Why do the God-haters persist?

why chose the Crusades, other than the scripturally bound religion of the middle east it is difficult to believe ordinary people have an ongoing "hatred" for that historical event.

or, are you saying the Islamist (not just Atheists) hate God also rather than the misguided crusaders responsible for the bloodshed ?

Boss, where do you find the "love" in the actions of the crusaders ? -

do you find Love in the scriptures of Bible ?

I find nothing but Love in the teachings of Jesus Christ. If anyone can show me one single word ever spoken by Jesus that was not pure Love, I challenge them to do so. I'm not here to defend religious beliefs or actions of those misguided in their religious beliefs. I don't believe in a religious incarnation of God. We can see by the actions of radical Islamic fundamentalists, not all religious beliefs are good. Some are despicably evil. Men often do terrible things in the name of religion.

My God is Spiritual Nature. A force so profound that man can't wrap his mind around it. We've created religions in order to try and comprehend something we can't. I don't fault man for this, we're trying to do so with the best of intentions, but it's like ants trying to comprehend nuclear physics.

Well I agree with you that God is of a spiritual nature.though he is also of a physical nature. I thought that you also said that God was a manmade concept, but in this quote you say that religion is....

I don't believe that is true, but I am comforted that you don't think God is likewise created by man.

And I agree that God is manifest in simply the presence and existence of physical nature. God created it.

The human spiritual connection to spiritual nature far predates any "religious" belief. For many thousands of years, mankind had deep spiritual connection, long before the thought of establishing a formal religion. These religions are manifestations of our human spiritual connection, and I believe the fact that so many various religions exist, is evidence that we don't fully comprehend God or Spiritual Nature. Perhaps Christianity comes closest? Perhaps some other religions do as well? I won't argue this because it's obvious many people have found a way to connect to Spiritual Nature through religious faith, and mostly that's a good thing.

Regardless of whether you share my beliefs on God, it should be obvious to anyone who studies humanity, human nature and behavior, or biology, that spiritual nature does exist and is not "made up" by man. Many can argue over what God is, but you cannot deny Spiritual Nature exists and we have the capacity to connect with it. For all intents and purposes, that IS God.
I find nothing but Love in the teachings of Jesus Christ. If anyone can show me one single word ever spoken by Jesus that was not pure Love, I challenge them to do so. I'm not here to defend religious beliefs or actions of those misguided in their religious beliefs. I don't believe in a religious incarnation of God. We can see by the actions of radical Islamic fundamentalists, not all religious beliefs are good. Some are despicably evil. Men often do terrible things in the name of religion.

My God is Spiritual Nature. A force so profound that man can't wrap his mind around it. We've created religions in order to try and comprehend something we can't. I don't fault man for this, we're trying to do so with the best of intentions, but it's like ants trying to comprehend nuclear physics.

Well I agree with you that God is of a spiritual nature.though he is also of a physical nature. I thought that you also said that God was a manmade concept, but in this quote you say that religion is....

I don't believe that is true, but I am comforted that you don't think God is likewise created by man.

And I agree that God is manifest in simply the presence and existence of physical nature. God created it.

The human spiritual connection to spiritual nature far predates any "religious" belief. For many thousands of years, mankind had deep spiritual connection, long before the thought of establishing a formal religion. These religions are manifestations of our human spiritual connection, and I believe the fact that so many various religions exist, is evidence that we don't fully comprehend God or Spiritual Nature. Perhaps Christianity comes closest? Perhaps some other religions do as well? I won't argue this because it's obvious many people have found a way to connect to Spiritual Nature through religious faith, and mostly that's a good thing.

Regardless of whether you share my beliefs on God, it should be obvious to anyone who studies humanity, human nature and behavior, or biology, that spiritual nature does exist and is not "made up" by man. Many can argue over what God is, but you cannot deny Spiritual Nature exists and we have the capacity to connect with it. For all intents and purposes, that IS God.

Religion was invented because of man's ignorance to the universe around him, as a way to explain the unknown. Now you know.
Religion was invented because of man's ignorance to the universe around him, as a way to explain the unknown. Now you know.

Nope. That's not true. That's why man invented SCIENCE.
Belief in God no more explains the unknown than science explains why the unknown happens. Science tells us how things work, explains the unknown, but it doesn't explain why.

Religion was invented because humans have a profound and intrinsic connection to spiritual nature. This gives us the ability to rationalize right from wrong. Other animals operate on pure primal instinct. We invented religion, we did not invent spiritual connection.
I have no idea what you mean by "pot meet kettle" ...you keep saying it, but you're failing to explain why the anecdote applies. I am not obsessively attacking something I don't believe exists. Find an example of me doing that and I will admit you got me.

Again, hating and loathing someone to the point of obsession the way some do here, is not indicative of people who don't believe in something. The God-haters firmly believe those who worship God gain some sort of benefit from it, and they detest this. They know that God influences these people and they don't like that. If that were not the case, it wouldn't matter, just as it doesn't matter that some people believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, alien abductions, ghosts, etc. They're not obsessively attacking those people, are they?

Yes, you can say Santa is a fat fairy and it doesn't mean you believe in Santa... but if you spent nearly all your waking hours seeking out those who believe in Santa to ridicule and denigrate them in every imaginative way possible, one would have to conclude that you either have a mental problem or there was something about those people's belief that caused you great consternation. If you didn't believe there was anything to it, why would it bother you?

The God-haters firmly believe those who worship God gain some sort of benefit from it, and they detest this.

The OP has consistently FAILED to prove any of the following;

1. There are "god haters".

2. That "god haters" have any of the "beliefs" that he alleges they have.

3. That "god haters" "detest" whatever "benefit" those who worship God might obtain.

All of the above only exists in the OP's fevered imagination. He is utterly obsessed with these mythical "god haters" and goes around accusing people of being "god haters" much like the witch-finders of yore. Next thing he will be insisting upon using a ducking stool on innocent people to "prove" that they are "god haters" If they drown they are innocent and if they don't that means they must be "god haters". :cuckoo:

God haters and anti-Christian bigots post on here every day.

Every. Single. Day.

And they claim they are atheists.
:eusa_liar: you must have "thought" that was important...even after bossy has beaten that dead horse to mush...
Religion was invented because of man's ignorance to the universe around him, as a way to explain the unknown. Now you know.

Nope. That's not true. That's why man invented SCIENCE.
Belief in God no more explains the unknown than science explains why the unknown happens. Science tells us how things work, explains the unknown, but it doesn't explain why.

Religion was invented because humans have a profound and intrinsic connection to spiritual nature. This gives us the ability to rationalize right from wrong. Other animals operate on pure primal instinct. We invented religion, we did not invent spiritual connection.

So then why do people like myself and millions more have no profound spiritual connection? Are we then unable to "rationalize right from wrong"?
Your spiritual connection is part of religion, so is your "Creator".
Science is wrong all the time. Science doesn't prove anything. People prove what they want, using scientific methods...of the time. But the one thing we know for sure about science is that it can be used to *prove* one thing..and then be used to *prove* the exact opposite almost immediately thereafter. Or maybe years later. But there are scientific *truths* that were accepted as incontrovertible...that are now recognized as complete and utter tripe.

Place science next to God...and place your money on God every time. There are no lies, no bribes, and no mistakes with God. He knows it all, he knows the truth, and he has no agenda except the salvation of mankind.
jism's and kosherhag's delusional blathering were a nice change from boosy's usual steaming piles..
angry over the crusades! still laughing at that one!
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Science is wrong all the time. Science doesn't prove anything. People prove what they want, using scientific methods...of the time. But the one thing we know for sure about science is that it can be used to *prove* one thing..and then be used to *prove* the exact opposite almost immediately thereafter. Or maybe years later. But there are scientific *truths* that were accepted as incontrovertible...that are now recognized as complete and utter tripe.

Place science next to God...and place your money on God every time. There are no lies, no bribes, and no mistakes with God. He knows it all, he knows the truth, and he has no agenda except the salvation of mankind.

How is the promise of an "afterlife" not a bribe? How is the hell not a threat? Granted that to those who believe they don't have that perception but to those that don't that is how they appear. If you are good I will give you some candy and it you are bad I will send you to your room. Same concepts of carrot and stick.
Religion was invented because of man's ignorance to the universe around him, as a way to explain the unknown. Now you know.

Nope. That's not true. That's why man invented SCIENCE.
Belief in God no more explains the unknown than science explains why the unknown happens. Science tells us how things work, explains the unknown, but it doesn't explain why.

Religion was invented because humans have a profound and intrinsic connection to spiritual nature. This gives us the ability to rationalize right from wrong. Other animals operate on pure primal instinct. We invented religion, we did not invent spiritual connection.

So then why do people like myself and millions more have no profound spiritual connection? Are we then unable to "rationalize right from wrong"?
Your spiritual connection is part of religion, so is your "Creator".

Because you choose to reject it. If you are able to rationalize right from wrong, you have evidence of your spiritual connection. Whether you choose to acknowledge it is another matter.

Religion did not precede spirituality. Sorry, your point is not made.
How is the promise of an "afterlife" not a bribe? How is the hell not a threat? Granted that to those who believe they don't have that perception but to those that don't that is how they appear. If you are good I will give you some candy and it you are bad I will send you to your room. Same concepts of carrot and stick.

Your perception of afterlife is based on your own subjective reality. Since you can't imagine or conceive of a spiritual nature beyond the physical, you imagine afterlife as some bizarre and impossible existence mirroring physical reality. This seems quite preposterous, and it is. Just as preposterous as you imagining a human-like entity sitting on a cloud, looking down upon you in moral judgement. It's a perception you have created in your closed and limited mind that you cannot overcome.
How is the promise of an "afterlife" not a bribe? How is the hell not a threat? Granted that to those who believe they don't have that perception but to those that don't that is how they appear. If you are good I will give you some candy and it you are bad I will send you to your room. Same concepts of carrot and stick.

Your perception of afterlife is based on your own subjective reality. Since you can't imagine or conceive of a spiritual nature beyond the physical, you imagine afterlife as some bizarre and impossible existence mirroring physical reality. This seems quite preposterous, and it is. Just as preposterous as you imagining a human-like entity sitting on a cloud, looking down upon you in moral judgement. It's a perception you have created in your closed and limited mind that you cannot overcome.

Nothing more ludicrous than your nonsensical delusions that you vainly attempt to impose on others! :lmao:
The only thing I've attempted imposing on anyone is open mindedness.

You've soundly rejected that.
The only thing I've attempted imposing on anyone is open mindedness.

You've soundly rejected that.

Ironic coming from the OP who imposed his definition of "god hater" on everyone who exposed his canards!
why chose the Crusades, other than the scripturally bound religion of the middle east it is difficult to believe ordinary people have an ongoing "hatred" for that historical event.

or, are you saying the Islamist (not just Atheists) hate God also rather than the misguided crusaders responsible for the bloodshed ?

Boss, where do you find the "love" in the actions of the crusaders ? -

do you find Love in the scriptures of Bible ?

I find nothing but Love in the teachings of Jesus Christ. If anyone can show me one single word ever spoken by Jesus that was not pure Love, I challenge them to do so. I'm not here to defend religious beliefs or actions of those misguided in their religious beliefs. I don't believe in a religious incarnation of God. We can see by the actions of radical Islamic fundamentalists, not all religious beliefs are good. Some are despicably evil. Men often do terrible things in the name of religion.

My God is Spiritual Nature. A force so profound that man can't wrap his mind around it. We've created religions in order to try and comprehend something we can't. I don't fault man for this, we're trying to do so with the best of intentions, but it's like ants trying to comprehend nuclear physics.

A force so profound that man can't wrap his mind around it.

that is far from the truth, the only connection is the one accomplished by reaching the Apex and being allowed Admission by God - good luck reading your way into the - - > Everlasting.

Why do the God-haters persist?

Boss: I find nothing but Love in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

sure you do Boss, the same as your crusaders - by the way, I have yet to meet an Atheist that "hates" Santa Clause.

Science is wrong all the time. Science doesn't prove anything. People prove what they want, using scientific methods...of the time. But the one thing we know for sure about science is that it can be used to *prove* one thing..and then be used to *prove* the exact opposite almost immediately thereafter. Or maybe years later. But there are scientific *truths* that were accepted as incontrovertible...that are now recognized as complete and utter tripe.

Place science next to God...and place your money on God every time. There are no lies, no bribes, and no mistakes with God. He knows it all, he knows the truth, and he has no agenda except the salvation of mankind.

How is the promise of an "afterlife" not a bribe? How is the hell not a threat? Granted that to those who believe they don't have that perception but to those that don't that is how they appear. If you are good I will give you some candy and it you are bad I will send you to your room. Same concepts of carrot and stick.

Wow sounds like you hate God because you don't understand him.

I guess that makes sense.

My point is, if God do has never paid a bribe to anyone to slant or falsify a study to make a *scientific* point, and then portray that *science* as beyond question.

And when did I say that there were no threats with God? Those who aren't saved will go to hell. There can be no righteousness, no judgement, without punishment. Hell is the just punishment for rejection of God. If you don't like it, oh well, why does it make you so angry at God? You don't believe in God, remember?
Nope. That's not true. That's why man invented SCIENCE.
Belief in God no more explains the unknown than science explains why the unknown happens. Science tells us how things work, explains the unknown, but it doesn't explain why.

Religion was invented because humans have a profound and intrinsic connection to spiritual nature. This gives us the ability to rationalize right from wrong. Other animals operate on pure primal instinct. We invented religion, we did not invent spiritual connection.

So then why do people like myself and millions more have no profound spiritual connection? Are we then unable to "rationalize right from wrong"?
Your spiritual connection is part of religion, so is your "Creator".

Because you choose to reject it. If you are able to rationalize right from wrong, you have evidence of your spiritual connection. Whether you choose to acknowledge it is another matter.

Religion did not precede spirituality. Sorry, your point is not made.

Your point isn't made for the link between right and wrong and spirituality, you're just a fucking noob who pontificates as though you're the only one who knows the truth, when in actuality, you have no clue. :lol:

"Religion did not precede spirituality. Sorry, your point is not made." Maybe that's because I never tried to make that point. :lmao:
Your join date is March 2014, Mr. Max. Boss has 2 years on you.

Whoops your slip is showing.
Nope. That's not true. That's why man invented SCIENCE.
Belief in God no more explains the unknown than science explains why the unknown happens. Science tells us how things work, explains the unknown, but it doesn't explain why.

Religion was invented because humans have a profound and intrinsic connection to spiritual nature. This gives us the ability to rationalize right from wrong. Other animals operate on pure primal instinct. We invented religion, we did not invent spiritual connection.

So then why do people like myself and millions more have no profound spiritual connection? Are we then unable to "rationalize right from wrong"?
Your spiritual connection is part of religion, so is your "Creator".

Because you choose to reject it. If you are able to rationalize right from wrong, you have evidence of your spiritual connection. Whether you choose to acknowledge it is another matter.

Religion did not precede spirituality. Sorry, your point is not made.

‘Spirituality,’ ‘religion,’ ‘god,’ it makes no difference – as all are creations of man, where ‘god’ as perceived by theists doesn’t exists, and consequently there’s nothing to ‘hate.’

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