Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

If Trump has evidence to the contrary, why doesn’t he provide it?
As I've noted, everything you post is worthless. It's ignorant people like you who cannot separate hearsay in court and hearsay as part of an investigation. Now grow up and go away.
The desperate high-pitched screeching gets more and more entertaining all the time. Please keep it up.
the demafasict


Sure Jan.

She is just another dedicated Republican who is speaking the facts.
She's yet another cream-and-two-sugars schmendrick gundoon, with nothing but second-hand rumors, whom you nut cases have foolishly believed to have the next "bombshell".

Watch out. You're talking over the border.l

Someone has to bring a sombre and honest tone to the debate. I am in agreement with Musk in the pursuit of truth. The idea that "the guy is a real A_hole, undiplomatic, unpresidential" etc, is not reason enough to destroy him. Let voters decide or have his policies dissected.

If DeSantis or Pompeo make sense to run the GOP and America, than they need to bring the right policies, follow through and fight for America. If they repeat old Neo-Con ideas and flimsy actions that haven't helped America in todays global economic battle, than Trump should and probably will win again.

There is plenty to dislike about Trump, his personality can be off putting and distasteful to some. Those looking for a fighter and to see America win again don't care, that's the reality as I call balls and strikes as I see them.

To be dishonest is far more damaging. Do you want a Chamberlain in the W.H in a dire time of danger simply because it was easier to "all get along"?
Someone has to bring a sombre and honest tone to the debate. I am in agreement with Musk in the pursuit of truth. The idea that "the guy is a real A_hole, undiplomatic, unpresidential" etc, is not reason enough to destroy him. Let voters decide or have his policies dissected.

If DeSantis or Pompeo make sense to run the GOP and America, than they need to bring the right policies, follow through and fight for America. If they repeat old Neo-Con ideas and flimsy actions that haven't helped America in todays global economic battle, than Trump should and probably will win again.

There is plenty to dislike about Trump, his personality can be off putting and distasteful to some. Those looking for a fighter and to see America win again don't care, that's the reality as I call balls and strikes as I see them.

To be dishonest is far more damaging. Do you want a Chamberlain in the W.H in a dire time of danger simply because it was easier to "all get along"?
He conspired to delay or even stop a constitution procedure. You call that an insurrection. That is a Felony.

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