When it comes to finding comprise between the left and the right, I think the right has no idea...

...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

But the left compromises all the time, don't they?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone" is a statement of compromise, isn't it?

"The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" are words of compromise, aren't they?

"Elections have consequences" again, words that mean one thing.

So when do we hear about compromise? When Democrats are in the minority. Never hear about compromise from them when Democrats have the power.

And what does compromise mean to a Democrat? It means we do things the Democrat way and nothing less is acceptable.

Obama has compromised and proposed compromise often.

Republicans got many concessions in healthcare reform(even though they gave it exactly 0 votes), which itself was originally a Republican plan, signed by Romney in his state last I checked. Obama/liberals originally wanted public option in there, but let it go.

Obama was also pushing for a long time a Grand Bargain that would have reduced deficits by around 3.5T dollars over a period of time and kept talking about no-sacred-cows approach.

He also compromised on Bush tax-cuts, expiring only the top-bracket tax-cut.

He compromised plenty on foreign policy as well and caught much flack from liberals for being too much of a hawk.
Grover Norquist


Nothing wrong with wanting to shrink the federal government. States can be as progressive as they want. I actually WANT California to try single payer. It may be the final nail in the coffin of the Blue State Model.
Well, Kansas tried trickle-down again. How'd that work out? So poorly that the GOP had to override the veto of the - GOP governor and raise taxes..

They tried reducing taxes to prime the economy, but they weren't able to reduce spending to match, mostly due to their constitutional limits on school funding changes.

I find it comical you declare something a failure after 5 years or so, but I wonder if you would be so critical of the Blue State Model that is currently failing in Illinois, in hot water in California, and about to go south in Connecticut.

They have had decades of "throw more money at it", where are your howls of protest for that?
It was a failure before they even tried it - and everyone with a brain knows it. It's been tried before and it - doesn't work.

So balancing budgets has never worked?

Again, decades of Blue State Model resulting in upcoming failure, "but if we just tax rich people more I'm SURE it will work". not a peep.

Five years of trying a bit of fiscal responsibility, ZOMG STOP IT NOW!!!1
Deficits don't matter - remember? Reagan's rules.
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

So if it's proven to SS that you're sufficiently mentally ill to qualify for compensation, that isn't sufficient to prove you're mentally unfit to own a gun?

What's the solution? A second mental fitness authority to determine gun ownership eligibility?

No, a court to adjudicate that you are mentally incompetent, and thus can be stripped of certain rights.

Some beancounter at SS doesn't get to make that decision.

Should SS be able to say someone is mentally unfit to vote?
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

You guys see us as your enemies and are actively hostile to our interests.

How do you compromise with that?

You are the enemies - of liberty.

"Bake that fucking cake, Peasant"

Baking cakes for cash isn't serving God. Save your hatred for - church.

the 1st amendment doesn't say free exercise is only restricted to Church.

and I figured you would have this response, you government dick sucking progressive hack-twat.
Grover Norquist


Nothing wrong with wanting to shrink the federal government. States can be as progressive as they want. I actually WANT California to try single payer. It may be the final nail in the coffin of the Blue State Model.
Well, Kansas tried trickle-down again. How'd that work out? So poorly that the GOP had to override the veto of the - GOP governor and raise taxes..

They tried reducing taxes to prime the economy, but they weren't able to reduce spending to match, mostly due to their constitutional limits on school funding changes.

I find it comical you declare something a failure after 5 years or so, but I wonder if you would be so critical of the Blue State Model that is currently failing in Illinois, in hot water in California, and about to go south in Connecticut.

They have had decades of "throw more money at it", where are your howls of protest for that?

A lefty cannot comprehend cutting spending , it is simply inconceivable to them.
When you cut corporate welfare and defense spending, give us a ring. Trump isn't doing either.

Cut spending, raise taxes, grow the economy. That's how you get out of the mess and you have to do all three at the very same time. Never going to happen with partisan elections just around the corner.

yeah, but progressives can never cut spending. They just take the new income from the tax increases, and then 2 years later when people and businesses move out, they wonder where the income went, and raise taxes again.

Or they go with the whole "If we don't raise expenditures by 5% as we planned", that's actually a "cut".
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

You guys see us as your enemies and are actively hostile to our interests.

How do you compromise with that?

You are the enemies - of liberty.

"Bake that fucking cake, Peasant"

Baking cakes for cash isn't serving God. Save your hatred for - church.

the 1st amendment doesn't say free exercise is only restricted to Church.

and I figured you would have this response, you government dick sucking progressive hack-twat.

The days of No Irish, No Dogs, and No N*ggers are long gone. Deal with it, snowflake.

If the boss says stop preaching about Jesus in the lunchroom, either take it to the street or you soon will be on it.

Nothing wrong with wanting to shrink the federal government. States can be as progressive as they want. I actually WANT California to try single payer. It may be the final nail in the coffin of the Blue State Model.
Well, Kansas tried trickle-down again. How'd that work out? So poorly that the GOP had to override the veto of the - GOP governor and raise taxes..

They tried reducing taxes to prime the economy, but they weren't able to reduce spending to match, mostly due to their constitutional limits on school funding changes.

I find it comical you declare something a failure after 5 years or so, but I wonder if you would be so critical of the Blue State Model that is currently failing in Illinois, in hot water in California, and about to go south in Connecticut.

They have had decades of "throw more money at it", where are your howls of protest for that?
It was a failure before they even tried it - and everyone with a brain knows it. It's been tried before and it - doesn't work.

So balancing budgets has never worked?

Again, decades of Blue State Model resulting in upcoming failure, "but if we just tax rich people more I'm SURE it will work". not a peep.

Five years of trying a bit of fiscal responsibility, ZOMG STOP IT NOW!!!1
Deficits don't matter - remember? Reagan's rules.

Deficits don't matter if you follow Keysean economics to their completion, Deficit spending FOLLOWED by budget surpluses to pay off the debt.
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
First of all Obama does not know his ass from a hole in the ground... on any subject. Second of all The left and their frivolous gun control laws Will do nothing to stop violent crime, and do not know their ass from a hole in the ground… On any subject
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

The lawmakers compromise all the time on small matters. I think there is plenty of room on the tax code. I think there is plenty of room now that Trump has published a cartoonishly foolish budget request.

Nothing wrong with wanting to shrink the federal government. States can be as progressive as they want. I actually WANT California to try single payer. It may be the final nail in the coffin of the Blue State Model.
Well, Kansas tried trickle-down again. How'd that work out? So poorly that the GOP had to override the veto of the - GOP governor and raise taxes..

They tried reducing taxes to prime the economy, but they weren't able to reduce spending to match, mostly due to their constitutional limits on school funding changes.

I find it comical you declare something a failure after 5 years or so, but I wonder if you would be so critical of the Blue State Model that is currently failing in Illinois, in hot water in California, and about to go south in Connecticut.

They have had decades of "throw more money at it", where are your howls of protest for that?

A lefty cannot comprehend cutting spending , it is simply inconceivable to them.
When you cut corporate welfare and defense spending, give us a ring. Trump isn't doing either.

Cut spending, raise taxes, grow the economy. That's how you get out of the mess and you have to do all three at the very same time. Never going to happen with partisan elections just around the corner.

yeah, but progressives can never cut spending. They just take the new income from the tax increases, and then 2 years later when people and businesses move out, they wonder where the income went, and raise taxes again.

Or they go with the whole "If we don't raise expenditures by 5% as we planned", that's actually a "cut".
Save the dogma, not interested. I'd be more than happy to cut about a trillion for you, starting with weapons the defense department doesn't even want and gifts to oil and gas companies already making billions.
The Right doesn't know how to compromise. Pfft.

There is no compromise with this:


That murderous reject IS NOT THE LEFT.

Bernie (the bern, in "feel the bern") has put it exactly right:

“I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values."
You guys see us as your enemies and are actively hostile to our interests.

How do you compromise with that?

You are the enemies - of liberty.

"Bake that fucking cake, Peasant"

Baking cakes for cash isn't serving God. Save your hatred for - church.

the 1st amendment doesn't say free exercise is only restricted to Church.

and I figured you would have this response, you government dick sucking progressive hack-twat.

The days of No Irish, No Dogs, and No N*ggers are long gone. Deal with it, snowflake.

If the boss says stop preaching about Jesus in the lunchroom, either take it to the street or you soon will be on it.

Who says anything about preventing people from coming into the store? This is about forcing people to enter into contracts for a non-essential, easily obtainable elsewhere service for an event the people do not want to endorse or participate in. In none of these cases did it involve point of sale denial.

Again, progressives talk compromise, but want everything their way.

The compromise is to keep PA protections for point of sale services and goods, but allow non-essential contracted transactions to be denied based on religious objections.
The Right doesn't know how to compromise. Pfft.

There is no compromise with this:


That murderous reject IS NOT THE LEFT.

Bernie (the bern, in "feel the bern") has put it exactly right:

“I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values."

After all these years of trying to lump the right with nutters, payback is a bitch isn't it?

And he for all intents and purposes has many others like him, I even have a cousin who posts the same crap this guy did. He isn't as extreme as your typical right asshole who decides to go out shooting or bombing.

Plus the groupthink mentality of the left probably means more like him will decide to jump on the bandwagon and begin taking shots at people on the right.
You are the enemies - of liberty.

"Bake that fucking cake, Peasant"
Baking cakes for cash isn't serving God. Save your hatred for - church.

the 1st amendment doesn't say free exercise is only restricted to Church.

and I figured you would have this response, you government dick sucking progressive hack-twat.
The days of No Irish, No Dogs, and No N*ggers are long gone. Deal with it, snowflake.

If the boss says stop preaching about Jesus in the lunchroom, either take it to the street or you soon will be on it.

Who says anything about preventing people from coming into the store? This is about forcing people to enter into contracts for a non-essential, easily obtainable elsewhere service for an event the people do not want to endorse or participate in. In none of these cases did it involve point of sale denial.

Again, progressives talk compromise, but want everything their way.

The compromise is to keep PA protections for point of sale services and goods, but allow non-essential contracted transactions to be denied based on religious objections.
There is no compromise here. Serve one - serve all. That's the rule. People have shit to do. If you can't deal with that then go sweep the floors at your church.

The fire code, speed limits, property taxes, also not option just because you pray to low-tax Jesus.
Well, Kansas tried trickle-down again. How'd that work out? So poorly that the GOP had to override the veto of the - GOP governor and raise taxes..

They tried reducing taxes to prime the economy, but they weren't able to reduce spending to match, mostly due to their constitutional limits on school funding changes.

I find it comical you declare something a failure after 5 years or so, but I wonder if you would be so critical of the Blue State Model that is currently failing in Illinois, in hot water in California, and about to go south in Connecticut.

They have had decades of "throw more money at it", where are your howls of protest for that?

A lefty cannot comprehend cutting spending , it is simply inconceivable to them.
When you cut corporate welfare and defense spending, give us a ring. Trump isn't doing either.

Cut spending, raise taxes, grow the economy. That's how you get out of the mess and you have to do all three at the very same time. Never going to happen with partisan elections just around the corner.

yeah, but progressives can never cut spending. They just take the new income from the tax increases, and then 2 years later when people and businesses move out, they wonder where the income went, and raise taxes again.

Or they go with the whole "If we don't raise expenditures by 5% as we planned", that's actually a "cut".
Save the dogma, not interested. I'd be more than happy to cut about a trillion for you, starting with weapons the defense department doesn't even want and gifts to oil and gas companies already making billions.

Defense is actually a federal responsibility, and worthy of funding.

And funny you call tax deductions "gifts"

Is your refund a gift? Is your standard deduction a gift?
"Bake that fucking cake, Peasant"
Baking cakes for cash isn't serving God. Save your hatred for - church.

the 1st amendment doesn't say free exercise is only restricted to Church.

and I figured you would have this response, you government dick sucking progressive hack-twat.
The days of No Irish, No Dogs, and No N*ggers are long gone. Deal with it, snowflake.

If the boss says stop preaching about Jesus in the lunchroom, either take it to the street or you soon will be on it.

Who says anything about preventing people from coming into the store? This is about forcing people to enter into contracts for a non-essential, easily obtainable elsewhere service for an event the people do not want to endorse or participate in. In none of these cases did it involve point of sale denial.

Again, progressives talk compromise, but want everything their way.

The compromise is to keep PA protections for point of sale services and goods, but allow non-essential contracted transactions to be denied based on religious objections.
There is no compromise here. Serve one - serve all. People have shit to do. If you can't deal with that then go sweep the floors at your church.

Thank you for showing that the OP's idea of "compromise" is what we have been saying, the left's way or no way.

Baking cakes for cash isn't serving God. Save your hatred for - church.

the 1st amendment doesn't say free exercise is only restricted to Church.

and I figured you would have this response, you government dick sucking progressive hack-twat.
The days of No Irish, No Dogs, and No N*ggers are long gone. Deal with it, snowflake.

If the boss says stop preaching about Jesus in the lunchroom, either take it to the street or you soon will be on it.

Who says anything about preventing people from coming into the store? This is about forcing people to enter into contracts for a non-essential, easily obtainable elsewhere service for an event the people do not want to endorse or participate in. In none of these cases did it involve point of sale denial.

Again, progressives talk compromise, but want everything their way.

The compromise is to keep PA protections for point of sale services and goods, but allow non-essential contracted transactions to be denied based on religious objections.
There is no compromise here. Serve one - serve all. People have shit to do. If you can't deal with that then go sweep the floors at your church.

Thank you for showing that the OP's idea of "compromise" is what we have been saying, the left's way or no way.

I'm so sorry that there is no compromise on - witch burning (even though your Holy Book says it's okay).

Some things here aren't up for compromise. Find things that are.

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