Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Spies are often shot.

A Palestinian man has been killed by his family in Gaza after he was found to be providing information to Israeli security forces, according to a statement released by the family.

Relatives of Ahmed Barhoum said they shot him in the city of Rafah after being told by the Hamas militant group that he had been spying for Israel.

They said Mr Barhoum's information was used in an Israeli air strike during the 2014 Gaza war which killed three Hamas militants – including Mr Barhoum’s own kinsman.

The family statement said members had seen evidence against Mr Barhoum and heard his confession.
Palestinian family shoot dead relative believed to be spying for Israel
It has usually Hamas or other groups who kill the alleged collaborators.

It has never been the family of the person in question.

That is what is new.
Spies are often shot.

A Palestinian man has been killed by his family in Gaza after he was found to be providing information to Israeli security forces, according to a statement released by the family.

Relatives of Ahmed Barhoum said they shot him in the city of Rafah after being told by the Hamas militant group that he had been spying for Israel.

They said Mr Barhoum's information was used in an Israeli air strike during the 2014 Gaza war which killed three Hamas militants – including Mr Barhoum’s own kinsman.

The family statement said members had seen evidence against Mr Barhoum and heard his confession.
Palestinian family shoot dead relative believed to be spying for Israel
It has usually Hamas or other groups who kill the alleged collaborators.

It has never been the family of the person in question.

That is what is new.
This article has nothing to do with Hamas and alleged spies for Israel who are killed by their own family.

But keep trying. :)
• What evidence of a government plan or policy do you have?
Well, you could look at Israel's laws, the rhetoric of its leader, the consistent and blatant discriminatory policies and practices, the facts on the ground.
• What evidence of a government plan or policy do you have?
Well, you could look at Israel's laws, the rhetoric of its leader, the consistent and blatant discriminatory policies and practices, the facts on the ground.
But you cannot post one source where there are actual discriminatory policies and practices against non Jews, much less facts on the ground.

And please, do not include Gaza or Areas A and B which are either in control of Hamas or the PA.
Arabs naturally think that Jews obsess over their military defeats - because that is what Arabs do.

Arabs naturally think that Jews are pining to wreak vengeance and re-take the lands that were once theirs - because that's what Muslims are taught.

Jewish kids don't learn about Khybar in school. They aren't taught about their "humiliating" defeat. There are literally thousands of things that are more important to teach.

Arabs like to taunt Jews with the chant "Khybar, Khybar O Jews, the army of Mohammed will return." But the average Jew would not even get the reference. The battle is irrelevant in the scope of Jewish history.

(full article online)

Saudi makes "humiliating" video of ruins of destroyed Jewish community in Khybar ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
• What evidence of a government plan or policy do you have?
Well, you could look at Israel's laws, the rhetoric of its leader, the consistent and blatant discriminatory policies and practices, the facts on the ground.
But you cannot post one source where there are actual discriminatory policies and practices against non Jews, much less facts on the ground.

And please, do not include Gaza or Areas A and B which are either in control of Hamas or the PA.
UN ESCWA report on Israeli apartheid | Palestine Liberation Organization | West Bank
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmoore, et al,

Part of making the determination is an comparison and evaluation of the standing in Human Development with respect to all the surrounding nations.

• What evidence of a government plan or policy do you have?
Well, you could look at Israel's laws, the rhetoric of its leader, the consistent and blatant discriminatory policies and practices, the facts on the ground.

The thumbnail view → or → "Facts on the Ground" → are telling. Working clockwise around Israel, we see:

Israel --- $319B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 0.40%
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 4.3%​

Lebanon --- $48B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 4.79% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 6.8% ↑​

Syria --- $74B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 43.2% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 14.3% ↑​

Jordan --- $39B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 3.20% ↓
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 18.5% ↑​

Egypt --- $336B GDP ↑
• Inflation Rate ≈ 21.9% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 11.9% ↑

Palestine --- $8B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ -0.02 % ↓
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 29.2% ↑​

Two important factors that indicate the significant benefits of a competent and benevolent government, working in best interest of the general population and the overall quality of life are: 1) The Inflation Rate and 2) the Unemployment/Jobless Rate. Egypt's GDP is slightly higher than that of Israel; but the cost of that marginal difference is an Inflation Rate is over 50 time higher than that of Israel; and the Egyptian Jobless Rate is over six time that of Israel. Syria, involved in a International Armed Conflict (IAC), so the Inflation Rate is not a true indicator in this case.

One cannot afford the luxury of viewing the Region through the glassy-eyed vision of the single-sided political idealist. Either a government is successful when it delivers the beneficial outcome in favor of the citizenry --- or --- it doesn't.

"Do or DO NOT!. ⇔ There is no Try."
Yoda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order

The Occupied Territories, are a nation of peope that "do not." The have held that "do not" characteristic since they reinvented themselves in 1967 as the parasitic Palestine Liberation Organization. And they are likely to remain that way until they can focus their energies and resources towards peaceful objectives. And that will necessitate a new face of the government, cleansed of the blantat corruption for which they are renowned.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmoore, et al,

Part of making the determination is an comparison and evaluation of the standing in Human Development with respect to all the surrounding nations.

• What evidence of a government plan or policy do you have?
Well, you could look at Israel's laws, the rhetoric of its leader, the consistent and blatant discriminatory policies and practices, the facts on the ground.

The thumbnail view → or → "Facts on the Ground" → are telling. Working clockwise around Israel, we see:

Israel --- $319B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 0.40%
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 4.3%
Lebanon --- $48B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 4.79% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 6.8% ↑​
Syria --- $74B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 43.2% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 14.3% ↑​
Jordan --- $39B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 3.20% ↓
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 18.5% ↑​
Egypt --- $336B GDP ↑
• Inflation Rate ≈ 21.9% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 11.9% ↑

Palestine --- $8B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ -0.02 % ↓
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 29.2% ↑​

Two important factors that indicate the significant benefits of a competent and benevolent government, working in best interest of the general population and the overall quality of life are: 1) The Inflation Rate and 2) the Unemployment/Jobless Rate. Egypt's GDP is slightly higher than that of Israel; but the cost of that marginal difference is an Inflation Rate is over 50 time higher than that of Israel; and the Egyptian Jobless Rate is over six time that of Israel. Syria, involved in a International Armed Conflict (IAC), so the Inflation Rate is not a true indicator in this case.

One cannot afford the luxury of viewing the Region through the glassy-eyed vision of the single-sided political idealist. Either a government is successful when it delivers the beneficial outcome in favor of the citizenry --- or --- it doesn't.

"Do or DO NOT!. ⇔ There is no Try."
Yoda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order

The Occupied Territories, are a nation of peope that "do not." The have held that "do not" characteristic since they reinvented themselves in 1967 as the parasitic Palestine Liberation Organization. And they are likely to remain that way until they can focus their energies and resources towards peaceful objectives. And that will necessitate a new face of the government, cleansed of the blantat corruption for which they are renowned.

Most Respectfully,
Typical colonial crap. Slime the natives.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmoore, et al,

Part of making the determination is an comparison and evaluation of the standing in Human Development with respect to all the surrounding nations.

• What evidence of a government plan or policy do you have?
Well, you could look at Israel's laws, the rhetoric of its leader, the consistent and blatant discriminatory policies and practices, the facts on the ground.

The thumbnail view → or → "Facts on the Ground" → are telling. Working clockwise around Israel, we see:

Israel --- $319B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 0.40%
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 4.3%
Lebanon --- $48B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 4.79% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 6.8% ↑​
Syria --- $74B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 43.2% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 14.3% ↑​
Jordan --- $39B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ 3.20% ↓
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 18.5% ↑​
Egypt --- $336B GDP ↑
• Inflation Rate ≈ 21.9% ↑
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 11.9% ↑

Palestine --- $8B GDP
• Inflation Rate ≈ -0.02 % ↓
• Unemployment/Jobless Rate ≈ 29.2% ↑​

Two important factors that indicate the significant benefits of a competent and benevolent government, working in best interest of the general population and the overall quality of life are: 1) The Inflation Rate and 2) the Unemployment/Jobless Rate. Egypt's GDP is slightly higher than that of Israel; but the cost of that marginal difference is an Inflation Rate is over 50 time higher than that of Israel; and the Egyptian Jobless Rate is over six time that of Israel. Syria, involved in a International Armed Conflict (IAC), so the Inflation Rate is not a true indicator in this case.

One cannot afford the luxury of viewing the Region through the glassy-eyed vision of the single-sided political idealist. Either a government is successful when it delivers the beneficial outcome in favor of the citizenry --- or --- it doesn't.

"Do or DO NOT!. ⇔ There is no Try."
Yoda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order

The Occupied Territories, are a nation of peope that "do not." The have held that "do not" characteristic since they reinvented themselves in 1967 as the parasitic Palestine Liberation Organization. And they are likely to remain that way until they can focus their energies and resources towards peaceful objectives. And that will necessitate a new face of the government, cleansed of the blantat corruption for which they are renowned.

Most Respectfully,
Typical colonial crap. Slime the natives.
You are the ones sliming the natives.

Arabs are natives of Arabia. Arabia has not moved into ancient Canaan. It is still in the same place and the Arabs are proud to have come from there. :)
What about Arab nations that are trying to get closer relations with Israel? Aloul's answer shows that the Palestinian leadership has almost given up on convincing the Arab leaders otherwise:

Q: If Egypt and Saudi Arabia are making a regional peace plan, what do you do?

"A: We will not do anything. Our decision is clear. We never want to expand the front of our enemies. Our main enemy is the Israeli occupation and the American policy that advocates it. We have no other enemy. We seek to have positive relations with all, with our Arab nation and with the world. If the Arab nations have another position on our cause we leave it to their people and do not open a battle with them."

If I am reading this right, the Palestinians are now more convinced of support from the Europeans than from their fellow Arabs.

This is a "burn your bridges" strategy. Palestinians are betting that the demographic issue combined with BDS and political pressure from the EU will make Israel surrender without the Palestinians having to compromise at all. Of course they won't negotiate - they don't want to make concessions.

The Arab states have woken up years ago to the fact that their investments in the Palestinian enterprise has been a waste of money. Their support since then has been vocal and symbolic, but not very concrete.

America is reaching the same conclusion.

(full article online)

What is the Palestinian strategy without negotiations? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Suddenly, people care about hundreds of thousands of children who might attend Hamas-run schools. Yet for the past decade, more than that amount already attended Hamas-run schools in Gaza, and no one has complained about it one bit.

And UNRWA schools have been using the Hamas curriculum.

If you take Dumper's concern seriously, than he is saying that the average Palestinian child in Gaza has already been recruited to terrorism. Where are the studies about the impact of Hamas on students in Gaza? Where has this concern been for the past ten years?

If anyone would have said that the average Gaza child is being indoctrinated into terror under Hamas rule a month ago, they would be castigated as a right-wing, Zionist, anti-Arab bigot. But suddenly, when UNRWA funding is in crisis, nowHamas schools are problematic.

The implication of these arguments is that Arab parents, media, peer pressure, and governmental messages are tacitly or explicitly supportive of terror, and only UNRWA can save these children from Muslim extremism.

That is bigoted.

(full article online)

People arguing for continuing UNRWA funding are anti-Arab bigots ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
A British woman, Kay Wilson, apparently realized that when a Palestinian terrorist "plunged a knife into her chest", left her for dead and then murdered her friend, it was British taxpayers who had paid for it.

"Is the UK funding the terrorists who tried to murder me?", she asked.

Yes, it is. "According to data collected by Israel's Defense Ministry, the PA spent a total of 1.237 billion shekels ($358 million), or about 7% of the PA's total annual budget, on terrorist stipends last year."

International payments to Palestinians that are used to pay terrorists in jail, as well as their families, serve both as a "reward for bad behavior" and also as a powerful incentive for youths to become terrorists.

They are a jobs program.

Some Palestinians are complaining that Arab countries are discriminating against them, and even going as far as calling themselves victims of "shameless Arab Apartheid" against Palestinians.

Such an accusation is unfair to many Arab countries, especially Egypt, which has sacrificed the blood of hundreds of thousands of its citizens to support the Islamic jihad against Israel.

(full article online)

The Terrorism Jobs Program: Pampering the Palestinians Must End
Throughout history, nations and people knew when they were winning and when they were losing. Despite suffering spectacular failures and chronic defeat, Arab leaders in general, and the PLO leadership in particular, pretend as if they are the victors setting demands.

Can you imagine Hitler during the dying days of his Nazi empire, issuing threats and demands to the Allied victors from his Berlin bunker? Would the defeated Napoleon issue threatening demands to the victorious British Duke of Wellington in Waterloo? Of course not. Even fanatics like Hitler knew when the game was over.

Israel’s Muslim Arab enemies and their allies stand out as the only aggressors in human history that become more aggressive and threatening the more they lose.

After failing to prevent Israel’s rebirth in 1948, the Arabs and their allies have spent the past 70 years trying to destroy the Jewish state through military means, terrorism, boycotts, political propaganda, historical revisionism, and legal warfare through the UN and other international organizations. All attempts have failed. While facing many unresolved challenges, Israel thrives like never before.

Israel’s legendary Foreign Minister Abba Eban eloquently put this anomaly in perspective after Israel’s victory over the Arab states in the Six Day War in 1967:

“I think that this is the first war in history that on the morrow the victors sued for peace and the vanquished called for unconditional surrender.”

The US was not popular in post-1945 Japan. However, imperial Japan, which was immensely more powerful than the Arabs were, knew when the game was up and realized that it was in no position to demand anything from the victorious Americans.

For many years, Mahmoud Abbas was considered the “moderate” voice of PLO and a counterweight to the flamboyant and combative leader Yasser Arafat. After Arafat’s death, some Israeli and many Western pundits argued that with Abbas as the new PLO head, peace was just around the corner. For over a decade, Abbas has been the darling of the international Left. Abbas has mastered this double game with great skill in order to keep up the international pressure on Israel. When addressing his international audience, Abbas used carefully worded but false words of conciliation and “peace” with Israel. When addressing his own people, Abbas systematically revealed his opposition to Israel’s existence within any borders. In reality, “moderate” Abbas differed more in style than content from his predecessor Arafat.

(full article online)

Trump Dropped a Truth Bomb on the Middle East
We do not yet know the name of this child. If the father keeps up his training, then we will know his name one day. This kid needs to get over his innocence. Then he will know how he really should behave around Israeli soldiers. If his father is lucky, he will be the next Ahed Tamimi.

(full article online)

This Is How To Create An Ahed Tamimi - Israel Diaries
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is not new evidence. This is the same people writing the same critique on a different platform.

• What evidence of a government plan or policy do you have?
Well, you could look at Israel's laws, the rhetoric of its leader, the consistent and blatant discriminatory policies and practices, the facts on the ground.
But you cannot post one source where there are actual discriminatory policies and practices against non Jews, much less facts on the ground.

And please, do not include Gaza or Areas A and B which are either in control of Hamas or the PA.
UN ESCWA report on Israeli apartheid | Palestine Liberation Organization | West Bank

It s not authoritative. It uses an "alternative definition" of apartheid. But Apartheid can be viewed in terms of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [A/9030 (1974)] or Article 7 - Crimes against Humanity - Romes Statutes • International Criminal Code.

In essence: "The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those
referred to in paragraph 1, Article 7 - Crimes against Humanity - Romes Statutes, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;

Article 7 (1) (j) [Page 12]
Crime against humanity of apartheid

1. The perpetrator committed an inhumane act against one or more persons.
2. Such act was an act referred to in article 7, paragraph 1, of the Statute, or was an act of a character similar to any of those acts.
3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the character of the act.

4. The conduct was committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups.
5. The perpetrator intended to maintain such regime by that conduct.
6. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed
against a civilian population.
7. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population.

EXCERPTS: Article 7 Crimes against humanity said:

1. Since Article 7 pertains to international criminal law, its provisions, consistent
with Article 22, must be strictly construed, taking into account that crimes against
humanity as defined in article 7 are among the most serious crimes of concern to
the international community as a whole, warrant and entail individual criminal
responsibility, and require conduct which is impermissible under generally applicable
international law, as recognized by the principal legal systems of the world.

... ... ...

3. “Attack directed against a civilian population” in these context elements is understood
to mean a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in
article 7, paragraph 1, of the Statute against any civilian population, pursuant to or in
furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack. The acts need
not constitute a military attack. It is understood that “policy to commit such attack”
requires that the State or organization actively promote or encourage such an attack
against a civilian population.

A policy which has a civilian population as the object of the attack would be implemented by State or
organizational action. Such a policy may, in exceptional circumstances, be implemented by a deliberate failure to take action, which is consciously aimed at encouraging such attack. The existence of such a policy cannot be inferred solely from the absence of governmental or organizational action.

PART - 3.
Article 22 • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court RS-ICC
Nullum crimen sine lege

1. A person shall not be criminally responsible under this Statute unless the conduct in
question constitutes, at the time it takes place, a crime within the jurisdiction of the

2. The definition of a crime shall be strictly construed and shall not be extended by
In case of ambiguity, the definition shall be interpreted in favour of the
person being investigated, prosecuted or convicted.

3. This article shall not affect the characterization of any conduct as criminal under
international law independently of this Statute.​

Now, the Elements of the Crime, for the RS-ICC, mentions the requirements of a "racial group or groups;" in this one element alone, presents a dilemma. IF all Arab Palestinians in the Occupied Territory are treated the same, for the purpose of Article 43, Hague Regulation, then how is the discrimination made? Is it not true that Israel is much more culturally diverse than Arab Palestine?

Most Respectfully,
Due to the reduction of electricity to Gaza, the wastewater facility in the Gaza Strip has been shut down, causing overflow into Israel; Israel's Water Authority instructs Sderot and the Sha'ar Hanegev to absorb the sewage of Beit Lahiya and Beit Hanun. Israel to build pipeline to absorb sewage from Gaza
Well, thank you for that nice article about Israel helping Gaza to deal with their sewage. :)
"Hamas is cultivating terror bases in hospitals, mosques and schools, and continues to invest its energy in military armament, tunnel construction, and planning attacks against the State of Israel. We are not complacent. We know that the next battle, if imposed on us, will be different and harder than the previous one. But we are determined that when it comes, we will be ready and trained. We will surprise and not be surprised, and we will strike the enemy with a hard and cutting blow," added Rivlin.

"The entire world must know and understand that the ones preventing the rehabilitation [of Gaza] are Hamas. Israel is the only entity in the region that transfers - regardless of the situation - the minimal needs to the residents so that they can maintain their well-being. Unfortunately, Hamas is exploiting the plight of Gaza's citizens and using the materials - which are sent to the Gaza Strip for the benefit of the lives of the residents - for terror purposes instead. We must not remain silent in the face of these injustices, and we will not be silent in the face of those who point an accusing finger at us. I appeal to all the nations of the world, to all those who have the ability, and the influence, to pressure the governmental system in Gaza, Hamas, to take responsibility for its actions and the lives of the residents.

(full article online)

'Hamas is turning hospitals into terrorist bases'
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