Why reparations won't be paid.

What a bullshit argument. Reparations can't be done perfectly so we shouldn't do them all. That's a ridiculous standard.
Not even AI could calculate fair reparations (GIGO). Also, many poor whites have been disenfranchised from American prosperity as well as minorities, for many of the same reasons.
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Not even AI could calculate fair reparations (GIGO).
Just taking California, the purported reparations amount, not including paying off loans, housing or any other peripherals in twice the states annual GDP. This is from a state that is already in default and cannot pay its bills. Reparations would effectively bankrupt the state resulting in no reparations being paid.
Not even AI could calculate fair reparations (GIGO).
Perfection isn't a standard I care about nor is it a standard that you really care about so I refuse to treat you bigots and racists like honest actors. We're going to take it when we take your country.
Wrong. But the fact is the government owes blacks. It owes Hispanics. It owes Asians. And it certainly owe the First Nations. Your arrogance will be your downfall.
The question is how much is owed and to whom. So far the numbers presented are loony. Also there are many disenfranchised whites to consider.
Just taking California, the purported reparations amount, not including paying off loans, housing or any other peripherals in twice the states annual GDP. This is from a state that is already in default and cannot pay its bills. Reparations would effectively bankrupt the state resulting in no reparations being paid.
It would also accelerate the flight from the state of the higher income folks.
Do I personally need one? I'm sure one can be calculated.
I'm sure as well, and the figure would be quite disappointing to blacks. In fact, the aftermath would be disastrous for blacks. They would sell their 'racism' card for a handfull of beans.
I'm sure as well, and the figure would be quite disappointing to blacks. In fact, the aftermath would be disastrous for blacks. They would sell their 'racism' card for a handfull of beans.
Sure. Because you can cosplay and fantasize it it must be true. 😄
Blacks really want the right to dispossess whites of any property they wish. It's what underlies the massive shoplifting, and carjacking. That car thief isn't stealing your car. The car is his by reason of reparations. Your reparations obligation is to pay for the car.
Perfection isn't a standard I care about nor is it a standard that you really care about so I refuse to treat you bigots and racists like honest actors. We're going to take it when we take your country.
The Latinos might have something to say about that. Many have the same idea.
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They weren't hurt by the seizure of the property in the first place.
So you decided their family has enough money? Interesting concept. If NYC seized the Trump Towers in NYC that would be OK since Trump has money and wouldn't be hurt? I wonder if he'd agree.
Sure. Because you can cosplay and fantasize it it must be true. 😄
You're obviously not very good at math. Many blacks are as prosperous as whites. They won't quality for reparations. Many whites are as poor as many blacks. You don't measure the poorest blacks against the richest whites. You measure the poorest blacks against the poorest whites. That leaves little justification for any reparations as millions of whites have obviously not benefitted from the supposed wealth that slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, or any of that has brought to this country.

There are more poor white people than entire black population, and they were never slaves.
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Not even AI could calculate fair reparations (GIGO). Also, many poor whites have been disenfranchised from American prosperity as well as minorities, for many of the same reasons.

Disenfranchised from American prosperity and being placed on a ship against your will, branded, shackled, beaten and bought and sold and used and treated like an animal are two completely different scenarios.

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