What would the President do if...

Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

Which liberals would say that could never happen- specifically?

Like Bush responded to 911- first deal with the specific attack- second reassure Americans and remind us not to attack every Muslim (or Sikh or anyone else someone think looks Muslim) in America- and finally go after the perpetrators.

If ISIS claimed responsibility would Americans troops be deployed like we did in Afghanistan- certainly.

Will he attack Iran or Russia while we are still eliminating the threat who attacked us- certainly not.
You have a lot more confidence than I have...which would then beg the question.....why is he waiting until it happens?

Why did Bush wait for Al Qaeda to attack us- again- before our invasion of Aghanistan?
-----because Clinton told him it was under control

There is a possibility that ISIS will successfully attack us- there is an even remoter possibility that ISIS would successfully attack us with a chemical weapon.

Of course there is also a possibility that North Korea could attack us with a nuclear weapon.

Should we send in ground troops every time there is a possibility we will be attacked?

------absolutely not...we should nuke them first.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...

Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...


You are one willfully blind monkey:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
Mostly in Libtard places...let them diminish them...then us cons will exterminate the Muzzies...call it the OBABBLE strategery.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.
I asked what would he do, moron...don't make false assumptions or I'll microaggress you...I hope coyote doesn't interpret that as a threat...
Like I said. deltex wants to shove Muslims into gas ovens. He's a fucking Nazi.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.
I asked what would he do, moron...don't make false assumptions or I'll microaggress you...I hope coyote doesn't interpret that as a threat...
Shut the fuck up, Nazi. We know what you are and what you want. You and your stormtrooper granddaughter have made it plain.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

He will have to do whatever the Protocols dictate, and if he attempt to side step them then the Government will rebuke him, and put him in his place. ( Yes, I wrote he will be put in his place and not because of the color of his skin but because his place as President )
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...


You are one willfully blind monkey:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
Mostly in Libtard places...let them diminish them...then us cons will exterminate the Muzzies...call it the OBABBLE strategery.
g0000 wants the AUMF approved...as long as it limits us to water pistols and marshmallows. She's a real hawk.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

The Jerusalem Post

He will have to do whatever the Protocols dictate, and if he attempt to side step them then the Government will rebuke him, and put him in his place. ( Yes, I wrote he will be put in his place and not because of the color of his skin but because his place as President )
Like I said. deltex wants to shove Muslims into gas ovens. He's a fucking Nazi.

I am far worst than the OP'er and believe the entire human race should be deleted from the Universe, but at least I am not prejudice and want every human and not a select race or religion!
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...


You are one willfully blind monkey:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
Mostly in Libtard places...let them diminish them...then us cons will exterminate the Muzzies...call it the OBABBLE strategery.

Uhm, I fail to see the "shove them in ovens" part... and in "exterminate".. I agree... exterminate all those Islamists.. they understand nothing else. I'm sure the World's normal Muslims would be just as happy with them gone.

Go take your meds and go back to sleep.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...


You are one willfully blind monkey:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
Mostly in Libtard places...let them diminish them...then us cons will exterminate the Muzzies...call it the OBABBLE strategery.
g0000 wants the AUMF approved...as long as it limits us to water pistols and marshmallows. She's a real hawk.
The cowards of the GOP have been burying their heads in the sand for over year, proving what I have said for year. The GOP plan for everything is, "Whatever Obama is doing, we are against it" and NEVER putting up an alternative plan.

YOUR plan is to exterminate all Muslims, Nazi.

Everyone is to the left of a Nazi.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.
I asked what would he do, moron...don't make false assumptions or I'll microaggress you...I hope coyote doesn't interpret that as a threat...
Shut the fuck up, Nazi. We know what you are and what you want. You and your stormtrooper granddaughter have made it plain.

Ooooh now I'm a storm trooper? What is it Deltex aka Gramps, wants? Be specific
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...


You are one willfully blind monkey:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
Mostly in Libtard places...let them diminish them...then us cons will exterminate the Muzzies...call it the OBABBLE strategery.

Uhm, I fail to see the "shove them in ovens" part... and in "exterminate".. I agree... exterminate all those Islamists.. they understand nothing else. I'm sure the World's normal Muslims would be just as happy with them gone.

Go take your meds and go back to sleep.
No, he was specifically talking about exterminating all the Syrian refugees. And later, all Muslims.


Wake up, dipshit. You are siding with a Nazi.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...


You are one willfully blind monkey:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
Mostly in Libtard places...let them diminish them...then us cons will exterminate the Muzzies...call it the OBABBLE strategery.
g0000 wants the AUMF approved...as long as it limits us to water pistols and marshmallows. She's a real hawk.
The cowards of the GOP have been burying their heads in the sand for over year, proving what I have said for year. The GOP plan for everything is, "Whatever Obama is doing, we are against it" and NEVER putting up an alternative plan.

YOUR plan is to exterminate all Muslims, Nazi.

Everyone is to the left of a Nazi.
I love when women tell me what my plan is.
Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...


You are one willfully blind monkey:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
Mostly in Libtard places...let them diminish them...then us cons will exterminate the Muzzies...call it the OBABBLE strategery.
g0000 wants the AUMF approved...as long as it limits us to water pistols and marshmallows. She's a real hawk.
The cowards of the GOP have been burying their heads in the sand for over year, proving what I have said for year. The GOP plan for everything is, "Whatever Obama is doing, we are against it" and NEVER putting up an alternative plan.

YOUR plan is to exterminate all Muslims, Nazi.

Everyone is to the left of a Nazi.
I love when women tell me what my plan is.
You stated your plan. Not me.

I am merely showing everyone what you said. In your own words, Nazi.
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.
I asked what would he do, moron...don't make false assumptions or I'll microaggress you...I hope coyote doesn't interpret that as a threat...
Shut the fuck up, Nazi. We know what you are and what you want. You and your stormtrooper granddaughter have made it plain.

Ooooh now I'm a storm trooper?

Yes. Absolutely. Licking your granddaddy's jackboots.

That's off topic and abusive....ahm. LOL
Washington DC was hit by some type of chemical/biological weapon? Libs will say at will never happen. I agree. Until it happens. So what do you think Obama would do?

Whatever answer you get won't satisfy you, because you would want him to start shoving every Muslim in America into gas ovens.

And you don't even want to wait until there is an attack on DC. You want to start now.

Nazi. You're worse than the terrorists.

So fuck off.

You keep saying this stupid fucking shit... yet nobody is calling for shoving anyone in ovens. Perhaps you're projecting? Maybe it is you with the Nazi fantasies...


You are one willfully blind monkey:

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?
Mostly in Libtard places...let them diminish them...then us cons will exterminate the Muzzies...call it the OBABBLE strategery.

Uhm, I fail to see the "shove them in ovens" part... and in "exterminate".. I agree... exterminate all those Islamists.. they understand nothing else. I'm sure the World's normal Muslims would be just as happy with them gone.

Go take your meds and go back to sleep.
No, he was specifically talking about exterminating all the Syrian refugees. And later, all Muslims.


Wake up, dipshit. You are siding with a Nazi.

Oh whatever.. you're delusional.... I'm not siding with anyone.

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