Why "Fast and Furious" will become another Republican Debacle

You know after Qaddafi was killed those terrorists still had those weapons right?

Well yeah.

They were and are surrounded by a bunch of peeps that don't like them much.

Al Qaeda isn't the only faction in there.

I have an odd hunch that if a republican were in power, you wouldn't be shrugging your shoulders at the idea of gov't using taxpayer dollars to arm terrorists.

Well shrugging your shoulders isn't the right choice of words, touting as an achievement and throwing confetti in the air is a better description.

You may not have been paying attention, much..but I like well done spook ops.

I've actually praised George HW Bush on many occasions for using that power, wisely.
The Republican Party has become the party of "Ah Ha". They think they have a new scheme. A new way to attack the president. To avoid responsibility. The problem with this current debacle is they struck "too soon".

If this had happened, say two weeks before the election, it might have had a chance to actually cause damage to the first African American Attorney General and the first African American President, but with this much time, people will learn the truth. And truth has proven to be the deadly enemy to this current Republican Party.

So forget the fact that Bush used Executive Privilege 6 times while Obama has used it this once. And what did Bush use it for? Things like protecting whoever outed a covert CIA agent, something people other than Republicans think of as "treason".

Forget the fact this program was "officially started" in 2006.

Forget the fact the agent killed wasn't killed with one of these guns.

Forget the fact Holder ordered this program stopped when he found out about it.

Just this simple one thing, when pointed out to thinking Americans, will prove this to be the scheme it is.

When an operation, such as this is put into effect, it takes years of planning. It's no accident is was started in 2006. You know something like this was going on for years. Because it takes years to train people. To make contacts. To put the operation in place. To acquire materials and knowledge. To gather intel. This entire operation began in an area of the country hostile to Obama with people who are Republicans to the core.

Holder didn't enter office with this huge operation already planned out and put in place on day one. It's ludicrous.

Look at the operation that took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him. And it was a very small operation involving a limited number of people. And how long did they plan before the operation went into effect? How much training was involved? How much intel was acquired?

When the size and scope of "Operation Fast and Furious" is revealed and when it started and when Eric Holder took office, it will become apparent this is another attack on Obama by way of Holder. Now for these right wingers, it doesn't matter. They just don't care about truth. I believe my all time favorite post here was when some right winger said Iraq was Obama's fault. That we never should have invaded. This is the same kind of thing.

You know, RDerp, it's sometimes amazing how many blatant falsehoods you can squeeze into a single post. 5 minutes with Google and you'd know just how wrong you are, but then again I think you already know, you just don't give a shit about the truth.

That's what I thought ^ after only reading this week

Well let me fill you in. I have been here for several Years now, and I can assure you Rdean is among the top 5 or so. Of the most Dishonest, Hypocritical, Ignorant, and Arrogant People on this Board. He Absolutely hates White people, Rich People(and he thinks basically anyone not Dirt Poor is rich) and Christians and Jews.

He loves all things Left, and Worships the very Ground Obama Walks on. in his Mind Obama has never, Will never, and is in fact Incapable of ever being Wrong.
Well yeah.

They were and are surrounded by a bunch of peeps that don't like them much.

Al Qaeda isn't the only faction in there.

I have an odd hunch that if a republican were in power, you wouldn't be shrugging your shoulders at the idea of gov't using taxpayer dollars to arm terrorists.

Well shrugging your shoulders isn't the right choice of words, touting as an achievement and throwing confetti in the air is a better description.

You may not have been paying attention, much..but I like well done spook ops.

I've actually praised George HW Bush on many occasions for using that power, wisely.

Straight up lies. Dare you to find 1 post of you ever Praising Bush for anything ever.

Go for it.
The Republican Party has become the party of "Ah Ha". They think they have a new scheme. A new way to attack the president. To avoid responsibility. The problem with this current debacle is they struck "too soon".

If this had happened, say two weeks before the election, it might have had a chance to actually cause damage to the first African American Attorney General and the first African American President, but with this much time, people will learn the truth. And truth has proven to be the deadly enemy to this current Republican Party.

So forget the fact that Bush used Executive Privilege 6 times while Obama has used it this once. And what did Bush use it for? Things like protecting whoever outed a covert CIA agent, something people other than Republicans think of as "treason".

Forget the fact this program was "officially started" in 2006.

Forget the fact the agent killed wasn't killed with one of these guns.

Forget the fact Holder ordered this program stopped when he found out about it.

Just this simple one thing, when pointed out to thinking Americans, will prove this to be the scheme it is.

When an operation, such as this is put into effect, it takes years of planning. It's no accident is was started in 2006. You know something like this was going on for years. Because it takes years to train people. To make contacts. To put the operation in place. To acquire materials and knowledge. To gather intel. This entire operation began in an area of the country hostile to Obama with people who are Republicans to the core.

Holder didn't enter office with this huge operation already planned out and put in place on day one. It's ludicrous.

Look at the operation that took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him. And it was a very small operation involving a limited number of people. And how long did they plan before the operation went into effect? How much training was involved? How much intel was acquired?

When the size and scope of "Operation Fast and Furious" is revealed and when it started and when Eric Holder took office, it will become apparent this is another attack on Obama by way of Holder. Now for these right wingers, it doesn't matter. They just don't care about truth. I believe my all time favorite post here was when some right winger said Iraq was Obama's fault. That we never should have invaded. This is the same kind of thing.

You've got a real problem here. The Fast and Furious program was started under the Obama administration and AFTER the Wide Receiver program was immediately stopped in 2007--with full knowledge that the Wide Receiver program failed.

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[23] With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[24] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[22] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The vast majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][23][25]At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver in September 2009[26] and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So again we have to ask the obvious question. If Barack Obama knew that the Wide Receiver program flopped--why did his administration then start the Fast and Furious program which was 4 times larger than the wide receiver program that he was busy prosecuting offenders for in 2009? There is only one rational conclusion--that this administration was putting semi-automatic guns into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels-(not to track as the wide receiver program was for) but so they could point to the violence and death in Mexico for reason to ban the sale of semi automatic weapons in the United States.

And that is why Obama has issued executive privilege at this point in time. If this could be proven-that innocents died--because he wanted a change in gun policy in this country--he wouldn't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting reelected.


Well I'd guess the documents are all being shredded now and new documents are being constructed almost certainly. But its not rocket science Obama stuck his neck out to protect himself. The true degree of the treason is the question we're probably left to guess at.
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I have an odd hunch that if a republican were in power, you wouldn't be shrugging your shoulders at the idea of gov't using taxpayer dollars to arm terrorists.

Well shrugging your shoulders isn't the right choice of words, touting as an achievement and throwing confetti in the air is a better description.

You may not have been paying attention, much..but I like well done spook ops.

I've actually praised George HW Bush on many occasions for using that power, wisely.

Straight up lies. Dare you to find 1 post of you ever Praising Bush for anything ever.

Go for it.

I want something..

Otherwise..the search engine here..works for you.
You know, RDerp, it's sometimes amazing how many blatant falsehoods you can squeeze into a single post. 5 minutes with Google and you'd know just how wrong you are, but then again I think you already know, you just don't give a shit about the truth.

That's what I thought ^ after only reading this week

Well let me fill you in. I have been here for several Years now, and I can assure you Rdean is among the top 5 or so. Of the most Dishonest, Hypocritical, Ignorant, and Arrogant People on this Board. He Absolutely hates White people, Rich People(and he thinks basically anyone not Dirt Poor is rich) and Christians and Jews.

He loves all things Left, and Worships the very Ground Obama Walks on. in his Mind Obama has never, Will never, and is in fact Incapable of ever being Wrong.

You shouldn't pick on Rdean, the Koch Brothers pay him good money to post here to make Progressives look like morons and raving lunatics
The Republican Party has become the party of "Ah Ha". They think they have a new scheme. A new way to attack the president. To avoid responsibility. The problem with this current debacle is they struck "too soon".

If this had happened, say two weeks before the election, it might have had a chance to actually cause damage to the first African American Attorney General and the first African American President, but with this much time, people will learn the truth. And truth has proven to be the deadly enemy to this current Republican Party.

So forget the fact that Bush used Executive Privilege 6 times while Obama has used it this once. And what did Bush use it for? Things like protecting whoever outed a covert CIA agent, something people other than Republicans think of as "treason".

Forget the fact this program was "officially started" in 2006.

Forget the fact the agent killed wasn't killed with one of these guns.

Forget the fact Holder ordered this program stopped when he found out about it.

Just this simple one thing, when pointed out to thinking Americans, will prove this to be the scheme it is.

When an operation, such as this is put into effect, it takes years of planning. It's no accident is was started in 2006. You know something like this was going on for years. Because it takes years to train people. To make contacts. To put the operation in place. To acquire materials and knowledge. To gather intel. This entire operation began in an area of the country hostile to Obama with people who are Republicans to the core.

Holder didn't enter office with this huge operation already planned out and put in place on day one. It's ludicrous.

Look at the operation that took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him. And it was a very small operation involving a limited number of people. And how long did they plan before the operation went into effect? How much training was involved? How much intel was acquired?

When the size and scope of "Operation Fast and Furious" is revealed and when it started and when Eric Holder took office, it will become apparent this is another attack on Obama by way of Holder. Now for these right wingers, it doesn't matter. They just don't care about truth. I believe my all time favorite post here was when some right winger said Iraq was Obama's fault. That we never should have invaded. This is the same kind of thing.

You've got a real problem here. The Fast and Furious program was started under the Obama administration and AFTER the Wide Receiver program was immediately stopped in 2007--with full knowledge that the Wide Receiver program failed.

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[23] With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[24] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[22] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The vast majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][23][25]At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver in September 2009[26] and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So again we have to ask the obvious question. If Barack Obama knew that the Wide Receiver program flopped--why did his administration then start the Fast and Furious program which was 4 times larger than the wide receiver program that he was busy prosecuting offenders for in 2009? There is only one rational conclusion--that this administration was putting semi-automatic guns into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels-(not to track as the wide receiver program was for) but so they could point to the violence and death in Mexico for reason to ban the sale of semi automatic weapons in the United States.

And that is why Obama has issued executive privilege at this point in time. If this could be proven-that innocents died--because he wanted a change in gun policy in this country--he wouldn't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting reelected.


Well I'd guess the document are all being shredded now and new documents are being constructed almost certainly. But its not rocket science Obama stuck his neck out to protect himself. True degree of the treason is the question were probably left to guess at.

your guessing is not facts.

stop pretending they are
That's what I thought ^ after only reading this week

Well let me fill you in. I have been here for several Years now, and I can assure you Rdean is among the top 5 or so. Of the most Dishonest, Hypocritical, Ignorant, and Arrogant People on this Board. He Absolutely hates White people, Rich People(and he thinks basically anyone not Dirt Poor is rich) and Christians and Jews.

He loves all things Left, and Worships the very Ground Obama Walks on. in his Mind Obama has never, Will never, and is in fact Incapable of ever being Wrong.

You shouldn't pick on Rdean, the Koch Brothers pay him good money to post here to make Progressives look like morons and raving lunatics

If that's true he is certainly deserving of a bonus!!
I have an odd hunch that if a republican were in power, you wouldn't be shrugging your shoulders at the idea of gov't using taxpayer dollars to arm terrorists.

Well shrugging your shoulders isn't the right choice of words, touting as an achievement and throwing confetti in the air is a better description.

You may not have been paying attention, much..but I like well done spook ops.

I've actually praised George HW Bush on many occasions for using that power, wisely.

Straight up lies. Dare you to find 1 post of you ever Praising Bush for anything ever.

Go for it.

What's up Charles_Main?

Lost the spine?

You ain't going to bet on your little claim?

Nothing big..just sig lines.
The Republican Party has become the party of "Ah Ha". They think they have a new scheme. A new way to attack the president. To avoid responsibility. The problem with this current debacle is they struck "too soon".

If this had happened, say two weeks before the election, it might have had a chance to actually cause damage to the first African American Attorney General and the first African American President, but with this much time, people will learn the truth. And truth has proven to be the deadly enemy to this current Republican Party.

So forget the fact that Bush used Executive Privilege 6 times while Obama has used it this once. And what did Bush use it for? Things like protecting whoever outed a covert CIA agent, something people other than Republicans think of as "treason".

Forget the fact this program was "officially started" in 2006.

Forget the fact the agent killed wasn't killed with one of these guns.

Forget the fact Holder ordered this program stopped when he found out about it.

Just this simple one thing, when pointed out to thinking Americans, will prove this to be the scheme it is.

When an operation, such as this is put into effect, it takes years of planning. It's no accident is was started in 2006. You know something like this was going on for years. Because it takes years to train people. To make contacts. To put the operation in place. To acquire materials and knowledge. To gather intel. This entire operation began in an area of the country hostile to Obama with people who are Republicans to the core.

Holder didn't enter office with this huge operation already planned out and put in place on day one. It's ludicrous.

Look at the operation that took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him. And it was a very small operation involving a limited number of people. And how long did they plan before the operation went into effect? How much training was involved? How much intel was acquired?

When the size and scope of "Operation Fast and Furious" is revealed and when it started and when Eric Holder took office, it will become apparent this is another attack on Obama by way of Holder. Now for these right wingers, it doesn't matter. They just don't care about truth. I believe my all time favorite post here was when some right winger said Iraq was Obama's fault. That we never should have invaded. This is the same kind of thing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMXGSP_nPyY]The Castaways - Liar, Liar (lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
So...still no one on the Right wants to talk about Issa voting to fund the operation?

I addressed your question in the OTHER thread you posted in and gave you the link to the Bill. Have you read it yet to show where the operational details of F & F are spelled out? Take your time, it's about 50 pages long...
ATF chiefs have said they never told Bush or Holder about these programs, so this is pure Pubcrappe. Investigate THEM and the gun shops, protected by pubs, that are selling all these guns to criminals...
You've got a real problem here. The Fast and Furious program was started under the Obama administration and AFTER the Wide Receiver program was immediately stopped in 2007--with full knowledge that the Wide Receiver program failed.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So again we have to ask the obvious question. If Barack Obama knew that the Wide Receiver program flopped--why did his administration then start the Fast and Furious program which was 4 times larger than the wide receiver program that he was busy prosecuting offenders for in 2009? There is only one rational conclusion--that this administration was putting semi-automatic guns into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels-(not to track as the wide receiver program was for) but so they could point to the violence and death in Mexico for reason to ban the sale of semi automatic weapons in the United States.

And that is why Obama has issued executive privilege at this point in time. If this could be proven-that innocents died--because he wanted a change in gun policy in this country--he wouldn't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting reelected.


Well I'd guess the document are all being shredded now and new documents are being constructed almost certainly. But its not rocket science Obama stuck his neck out to protect himself. True degree of the treason is the question were probably left to guess at.

your guessing is not facts.

stop pretending they are
I never claimed they were facts its pretty much simple common sense I've followed the story for the whole duration. So I've heard the ATF guys and the two clowns. When I get much more familiar with this site I'll post some links to catch you up :badgrin:
So...still no one on the Right wants to talk about Issa voting to fund the operation?

I addressed your question in the OTHER thread you posted in and gave you the link to the Bill. Have you read it yet to show where the operational details of F & F are spelled out? Take your time, it's about 50 pages long...

I responded in that other thread.

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