Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

If you read my post you would see I said he made it class one felony.

Before that it was just a misdemeanor.

Yes it was illegal before nixon but it was just a parking ticket offence. nixon couldn't have the protesters removed from the White House grounds for a misdemeanor.

Plus under the 1937 law it was still legal for some medical purposes. It wasn't a felony that resulted in anyone put in prison. It was a misdemeanor which resulted in a fine.

It wasn't until nixon that marijuana became the federal felony crime it is today.

The Science behind the DEA's Long War on Marijuana

View attachment 304101

Your post is wrong. People went to prison for possession on marijuana, up to 5 years for first offense. It was also a felony.

Samuel R. Caldwell - Wikipedia
His Name Was Samuel R. Caldwell{"issue_id":37197,"view":"articleBrowser","publication_id":"11569","article_id":"383063"}

Also in the 1950’s they had mandatory sentencing laws for marijuana possession.

Marijuana Timeline | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS

Stricter Sentencing Laws

Enactment of federal laws (Boggs Act, 1952; Narcotics Control Act, 1956) which set mandatory sentences for drug-related offenses, including marijuana.

A first-offense marijuana possession carried a minimum sentence of 2-10 years with a fine of up to $20,000.

I don't believe much of what you posted. I was busted in Ann Arbor in 71 a $5.00 fine. Again the next year busted in another city with 2 ounces paid $150.00 for a misdemeanor.

I don’t care if you believe the links or actual history. Not my problem that you can’t read links.

You can put out links and I can put out personal experiences. Not all states, counties, cities treated in the same way back in late 60's or early 70's Nixon put a stop to that.

The law Nixon signed went into effect in 1970. So, your experience was AFTER the law went into effect not before.
Worse than the gun grabbers

Swear to god

The gun grabbers and the mary Jane prohibitionists should get together and make save the children posters ...

Like I said on another thread kids should be kept from it as long as possible ...just like with trannies

But thier gonna hit high school...and well ya know


You teach your kids about gun saftey,? Right ?
News flash it's also your job to teach em about responsibility and the dangers and pitfalls of drugs ...alcohol...marlboros...ferp ferp derp...just like how dangerous a human can be with a gun in his hand

Let weedom ring
An adults be adults
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Legalize drugs tax and regulate them, use the tax dollars to rehabilitate the addicts.
That's exactly what they did in Portugal

and it worked.

How many trillions of dollars could we save if we ended the failed war on drugs and all we would have to do is put a fraction of that money to use in the community to help those that are addicted
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
How does legal alcohol benefit society?

How does legal tobacco benefit society?

How does McDonald's, Burger King and KFC benefit society?

And FYI cigarettes are harder to kick than weed
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
How does legal alcohol benefit society?

How does legal tobacco benefit society?

How does McDonald's, Burger King and KFC benefit society?

And FYI cigarettes are harder to kick than weed
Yes but one marijuana cigarette does as much damage to your lungs as a whole package of cigarettes. So if you think you are smart smoking weed go for it.
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
How does legal alcohol benefit society?

How does legal tobacco benefit society?

How does McDonald's, Burger King and KFC benefit society?

And FYI cigarettes are harder to kick than weed
They don’t.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Legalize drugs tax and regulate them, use the tax dollars to rehabilitate the addicts.
That's exactly what they did in Portugal

and it worked.

How many trillions of dollars could we save if we ended the failed war on drugs and all we would have to do is put a fraction of that money to use in the community to help those that are addicted
Why would they need help if those fucking drugs are so wonderful? Gawd what a dumbassed argument.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

The rationale is that blue haired church lady's won't vote for them if they make it legal.
Just don’t drive and use!

Have yet to see a tax payer roller spent on a stoner, other then the stoners they have in jail. As it is, how many smoking and drinking related health issues does the taxpayer cover?
Just don’t drive and use!

Have yet to see a tax payer roller spent on a stoner, other then the stoners they have in jail. As it is, how many smoking and drinking related health issues does the taxpayer cover?
The taxpayer should not be on the hook for anyone’s healthcare. Especially those who choose to harm their bodies on purpose. And, if someone kills another person while under the influence call it what it is,murder and sentence accordingly. People are informed about drugs and alcohol and they still choose the behavior. Fine, then let them suffer the consequences.

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