
He would appoint a commission to determine who did it. He would form a coalition to draw a red line. He would announce a date when the red line would disappear. He would finally blame Congress for not authorizing something.

Apparently you object to the idea of finding out who did it before action was taken.

How would your alternative work?
How many commissions has Obabble appointed and what have been the results.? "The situation is under investigation so I cant comment...other than to say this was a serious setback and our hearts go out to the victims and their families. We have taken a series of steps to prevent such occurrences, but we gave a long way to go. If Congress would cooperate and give us more funds the process could be accelerated."

The question was about your alternative.

Noted that you couldn't respond.
Finding out who did it is a no brainer response. What then, Gertrude?
Hint...chaos in Mali. Obama says "we are monitoring the situation". Comforting if you are vacationing in Mali...you know you have the Malii special forces protecting you. I guess we still gave no quick react teams in Africa. Shades of Benghazi.
Not our problem. You take the risk by traveling there.The US should not and will not be every Americans fucking personal protector every time they decide to take a vacation.
Americans overseas are not our problem...but Syrian refugees are?
NEITHER is our problem. They ain't refugees to begin with they are invaders,Americans overseas take a risk no matter where they go,should we have sent troops to Paris since there was 1 American there that got killed? No. They take risk its called being an adult.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

The Jerusalem Post? lol. Here's the answer.

The President would retaliate with military force against whoever was determined to be behind it,

and NOT ONE Israeli would join the fight.
He would appoint a commission to determine who did it. He would form a coalition to draw a red line. He would announce a date when the red line would disappear. He would finally blame Congress for not authorizing something.

Who attacked the US with chemical weapons since Obama has been president?
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

The Jerusalem Post? lol. Here's the answer.

The President would retaliate with military force against whoever was determined to be behind it,

and NOT ONE Israeli would join the fight.
He would appoint a commission to determine who did it. He would form a coalition to draw a red line. He would announce a date when the red line would disappear. He would finally blame Congress for not authorizing something.

Who attacked the US with chemical weapons since Obama has been president?
They attacked Syrian citizens...the ones you care so much about now. Fucknuts sat on his hands.
I have to take back what I said about quick strike teams in Africa. Africa command just tweeted we have two personnel assisting outside the Mali hotel. Indeed...a strong response from a strong president.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

Which liberals would say that could never happen- specifically?

Like Bush responded to 911- first deal with the specific attack- second reassure Americans and remind us not to attack every Muslim (or Sikh or anyone else someone think looks Muslim) in America- and finally go after the perpetrators.

If ISIS claimed responsibility would Americans troops be deployed like we did in Afghanistan- certainly.

Will he attack Iran or Russia while we are still eliminating the threat who attacked us- certainly not.
You have a lot more confidence than I have...which would then beg the question.....why is he waiting until it happens?

Why did Bush wait for Al Qaeda to attack us- again- before our invasion of Aghanistan?

There is a possibility that ISIS will successfully attack us- there is an even remoter possibility that ISIS would successfully attack us with a chemical weapon.

Of course there is also a possibility that North Korea could attack us with a nuclear weapon.

Should we send in ground troops every time there is a possibility we will be attacked?

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