Why are my balls getting wet in the toilet?

I sit down to do a bm. Before anything starts happening I sometimes feel a cool wet sensation on the bottom of my sacks. Clearly, my nuts are hitting the water in the bowel. I have to lean forward and raise up on the seat a little to keep them out of the water (and what is about to enter the water). It happens at home and at my office. It does not happen all the time, but it happens. It has never happened to me in the past. It started a few months ago and is becoming a more frequent occurrence.

WTF is happening to me? I am 52 and, of course, notice a lot of not so desirable things happening to me due to age. Are my sacks getting bigger? Are they, for whatever reason, drooping? Are the too full and the weight it pulling them down? I don't want to ask anyone in person. I figure that asking anonymously online would be ok.
Invest in a Japanese style toilet. Result: No more wet balls.

Do you know how your nuts shrink up when you are outside in the winter and it is really cold out there? But, if you are really warm and toasty they obtain maximum size? I have noticed that if I get up in the middle of the night, getting out of my warm bed, and go take a leak, this is prime time for my balls to touch the toilet water. Most of the time they don't. But when they are maxed out due to warmth, they will dangle into the water.

Also, it is rare for me to take a sit-down at work at my office. I prefer home field advantage, and I do not want to gross everyone out with the smell. Working only 5 miles from my house, I have even been known to drive home when the urge hits. However, sometimes it is a necessity to drop anchor in the office restroom. My chair in my office is thick and cozy. It is a really thick and cozy chair. If I was so inclined, I could probably sleep in it. Well, the other day I had to do a sit-down. It was the end of the day and I sent my person home early so I could go. As I was sitting there, there is was again: the bottom of my sacks went into the water. I had to sort of lean forward and raise up on my feet some to keep the boys out of the water (and out of everything else that was to come).

I have decided what I really need is a lift upon which to sit when I am on the toilet. You know, something I can place on top of the toilet seat to give me another inch in elevation. I think then I would not get wet. Or, if I could find a thicker than normal toilet seat, that would do the trick too.

Do you know how your nuts shrink up when you are outside in the winter and it is really cold out there? But, if you are really warm and toasty they obtain maximum size? I have noticed that if I get up in the middle of the night, getting out of my warm bed, and go take a leak, this is prime time for my balls to touch the toilet water. Most of the time they don't. But when they are maxed out due to warmth, they will dangle into the water.

Also, it is rare for me to take a sit-down at work at my office. I prefer home field advantage, and I do not want to gross everyone out with the smell. Working only 5 miles from my house, I have even been known to drive home when the urge hits. However, sometimes it is a necessity to drop anchor in the office restroom. My chair in my office is thick and cozy. It is a really thick and cozy chair. If I was so inclined, I could probably sleep in it. Well, the other day I had to do a sit-down. It was the end of the day and I sent my person home early so I could go. As I was sitting there, there is was again: the bottom of my sacks went into the water. I had to sort of lean forward and raise up on my feet some to keep the boys out of the water (and out of everything else that was to come).

I have decided what I really need is a lift upon which to sit when I am on the toilet. You know, something I can place on top of the toilet seat to give me another inch in elevation. I think then I would not get wet. Or, if I could find a thicker than normal toilet seat, that would do the trick too.
I suggested earlier to get one of those toilet seat lifts the elderly use. My mother has something like this:

Amazon product ASIN B003XX572M
Yes, you did. I should have listened. I forgot until now. Thanks!!
You’re welcome. It’s cheap enough - give it a try.

Or, if you’re in the area, you could drive over to my 94-year-old mother’s assisted living apartment, explain the problem you are having, and ask if you could try hers. But please, make sure she’s sitting down when you tell her!

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