Why more and more people are NOT believing the MSM! Read this headline!

Trump leaves, Lashes Out

Dallas Morning News June 11,2018 headline....
YUP it was all Trump's fault right???

WRONG and this headline doesn't tell the truth!!!

Watch what Trudeau said that made Trump angry
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the planned US tariffs on steel and aluminum are insulting and "Canadians will not be pushed around."

Watch what Trudeau said that made Trump angry - CNN Video

"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News.

He blasted Trudeau for having positive conversations with the president during the G7 meetings, then changing his tune in a "stunt press conference."

'Special place in hell': Trump advisers blast Trudeau for comments at G7 summit | CBC News

We have NO idea what was AGREED upon by Trump/Trudeau but we do KNOW that it evidently according to Trump's RESPONSE to Trudeau it wasn't what Trump thought.

BUT again who was to blame? Trump! "Trump Leaves, LASHES out"

BUT when we the "deplorables" READ the whole story... again we find the MSM i.e. Dallas Morning News
PRESENTING NEWS in a BIASED manner. They are to report. Not form opinions!

i'm sorry reality doesn't meet your expectations, honey.
I think most Americans knew the media is biased before Trump showed up.

He's just made them completely lose their shit, which I don't think is a good thing.
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!

When other nations are not blessed with the resources that America has, its pretty elementary to understand why, in return for access to their markets, they place tariffs on selected items so it protects their native industries. In the case of dairy (as I read recently) it seems useless. Do you really want milk that is shipped in from out of the country, faces the delays at the borders then sits on the shelf in the supermarket for days before you get to it?
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!

When other nations are not blessed with the resources that America has, its pretty elementary to understand why, in return for access to their markets, they place tariffs on selected items so it protects their native industries. In the case of dairy (as I read recently) it seems useless. Do you really want milk that is shipped in from out of the country, faces the delays at the borders then sits on the shelf in the supermarket for days before you get to it?

Candy, you should really read the piece on how Canada calculates it's exports. It is interesting, and doesn't take long.

As far as your assertion on being blessed-------->we shared our wealth, our jobs, and our blood long enough. Tariff for tariff. If we don't make it here as a reasonable replacement, then don't tax it. But if they are taxing us on our way in, then sending the same thing back for no tax, then hell with it, screw them.

Lets remember, this is about JOBS. We aren't trying to steal them, but if it is cheaper to be built here with equal, or no tariffs, then I support the idea.
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!

When other nations are not blessed with the resources that America has, its pretty elementary to understand why, in return for access to their markets, they place tariffs on selected items so it protects their native industries. In the case of dairy (as I read recently) it seems useless. Do you really want milk that is shipped in from out of the country, faces the delays at the borders then sits on the shelf in the supermarket for days before you get to it?

Candy, you should really read the piece on how Canada calculates it's exports. It is interesting, and doesn't take long.

As far as your assertion on being blessed-------->we shared our wealth, our jobs, and our blood long enough. Tariff for tariff. If we don't make it here as a reasonable replacement, then don't tax it. But if they are taxing us on our way in, then sending the same thing back for no tax, then hell with it, screw them.

Lets remember, this is about JOBS. We aren't trying to steal them, but if it is cheaper to be built here with equal, or no tariffs, then I support the idea.

Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!
Hey dumb shit.

We have a TRADE SURPLUS with Canada.

Do We have a Trade Surplus with Canada?
Your own link says we do.

Trump leaves, Lashes Out

Dallas Morning News June 11,2018 headline....
YUP it was all Trump's fault right???

WRONG and this headline doesn't tell the truth!!!

Watch what Trudeau said that made Trump angry
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the planned US tariffs on steel and aluminum are insulting and "Canadians will not be pushed around."

Watch what Trudeau said that made Trump angry - CNN Video

"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News.

He blasted Trudeau for having positive conversations with the president during the G7 meetings, then changing his tune in a "stunt press conference."

'Special place in hell': Trump advisers blast Trudeau for comments at G7 summit | CBC News

We have NO idea what was AGREED upon by Trump/Trudeau but we do KNOW that it evidently according to Trump's RESPONSE to Trudeau it wasn't what Trump thought.

BUT again who was to blame? Trump! "Trump Leaves, LASHES out"

BUT when we the "deplorables" READ the whole story... again we find the MSM i.e. Dallas Morning News
PRESENTING NEWS in a BIASED manner. They are to report. Not form opinions!

Why is it when the Media accurately on this administration they and their supporters throw hissy fits?
Trump is butt hurt that Trudeau put Canada First.

Trump imposes tariffs on a staunch ally, and then has a fucking hissy fit when they refuse to take it lying down.

Yet we’re supposed to just live with their tariffs. Why should that be? We’re their ally too so why does it have to be one sided?

Ummm, excuse me-------->Did not Donald J. Trump, President of these United States, not offer to our allies tariff free access as long as it was reciprocated? In other words------>no tariffs in either direction?

Maybe the Left would like to explain why nobody wants that!

So lets see if I have this straight---------->

1. Trump says------> No tariffs between us at all, and they say...….nope, nada, forget about.

2. So Trump then says----------->ok, you put a tariff, then we put a tariff too; and OMG the left, Canada, and Europe go into meltdown mode.

The Left DOES have a case on why free trade is better, (although they never wanted it before) but the essence of free trade, is FAIR trade.

So what I am guessing the Left is saying is--------->they don't want Canada or Europe to pay their FAIR SHARE; as usual, they want Americans who actually PAY TAXES, to foot the bill for them...….but then, why am I not surprised; they want us to pay for illegal aliens too!
Hey dumb shit.

We have a TRADE SURPLUS with Canada.

Do We have a Trade Surplus with Canada?
Your own link says we do.


Nice try...dumbass.
The best part is Trump's successes is the misery of every fucking liberal. They have even come out and admitted that they are pure scumbags.

I wish they would all die.
The best part is Trump's successes is the misery of every fucking liberal. They have even come out and admitted that they are pure scumbags.

I wish they would all die.
Link to that BS admission, super duper?
I don't see the point about the media headlines. Headlines are written to attract readership to the article, regardless if the media is mainstream or not. Forming opinion without going past the headline is lazy and silly.

That's my whole POINT! But the vast majority of Trump haters don't go beyond the headlines/30 second sound bites and THAT's what they are forming their opinions on!
Once again you are proving my point as to WHY then we should believe the MSM if all they are doing is catering to the Headline/30 second crowd to form a negative opinion of Trump they are succeeding with the dummies that don't read any further!

Canada has tariffs on U.S. goods.

Trump proposes no tarrifs between U.S. and Canada.

Trudeau says fuck off. We’re keeping our tariffs.

Trump imposes tariffs on Canadian imports.

Trudeau gets pissed.

Lefists say we should just live with Canada’s tariffs because, even though we have 6x the population and produce way more shit than they do, we have a minuscule trade surplus.

Is that how it happened?
Last edited:
Trump leaves, Lashes Out

Dallas Morning News June 11,2018 headline....
YUP it was all Trump's fault right???

WRONG and this headline doesn't tell the truth!!!

Watch what Trudeau said that made Trump angry
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the planned US tariffs on steel and aluminum are insulting and "Canadians will not be pushed around."

Watch what Trudeau said that made Trump angry - CNN Video

"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News.

He blasted Trudeau for having positive conversations with the president during the G7 meetings, then changing his tune in a "stunt press conference."

'Special place in hell': Trump advisers blast Trudeau for comments at G7 summit | CBC News

We have NO idea what was AGREED upon by Trump/Trudeau but we do KNOW that it evidently according to Trump's RESPONSE to Trudeau it wasn't what Trump thought.

BUT again who was to blame? Trump! "Trump Leaves, LASHES out"

BUT when we the "deplorables" READ the whole story... again we find the MSM i.e. Dallas Morning News
PRESENTING NEWS in a BIASED manner. They are to report. Not form opinions!

The headline is 100% accurate. Trump left the summit and then while safe on AF1 started sending tough guy tweets.

Canada has tariffs on U.S. goods.

Trump proposes no tarrifs between U.S. and Canada.

Trudeau says fuck off. We’re keeping out tariffs.

Trump imposes tariffs on Canadian imports.

Trudeau gets pissed.

Lefists say we should just live with Canada’s tariffs because, even though we have 6x the population and produce way more shit than they do, we have a minuscule trade surplus.

Is that how it happened?

No, that is just the GOP version that you are spoon fed. You leave out the part where we subsidize our industries to make them cheaper which in turn forces places like Canada to put a tariff on them to make it a level playing field for their people.

We are not an innocent party in all this.

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