Why do polls show support for gay marriage, when the states keep rejecting it?

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My point you ignorant toad is thats why I used the plural.... Man you truly are stupid.
so you have no point in reality.
the three factions you named ARE NOT SEPARATE Parties but sub groups with in the party .
like the tea party is a faction or sub group in the gop!
you make willful ignorance appear almost sane...

The tea party ISN'T a faction or sub group of the gop, you moron.

Oh? In how many states is it a party? On how many voter registration forms can you choose the qualified Tea Party?
People must be so proud that they spend their lived fighting to deny others the same rights.

It’s fear, ignorance, and hate.

Unwarranted fear of perceived change when gay Americans have their full civil liberties.

Ignorance of who gay Americans actually are.

And the hate that manifests as a consequence of that fear and ignorance.
The last anti-gay marriage law passed in 2008. Gosh, what has happened since 2008?


Oh, I know...public opinion has shifted.
Of course it is.

Then why is the GOP trying to marginalize and demonize the TEA Party? The evidence doesn't support you in the slightest.

Because the TP caucus in the GOP has been trying to take over the party in the elections.

The RNC decisions the last few days has ended that threat.

Not necessarily. Timing and organization are not the same thing. I am quite sure there will be some TP candidates who will win primaries and say all sorts of crazy stuff.
"...a new study suggests that opposition to same-sex marriage may be understated in public opinion polls. Using pre-election polling data in states that have voted on same-sex marriage measures, political scientist Richard J. Powell found that pre-election surveys consistently underestimated opposition to these laws by 5 to 7 percentage points."

"Social desirability bias in polling comes in many flavors. Perhaps the most well known is the “Bradley Effect,” named after former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, a black man, who faced Republican George Deukmejian, who was white, in the 1982 California gubernatorial race. Bradley held a substantial lead in most pre-election polls, only to lose narrowly. His defeat fueled speculation that some white voters had given misleading answers to poll-takers, saying they supported Bradley or were undecided but really favored Deukmejian.

"But it wasn’t until 2007 that Harvard political scientist Daniel Hopkins confirmed the existence of the effect. He studied elections between 1989 and 2006 that pitted black and white Senate candidates against each other. He found that the black candidates polled better than their final share of the vote in contests with white candidates in elections through 1996. But the effect then vanished, for reasons that he said were unclear."

Study: Opposition to same-sex marriage may be understated in public opinion polls | Pew Research Center

No surprise. Responding to a stranger on the phone we'll give the PC answer even if on a ballot we'd be against an issue.
Then why is the GOP trying to marginalize and demonize the TEA Party? The evidence doesn't support you in the slightest.

Because the TP caucus in the GOP has been trying to take over the party in the elections.

The RNC decisions the last few days has ended that threat.

Not necessarily. Timing and organization are not the same thing. I am quite sure there will be some TP candidates who will win primaries and say all sorts of crazy stuff.

Having a few crazies is not a threat, Delta. Having an Alan West in office, as long he is a caricature not a theme, allows the normal to shine in comparison.

The threat is receding. Half of the TeaPs elected in 2010 disappeared in the 2012 elections. Of the remaining 31, 17 or 18 will disappear in this election cycle.
Because the TP caucus in the GOP has been trying to take over the party in the elections.

The RNC decisions the last few days has ended that threat.

Not necessarily. Timing and organization are not the same thing. I am quite sure there will be some TP candidates who will win primaries and say all sorts of crazy stuff.

Having a few crazies is not a threat, Delta. Having an Alan West in office, as long he is a caricature not a theme, allows the normal to shine in comparison.

The threat is receding. Half of the TeaPs elected in 2010 disappeared in the 2012 elections. Of the remaining 31, 17 or 18 will disappear in this election cycle.

LOL still delusional huh Fakey?
Not necessarily. Timing and organization are not the same thing. I am quite sure there will be some TP candidates who will win primaries and say all sorts of crazy stuff.

Having a few crazies is not a threat, Delta. Having an Alan West in office, as long he is a caricature not a theme, allows the normal to shine in comparison.

The threat is receding. Half of the TeaPs elected in 2010 disappeared in the 2012 elections. Of the remaining 31, 17 or 18 will disappear in this election cycle.

LOL still delusional huh Fakey?

My numbers are right on. Yurting still, huh, Thanatos. I am glad you followed the good advice.
Having a few crazies is not a threat, Delta. Having an Alan West in office, as long he is a caricature not a theme, allows the normal to shine in comparison.

The threat is receding. Half of the TeaPs elected in 2010 disappeared in the 2012 elections. Of the remaining 31, 17 or 18 will disappear in this election cycle.

LOL still delusional huh Fakey?

My numbers are right on. Yurting still, huh, Thanatos. I am glad you followed the good advice.

You do know NO ONE ever believes a thing that you post right? We all know you atre nothing but a lying piece of shit and that even includes the liberals like you.
When was the last state-wide vote on gay marriage?

Many jurisdictions have bypassed the will of the people and legalized same-sex civil marriage through court rulings, and legislative action.

In '98, in response to a State Supreme Court ruling, voters in Hawaii approved a constitutional amendment allowing their legislature to ban same-sex marriage

In 2012, Maine, Maryland, and Washington became the first states to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote.

In 2010, 29 states had constitutional provisions restricting marriage to one man and one woman

In 28 out of 30 states where constitutional amendments or initiatives that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman were put on the ballot in a referendum, voters approved such amendments.

Condensed From Wikipedia
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Because the TP caucus in the GOP has been trying to take over the party in the elections.

The RNC decisions the last few days has ended that threat.

Not necessarily. Timing and organization are not the same thing. I am quite sure there will be some TP candidates who will win primaries and say all sorts of crazy stuff.

Having a few crazies is not a threat, Delta. Having an Alan West in office, as long he is a caricature not a theme, allows the normal to shine in comparison.

The threat is receding. Half of the TeaPs elected in 2010 disappeared in the 2012 elections. Of the remaining 31, 17 or 18 will disappear in this election cycle.

The Tea Party is like the Know Nothing Party.
When was the last state-wide vote on gay marriage?

Many jurisdictions have bypassed the will of the people and legalized same-sex civil marriage through court rulings, and legislative action.

In '98, in response to a State Supreme Court ruling, voters in Hawaii approved a constitutional amendment allowing their legislature to ban same-sex marriage

In 2012, Maine, Maryland, and Washington became the first states to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote.

In 2010, 29 states had constitutional provisions restricting marriage to one man and one woman

In 28 out of 30 states where constitutional amendments or initiatives that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman were put on the ballot in a referendum, voters approved such amendments.

Condensed From Wikipedia

The will of the people does not get to decide what rights others are entitled to

That is why we have courts...to defend the rights of a minority against the majority
Most of the states that put it up to a vote approve it. So what is the op talking about?

Her own little world....again.

In 28 out of 30 states where constitutional amendments or initiatives that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman were put on the ballot in a referendum, voters approved such amendments.

- I don't usually participate in threads re: Gay Marriage - because although I am thoroughly anti-Gay I don't think the Government has a right to dictate to these perverts who they can and can't marry. But did so on this one because I am interested in how media perceptions and polls warp reality.

I also find it highly amusing that chumps like Bodcea can't comprehend the most basic of data when confronted with it.

What part of 28 out of 30 did you not understand ? Perhaps it was the Man and WOman part ? I dunno - some people are just hopeless.
When was the last state-wide vote on gay marriage?

Many jurisdictions have bypassed the will of the people and legalized same-sex civil marriage through court rulings, and legislative action.

In '98, in response to a State Supreme Court ruling, voters in Hawaii approved a constitutional amendment allowing their legislature to ban same-sex marriage

In 2012, Maine, Maryland, and Washington became the first states to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote.

In 2010, 29 states had constitutional provisions restricting marriage to one man and one woman

In 28 out of 30 states where constitutional amendments or initiatives that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman were put on the ballot in a referendum, voters approved such amendments.

Condensed From Wikipedia

The will of the people does not get to decide what rights others are entitled to

That is why we have courts...to defend the rights of a minority against the majority

Hey Norton - you've been spending too much time down in the Sewer .
Many jurisdictions have bypassed the will of the people and legalized same-sex civil marriage through court rulings, and legislative action.

In '98, in response to a State Supreme Court ruling, voters in Hawaii approved a constitutional amendment allowing their legislature to ban same-sex marriage

In 2012, Maine, Maryland, and Washington became the first states to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote.

In 2010, 29 states had constitutional provisions restricting marriage to one man and one woman

In 28 out of 30 states where constitutional amendments or initiatives that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman were put on the ballot in a referendum, voters approved such amendments.

Condensed From Wikipedia

The will of the people does not get to decide what rights others are entitled to

That is why we have courts...to defend the rights of a minority against the majority

Hey Norton - you've been spending too much time down in the Sewer .

Even those of us in a sewer understand our Constitution

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