Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)

Atheists and agnostics and not the same thing nor are they as related as you like to pretend. Get a dictionary instead of just using your opinions.
Lighten up. Here, we can only relate our own experiences. No need to take offense if you have had other experiences. Just share them.
Attitude ? You can’t handle “ attitude”?
.My attitude is simple. You not me, define what Christianity entails, then you should live your life as a Christian. If that’s too hard to explain, it’s you, not me who has the problem with attitude. There ARE many versions of the Bible for example and many sects. Which one is real if not Catholics or Mormons or any of the others.
You haven't offered up any "contradictions" you'd like to DISCUSS. You just hurled unfounded insults and accusations.

Like I said, your problem is YOUR attitude.
You haven't offered up any "contradictions" you'd like to DISCUSS. You just hurled unfounded insults and accusations.

Like I said, your problem is YOUR attitude.
So which version of the Christian Bible is correct ? Simple question.
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
Jesus was NEVER with Catholicism. His religion died out when the apostles were murdered then the true followers were getting murdered. The son of destruction( peredition)2 Thess 2:3) rose up= the religion that came out of Rome and held councils because they lacked truth. Many false teachings came in out of those councils. They are the tree trunk-protestants are the branches. = A house divided will not stand. Jesus religion came back here in these last days. They are still hated as Jesus said they would be. Because they are no part of this world.
Jesus was NEVER with Catholicism. His religion died out when the apostles were murdered
"The Church" has never died. But there are many counterfeit churches.

in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrine the traditions of men
RCs are goin' ta HEAVEN.............the rest...Dunno. Orthodox, Coptic, Jews and similar ilk are too imo but Prods??? How about they work it out with God?

Oh yeah; only those who die in a state of Grace get the entry ticket; the rest of us are sweating it out like the rest of you.

PS: only the most arrogant say they know the mind of God. I don't!!!

RCs are goin' ta HEAVEN.............the rest...Dunno. Orthodox, Coptic, Jews and similar ilk are too imo but Prods??? How about they work it out with God?

Oh yeah; only those who die in a state of Grace get the entry ticket; the rest of us are sweating it out like the rest of you.

PS: only the most arrogant say they know the mind of God. I don't!!!

Does god even have a “mind” ?
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
I am a Lutheran.

We are the ones that decided the Catholic Church was out of control being power hungry and controlling and decided to go our own way.

Selling forgiveness for sins via donations to the church was kinda like the last straw. However, there were 94 other things that were screwed up about the church. Our Boy Martin Luther wrote them down on a piece of paper and nailed them to the door of the church. Talk about telling them to cram it where the sun don't shine.

We even have a "Ridicule the Catholics Day". It is called Reformation Sunday.
I am a Lutheran.

We are the ones that decided the Catholic Church was out of control being power hungry and controlling and decided to go our own way.

Selling forgiveness for sins via donations to the church was kinda like the last straw. However, there were 94 other things that were screwed up about the church. Our Boy Martin Luther wrote them down on a piece of paper and nailed them to the door of the church. Talk about telling them to cram it where the sun don't shine.

We even have a "Ridicule the Catholics Day". It is called Reformation Sunday.
Lutherans? Any relation to Lex? Must be some minor sect; do they hibernate in the desert?

Jesus was NEVER with Catholicism. His religion died out when the apostles were murdered then the true followers were getting murdered. The son of destruction( peredition)2 Thess 2:3) rose up= the religion that came out of Rome and held councils because they lacked truth. Many false teachings came in out of those councils. They are the tree trunk-protestants are the branches. = A house divided will not stand. Jesus religion came back here in these last days. They are still hated as Jesus said they would be. Because they are no part of this world.
you dont even know who Jesus is you heretic. repent before its too late. you are in a cult.
I am a Lutheran.

We are the ones that decided the Catholic Church was out of control being power hungry and controlling and decided to go our own way.

Selling forgiveness for sins via donations to the church was kinda like the last straw. However, there were 94 other things that were screwed up about the church. Our Boy Martin Luther wrote them down on a piece of paper and nailed them to the door of the church. Talk about telling them to cram it where the sun don't shine.

We even have a "Ridicule the Catholics Day". It is called Reformation Sunday.
catholics, almost all of them are not saved; they don't have the Spirit so they cannot understand the things of God.
Catholicism started all those traditions.
I'm not Catholic. It developed side by side with the Church. It veered off in its own direction adopting pagan traditions (Sunday, Christmas, Easter, heaven/hell doctrine) to bring in the gentiles who didn't want to give up their pagan practices.
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
If that is the only church, then who are all those churches Christ talks to in Revelation? And why isn't the Catholic church one of them?
So which version of the Christian Bible is correct ? Simple question.
The Douay Rheims is the best (most faithful to the original languages Jesus spoke: Hebrew/Aramaic)

There is a lot of Catholicism there in both Old and New T (though that word is obviously not there)...

undoubtedly, that is why many protestants don't like that version

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