When it comes to finding comprise between the left and the right, I think the right has no idea...

...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.
So you actually don't give a crap about compromise you just want the Republicans to compromise. How about we do it the other way around.
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.
So you actually don't give a crap about compromise you just want the Republicans to compromise. How about we do it the other way around.

Compromise = bend over and grab your ankles.

Fuck them.
That murderous reject IS NOT THE LEFT.

That murderous reject IS THE FACE OF THE LEFT.

Lol according to whom? Rightwing assholes like you?

Show me a single prominent lefty (or even ANY lefty) support what this crazy did.

That murderous reject IS NOT THE LEFT.

That murderous reject IS THE FACE OF THE LEFT.

Lol according to whom? Rightwing assholes like you?

Show me a single prominent lefty (or even ANY lefty) support what this crazy did.

Funny these talking points remind me of 75% of the left on here

Hodgkinson shared a post from “Republicans Suck,” saying, “Republicans Hate Women, Minorities, Working Class People, & Most All (99%) of the People of the Country.”

He also wrote, “Trump is Guilty & Should Go to Prison for Treason” and “Trump is a Mean, Disgusting Person.”

June 2015 he wrote, “The Opposite of a Liberal Progressive is a Bigoted Racist that wants the Rich to get Richer at the expense of the 99%…..Republicans are so Stupid….”

He wrote in May 2015, “Congressional Republicans Hate Americans & Should All be Voted Out of Office……..”

Meanwhile Ted Nugent says he has seen the light and will no more be calling for the assassination of the president "UNLESS WE GET ANOTHER Black ONE"
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

But the left compromises all the time, don't they?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone" is a statement of compromise, isn't it?

"The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" are words of compromise, aren't they?

"Elections have consequences" again, words that mean one thing.

So when do we hear about compromise? When Democrats are in the minority. Never hear about compromise from them when Democrats have the power.

And what does compromise mean to a Democrat? It means we do things the Democrat way and nothing less is acceptable.
How about you not be a pussy and just answer my question? We can discuss democrat compromise after that. What are some political issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

You guys see us as your enemies and are actively hostile to our interests.

How do you compromise with that?

Quit being a pussy and just answer the question in my OP.
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

You got one thing right for sure, both left and right, you're all fascists.
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

You guys see us as your enemies and are actively hostile to our interests.

How do you compromise with that?

Quit being a pussy and just answer the question in my OP.

So, I post a video of a room for of dems laughing at the idea of white male suicides and your response is to call me a pussy?

Here is how I see compromise between us.

It won't happen.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

Compromise as in the DNC demanding all Democratic candidates for office be pro-choice in order to get their support?
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

But the left compromises all the time, don't they?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone" is a statement of compromise, isn't it?

"The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" are words of compromise, aren't they?

"Elections have consequences" again, words that mean one thing.

So when do we hear about compromise? When Democrats are in the minority. Never hear about compromise from them when Democrats have the power.

And what does compromise mean to a Democrat? It means we do things the Democrat way and nothing less is acceptable.
How about you not be a pussy and just answer my question? We can discuss democrat compromise after that. What are some political issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

And that's they way it always is; discuss Democrat compromises some other time.

I'm for a small gasoline tax to improve the roads. I'm for allowing people with preexisting conditions that can't get reasonably affordable health insurance to go on the Medicare program just like people who are on disability. I can be persuaded to agree to a SS ceiling increase provided it's less than 50% higher.
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

Bull shit as usual.

We know exactly what it looks like. It's the GOP giving the democrats everything they want. Democrats do not compromise.
The left constantly demonize the right, mock us, blame us, stab us in the back. Why the hell would we compromise with them on anything? I hate liberals. I wasn't born hating liberals I learned to hate them. They hate me and I hate them back 10x, libs are nothing but a bunch of gutless punks.

Both sides do it.

What would happen if Roe got overturned? Most Blue States would feel no impact, only Some Red states would go full ban.

Most places that don't want to participate in SSM related events have said they do not turn away gay people for point of sale items, they just don't want to contract for something related to the ceremony. So as rightydippy has been posting, this is evidently an area for NOT ONE STEP BACK.

Again, where is the compromise?
When you work out the "compromise" on child rape, give me a call.

Time for you to grow up and realize that you can't always have it - your hateful and bigoted way. Those days are over. Society has moved on.

The fact you need to equate a couple spending 20 minutes finding another baker with Child Rape, an actual crime shows you have no argument, and is quite frankly repulsive.

Most major religions condemn homosexual behavior, evidently many have not moved on, Including 99% of Muslims probably. Lets see you force them to recognize SSM in a Mosque.
Religion is for morons. Some things have no compromise. And no one is forcing churches to marry (or even tolerate) gays or gay weddings. You have no argument that hasn't already died in the US courts. Either move on or move away, your call. This liberal nation is obviously not to your liking.

You are a bigot and probably a narcissist. It's all about "you". Typical progressive.

And this nation may be liberal, but it is not progressive, two different things. Trump was the start of the backlash, expect more, and hope it is made of reasonable people like me, and not some of my less reasonable brethren.

And its only a matter of time before you come after churches, your disdain of religion requires it.

Trump lost the popular vote by 4 million votes. Figure it out, if not for a quirk in our election system he'd be an afterbirth. There is this odd feeling that Trump supporters have that he won by a landslide and the people love him when the exact opposite is true. Trying to get everyone else to accept this used car salesman as president isn't ever going to happen. Sorry. Nobody cares who won by now, all most people know is that Trump has to go, he is not presidential material. Not by a million miles.

Where in our Constitution does it say a President has to be of presidential material? What is Presidential material anyway, professional politicians?

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