Why reparations won't be paid.

Disenfranchised from American prosperity and being placed on a ship against your will, branded, shackled, beaten and bought and sold and used and treated like an animal are two completely different scenarios.
Ancient history.
The Latinos might have something to say about that. Many have the same idea.
I'm sure they will just not in the way you think. South Americans and Carribean people come here because this is where a lot of the wealth that was stolen from our people is concentrated. I'm absolutely sure Latinos will want their share of the bounty that Americans have been reaping from the exploitation of their people and natural resources and we stand in solidarity with them as well. You're going to find in our mixing cultures that a lot of the younger generation are going to be of mixed, Latino, African and Asian heritage and that supporting one another means more and more supporting family.
You're obviously not very good at math. Many blacks are as prosperous as whites. They won't quality for reparations. Many whites are as poor as many blacks. You don't measure the poorest blacks against the richest whites. You measure the poorest blacks against the poorest whites. That leaves little justification for any reparations as millions of whites have obviously not benefitted from the supposed wealth that slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, or any of that has brought to this country.
You're not good at math. Black American families have 10 times less wealth on average than the average white family and for Latino families the wealth gap is similar. I don't do cosplay like you Dipshits. I know facts. There are plenty of wealthy black people, a lot of my family members included but even there as well there are disparities with wealthy black families have less wealth on average than wealthy white families and there being a hell of a lot more wealthy white families than Black families in terms of percentages of their respective populations. If anything wealthy educated black people are more likely to understand how far behind the wealth gap black families actually are.
There are more poor white people than entire black population, and they were never slaves.
Who gives a shit? I don't. Their poverty has nothing to do with racism and discrimination that accounts for the disparities among whites and blacks in general.
So you decided their family has enough money? Interesting concept. If NYC seized the Trump Towers in NYC that would be OK since Trump has money and wouldn't be hurt? I wonder if he'd agree.
I didn't decide that the Bruce family didn't need the money. The Bruce family decided that they didn't need the property so they let the city lease it back. The proper was seized in 1924. Find some Trump property that was seized 99 years ago.

Of the three cities that make up the South Bay, Manhattan Beach is the wealthiest. The Bruce family is one of the first families and among the wealthiest. Originally they wanted to make this property a resort for rich blacks. Not poor blacks. Rich blacks like themselves. Today there is no reason for a seaside resort for rich blacks. They own as much of Manhattan Beach as they want.
Disenfranchised from American prosperity and being placed on a ship against your will, branded, shackled, beaten and bought and sold and used and treated like an animal are two completely different scenarios.
Long time ago, and blacks have been given favoritism over whites for generations now. No reason they shouldn’t have caught up in ONE generation, like persecuted Jews did: from impoverished, uneducated immigrants suffering horrible losses under Hitler to college-educated professionals the next generation.
I'm sure they will just not in the way you think. South Americans and Carribean people come here because this is where a lot of the wealth that was stolen from our people is concentrated. I'm absolutely sure Latinos will want their share of the bounty that Americans have been reaping from the exploitation of their people and natural resources and we stand in solidarity with them as well. You're going to find in our mixing cultures that a lot of the younger generation are going to be of mixed, Latino, African and Asian heritage and that supporting one another means more and more supporting family.

You're not good at math. Black American families have 10 times less wealth on average than the average white family and for Latino families the wealth gap is similar. I don't do cosplay like you Dipshits. I know facts. There are plenty of wealthy black people, a lot of my family members included but even there as well there are disparities with wealthy black families have less wealth on average than wealthy white families and there being a hell of a lot more wealthy white families than Black families in terms of percentages of their respective populations. If anything wealthy educated black people are more likely to understand how far behind the wealth gap black families actually are.

Who gives a shit? I don't. Their poverty has nothing to do with racism and discrimination that accounts for the disparities among whites and blacks in general.
Likely mixing a lot of Latino and black failure. Don't count on Asians joining you. They regard blacks and Latinos as vermin with money.
We are already taking your country demographically, pussy. Wake me when you have a response to that.
^^^ this is a poster who said he is American by birthright citizenship, and now he’s threatening to take the country from the majority?!

Shows another reason to abolish birthright citizenship.
So that will leave non-Whites to pay reparations to non-Whites? Good luck with that.
Demographically replaced doesn't mean economically replaced you moron. Even as Blacks, Latinos, Asians and mixed race people become more demographically dominant, there will be a wealthy white class still in control of a considerable amount of wealth. It's actually quite hilarious that they've cucked you whites so thoroughly that you actually root for the rich and for corporations to dominate you. You've never used your demographic majority to question their unfettered greed. 😄
I hope it doesn't. In the end all it will do is reinforce the idea white people today are bad, blacks deserve anything they want, blacks aren't responsible for anything, and they will just demand more.

Blacks want to be equal? Then they need to start acting like equals and being (forced to if necessary) responsible for themselves.

No one alive today owned a slave and no one alive today is a slave so the blacks can all go spit.
Likely mixing a lot of Latino and black failure. Don't count on Asians joining you. They regard blacks and Latinos as vermin with money.
I'm Black and Asian you Dipshit. Maybe stop pretending to speak for people. Wishful thinking and cosplay isn't a strategy for success. 😄
^^^ this is a poster who said he is American by birthright citizenship, and now he’s threatening to take the country from the majority?!

Shows another reason to abolish birthright citizenship.
Sure. It provides a reason for you cuck whites to want to end birthright citizenship but what's your strategy for actually getting that accomplished?

It will happen eventually without me having to do anything other than vote. Your demographic replacement is already underway. 18 year old white children and under are already a demographic minority. All I have to do is wait. You certainly aren't going to do anything about it.

If you think whites and Hispanics are going to pay trillions to blacks, you're dumber than you look.

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