When it comes to finding comprise between the left and the right, I think the right has no idea...

...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

But the left compromises all the time, don't they?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone" is a statement of compromise, isn't it?

"The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" are words of compromise, aren't they?

"Elections have consequences" again, words that mean one thing.

So when do we hear about compromise? When Democrats are in the minority. Never hear about compromise from them when Democrats have the power.

And what does compromise mean to a Democrat? It means we do things the Democrat way and nothing less is acceptable.
How about you not be a pussy and just answer my question? We can discuss democrat compromise after that. What are some political issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

And that's they way it always is; discuss Democrat compromises some other time.

I'm for a small gasoline tax to improve the roads. I'm for allowing people with preexisting conditions that can't get reasonably affordable health insurance to go on the Medicare program just like people who are on disability. I can be persuaded to agree to a SS ceiling increase provided it's less than 50% higher.
Well said.
That isn't a compromise, its fascism.

And there is no "right" to SSM in the constitution, only in addled minds of crappy Justices.
There's no marriage in the Constitution at all. The fact you don't like it that the law is now being applied to gay couples like it was not so long ago to inter-faith and inter-racial couples cannot be helped. We strive for equality before the law here. We don't compromise on that just to appease your petty hatreds.

I actually like it when States change their marriage laws to recognize SSM. What I don't like is made up rights created by courts. A court that can grant a right due to jiggery pokery can just as easily suppress one.
The courts didn't grant a right. It found legislation against a right - unconstitutional. That is their job.

As I said, the people do not get to vote on the rights of others. If they did it would still be illegal for whitey to marry a darkie in the South (and illegal to even be gay).

They made up a right out of thin air, just like they made up the right of government to allow separate but equal via Plessey.

Both concepts are idiotic.
No. They threw out unconstitutional legislation. That is their job. Had your kind not passed laws against gay marriage they wouldn't have had to.

There were no laws passed against gay marriages. If you and your other found a religion willing to marry you, no Republican in the country would have stopped you. The issue was not law, the issue was acceptance which most states did not want to do.
"Guns for me and not for thee"
"Bake that cake, you fucking peasant"
"Buy Health insurance, or else"
"Moar Taxes"
"Single Payer, or else"

Grover Norquist


Nothing wrong with wanting to shrink the federal government. States can be as progressive as they want. I actually WANT California to try single payer. It may be the final nail in the coffin of the Blue State Model.
Well, Kansas tried trickle-down again. How'd that work out? So poorly that the GOP had to override the veto of the - GOP governor and raise taxes..

They tried reducing taxes to prime the economy, but they weren't able to reduce spending to match, mostly due to their constitutional limits on school funding changes.

I find it comical you declare something a failure after 5 years or so, but I wonder if you would be so critical of the Blue State Model that is currently failing in Illinois, in hot water in California, and about to go south in Connecticut.

They have had decades of "throw more money at it", where are your howls of protest for that?
It was a failure before they even tried it - and everyone with a brain knows it. It's been tried before and it - doesn't work.
It has never been tried. That is why people consider you so stupid.

For it to work, the cut in taxes MUST be offset by a larger reduction in spending.

Why don't you people stop getting in the way of success?
Defense is actually a federal responsibility, and worthy of funding.

And funny you call tax deductions "gifts"

Is your refund a gift? Is your standard deduction a gift?
When I can write shit off because of the tax code, that's a gift. Oil and gas has been getting gifts for 100 years here.

No, it isn't. It being a gift implies the government owns your money, and gives back to you out of the goodness of its own heart.

The opposite is true, and what independent people believe.
When the government says, hey, here's a nice big loophole which means you don't have to pay taxes on that while others do, that's a gift. Same as if you are gassing up the car and the bill is - zero dollars. They don't have to hand you a check to hand you a gift.

They pay plenty of taxes, from payroll to extraction taxes, and corporate taxes. What are you talking about?
I'm talking about our billions of dollars a year gifts to the oil and gas industry (that they don't need and we do).

When government allows somebody or some people to keep more of their own money, it's not a gift. It was their money (that they created) in the first place--not governments.
A lefty cannot comprehend cutting spending , it is simply inconceivable to them.
When you cut corporate welfare and defense spending, give us a ring. Trump isn't doing either.

Cut spending, raise taxes, grow the economy. That's how you get out of the mess and you have to do all three at the very same time. Never going to happen with partisan elections just around the corner.

yeah, but progressives can never cut spending. They just take the new income from the tax increases, and then 2 years later when people and businesses move out, they wonder where the income went, and raise taxes again.

Or they go with the whole "If we don't raise expenditures by 5% as we planned", that's actually a "cut".
Save the dogma, not interested. I'd be more than happy to cut about a trillion for you, starting with weapons the defense department doesn't even want and gifts to oil and gas companies already making billions.

Defense is actually a federal responsibility, and worthy of funding.

And funny you call tax deductions "gifts"

Is your refund a gift? Is your standard deduction a gift?
When I can write shit off because of the tax code, that's a gift. Oil and gas has been getting gifts for 100 years here.

No more than any other business.
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

Most wouldn't own a gun anyway, and I don't recall reading any stories of paranoid seniors going nuts and killing people. I do however read stories about thieves that bust into seniors homes, beating them up and then robbing them. A few times death was involved. Elderly folks are the most fragile among us.
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

Isn't that a decision that should be made by a doctor, instead of a bean counter in a cubicle?
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com

Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.

Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
Obviously not.
When you cut corporate welfare and defense spending, give us a ring. Trump isn't doing either.

Cut spending, raise taxes, grow the economy. That's how you get out of the mess and you have to do all three at the very same time. Never going to happen with partisan elections just around the corner.

yeah, but progressives can never cut spending. They just take the new income from the tax increases, and then 2 years later when people and businesses move out, they wonder where the income went, and raise taxes again.

Or they go with the whole "If we don't raise expenditures by 5% as we planned", that's actually a "cut".
Save the dogma, not interested. I'd be more than happy to cut about a trillion for you, starting with weapons the defense department doesn't even want and gifts to oil and gas companies already making billions.

Defense is actually a federal responsibility, and worthy of funding.

And funny you call tax deductions "gifts"

Is your refund a gift? Is your standard deduction a gift?
When I can write shit off because of the tax code, that's a gift. Oil and gas has been getting gifts for 100 years here.

No more than any other business.
Much more, actually. See US history. And that changes nothing, it's a gift.

"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
Obviously not.

Obviously it is , the home owners with guns did what the cops could not.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
Obviously not.

Who stopped them? Cops or armed citizens cupcake?

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
Obviously not.

Obviously it is , the home owners with guns did what the cops could not.

For every case like that I have 10,000 that shoot themselves and 1,000 that shoot someone they shouldn't have. The odds are not in your favor.
So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
Obviously not.

Obviously it is , the home owners with guns did what the cops could not.

For every case like that I have 10,000 that shoot themselves and 1,000 that shoot someone they shouldn't have. The odds are not in your favor.

Yet one lived cupcake...

The law added the names of those deemed incompetent to handle their own financial affairs to the data base. You want paranoid seniors with dementia owning guns? They think everyone is trying to steal their stuff.

So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
Obviously not.

Who stopped them? Cops or armed citizens cupcake?

Men with guns they - killed. Do try again.
Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
Obviously not.

Obviously it is , the home owners with guns did what the cops could not.

For every case like that I have 10,000 that shoot themselves and 1,000 that shoot someone they shouldn't have. The odds are not in your favor.

Yet one lived cupcake...

The exception makes the rule, Princess.
So you don't want them protecting their homes and property from thugs?

Like these?

Escaped Georgia inmates captured, authorities say - CNN.com


Go to hell..

Georgia fugitives captured by homeowners - CNN.com

While they were on the run, the pair allegedly stole five vehicles, robbed two homes, tied up and terrorized an elderly couple; and led police on a chase where speeds reached 100 mph, officials said.


An armed America is a beautiful America.
Obviously not.

Who stopped them? Cops or armed citizens cupcake?

Men with guns they - killed. Do try again.

Control of your own destiny ...we are not a collective and die at your own whim..

We fight back and you hate that.


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