Why Are We A Democracy?

Why Are We A Democracy?
We are not a democracy....Bush Jr. didn't win the popular vote in 2000, the Supreme Court overruled the popular vote.

What is this ignorance? The popular vote was never going to determine that election. Electoral votes determine the presidency. And George Bush won them no matter how many times democrats demanded recounts.

The popular vote wont matter this election. For example Gary Johnson may come in third in the popular vote. But if McMullin is the only third party candidate with electoral votes, when this race goes to the House to will be between Clinton, Trump, and McMullin instead of Johnson.

And its very possible Clinton could win the popular vote and not become president.

Really? Then why did gb have to be appointed by the supreme court?
You DO know that george bush 2 was appointed by the supreme court, dont you? Maybe your daddy should come back and continue your ridicules posts.
And your point is?

The real issue is that we have Prog Elites manipulating their hordes of howling monkeys into thinking that "majority rule" means that they can shred The Constitution and turn political opponents into criminals.

In reality, nothing is perfectly pure. But that doesn't mean that it the concept is invalid.
The real issue is the right walking down the road to fascism because democracy has failed to provide them a leader who will beat the masses into shape.
The further right you move, the more government shrinks. Tell me, how can a fascist government be small and weak? Fascism is a left trait, and always has been because it stems from big government.

Don't worry about being wrong, we don't expect much from you to start with.

What a dope. We are ALREADY about as far right as we can get so, show me this small government from the right we are supposed to have.
First, if we use Socialist standards, literally everything is 'right wing', so your first error is pretending that you're center. Second, both 'main' parties are controlled by the Establishment, and they're moving the government further left with each policy. Neither 'main' party' is 'right' anymore.

Farther to the LEFT !!?? Are you kidding. LEFT!!?? You dont know what left and right even is.
Of course I do, but what good is it repeatedly pointing out the same thing to a blind man? The left stands for bigger government, the government is expanding. It's all the evidence a reasonable person needs... of course, you're not a reasonable person, Socialists aren't.
You deny Democracy because it checks capitalism and government so they can not be corrupted by corporations. The Democracy we had DID this and you know it. Thats your agenda. Greed and lies. The Republic you insist on and I agree, we are both, does pretty much the same thing.

What on earth are you smoking
We dont have a Democracy. We have a Republic if we can keep it
The only threat to our Constitutional Republic comes from you and others on the social right hostile to the Constitution and its case law, where that case law safeguards the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans.

Our Constitutional Republic is jeopardized by conservatives who pursue the wrongheaded notion of ‘majority rule,’ their errant belief that the states may force a woman to give birth against her will or deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in.
You deny Democracy because it checks capitalism and government so they can not be corrupted by corporations. The Democracy we had DID this and you know it. Thats your agenda. Greed and lies. The Republic you insist on and I agree, we are both, does pretty much the same thing.

What on earth are you smoking
Everything, literally everything. This is why you don't do drugs, guys. You end up like Windship.
You DO know that george bush 2 was appointed by the supreme court, dont you? Maybe your daddy should come back and continue your ridicules posts

Not at all.

Gore had his buddies on the Fla courts rule that he was allowed to have as much time as he wanted to do recounts which is against the Florida election rules. In Florida, all ballots have to be certified in five days recount or not. Also, Gore only wanted recounts in Democrat districts which was another violation of the Florida laws. All recounts had to be done equally.

When the SC got the case, they merely asked that the Fla courts explain their judicial legislation. They changed the law right on the bench. So Gore (realizing his pals on the court got caught) decided to concede the election.
We dont have a Democracy. We have a Republic if we can keep it
The only threat to our Constitutional Republic comes from you and others on the social right hostile to the Constitution and its case law, where that case law safeguards the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans.

Our Constitutional Republic is jeopardized by conservatives who pursue the wrongheaded notion of ‘majority rule,’ their errant belief that the states may force a woman to give birth against her will or deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in.
Since you posted something intelligent earlier, I knew you'd soon follow it up with something completely retarded, it was only a matter of time.
You deny Democracy because it checks capitalism and government so they can not be corrupted by corporations. The Democracy we had DID this and you know it. Thats your agenda. Greed and lies. The Republic you insist on and I agree, we are both, does pretty much the same thing.

What on earth are you smoking

Lol. Another..."christian"
We're not supposed to be a Democracy. The U.S. was set up to be a Constitution Republic with limits on government power - one important purpose of which is to protect minority (not racial, but political) rights. Pure Democracies always descend into raging mobs which persecute the political minority (which is a moving target based on arbitrary abuses of power).
There has never been a "pure democracy" on a national scale ever.

And your point is?

The real issue is that we have Prog Elites manipulating their hordes of howling monkeys into thinking that "majority rule" means that they can shred The Constitution and turn political opponents into criminals.

In reality, nothing is perfectly pure. But that doesn't mean that it the concept is invalid.
The real issue is the right walking down the road to fascism because democracy has failed to provide them a leader who will beat the masses into shape.
The further right you move, the more government shrinks. Tell me, how can a fascist government be small and weak? Fascism is a left trait, and always has been because it stems from big government.

Don't worry about being wrong, we don't expect much from you to start with.

What a dope. We are ALREADY about as far right as we can get so, show me this small government from the right we are supposed to have.

This is the smallest it can go? Are you joking?
Your trying to change history with words and it works. Thats why its done.
Full Definition of democracy
  1. 1a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majorityb : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

We're a Republic
But there is no basis for saying that the United States is somehow “not a democracy, but a republic.”

Actually there is: The Constitution of the United States is that basis.

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution guarantees the states a republican form of government.

Article VI, Section 2 states that “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

A clear and undeniable declaration of the rule of law, that the rule of law is supreme, that the rulings of the Federal courts and the Supreme Court are the supreme law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, regardless the ‘will of the people.’
george bush wasnt appointed by the supreme court....wow...and I go to search to find the articles Ive had before?....and I find nothing. Not one single morsal. Nothing....gone.
Why Are We A Democracy?
We are not a democracy....Bush Jr. didn't win the popular vote in 2000, the Supreme Court overruled the popular vote.

What is this ignorance? The popular vote was never going to determine that election. Electoral votes determine the presidency. And George Bush won them no matter how many times democrats demanded recounts.

The popular vote wont matter this election. For example Gary Johnson may come in third in the popular vote. But if McMullin is the only third party candidate with electoral votes, when this race goes to the House to will be between Clinton, Trump, and McMullin instead of Johnson.

And its very possible Clinton could win the popular vote and not become president.
Here's a clue.....a democracy is when the one with the MOST VOTES becomes POTUS.
We currently, have a Democracy...kinda. Saying we dont and never did, makes you look ignorant with an agenda.

The States are Democracies, the Federal Government isn't. The Founding Fathers wanted to prevent tyranny of the majority. In fact they never referred to the Federal government as a democracy and no one did until Democrats wanted to justify tyranny of the majority in the 20th century

Yeah. Like the right is doing with the word Republic. And A Republic is almost identical to a Democracy...lol.

No. They aren't. Which is why we have separate words to begin with
Why Are We A Democracy?
We are not a democracy....Bush Jr. didn't win the popular vote in 2000, the Supreme Court overruled the popular vote.

What is this ignorance? The popular vote was never going to determine that election. Electoral votes determine the presidency. And George Bush won them no matter how many times democrats demanded recounts.

The popular vote wont matter this election. For example Gary Johnson may come in third in the popular vote. But if McMullin is the only third party candidate with electoral votes, when this race goes to the House to will be between Clinton, Trump, and McMullin instead of Johnson.

And its very possible Clinton could win the popular vote and not become president.
Here's a clue.....a democracy is when the one with the MOST VOTES becomes POTUS.

Heres another...that was changed subsequently by a bought off by corporate government. The electoral vote was not a Democratic policy and was nonexistent when we formed.

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