Why are Political Forums Overrun with RWNJ's?


Radical Centrist
Apr 14, 2012
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
Get a job and stop your bellyaching FFS!
Tea partiers appear to be a bunch of bums that really don't have a life but seem to judge everyone else. They seem to want to turn our country into a third world shit hole but then blame Obama for wanting destroy America.
Much of this problem is caused by lead in drinking water. That coupled with disproportionate levels of caffeine, fear, anger, low self-esteem, and hate.
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
Political forums are overrun by NJ's from both ends of the spectrum.

Not a lot of independent thought. Not a lot of intellectual curiosity.

You're just looking at it from a biased, left wing perspective.

You do know that, right?
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As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
Actually, Libs tend to view anyone who won't agree with their agenda as a "RWNJ", and since rational Americans are waking up to the failures of Obozo and that Liberal agenda, Libs are rapidly becoming a minority in this country...

And this message board merely reflects that fact...

Welcome to the return of sanity...
Much of this problem is caused by lead in drinking water. That coupled with disproportionate levels of caffeine, fear, anger, low self-esteem, and hate.
We know, but he was talking about conservatives. I think liberals also have very low IQs but I suppose that would border on racism.
Much of this problem is caused by lead in drinking water. That coupled with disproportionate levels of caffeine, fear, anger, low self-esteem, and hate.
We know, but he was talking about conservatives. I think liberals also have very low IQs but I suppose that would border on racism.
According to Libs, it IS racist , since the Liberals are always claiming that blacks are either too lazy or stupid to go to the DMV and get a FREE ID!!!
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
Political forums are overrun by NJ's from both ends of the spectrum.

Not a lot of independent thought. Not a lot of intellectual curiosity.

You're just looking at it from a biased, left wing perspective.

You do know that, right?

I am a moderate and there's no question in my mind that the massive austerity these idiots demand is of the far right wing side of the spectrum. Doesn't make much sense.
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
Political forums are overrun by NJ's from both ends of the spectrum.

Not a lot of independent thought. Not a lot of intellectual curiosity.

You're just looking at it from a biased, left wing perspective.

You do know that, right?

I am a moderate and there's no question in my mind that the massive austerity these idiots demand is of the far right wing side of the spectrum. Doesn't make much sense.
You're talking about one policy issue and he's talking about behavior and tossing out insults.

Which you did too, with "idiots".

I don't know if either of you see this.
Interesting question, but I think we have to distinguish American conservatives, aka right wing nut jobs from the concept of conservative. A few things stand out, A-conservatives tend to see the world negatively, they are afraid all the time. Consider their attitude towards guns or immigration or taxes, it is hard to say why they are so afraid, they think being armed will keep them safe when in reality our statistics make a lie of their beliefs. Or consider their fear of communists or socialists or any term like some Pavlovian dog they cower from, with no understanding. I've posted lots and if you read my education in my sig, while satiric there is truth there. Like your grouchy neighbor, it is impossible to change a person who only sees bad and is scared so much they will vote in representatives that play on their fears and then screw them through corporate maneuvering.

"Conservatives thrive on a world filled with mysterious evil and unfathomable hatreds, where good is always on the defensive and time is a precious commodity in the cosmic race against corruption and decline." Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'

Old Post with quotes.

The American conservative has become a sort of trained bumpkin, they outsource their work and pay them nothing and he unconsciously blames government when she doesn't blame some racial or ethnic group. Years of training have made them puppets. One could say corporate puppets, the corporations play them like children. Has the conservative always been this naive a tool of others? Maybe they have, for power knows all you need to do is have an enemy to occupy them. When it isn't government it's progress or at the low end of the conservative person, it's another human being of difference. I guess when one's mind is empty of education or history, it gives comfort to know satan caused all that is wrong. Satan can be whatever the powers that be tell them. No need to name names.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative." John Stuart Mill

"A conservative is a man who will not look at the new moon out of respect for that "ancient institution" the old one." Douglas Jerrold

"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money." George Carlin

"A conservative is a man who will not look at the new moon out of respect for that "ancient institution" the old one." Douglas Jerrold

"Conservatism is the theoretical voice of this animus against the agency of the subordinate classes. It provides the most consistent and profound argument as to why the lower orders should not be allowed to exercise their independent will, why they should not be allowed to govern themselves or the polity. Submission is their first duty, agency, the prerogative of the elite." Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'

"But you say you are conservative - eminently conservative - while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort. What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in controversy which was adopted by "our fathers who framed the Government under which we live;" while you with one accord reject, and scout, and spit upon that old policy, and insist upon substituting something new. True, you disagree among yourselves as to what that substitute shall be. You are divided on new propositions and plans, but you are unanimous in rejecting and denouncing the old policy of the fathers. Some of you are for reviving the foreign slave trade; some for a Congressional Slave-Code for the Territories; some for Congress forbidding the Territories to prohibit Slavery within their limits; some for maintaining Slavery in the Territories through the judiciary; some for the "gur-reat pur-rinciple" that "if one man would enslave another, no third man should object," fantastically called "Popular Sovereignty;" but never a man among you is in favor of federal prohibition of slavery in federal territories, according to the practice of "our fathers who framed the Government under which we live." Not one of all your various plans can show a precedent or an advocate in the century within which our Government originated. Consider, then, whether your claim of conservatism for yourselves, and your charge or destructiveness against us, are based on the most clear and stable foundations." Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Address

"Think about it: A conservative Christian is a contradiction in terms. Christ wasn't a conservative. He fed the hungry simply because they were hungry. He didn't require that they go to work first. He healed the sick, simply because they were sick. He didn't push them into an insurance company, or let the drug companies gouge them on prices. Jesus was a liberal; Herod was the conservative." Rev. Jesse Jackson
The ends of the political spectrum have taken over the conversation, and that means less honesty, less curiosity, less agreement, less progress.

It also means more personal attacks, more insults, more distortions, more toxicity, more division.

Worse, both ends are far too narcissistic and closed-minded to see this, or care.
Why are Political Forums Overrun with RWNJ's?
It just seems that way, when you're a Leftie, and have been running the country for the past eight years, and when The People have had enough, and start throwing rocks.

Although, I'm sure, it's a regular bitch-kitty, when you reach the point, where you're dodging rocks from dawn to dusk, once people stop listening.

Once the People come to realize the mistake they've made... once you've lost that Confidence of the People... it probably DOES seem like being overrun...

And, of course, they're all RWNJ's... code-speak for anybody who doesn't think like you... 'cause... if they don't think like you... they must be nut-jobs, right?


Welcome to your consequences...
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I haven't been here long enough to give an opinion on this, but forums tend to shift back and forth. This forum is partisan in nature it seems though..
Mac1958 wrote, The ends of the political spectrum have taken over the conversation, and that means less honesty, less curiosity, less agreement, less progress.

It also means more personal attacks, more insults, more distortions, more toxicity, more division.

Worse, both ends are far too narcissistic and closed-minded to see this, or care.

For me that is apologetic nonsense, things matter and calling a spade a spade, while politically incorrect, is more honest than whitewashing reality.

Fascinating read on a president who tried that middle ground. 'Liberty Under Siege: American Politics, 1976-1988' by Walter Karp

Why are Political Forums Overrun with RWNJ's? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Mac1958 wrote, The ends of the political spectrum have taken over the conversation, and that means less honesty, less curiosity, less agreement, less progress.

It also means more personal attacks, more insults, more distortions, more toxicity, more division.

Worse, both ends are far too narcissistic and closed-minded to see this, or care.
For me that is apologetic nonsense, things matter and calling a spade a spade, while politically incorrect, is more honest than whitewashing reality.
Yes, I hear that one from both ends of the spectrum.

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As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.
Translation: You saw stupid and decided to imitate it .....for what it's worth, congratulations, you hit it spot on. :rolleyes:

"One who imitates what is bad always goes beyond his model; while one who imitates what is good always comes up short of it." -- Francesco Guicciardini
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.

The Rubioite feces eaters who drool over themselves must be expunged!!
Duty is to keep all the blow jobs passed out to Obama daily from the bed wetters in check


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