Why reparations won't be paid.

Wrong. But the fact is the government owes blacks. It owes Hispanics. It owes Asians. And it certainly owe the First Nations. Your arrogance will be your downfall.
Not a dime will ever be paid to anyone. Unless you want it in monopoly money.
You will pay reparations or you will pay more in disaster relief as blizzards, floods, fires, tornadoes, hailstorms, torrential rains and hurricanes pummel this country.
Now that sounds pretty deranged. But, If you believe that the powers of the universe are going to punish the United States, that's fairly harmless. If I were a betting person, I'd say the Chinese will make organ donors of us all, long before the blizzards and hailstones.
In 2021 all non-lethal violent black-white crime was 87% black-on-white, and it has been that way for decades.
Not a dime will ever be paid to anyone. Unless you want it in monopoly money.
In order to ensure this you'd have to have a plan to deal with your demographic displacement because as a mixed race first generation American I can tell you, most of us will stand in solidarity with our black American brothers and sisters.
I was married to a Black Women and have mixed race children and Grand Children so....
Good. So you're contributing to our progressive army. I'll play the odds with your children and grandchildren. We're going to win that battle more often than not. 😁
My Children are as Conservative as I am.
Sure they are. As are your grandchildren. Even though only a very small percentage of black voters are. Perhaps your children and grandchildren are a part of that small minority. That's fine. I have a conservative Uncle and Aunt as well. None of their children are conservative but maybe yours truly are. I'll still take those odds. We'll still win in the end.
Blacks believe that reparations should be paid from the wealth that slavery provided for the nation. Many believe that without slave labor America would not have the wealth we enjoy today. However, the wealth that slavery built is largely gone.

Four primary entities profited from slavery for a time: the South, the North, Britain, and France.

The 'slave' wealth of the South was lost in the Civil War.
The 'slave' wealth of the North was spent on the Civil War.
The textile industries and thus the economies of Britain and France also suffered due to the Civil War, especially Britain as most trade was blockaded by the North.

So, while some enterprises retained profits from slave labor, the nation itself didn't, and in fact went into enormous debt fighting the war (which incidentally freed the slaves).

Also of historic note is that those debts were paid off by a resurging economy that occurred after the war, and Emancipation. The contributions of now freed slaves were just their share in the revival of the nation's economy.

Sorry, no rrrreparrrrations forrrr you!
This whole got started when so many blacks voted for trump in 2016.
The dems knew they had to invent a gimmick to reign em back in, and this was it.

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