Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Sorry, it is way better to pay them and let them look for a new job.

You want to create a huge new government program which forces farmers to over pay for bad labor. You would kill agriculture just so you can feel like you are punishing the poor. The most punished would be farmers.

And you would not remove anyone from poverty. A complete losing idea. Bravo!

if those collecting UE benefits had to do manual labor in order to collect those benefits, would that create an incentive to "look for a new job"? Of course it would.

Why would the farmers be overpaying? Are you saying the unemployment pays better than what illegal crop pickers are being paid?

Why do you condone the virtual slavery of illegal aliens? You fricken libs are all over the place on this, not a drop of consistency.

Unemployment is based on what you were making while employed. Many people who made good money collect unemployment while seeking employment. So now you are paying them great money to be bad farmers.

unemployment benefits are a fixed amount that has nothing to do with what you made at your last job. In many cases a person can collect, for example, $200/week UE, or work for $250/week. most choose to forgo the extra $50 and stay home. Is that good for our country?

I guess you see your role here as someone who must disagree with everything just for the sake of disagreeing. I find that very stupid and a waste of time. Are you related to Chucky Schumer? you two are doing the exact same things.

If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.
If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.
They cant afford not to pay 8 figures. We call this the law of supply and demand.
You want higher wages? Let Donald ship 30 million illegals home and eliminate the corporate tax that shipped 10 million jobs offshore.
Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

Republicans have proposed 30 balanced budget amendments since Jefferson's first. Democrats have killed every one. What does that teach you?
LOL, coming from one of the dumbest posters on USMB. I am quite sure that my IQ exceeds yours by many points.

you don't even try to understand the concept of having UE recipients work for their money. But you are all for paying them to sit on their ass while people in our country illegally get paid to pick our crops.

the liberal mind is really a strange thing. Must be that defective liberal gene.

Sorry, it is way better to pay them and let them look for a new job.

You want to create a huge new government program which forces farmers to over pay for bad labor. You would kill agriculture just so you can feel like you are punishing the poor. The most punished would be farmers.

And you would not remove anyone from poverty. A complete losing idea. Bravo!

if those collecting UE benefits had to do manual labor in order to collect those benefits, would that create an incentive to "look for a new job"? Of course it would.

Why would the farmers be overpaying? Are you saying the unemployment pays better than what illegal crop pickers are being paid?

Why do you condone the virtual slavery of illegal aliens? You fricken libs are all over the place on this, not a drop of consistency.

Unemployment is based on what you were making while employed. Many people who made good money collect unemployment while seeking employment. So now you are paying them great money to be bad farmers.

unemployment benefits are a fixed amount that has nothing to do with what you made at your last job. In many cases a person can collect, for example, $200/week UE, or work for $250/week. most choose to forgo the extra $50 and stay home. Is that good for our country?

I guess you see your role here as someone who must disagree with everything just for the sake of disagreeing. I find that very stupid and a waste of time. Are you related to Chucky Schumer? you two are doing the exact same things.

If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

you just made the case for kiosks at McDonalds. YOU and YOUR IDEAS are putting low income people out of work. Happy now?

the price of labor is set by supply and demand. What more money? get more education, more skills, or develop a special talent i.e. work.
Sorry, it is way better to pay them and let them look for a new job.

You want to create a huge new government program which forces farmers to over pay for bad labor. You would kill agriculture just so you can feel like you are punishing the poor. The most punished would be farmers.

And you would not remove anyone from poverty. A complete losing idea. Bravo!

if those collecting UE benefits had to do manual labor in order to collect those benefits, would that create an incentive to "look for a new job"? Of course it would.

Why would the farmers be overpaying? Are you saying the unemployment pays better than what illegal crop pickers are being paid?

Why do you condone the virtual slavery of illegal aliens? You fricken libs are all over the place on this, not a drop of consistency.

Unemployment is based on what you were making while employed. Many people who made good money collect unemployment while seeking employment. So now you are paying them great money to be bad farmers.

unemployment benefits are a fixed amount that has nothing to do with what you made at your last job. In many cases a person can collect, for example, $200/week UE, or work for $250/week. most choose to forgo the extra $50 and stay home. Is that good for our country?

I guess you see your role here as someone who must disagree with everything just for the sake of disagreeing. I find that very stupid and a waste of time. Are you related to Chucky Schumer? you two are doing the exact same things.

If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

you just made the case for kiosks at McDonalds. YOU and YOUR IDEAS are putting low income people out of work. Happy now?

the price of labor is set by supply and demand. What more money? get more education, more skills, or develop a special talent i.e. work.

Why not bring back slavery then?
if those collecting UE benefits had to do manual labor in order to collect those benefits, would that create an incentive to "look for a new job"? Of course it would.

Why would the farmers be overpaying? Are you saying the unemployment pays better than what illegal crop pickers are being paid?

Why do you condone the virtual slavery of illegal aliens? You fricken libs are all over the place on this, not a drop of consistency.

Unemployment is based on what you were making while employed. Many people who made good money collect unemployment while seeking employment. So now you are paying them great money to be bad farmers.

unemployment benefits are a fixed amount that has nothing to do with what you made at your last job. In many cases a person can collect, for example, $200/week UE, or work for $250/week. most choose to forgo the extra $50 and stay home. Is that good for our country?

I guess you see your role here as someone who must disagree with everything just for the sake of disagreeing. I find that very stupid and a waste of time. Are you related to Chucky Schumer? you two are doing the exact same things.

If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.
Unemployment is based on what you were making while employed. Many people who made good money collect unemployment while seeking employment. So now you are paying them great money to be bad farmers.

unemployment benefits are a fixed amount that has nothing to do with what you made at your last job. In many cases a person can collect, for example, $200/week UE, or work for $250/week. most choose to forgo the extra $50 and stay home. Is that good for our country?

I guess you see your role here as someone who must disagree with everything just for the sake of disagreeing. I find that very stupid and a waste of time. Are you related to Chucky Schumer? you two are doing the exact same things.

If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.
unemployment benefits are a fixed amount that has nothing to do with what you made at your last job. In many cases a person can collect, for example, $200/week UE, or work for $250/week. most choose to forgo the extra $50 and stay home. Is that good for our country?

I guess you see your role here as someone who must disagree with everything just for the sake of disagreeing. I find that very stupid and a waste of time. Are you related to Chucky Schumer? you two are doing the exact same things.

If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.

Wrong. This has been a trend for decades now--including when there were more unions. In fact, they used to show cars with UAW stickers on the bumpers parked in Walmart lots.

The American consumer is not forced to buy cheap products, we do so as an option. It's an obsession we have in this country. It doesn't matter if you make 150K a year or 20K. The American consumer is always on the hunt for cheaper products and services. This is because we have way more things to buy today, and our dollars need to stretch as far as we can make them stretch.

You think that opening up a union service will make things great again? Then go ahead and try. Open up a lawn care service and pay your workers union wages and benefits. See how well you compete against non-union lawn care companies. See how long you stay in business. Make sure your advertisements state you are a union lawn care company. Bet you don't get ten customers for the year.
if those collecting UE benefits had to do manual labor in order to collect those benefits, would that create an incentive to "look for a new job"? Of course it would.

Why would the farmers be overpaying? Are you saying the unemployment pays better than what illegal crop pickers are being paid?

Why do you condone the virtual slavery of illegal aliens? You fricken libs are all over the place on this, not a drop of consistency.

Unemployment is based on what you were making while employed. Many people who made good money collect unemployment while seeking employment. So now you are paying them great money to be bad farmers.

unemployment benefits are a fixed amount that has nothing to do with what you made at your last job. In many cases a person can collect, for example, $200/week UE, or work for $250/week. most choose to forgo the extra $50 and stay home. Is that good for our country?

I guess you see your role here as someone who must disagree with everything just for the sake of disagreeing. I find that very stupid and a waste of time. Are you related to Chucky Schumer? you two are doing the exact same things.

If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

you just made the case for kiosks at McDonalds. YOU and YOUR IDEAS are putting low income people out of work. Happy now?

the price of labor is set by supply and demand. What more money? get more education, more skills, or develop a special talent i.e. work.

Why not bring back slavery then?

being on generational welfare makes one a slave to government. Why do you encourage that?
unemployment benefits are a fixed amount that has nothing to do with what you made at your last job. In many cases a person can collect, for example, $200/week UE, or work for $250/week. most choose to forgo the extra $50 and stay home. Is that good for our country?

I guess you see your role here as someone who must disagree with everything just for the sake of disagreeing. I find that very stupid and a waste of time. Are you related to Chucky Schumer? you two are doing the exact same things.

If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.

Unions do two things
1. make the union bosses rich
2. funnel your dues to the rich elites in the democrat party.

Unions used to be a force for fair treatment and pay for workers. Now we have laws that prevent those abuses. Unions are parasites on the blue collar workers.
If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.

Unions do two things
1. make the union bosses rich
2. funnel your dues to the rich elites in the democrat party.

Unions used to be a force for fair treatment and pay for workers. Now we have laws that prevent those abuses. Unions are parasites on the blue collar workers.

You don't have laws that prevent those abuses. It's nice to see how thoroughly you've swallowed he conservative lie that unions don't help workers. Those are the same lies that Saint Ronnie used to destroy the air controllers union. They were lies then and they're lies now.

I've never been a fan of unions, but I'm smart enough to realize that when destroying the middle class, Reagan went after the unions FIRST. By 1980, Americans had become complacent with their rights and fair treatment, so it was easy for Reagan to convince the gullible that the unions were the problem, and not unfair practices.
Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.

Unions do two things
1. make the union bosses rich
2. funnel your dues to the rich elites in the democrat party.

Unions used to be a force for fair treatment and pay for workers. Now we have laws that prevent those abuses. Unions are parasites on the blue collar workers.

You don't have laws that prevent those abuses. It's nice to see how thoroughly you've swallowed he conservative lie that unions don't help workers. Those are the same lies that Saint Ronnie used to destroy the air controllers union. They were lies then and they're lies now.

I've never been a fan of unions, but I'm smart enough to realize that when destroying the middle class, Reagan went after the unions FIRST. By 1980, Americans had become complacent with their rights and fair treatment, so it was easy for Reagan to convince the gullible that the unions were the problem, and not unfair practices.

totally wrong on all counts. We do have labor laws that limit working hours, require safe working environments, child labor laws, and protections from firing for no cause.

The middle class is doing just fine. The left wing mantra that it is losing is bullshit. But if you really want to help the middle class, repeal obamacare and replace it with something that will work for middle class families.
Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.

Unions do two things
1. make the union bosses rich
2. funnel your dues to the rich elites in the democrat party.

Unions used to be a force for fair treatment and pay for workers. Now we have laws that prevent those abuses. Unions are parasites on the blue collar workers.

You don't have laws that prevent those abuses. It's nice to see how thoroughly you've swallowed he conservative lie that unions don't help workers. Those are the same lies that Saint Ronnie used to destroy the air controllers union. They were lies then and they're lies now.

I've never been a fan of unions, but I'm smart enough to realize that when destroying the middle class, Reagan went after the unions FIRST. By 1980, Americans had become complacent with their rights and fair treatment, so it was easy for Reagan to convince the gullible that the unions were the problem, and not unfair practices.

You don't have laws that prevent those abuses.

Obama and Clinton, in their 16 years as President, didn't pass laws to prevent abuses? Assholes!
If the worker was making $500 a week in his/her previous job, taking a job at $200 would be counterproductive for both the worker and the potential employers.

Since the worker is unlikely to be able to live on $250 a week based on his/her former salary, if this person takes a job for less than they need to live they will either have to find higher paying work, or they will go broke. If they hire on at $250 a week, they'll leave, which isn't good for the employer or the employee.

You continue to blame poor people for being poor, and for not doing enough (in your opinion) to get themselves out of poverty. The routes out of poverty are steadily being closed off by the 1%, who are determined to keep low income workers on public assistance.

Each time the left proposes raising the minimum wage, Republicans propose increasing earned income credits. You keep blaming Democrats for keeping people on public assistance, but it's the Republicans who keep putting the bill for low wages on the back of the middle class.

The middle class needs to swallow slightly higher consumer prices, and stop subsidizing poverty level wages. If corporations can afford to pay 8 figure salaries to their executives, they don't need to be asking the middle class to subsidize wages for their workers.

Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.

Unions do two things
1. make the union bosses rich
2. funnel your dues to the rich elites in the democrat party.

Unions used to be a force for fair treatment and pay for workers. Now we have laws that prevent those abuses. Unions are parasites on the blue collar workers.

And make workers more money with better benefits. It's a fact. Union auto workers make more than non union.
Do you really want to stop all that? Then two words for you: Vote conservative.

First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.

Unions do two things
1. make the union bosses rich
2. funnel your dues to the rich elites in the democrat party.

Unions used to be a force for fair treatment and pay for workers. Now we have laws that prevent those abuses. Unions are parasites on the blue collar workers.

And make workers more money with better benefits. It's a fact. Union auto workers make more than non union.

not true. look at the non union car factories in the south. BMW, Mercedes, Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Subaru, Kia. Good wages, benefits and no union dues. Then look at the UAW and how it has destroyed the once great city of Detroit and the once dominant US car industry.
First off, it's the conservatives who set up and maintain this whole stinking "earned income credits scam", not liberals. Liberals keep pushing for higher wages, and Republicans want the middle class to pay the low wage workers.

Voting for Republicans with their Cut and Spend policies is what destroyed the US economy in the first place - starting with Ronald Reagan.

What destroyed the US economy were unions; Unions who got so greedy they forced industry to pay outrageous wages and benefits to people that did monkey jobs. When they could no longer pay any more, they had no choice but to leave the state or country because the American consumer refused to support those union wages and benefits.

Today people buy the cheapest products they can, and it has nothing to do with Reagan or the Republicans. Mom and pop stores, and just about all brick and mortar stores are closing up because it's even cheaper to buy things online. The Democrat solution? Fight for increased minimum wages and overpay even more workers and see what happens.

We all make mistakes, but at least Republicans learn from theirs. We inflated our wages so high it sent our work overseas, so Democrats want more inflation. Our government medical systems are failing or going to fail in the near future, and Democrats started a new government medical system. We are experiencing more automation than ever before, and Democrats want to encourage industry to make more automation investments. I swear talking to liberals is like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

People buy cheap because we no longer have good paying union jobs. Make service jobs union and watch the economy my soar.

Unions do two things
1. make the union bosses rich
2. funnel your dues to the rich elites in the democrat party.

Unions used to be a force for fair treatment and pay for workers. Now we have laws that prevent those abuses. Unions are parasites on the blue collar workers.

You don't have laws that prevent those abuses. It's nice to see how thoroughly you've swallowed he conservative lie that unions don't help workers. Those are the same lies that Saint Ronnie used to destroy the air controllers union. They were lies then and they're lies now.

I've never been a fan of unions, but I'm smart enough to realize that when destroying the middle class, Reagan went after the unions FIRST. By 1980, Americans had become complacent with their rights and fair treatment, so it was easy for Reagan to convince the gullible that the unions were the problem, and not unfair practices.

totally wrong on all counts. We do have labor laws that limit working hours, require safe working environments, child labor laws, and protections from firing for no cause.

The middle class is doing just fine. The left wing mantra that it is losing is bullshit. But if you really want to help the middle class, repeal obamacare and replace it with something that will work for middle class families.

America's shrinking middle class is killing the economy
not true. look at the non union car factories in the south. BMW, Mercedes, Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Subaru, Kia. Good wages, benefits and no union dues. Then look at the UAW and how it has destroyed the once great city of Detroit and the once dominant US car industry.

And they provide those good wages and benefits to keep the unions out.

So in essence, the unions are serving their purpose.

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