Why didn't Melania accompany Trump to Davos?

Baron is 11 and Melanie actually is a mother....she doesnt solely rely on nannies to raise her kids like liberal elite fucks who kiss their kids goodnight and the illegal immigrant nannies actually raise the kids.

You liberals are soulless ghouls.

I’d say it’s pretty fucking common for a spouse to stay at home and be there for their children while the other spouse is on a business trip.

Did Hillary travel everywhere with Bill and leave Chelsea in the care of nannies?


Another USMB Moment of Education!!

Today we learn that rich conservatives never employ nannies!!
Trump is bisexual. Why do you think he is always leaving her to go "golfing" with the boys.
I personally don't understand a dude wanting another dude. Just doesn't work for me.

But to each his own. Sometimes a dude's gotta get fucked in the ass, I don't know.

But, I will make fun of him if that is true.
I think and think and cannot come up with a reasonable explanation as to why she would be upset. Any thoughts, guys?
It's none of your business asshole!
IF Trump scewed around with a porn star 12 years ago don't you think Melinia would know about it by now???????
Don't you think Jackie knew about JFK's fucking models two at a time?
Don't you think Hillary knew about Bill's 28 flights to 'Lolita Island'?
Now go jerk off on your life size poster of Sarah Palin.
This has already been the most entertaining presidency of probably any of our lifetimes. Could you imagine if the media found out Melania was in Florida getting some revenge dick? I'd vote to make Trump Emperor for life.
Think how many bible thumpers will flip their shit.

None. The fundies have sold out to Trump totally. For 30 pieces of political silver.
I think and think and cannot come up with a reasonable explanation as to why she would be upset. Any thoughts, guys?

she's pretending she was upset about the hooker story coming out.
Im waiting on Melania to verbally attack stormy. Or even hire investigators to dig up dirt on her.
Make it a tradition :)
Who the fuck is Stormy??

Some whore the Democrats paid to accuse Trump of paying her to piss on him?
I think and think and cannot come up with a reasonable explanation as to why she would be upset. Any thoughts, guys?
She understood her husband would be hard at work for America and would have little time for her. It's not like a trip to Europe is as big a deal for her as it was for Michele Obama.
I didn't see other leaders spouses either. Why would she go there for an overnight? It's snowy, the are many snobs and plastic politicians and she left Europe for a reason why go back on a a short business trip.

As an aside, I'm glad to see Wilbur Ross there, the guy is quite simply an old crafty honorable beast who works hard for Trump. To me he just gives off that air of someone who is loyal and patriotic, who could have $10 in his wallet or millions in his bank account and it makes little difference in his persona. As long as he is by his side, I have faith in Trump putting America first economically. I've followed closely the NAFTA negotiations, and Wilbur is as badass as any. Never pulling punches and not allowing the wool to be pulled over his eyes.
I think and think and cannot come up with a reasonable explanation as to why she would be upset. Any thoughts, guys?

she's pretending she was upset about the hooker story coming out.
Im waiting on Melania to verbally attack stormy. Or even hire investigators to dig up dirt on her.
Make it a tradition :)

You don’t need an investigator to dig up dirt on a porn star. It’s all there on film.

I liked the part where Stormy said Trump wasn’t much in bed. Not in the least bit surprising. Selfish, entitled men who don’t respect women make lousy lovers. Then there’s his tiny . . . hands.

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