Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.
Marijuana turns even the furthest right righties into lefties within minutes of inhaling. If you turn all the righties into lefties, there won't be anybody left to pay into welfare for lefties.
On this topic the righties sound exactly like the lefties in their support of a nanny state that knows what's best for you.
I am very much against the legalization of Marijuana, since it will inevitably cost me more money to support more lefties who won't work. Dope heads are unemployable, they live off of a nanny state that is paid for out of my paycheck.

You do have your head buried in the sand, as many on the right use as do on the left.
My head is not buried in the sand because I don't use drugs.
Weed is just another method by which one can impair his mind and facilities.
It's unfortunate we think we need that sort of thing to get through life.

You would't say that if you had cancer and had to endure the side effects from chemo.

I was on a pill form of chemo for 7 long years. It destroyed my stomach. While I was taking that pill every day for 7 years, the only thing that would stay in my stomach without smoking marijuana was water and lettuce.

That's it. When you try all the pills and drugs to try to keep food in your stomach only for none of it to work and you're down to a size zero, you will do anything to keep food in you.

Marijuana keeps food in me. I'm up to a size 3 now only because of the medical marijuana.

The chemo made my stomach very weak and even though I'm not on it anymore, I still can't keep food in me without smoking medical marijuana.

According to you, I should die of emaciation and starvation. How very pro life of you.

It's really not a good idea to make a blanket statement about something.

You usually are very wrong.

Your case is an exception to why most people smoke weed. I dont really care so much what adults do, but am more concerned about the accessibility to kids and teenagers. I would hope that most sane adults can agree that its really detremental to them.
Weed is just another method by which one can impair his mind and facilities.
It's unfortunate we think we need that sort of thing to get through life.

You would't say that if you had cancer and had to endure the side effects from chemo.

I was on a pill form of chemo for 7 long years. It destroyed my stomach. While I was taking that pill every day for 7 years, the only thing that would stay in my stomach without smoking marijuana was water and lettuce.

That's it. When you try all the pills and drugs to try to keep food in your stomach only for none of it to work and you're down to a size zero, you will do anything to keep food in you.

Marijuana keeps food in me. I'm up to a size 3 now only because of the medical marijuana.

The chemo made my stomach very weak and even though I'm not on it anymore, I still can't keep food in me without smoking medical marijuana.

According to you, I should die of emaciation and starvation. How very pro life of you.

It's really not a good idea to make a blanket statement about something.

You usually are very wrong.
Medical marijuana has been legal in prescription form for years and used specifically to treat chemo patients by quelling nausea and increasing appetites. It’s called Marinol.
Medical marijuana is exploited so much that the term is just euphemism for legalized dope for all.
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
By ending the destruction of our liberty, wasted effort and Tax dollars on the failed drug war. Something along with many other points you missed pages back. Not repeating myself for the inattentive.

Who the hell are you to decide what is right for any individual?
Shall we start on the fat asses who can't control their addiction to McDonald's since they "all cost us"? Where the hell does that control end? You are no damn different than the leftists on the use of state over individualism.
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What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Legalize drugs tax and regulate them, use the tax dollars to rehabilitate the addicts.
Oh bullshit. Then the “poor” will expect to be subsidized for equality and drug justice!

How about providing the people with Free Grass? Instead of using marijuana to just enrich the already wealthy billionaires even more?
Anyone with a flower pot can grow their own.

Another reason why the great tax windfall that Legal Grass Proponents promise isn't going to happen
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
By ending the destruction of our liberty, wasted effort and Tax dollars on the failed drug war. Something along with many other points you missed pages back. Not repeating myself for the inattentive.

Who the hell are you to decide what is right for any individual?
Shall we start on the fat asses who can't control their addiction to McDonald's since they "all cost us"? Where the hell does that control end? You are no damn different than the leftists on the use of state over individualism.
"Wasted effort and tax dollars on the failed drug war"....and you accuse me of using buzzwords?
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Bingo. The church ladies failed with alcohol, so they went right for marijuana. Gotta stop all this fun people are having.

That's just not true.

Marijuana was not a criminal offense until nixon.

There were countless hippies protesting outside the White House during his presidency. Mostly against the Vietnam war.

There was nothing legally that nixon could do to get them off the White House grounds. He noticed many of them were smoking marijuana. He had it reclassified a schedule 1 drug and a felony. So he could then have them arrested and removed from the White House grounds.

So if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with nixon. He's the guy who is responsible for marijuana being a crime.

It was a crime in 1937 under FDR.

On This Date: FDR Made Marijuana Illegal 81 Years Ago

If you read my post you would see I said he made it class one felony.

Before that it was just a misdemeanor.

Yes it was illegal before nixon but it was just a parking ticket offence. nixon couldn't have the protesters removed from the White House grounds for a misdemeanor.

Plus under the 1937 law it was still legal for some medical purposes. It wasn't a felony that resulted in anyone put in prison. It was a misdemeanor which resulted in a fine.

It wasn't until nixon that marijuana became the federal felony crime it is today.

The Science behind the DEA's Long War on Marijuana

View attachment 304101

Your post is wrong. People went to prison for possession on marijuana, up to 5 years for first offense. It was also a felony.

Samuel R. Caldwell - Wikipedia
His Name Was Samuel R. Caldwell{"issue_id":37197,"view":"articleBrowser","publication_id":"11569","article_id":"383063"}

Also in the 1950’s they had mandatory sentencing laws for marijuana possession.

Marijuana Timeline | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS

Stricter Sentencing Laws

Enactment of federal laws (Boggs Act, 1952; Narcotics Control Act, 1956) which set mandatory sentences for drug-related offenses, including marijuana.

A first-offense marijuana possession carried a minimum sentence of 2-10 years with a fine of up to $20,000.

I don't believe much of what you posted. I was busted in Ann Arbor in 71 a $5.00 fine. Again the next year busted in another city with 2 ounces paid $150.00 for a misdemeanor.

I don’t care if you believe the links or actual history. Not my problem that you can’t read links.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
By ending the destruction of our liberty, wasted effort and Tax dollars on the failed drug war. Something along with many other points you missed pages back. Not repeating myself for the inattentive.

Who the hell are you to decide what is right for any individual?
Shall we start on the fat asses who can't control their addiction to McDonald's since they "all cost us"? Where the hell does that control end? You are no damn different than the leftists on the use of state over individualism.
"Wasted effort and tax dollars on the failed drug war"....and you accuse me of buzzwords?
You actually have the delusion that it isn't a waste of tax dollars?
(We know you are so concerned about costs and all.)
That the drug war is a success?
You still don't address the point.

I answered your question while you again dodged mine.

So where does this control over people end? Obesity? Risky behavior? Shall we install Orwellion surveillance and make the citizens do morning exercises?
Are you in perfect health in your moral purity? Wouldn't want any cost to the greater good and all.
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
How does keeping a plant illegal benefit society? Aren't you right wingers supposed to be for personal liberty and against the nanny-state?
You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
How does keeping a plant illegal benefit society? Aren't you right wingers supposed to be for personal liberty and against the nanny-state?
That goes right out the door when it comes to drugs or abortion.
Doesn't even register to them that many republicans and Trump supporters smoke. They want their convenient bubble of blame to go to liberals while painting all pot smokers as moronic degenerates.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.
Marijuana turns even the furthest right righties into lefties within minutes of inhaling. If you turn all the righties into lefties, there won't be anybody left to pay into welfare for lefties.
On this topic the righties sound exactly like the lefties in their support of a nanny state that knows what's best for you.
I am very much against the legalization of Marijuana, since it will inevitably cost me more money to support more lefties who won't work. Dope heads are unemployable, they live off of a nanny state that is paid for out of my paycheck.

You do have your head buried in the sand, as many on the right use as do on the left.
My head is not buried in the sand because I don't use drugs.

I never said your head buried because you didn't use marijuana and I misread your statement.
That's just not true.

Marijuana was not a criminal offense until nixon.

There were countless hippies protesting outside the White House during his presidency. Mostly against the Vietnam war.

There was nothing legally that nixon could do to get them off the White House grounds. He noticed many of them were smoking marijuana. He had it reclassified a schedule 1 drug and a felony. So he could then have them arrested and removed from the White House grounds.

So if you want to be angry with someone, be angry with nixon. He's the guy who is responsible for marijuana being a crime.

It was a crime in 1937 under FDR.

On This Date: FDR Made Marijuana Illegal 81 Years Ago

If you read my post you would see I said he made it class one felony.

Before that it was just a misdemeanor.

Yes it was illegal before nixon but it was just a parking ticket offence. nixon couldn't have the protesters removed from the White House grounds for a misdemeanor.

Plus under the 1937 law it was still legal for some medical purposes. It wasn't a felony that resulted in anyone put in prison. It was a misdemeanor which resulted in a fine.

It wasn't until nixon that marijuana became the federal felony crime it is today.

The Science behind the DEA's Long War on Marijuana

View attachment 304101

Your post is wrong. People went to prison for possession on marijuana, up to 5 years for first offense. It was also a felony.

Samuel R. Caldwell - Wikipedia
His Name Was Samuel R. Caldwell{"issue_id":37197,"view":"articleBrowser","publication_id":"11569","article_id":"383063"}

Also in the 1950’s they had mandatory sentencing laws for marijuana possession.

Marijuana Timeline | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS

Stricter Sentencing Laws

Enactment of federal laws (Boggs Act, 1952; Narcotics Control Act, 1956) which set mandatory sentences for drug-related offenses, including marijuana.

A first-offense marijuana possession carried a minimum sentence of 2-10 years with a fine of up to $20,000.

I don't believe much of what you posted. I was busted in Ann Arbor in 71 a $5.00 fine. Again the next year busted in another city with 2 ounces paid $150.00 for a misdemeanor.

I don’t care if you believe the links or actual history. Not my problem that you can’t read links.

You can put out links and I can put out personal experiences. Not all states, counties, cities treated in the same way back in late 60's or early 70's Nixon put a stop to that.
This is a post from a sober mind?

Wow. Soon as I see buzzwords like "gateway drug" I deduct 20 points from the intelligence level of that particular poster. Way too many incorrect assumptions to even bother countering this nonsense.
Buzzwords and cliches instead of a logical pro-marijuana argument. No surprises here.
What a moron.
You have done nothing but use buzzwords along with some lame claim that everyone wants kids to smoke pot.
Read all my posts and come back when you have a rational coherent thought.
What's the upside? Tax some poor schleps who need a worse habit than cigarettes? How in the world does legalizing marijuana benefit society?
How does keeping a plant illegal benefit society? Aren't you right wingers supposed to be for personal liberty and against the nanny-state?
That goes right out the door when it comes to drugs or abortion.
Doesn't even register to them that many republicans and Trump supporters smoke. They want their convenient bubble of blame to go to liberals while painting all pot smokers as moronic degenerates.

There's really no point even trying to hold a decent debate with them. They have read or maybe seen one case in their life that may have gone haywire, maybe someone treated the pot or just maybe were told it was pot when it was not.

Many trump supporters smoke pot and from what I've seen maybe more in my area than any leftie.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.
Many people are not against legalization!
Even in some European countries marijuana is now legal
Anyways some people are against all kind of drugs because they think you can damage your health using marijuana (or any other drug) :)
Medical marijuana is exploited so much that the term is just euphemism for legalized dope for all.
Before it became legalized for personal use we all knew there were certain doctors that would prescribe weed for certain medical "problems" that were vague and unverifiable (wink wink). It's always been a scam.

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