Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)

They will not be held accountable for your revelation. If you are judging others for not agreeing with how you have been given to see things, that is not their problem.
sorry you see things the way you do

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but

The way you see things is not always the way they are...
That is what I've been telling you.
I already knew that. But I have been through experiences with God (and w/ lesser spiritual beings [saints...]) that you have not been through. It is very arrogant andd presumptuous to assume that because YOU don't know something about God, no one does. I know what I know. I try to share w/ others but a lot of the time I get this Duh thing... and get dismissed out of hand

contempt prior to investigation is what they call it
I don't think swearing is a big deal to God.. I'd say I KNOW it isn't but that sounds a bit presmptuous..

Some super-obscene words and phrases should never ever be uttered, esp in front of children

but regular swear words... I don't think they are at all a problem w/ God. There are far more important sins/issues...

and at least one person with that kind of issue

was canonized

St Francis

(by a REAL pope)

There does seem to be a lot of disagreement on the subject of swearing. Some some it only applies when you put your hand on the Bible and say, “I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth “
I already knew that. But I have been through experiences with God (and w/ lesser spiritual beings [saints...]) that you have not been through. It is very arrogant andd presumptuous to assume that because YOU don't know something about God, no one does. I know what I know. I try to share w/ others but a lot of the time I get this Duh thing... and get dismissed out of hand

contempt prior to investigation is what they call it
My posts have been totally misunderstood. Farewell.
Are you an atheist by any chance?
Not at all. Agnostics aren’t atheist. Do you know Quantum Theory ? Probably not. But you still probably depend on your cell phone or trust the “ magic” of your adaptive cruise control.
Agnostics aren’t atheist.
I know. Many agnostics lean more toward atheism. Others toward a being who doesn't take much note of us, kind of on the order of the notice we give ants.
Do you know Quantum Theory ?
The very basics, yes.
trust the “ magic” of your adaptive cruise control.
Have cruise control, don't use it.

If you were making a point, I missed it.
some say and I have often felt

that God made everything, the world and the people in it, gave them free will

and then said

See ya... wouldn't want to be ya...

definitely seems that way
Many agnostics lean more toward atheism.
Nope. Just the opposite. They lean more to believers. When a believer is stuck with not being able to address the hypocrisy of man trying to define his particular god, he answers with “ god is too almighty for us mere humans to comprehend “. An agnostic starts with that premise and never attempts to define a god, or any god. It’s OK to say, “I don’t know“ than to pretend you do.
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some say and I have often felt

that God made everything, the world and the people in it, gave them free will

and then said

See ya... wouldn't want to be ya...

definitely seems that way
I don’t give man that much credit.
Nope. Just the opposite. They lean more to believers. When a believer is stuck with not being able to address the hypocrisy of man trying to define his particular god, he answers with “ god is too almighty for us mere humans to comprehend “. An agnostic starts with that premise and never attempts to define a god, or any god. It’s OK to say, “I don’t know“ than to pretend you do.
Interesting. All the atheists/agnostics in my family and circle of friends and acquaintances don't ask stupid questions about defining or explaining God. They are agnostic because they can't prove a negative, but lean towards no God all for various reasons.

Love my husband's reason best: The first time we discussed faith he said even if God is, he doesn't want to know it, because we wants to get through this life on his own with no help or advice. Can't prove the negative so technically he is agnostic, but leans toward atheism.
Obviously. And you keep missing it.
If you are up to it, say it again. Better use words a five-year-old would understand. That's what I asked my brother-in-law to do years ago when Quantum Leap was on and I asked him about quantum physics. As you see, words for five-year-olds stick with me. ;)
They are agnostic because they can't prove a negative, but lean towards no God all for various reasons.
Nope. You’d like to pretend they are….but saying they don’t know whether a god exists is NOTHING like saying there isn’t one. There is no relationship. Aamof, most people ebb and flow from one idea to another along many topics, and belief in god is no deferent. No one knows for sure; no one does.
It is much harder to be an atheist than it is a to be a believer believe in this world.
To be a believer, you just gravitate to a BOOK and assume everything else is false. To be an atheist, you just assume everything is false. Both are absurd. Agnostics are nothing like either one. .
They are agnostic because they can't prove a negative, but lean towards no God all for various reasons.
And you/they can’t even prove a positive. Ie, beleiver or atheists. There is no evidence there is or is not a god…zippo, none.
“Various reasons”…huh.

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