Why should government be kept smaller, and restricted to only certain tasks?

How is keeping the sales tax you collect a 'tax exemption'?

you are "exempt" from sending all sales taxes that you collect to the state. not really very complicated :eusa_whistle:

A tax exemption is an exemption of tax that you owe from revenue. Collected sales tax isn't part of revenue.

its revenue to the state government, and the big box is exempt from remitting some of it. Its a tax ememption, not a subsidy.
So which constitutional right has been taken from me?

There are dozens of different plans, I've looked.

or even if you want any.

Sure, but what if you get cancer? I have to pay for your cancer treatment?

Well the plan we had is no longer available to us. I've looked. So that was taken away from me by Obamacare.

The premium we were paying for our insurance has been increased by 38%. So losing my ability to choose the policy I wanted is costing me 38% more this year and is guaranteed to sky rocket next year. (Our insurance company has already warned us about that and told us to be ready.)

So why do you have to pay for my cancer treatment? Where is the constitutional authority for that? Please point to the specific clause. If I have to pay for your treatment or you have to pay for mine, how is that not a confiscation of our respective personal property? By what constitutional authority is the federal government authorized to force Citizen A to support Citizen B in any way just because Citizen A has been more financially succesful than Citizen B?
There are dozens of different plans, I've looked.

Sure, but what if you get cancer? I have to pay for your cancer treatment?

in some states there is one insurer with one or two plans, which state has "dozens" ?

the uninsured are covered by the rest of us, just like now. obamacare does not change that.

The states where I live; California, Nevada, New York.

The subsidies under ACA are for low income. Your statement was 'or even if you want any' which is a choice.
a tax deduction is not a subsidy. A subsidy is a direct payment from the government. EIC is a subsidy.

A big box receives a sales tax subsidy to incentivise their moving to a certain town. In the deal, the big box keeps a part or all of the sales tax they collect. Where's the direct payment from the government?

a tax exemption is not a subsidy.

Why does it matter whether you call it a subsidy or not? If a tax exemption is special quid-pro-quo favor extended to select targets, it's wrong. I still don't get the hair spitting here.
There are dozens of different plans, I've looked.

Sure, but what if you get cancer? I have to pay for your cancer treatment?

Well the plan we had is no longer available to us. I've looked. So that was taken away from me by Obamacare.

The premium we were paying for our insurance has been increased by 38%. So losing my ability to choose the policy I wanted is costing me 38% more this year and is guaranteed to sky rocket next year. (Our insurance company has already warned us about that and told us to be ready.)

So why do you have to pay for my cancer treatment? Where is the constitutional authority for that? Please point to the specific clause. If I have to pay for your treatment or you have to pay for mine, how is that not a confiscation of our respective personal property? By what constitutional authority is the federal government authorized to force Citizen A to support Citizen B in any way just because Citizen A has been more financially succesful than Citizen B?

Your plan was taken away by YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY who could have very easily amended your policy, but YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY CANCELED YOUR POLICY.

Cancer treatment? Constitutional? Our Founding Fathers knew about cancer?
A big box receives a sales tax subsidy to incentivise their moving to a certain town. In the deal, the big box keeps a part or all of the sales tax they collect. Where's the direct payment from the government?

a tax exemption is not a subsidy.

Why does it matter whether you call it a subsidy or not? If a tax exemption is special quid-pro-quo favor extended to select targets, it's wrong. I still don't get the hair spitting here.

Why would business development be wrong?
in some states there is one insurer with one or two plans, which state has "dozens" ?

the uninsured are covered by the rest of us, just like now. obamacare does not change that.

The states where I live; California, Nevada, New York.

The subsidies under ACA are for low income. Your statement was 'or even if you want any' which is a choice.

you live in 3 states? do you pay state income tax to all 3?

who pays the subsidies that are given to low income people? where does that money come from? Do you understand that someone is still paying the entire premium for the poor? If the premium is $1000 and the subsidy is $800, someone it still paying the $800, guess who.
Well the plan we had is no longer available to us. I've looked. So that was taken away from me by Obamacare.

The premium we were paying for our insurance has been increased by 38%. So losing my ability to choose the policy I wanted is costing me 38% more this year and is guaranteed to sky rocket next year. (Our insurance company has already warned us about that and told us to be ready.)

So why do you have to pay for my cancer treatment? Where is the constitutional authority for that? Please point to the specific clause. If I have to pay for your treatment or you have to pay for mine, how is that not a confiscation of our respective personal property? By what constitutional authority is the federal government authorized to force Citizen A to support Citizen B in any way just because Citizen A has been more financially succesful than Citizen B?

Your plan was taken away by YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY who could have very easily amended your policy, but YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY CANCELED YOUR POLICY.

Cancer treatment? Constitutional? Our Founding Fathers knew about cancer?

The insurance company did not cancel my policy. They amended the coverages to conform to Obamacare and that cost me a number of features that were very much beneficial to me and imposed on me others that I will never use. And they're charging me a lot more money for what is now a different and less satisfactory policy than what I had before. This despite the Presidents 24 or more solemn pledges that this would not happen under his Obamacare.

And cancer was mentioned only because it was in the post I responded to. The principle is the same whether it is paying for your cancer or your kids or your college education or your welfare check.

By what constitutional authority can government dictate to us what kind of insurance policy we are allowed to buy and that we are required to buy it or we will be fined?

By what constiitutional authority can government require me to support you just because I did what was necessary to be financially successful and you didn't?
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By what constiitutional authority can government require me to support you just because I did what was necessary to be financially successful and you didn't?

The grasshoppers always try to form a mob to mug the ants.

It's an ages old pattern.
a tax exemption is not a subsidy.

Why does it matter whether you call it a subsidy or not? If a tax exemption is special quid-pro-quo favor extended to select targets, it's wrong. I still don't get the hair spitting here.

Why would business development be wrong?

Why is crony capitalism wrong? I thought you libs were opposed to crony capitalism. Apparently you mean something else by the term.
All are cases where the court sided with the people over restrictive government

Try again fingerboy

The court decided in favor of expanding the powers of the federal government. It ruled against the rights of state governments. In other words, it ruled against the rights of people to set their own laws locally.

No banana.

I get it now

You only support tyranny at the STATE level

Thanks for straightening that out for us fingerboy

The states were the parties contesting these laws. The Supreme Court ruled against the states. In other words, it failed to rule against itself.

Pretty easy concept to understand.
I love my country and admire our Government. There is no other government in the world I would like to have

It is conservatives always planning war against the "evil" government

A US government that takes away constitutional rights by executive fiat is evil and should be replaced.

So which constitutional right has been taken from me?

The 4th amendment right to be secure in your papers, houses and effects, for one. The NSA routinely spies on Americans. Then there's the TSA wich feels you up even though you are not suspected of any crime. Obama also gave himself the right to kill American citizens without a trial. By not enforcing the immigration laws, Obama failed to enforce equal protection of the laws. The same goes for the exemptions he granted regarding Obamacare.

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient.

And libturds lick Obama's asshole every chance they get.

Why does it matter whether you call it a subsidy or not? If a tax exemption is special quid-pro-quo favor extended to select targets, it's wrong. I still don't get the hair spitting here.

Why would business development be wrong?

Was the $500,000,000 subsidy given to Solyndra right or wrong?

Yes, and it would of worked except for the Chinese government provided illegal export subsidies to their own companies. Even Kaiser got skunked in that one.
Your plan was taken away by YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY who could have very easily amended your policy, but YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY CANCELED YOUR POLICY.

Cancer treatment? Constitutional? Our Founding Fathers knew about cancer?

The insurance company did not cancel my policy. They amended the coverages to conform to Obamacare and that cost me a number of features that were very much beneficial to me and imposed on me others that I will never use. And they're charging me a lot more money for what is now a different and less satisfactory policy than what I had before. This despite the Presidents 24 or more solemn pledges that this would not happen under his Obamacare.

And cancer was mentioned only because it was in the post I responded to. The principle is the same whether it is paying for your cancer or your kids or your college education or your welfare check.

By what constitutional authority can government dictate to us what kind of insurance policy we are allowed to buy and that we are required to buy it or we will be fined?

By what constiitutional authority can government require me to support you just because I did what was necessary to be financially successful and you didn't?

First it's 'Well the plan we had is no longer available to us', then 'They amended the coverages'. So which is it?
Why does it matter whether you call it a subsidy or not? If a tax exemption is special quid-pro-quo favor extended to select targets, it's wrong. I still don't get the hair spitting here.

Why would business development be wrong?

Why is crony capitalism wrong? I thought you libs were opposed to crony capitalism. Apparently you mean something else by the term.

You seem to have me confused with someone else.

I'm a registered Republican, but I don't necessarily conform to Republican ideology, in that I support middle-class Americans.

I'm pro death penalty. We don't do nearly enough.
Why would business development be wrong?

Was the $500,000,000 subsidy given to Solyndra right or wrong?

Yes, and it would of worked except for the Chinese government provided illegal export subsidies to their own companies. Even Kaiser got skunked in that one.

Do you think our govt should have been smart enough to know what the chinese were doing?

It would never have worked because Solyndra's product was flawed.

It was a terrible "subsidy" and the US taxpayers took it up the butt.

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